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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-23 in Posts

  1. So, random Twitter thread from former OB.com poster Rob Dalton, asking what fans think is their team's best trade of all time......and this LOLK's fan says: ......I can't wrap my head around someone thinking the deal wasn't rigged in favour of the Arblows (it was...you'll never convince me otherwise) never mind SOMEONE THINKING THE LOLK'S WON THE DEAL!!!!!!!!
    5 points
  2. I'm not even thinking of this year but also going forward .. no guarantee Jeffcoat comes back for another season after this and we have to start planning for the gradual turnover of our core players. Bring people in. Immerse them in the team culture while we have those leaders here.
    5 points
  3. How embarrassing is it to not only be last at 22% but to be almost 10 points behind Kenny?
    3 points
  4. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Scott Moe handled the pandemic worse than any premier, IMO, and somehow the most popular. Just goes to show you what the population of The Gap is really like... As of we didn't already know. ******* hillbillies.
    3 points
  5. BomberBall

    Random Jets News

    And…. Who really gives a crap who hands out the helmet?
    3 points
  6. If I'm 25, I'm going for it now tho cuz reality Is if I don't make it now they won't give me another chance. This is my shot to live my dream. I'd be happy to come back to the CFL but I wouldn't come until I've exhausted all My nfl options first.
    3 points
  7. Elks delusion aside, that is a good question. What is the best trade for each franchise? Bombers first - a top 5 come to mind: 5. Matt Nichols for a 7th round conditional pick - team was a dumpster fire and he brought them back to contender status and ultimately a Grey Cup (albeit with him injured). And given the price this was an absolute steal. One of the two big trades (Pat Neufeld for Alex Hall being the other) that transformed the club. 4. Khari Jones, Moe Eliwonibi, and a draft pick for Chris Perez and a draft pick (two simultaneous trades) - Jones was the thrown-in part of the deal. An MOP, single season franchise records, 2001 Grey Cup appearance and the best QB-receiver combo in history with Stegall. Re-built the team from the depths of the Reinbold era (IMO the worst the franchise has ever been). Had he lasted longer than 4.5 years and won a Cup this would rank higher. 3. Tom Clements for Dieter Brock - a king’s ransom to get him, but Brock was not going to play here so this was a “how do we salvage something” move, and was pretty amazing considering the quality of QB we got back given our hand was forced. And then it turns out we got the better QB going forward. And an MOP award, and a Grey Cup. 2. Doug Brown - a first and third round pick for rights to a guy who might never have signed was a bit pricy if it didn’t pan out, but because it did this is a massive steal of a trade for one of the greatest Canadian defensive players ever. The backbone of the team for a decade. 1. Zach Collaros for a second round pick (turned into a first when he re-signed). Two Grey Cups (and front runners for a third), an MOP award (and front runner for a second), 29-3 in meaningful games since he got here. Yeah, I’d say this is the biggest steal in Bomber history.
    2 points
  8. itchy

    Canadian Politics

    Heather not getting out of the bottom and still behind Kenney, and continually slipping- ouch!
    2 points
  9. This. A most irrelevant pilot's helmet handed out after games...?
    2 points
  10. To distract us away from helmetgate, how about making a play for Jakob Chychrun? Although he says he wants to go to a contender (are we?) and his often injuryed background, has a fairly cap friendly contract and is an offensive minded D that Bowness is giving a greenlight to.
    2 points
  11. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    Right? Jesus Christ, of all the stupid **** to care about. I hate how the internet gives fans too much access to the players.
    2 points
  12. Tracker

    US Politics

    Donald Trump Mansplains To Letitia James How To Do Her Job After She Sues Him Donald Trump on Thursday told New York Attorney General Letitia James how to do her job after she sued the ex-president and his three eldest children for allegedly wrongly valuing assets to cheat lenders and tax officials. James called the scope of fraud “astounding.” (Watch below.) The former president, in friendly territory with Sean Hannity on Fox News for part two of an interview, made a wild segue from claiming he intimidated the Taliban to attacking James. He said crime in New York has been “the worst we’ve ever had.” (NYPD stats show homicides are down 13% from the previous year, while rapes, robberies and assaults are up.) “Letitia James, she should focus on murder and crime in New York, where they walk into stores with axes and they start swinging the axes at people,” Trump said, perhaps referring to a man who destroyed furniture at a Manhattan McDonald’s last week with a hatchet. “That’s where she ought to be focused, not on how much is Mar-a-Lago worth,” he continued. James’ pursuit of Trump’s alleged scamming appears to fall squarely within her jurisdiction. “The Attorney General’s Office is charged with the statutory and common law powers to protect consumers and investors, charitable donors, the public health and environment, civil rights, and the rights of wage-earners and businesses across the State,” the AG’s website says. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-mansplains-letitia-james_n_632d7ab5e4b087fae6fec42e
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2022/09/22/city-police-use-decoy-bikes-to-arrest-four-thieves
    2 points
  16. "starts" sending? What do you think filled up my inbox in the first place??
    2 points
  17. Just remember this is your own fault when Al starts sending you the nudes....
    2 points
  18. ehhhh but if you're the Bombers do you want to do that? Bring him up here, get him adjusted to the team/league again, and then he bolts back south? I think if you're going to bring him back up here, you want him to commit for the rest of the season.
    2 points
  19. Love it. Tyrone Jones is still number one in my heart but Joe P. is a solid second. Just love that guy.
    2 points
  20. It gets crazier the more I think of it. Grant was a good punter most of the time as I recall... but EDM didn't actually 'receive' Jabar Westerman, they received (and then traded away) the 1st round pick that eventually became 2nd overall Jabar Westerman. Jyles played half a season that ended with him being demoted to 3rd string behind an ancient Kerry Joseph and youngish Matt Nichols. A crossover to the East saw EDM defeated by none other than eventual GC champion Ricky Ray and his Argos. Ray played another 5 seasons (winning another GC along the way) before retiring a CFL legend and first ballot HoFer. In what universe is that a good deal for EDM?
    1 point
  21. Goalie

    Random Jets News

    Once you make it anything can happen. St Louis went from worst to first.
    1 point
  22. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    For people with shame, very. For the PCs, it's Friday.
    1 point
  23. BomberBall

    Random Jets News

    Everybody. I expect the other teams to just concede once they see our new style of play.
    1 point
  24. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    But he rage-farms and it works for those that want freedom from responsibility. It's all about pushing costs and responsibility to the next generation and the alt-right are kings at it.
    1 point
  25. HardCoreBlue

    Random Jets News

    Imo the motto for this year should be 'just make the damn playoffs'.
    1 point
  26. JCon

    The Environment Thread

    I've seen models that suggest 15 waves, which would likely arrive at the peak of the tide. This is going to be devastating and cost millions (billions?) to fix. But, we can't afford carbon pricing. Or any measures that might prevent O&G from being hugely profitable.
    1 point
  27. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    1 point
  28. yeah...looks to be a complete gong show now...especially with the inhouse commenting in Twitter...yikes
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. He sure is. But it’s one thing to say it in the confines of the locker room. It’s totally absurd to say it to the media. This is what separates the good coaches from the bad. Surprised he wasn’t let go over the bye week. GC year or not I think a change up now would spark more of a turn around then staying status quo and your players knowing your coach thinks you suck lol.
    1 point
  31. bustamente

    Random Jets News

    The player who got the helmet the previous time gives out the helmet the next time
    1 point
  32. iHeart

    The TV Thread

    ooo shots fired
    1 point
  33. JCon

    US Politics

    Thats it in a nutshell.
    1 point
  34. bustamente

    US Politics

    Says more about the people that support him that he has been able to con so many
    1 point
  35. Booch

    Playoff Update

    YUP...barring an 0-fer to close out the season, I am pretty much saying we get the West Final...I don't see an epic collapse here...no way...no how....and can bet my left nut come gametime against the Riders here at home....it will be an ornery bunch looking to make a statement....poor Riders hahahaha
    1 point
  36. johnzo

    US Politics

    Don't blame the FBI for this. They're just following the instructions from the DemocratMasterPlan2022.pdf file they found on Hunter Biden's laptop.
    1 point
  37. JCon

    US Politics

    I seem to remember a certain orange troll telling the world that he handed responsibility for his companies to his kids in a blind trust. So, if they're criming like he was, and you know they were, they're fair game.
    1 point
  38. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    It used to be that terrorists were shunned. Now they are legislators. Ef them and all their ilk. Disgusting alt-right trash.
    1 point
  39. WildPath

    World Politics

    This brought back memories I didn't realize I had. Having to guard phones to make sure a download finishes....
    1 point
  40. I guess Jason Kenney is no longer minding the store in the AB. legislature, but what possible good can come from letting this moron off the leash? Alberta's minister of labour and immigration has taken to social media to criticize Ottawa's "tyrannical" pandemic travel restrictions and thank "freedom convoys" for their efforts against them. In a tweet responding to news about the federal government potentially ending COVID-19 border requirements, Kaycee Madu said the measure was "never was about science but about political control and power." "Thanks to all those citizens, freedom convoys, who had the courage to mobilize against these tyrannical policies," read the remark on Madu's Twitter account on Tuesday. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/madu-covid-restrictions-freedom-convoys-1.6590139 AB always fanning the flames of disgruntlement then expecting us to embrace the latest "rock star" they send to Ottawa. This one is from Mars.
    1 point
  41. Not sure which thread this belongs in, but it's interesting.... from the CFL's weekly notes:
    1 point
  42. actually think he may be a more than serviceable QB..as the tools...needs the reps, and some stability around him...betting on him, and doing the in house developing could pay off
    1 point
  43. he is...but doubt we look receiver, as I fully expect Ellingson back after the bye and in time to wax the Riders ad their circus. I can see them making a hard push on Drew now to finish out the yr with provisos of a release immediately after season, but have a 2023 contract in the drawer if nothing pans out for him. Now regarding Houston's status, if the coaches figure him back before season close then I dont see us going after another possible pricey DB...we now have some big upside DB's here now, as well as a receiver (Heiligh) and also who knows ..maybe Agudosi may be available...the fact he is still here, and walking around albeit with a boot still at last sighting tells me he could be back Same with Wilson...the fact he roaming around with no issues, hasnt been in a boot or cast of any type in quite some time leaves me optimistic there as well. Mentioned it before, but bringing in Vaughters who is available would be a huge score...heavy rotation of him and the Jeffs would be crazy good, and would be that extra lil someting we need, especially if we in lieu of DB's now bring in a real gap cancelling DT/Nose....
    1 point
  44. 1 point
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