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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-23 in Posts

  1. He sounds like he went through the Mike O’Shea school of pro football.
    10 points
  2. Jets coach at podium says 10 of 11 passes by Streveler were perfect...overall performance "near perfection."
    7 points
  3. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Yeah and alberta tore up contracts with doctors during a pandemic and wonder why they can't find doctors. Here's an idea for Alberta... if healthcare dollars are tight spend the $1 billion you pissed away on a doomed pipeline on healthcare. Conservative politicians in this country can all **** off
    6 points
  4. The Rider organization is just hot garbage.
    6 points
  5. 3down nation reporting maier to get the nod against us this week
    5 points
  6. JCon


    👊 WBB has already offered to swap with another game. First class.
    5 points
  7. HardCoreBlue


    Hang in there my friend. Health, family #1. All is good.
    5 points
  8. Impossible not to love Streveler
    5 points
  9. Jesus. Glad to see that bye week really did us some good......
    4 points
  10. I totally agree. As long as it isn't a brawl in the stands (I'm talking to you Toronto) I think it is something that should be encouraged. I get that after the **** show last year where the Argos lost their **** that the league is gun shy about that now, but if Duke found a few Rider fans and a plate of nachos that is not fine worthy imo.
    4 points
  11. Make me. Lapo is horrible for quarterbacks and there is a mountain of evidence to show it. With his spectacular failure in Ottawa the rest of the league is finally seeing past his bullshit reputation.
    4 points
  12. rebusrankin


    Sorry to hear this.
    4 points
  13. Alford's days in the CFL are a nice memory but he looks solid in the big show and he ain't coming back, good for him
    4 points
  14. It never ends. It is awesome
    4 points
  15. Man oh man Ellingson needs to get healthy.
    4 points
  16. Believe it would be McCrae.
    3 points
  17. I get it, but the close relationship between fans and players has been a unique and cool feature of the CFL. It's always been fun and created some of the best moments. It's a shame to be trending towards the distance and coldness of the NFL.
    3 points
  18. well when starting center is out...and 3 other starters are paying hurt....it should take a step back..they were lights out less than half a yr ago....highly unlikely the 3 allstars who weren't 6 gamed all regressed to significant bad play...nope
    3 points
  19. I'm not overly concerned...Bryant and Yosh been nicked all yr, and still are playing basically as the best Tackle tandem in the league...Couture is gonna be back sooner than later, and even tho Kolonkowski has been adequate.....its the fact he's adequate and a bit over matched a lot of times, and it has caused some issues....there is a reason he has been a career backup, and he will be fine as the 6th guy when Couture is back. Grey as well gets a lot of grief on here, but it's unwarranted...sure he's not Desjarlais but who in the league is?...ya...nobody...he will be jut fine...is just fine and plays with an edge and irritates the hell out of defenses...Neuf knicked too, is he starting to decline?...maybe....maybe it's injury/compensating to help Kolonkowski...we will see when Couture comes back. Especially now that BO has seemed to hit his stride... Dobson is not ready yet to replace anyone, and likely sees the bench once Couture is back, and thats fine...I see him being more a factor for next yr anyway...and who knows...maybe next yr we tweak ratio and go with 3 imports on oline.
    3 points
  20. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    An oldie but goodie (and still relevant as ever):
    3 points
  21. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Based on the history of Trump since he took office, all of these reports of Trump being bad is all white noise at this stage. I'm not even sure he'd go down if was caught in the act by video with independent witnesses to corroborate. The Justice System is not a System, it's just a bunch of moving parts often going in different directions. ,
    3 points
  22. Poised as hell. He'll make somebody's roster this year.
    3 points
  23. Maybe. Think more hip/core the way he landed from up high. Streveler 4 straight TD drives. Think someone going to roster him. Guy is as confident as any backup and why the hell wouldn't you build a package for him...1st and goal throw him out there.
    3 points
  24. In my opinion if I’m the Jets I make him the number two. You’re not a super bowl contender this year, you’re not even a playoff team. Use a guy like Streveler with the upside as your backup QB. You know what you’re going to get from a 35 year old Flacco, not much, keep Flacco as the third because he is by all accounts a good locker room guy and can teach Wilson and Streveler something but once Wilson is healthy I would demote Flacco to third string and really see what you got in Streveler if the opportunity presents itself.
    2 points
  25. Jets should keep him but I bet they don't and keep White instead.
    2 points
  26. I don't know man... You can say "it's fine", but the OL has taken a significant step back this year.
    2 points
  27. yeah, volunteering for special teams, 100 % O'Shea style. also the humility. North Bay to New York. 😀 coach saleh: "He’s a warrior and a fighter, it’s been cool to watch him play,” Saleh said."
    2 points
  28. curious as to how many pending free-agents they have there will not want to re-up for 2023, or how many other teams free-agents will not even consider going there....why would you want to if you were an actual professional, and character guy? just watching the antics there in game, and surrounding the team is almost become a total joke and farce now....an embarrassment to the poor loyal fans who were there before this new breed of jagoffs who jumped on the train during their only recent and real success a decade or so back
    2 points
  29. the decision to cancel the avro arrow.... actually Lapo fault. too complicated to explain right now. although nobody would understand, if I laid it out. hundreds of times. or more.
    2 points
  30. 4 passes to the endzone... Nowhere near anyone.
    2 points
  31. Yeah I think Alford could play corner or nickel and do well at either. Arthur Smith would love coaching Canadian football with how he switches formations. Dangerous in American football without the motion and everyone having to reset before snap. Yeah one of the top recruits 5 star coming out of high school. All the tools but no passing skills.
    2 points
  32. this broadcast team is good.
    2 points
  33. Rain having a big impact. Nice to see DA getting lots of love from the on air team...
    2 points
  34. There are a lot of QBs on NFL teams who can’t do what Streveler has done so far
    2 points
  35. Streveler just leading scoring drives but also never plays against 1's. I know what I'd do with him though if I were an NFL team. Such a weapon running the ball, then has the ability to pass a bit. Not a guy to leave standing on the sideline, a guy to get out there, even get him running some routes. Christ you run a fly sweep to him and the D has to respect the fact he might pull up and launch a pass.
    2 points
  36. Streveler with a great play CStrevy is getting loose!
    2 points
  37. One of Walters big jobs this off season will be to to try & rebuild our OL before it gets to 2014 & 15 level of play. Right now, We have enough pieces that we only have to change one or 2 positions. Obviously, Neufeld is on the bubble. If we can sign a talented & younger OG we need to do that. I think he's at the end of the road as a starter. Big Stan hasn't had a dominant season as we're used to but does he have enough in the tank to play another season. He may retire. So, we may also be looking for a new starting LT.
    2 points
  38. To be honest, I was really high on Walker. I even rated him a top 5 receiver last year after he had already had a disappointing season with the elks. It seems as though he is disinterested and just collecting a cheque right now. I'd take a flyer on him but he's likely making too much coin. Another thing to note is you don't want to **** with the chemistry of a locker room if it's not necessary. Bombers receivers haven't seemed to have many struggles this year and the plug and play system has worked out okay. Until their is an obvious hole to fill I'd stay par for the course..
    2 points
  39. Ya Mike Miller is our TE isn't he? Strev getting some chatter on this broadcast early on. 4th stringer out playing the 2 and 3 so far in camp they say...
    2 points
  40. They do all the time...think about how they bring receivers in to block for max protect. No one has clued in to actually bring in guys who have those skills and the receiver skills...they exist coming out of NCAA and often are just as athletic as the receivers we do bring up here.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. I think you sign one of the 6'7 250 guys who runs a 4.7-4.8 that the NFL cuts as a tight end and you have you're CFL version of Kyle Pitts.
    2 points
  43. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I hope someone asks Ford why his govt didn't spend $1.8B they were given for healthcare? Oh, right, because it's their goal to starve and destroy our healthcare system.
    2 points
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