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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-22 in Posts

  1. “That rejuvenates me. Being in the locker room and being around the guys, there’s nothing like it. As long as opportunities continue to present themselves, whether down here [in the NFL] or back up in Canada if the well ran dry down here, I’d love to keep playing football as long as I can. It’s not a bad way to work.’’
    8 points
  2. O'Connor has a strong arm & he's a tall lanky qb. He can run but not like Rourke. I can't see him making some of the throws Rourke did but he has motivated receivers who will work hard to get open for him. He won't be putting up the numbers Rourke did but I could see him throwing for 200-250 yard a game. I think teams will blitz the **** out of him trying to rough him up. That OL benefitted from Rourke's ability to get away from pressure & throw laser beam accurate passes. O'Connor can't do that. If the Lions go 50% the rest of the way they'll be hosting the Western Semi Final.
    6 points
  3. I see myself as a wit, and my wife thinks I'm half right.
    5 points
  4. after streveller went to arizona, I followed that team a bit. can not have been much fun being backup to kyler murray. on one play murray came off the field, streveller went up to congratulate him, murray acted like chris was not there. also, dont think the coach did chris any favours when he was on the field. hope he sticks somewhere. excessively swollen egos in the nfl is part of why I cant get into it.
    4 points
  5. Wideleft

    US Politics

    In SD, it might be because the Governor denied COVID was a risk https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/19/kristi-noem-trump-strategy-denial-covid-ravages-south-dakota until there was money in it. https://www.salon.com/2021/03/04/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noems-family-got-600000-in-covid-relief-grants/
    4 points
  6. WildPath

    US Politics

    I don't find it a perfect match for what is happening in the states either, but it is the clearest example I can think of in seeing a type of mass-following of what from the outside seems obviously flawed, and in the case of the US, just outright stupid and lacking any logic. @Mark FI've posted it somewhere on these forms before, but I found Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and his Followers to be a good read. It more looks at the psychology of the followers and how they can champion a guy like Trump and hold the views they do. Previously I didn't know how anyone in their right mind could be a support Trump. Turns out that I just had to modify my definition of "right mind". One of the authors was a U of M psych prof and his son was an MLA.
    4 points
  7. Actually, that’s cleverer than most, even if groan-worthy. Will give you that one.
    3 points
  8. Man oh man Ellingson needs to get healthy.
    3 points
  9. Wideleft

    US Politics

    Sturgis and this stupity. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-mount-rushmore-controversy-fireworks-personal-fascination/story?id=71595321
    3 points
  10. Alford vs Strevy for the Monday nighter. TSN has all the action.
    3 points
  11. Tracker

    US Politics

    In a Sociology class I took in the early 1980's, we spent the whole time looking at the roots of the Nazi emergence in 1920's- 1930's and how it related to the typical German family life and values of that era. We did not compare it to the Reagn-Bush-Trump era but in retrospect, it sure as hell does.
    3 points
  12. Yep, they may still win more of their remaining games than they lose, but a lot of teams are now going to give them a good run for their money. They won't be blowing any teams out of the park.
    3 points
  13. Hate to hear the news on Rourke. brightest new star the CFL has seen in forever and he loses half a season to a freak foot injury. Hope O'Connor has some game in him.
    3 points
  14. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I hope someone asks Ford why his govt didn't spend $1.8B they were given for healthcare? Oh, right, because it's their goal to starve and destroy our healthcare system.
    2 points
  15. Would be good imo. But I suspect they’d go with Lofton who was scary bad at tackle in pre season. Maybe he’d be less atrocious at guard. Sure wish Richmond was healthy. He would’ve already taken a starting job if healthy imo.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    I think Charest sees the writing on the wall, so it seems like the best thing he can do now is go after Poilievre as much as possible over the disgraceful company he's been keeping of late. Things for the CPC are only going to get worse now.
    2 points
  18. Maas doesn’t know how to use RBs so it doesn’t matter anyway
    2 points
  19. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Speaking the truth is NOT gonna get Jean Charest elected as PC leader. Brave of him to say this out loud though.
    2 points
  20. the watcher

    US Politics

    I disagree. There are many politicians who enter politics for all the right reasons. Sometimes their beliefs are different from Our own personal beliefs so we assume they are corrupt, not nice...... Sometimes they are shoved to the side by those in power or with more political punch. Sometimes when good politicians are in politics to long they slowly slide into corruption .But there are good ones. But there are some that have neither good morals or character right off the bat. I would suggest the state of current US politics weeds out the good ones real quick and discards them on the trash heap pretty quick.
    2 points
  21. Yeah that's an awful injury for Rourke and the Lions. You don't just next man up when your starter is having that kind of season. BC isn't a good enough team overall to absorb that loss IMO.
    2 points
  22. O'Conor can make most throws...but has no elusiveness, and no threat to kill you around the edge, also he isn't even close to Rourke at processing , and reading, and Rourke was still learning too...he was just being pin point on his first read and hot routes, and had ability to scramble away to ake the deep shot when a receiver got in behind someone....so BC is going to look way different now, and possibly flounder a bit....and I know they "claim" O'Connor is the guy moving forward, but the switch to Pipkin is just a matter of time. Their defense is going to have to be lights out now, and I dont think they have the horses to do that...especially with now prob being on the field more, and not having a 3 score cushion to work behind
    2 points
  23. Mark F

    US Politics

    I guess you are unaware of Trump's record on covid.
    2 points
  24. Mark F

    US Politics

    Michael Cohen should be listened to. and Trump, for all the blathering and analysing him, he is not complicated. devoid of morals,, ethics, boundaries; whatever helps him the most, he will do that. If it involves making others suffer... even better. look what he did with covid, sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people, to help himself. blackmail? Hold the country hostage? of course. then sell the information anyway. wierd how this kind of immoral sadist ends up in power so frequently. world wide.
    2 points
  25. Remember the days before the pandemic when Derel Wajker was the premiere receiver in the CFL? He became a free agent & we had our own private "Have You Seen Derel Lately? Watch" going on here?? Now, nobody cares about Walker anymore. Ah, good times....
    2 points
  26. That was a great read and I totally relate to you. My dad was the one that got me into watching sports, but it was watching with my mom that made it so special. We would cheer at all the bomber games on tv (and Jets games too). Bomber nights were essentially family nights at our house. I can here my mom's cheers in my head when a TD was scored, and her disgust when an interception was thrown. Sadly my mom passed away in 2009 (exactly one day after Michael Jackson died). She never witnessed the Jets returning, nor did she get to see the Bombers win back to back Grey Cups. When the drought was over in 2019, I imagined my mom jumping for joy in Heaven . And in 2021 I celebrated that Grey Cup win with my dad watching together. It's crazy this thing we call sport, whether playing or watching, some truly special bonds are made. Thank you for sharing this with us and allowing us to share with you.
    2 points
  27. Back to high school O’Connor is what the NCAA types dub a “pro-style” QB meaning he has limited mobility. It’ll certainly be an adjustment for that offense. Rourke is a 4.7 40 guy, O’Connor is a 5.2 40 guy. He won’t be running by any DL.
    2 points
  28. The foot has 26 bones. Mostly small & hundreds of thousands of nerve endings. They're needed because we use our feet for balance & we need receptors to tell us if something is hard, slippery, wet, sharp, hot or cold. This makes the foot very sensitive after surgery. Whenever surgery is done on the foot, recovery is slow. Not only because the bones need to heal but the nerves damaged in that surgery need to regenerate & heal. That takes months because it is a slow process. some nerves will come back but others may never be the same. Surgical procedures have changed but healing time hasn't. Rourke will have the best doctors, surgeons & physiotherapists taking care of him so he should heal a little quicker than you & I. It'll still take months.
    2 points
  29. Terrible news. Hope the kid recovers well and quickly.
    2 points
  30. Strange to say that I think Lawler has earned his money so far this year
    2 points
  31. He could have signed with us at least twice before & from what I understand he led Walters on thinking he'd sign here before signing with the Argos & then back with the Elks. He signed with 2 shitty teams & played badly for both. He made his bed. Screw him. I hope he enjoys playing for the crap show Elks.
    1 point
  32. Morrow was the better back of the two, that has been one of the few bright spots they have had.
    1 point
  33. Watching Duke drag his arse around for the type of money he's grafting off of the riders is hilarious for sure....I don't know why they don't sit him on the 6 game, to ease the cash pain is plain dumb,,,but fits the rider narrative of stupidity
    1 point
  34. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/22/climate-emergency-doomer-appeaser-precautionary-principle End of the article is a good, albeit sobering, summation.
    1 point
  35. Streveler is gonna be trying to get his NFL pension all season. I'd imagine he could be cfl bound next season tho
    1 point
  36. If anything that may help them...Hickson is the better true back...every down type....and with reps would get even better...Morrow is not a true every down back....and doesn't wow me one bit...heck he barely ahead of BO now and he did nothing for 2/3 of his season.....and Duke is just trash, not a difference maker...out of shape and injury prone and sucking up more than we paying Schoen and Ellingson combined...which is soooo funny
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. There's no way BC just continues to glide,Rourke made that team go
    1 point
  40. “Brandon Alexander doing some hard running on the sidelines”
    1 point
  41. Geebrr

    Kicking Discussion

    It isn’t a short punt.
    1 point
  42. They won't fire Jones. No chance. Not unless the team implodes entirely.
    1 point
  43. bryan35

    Kicking Discussion

    Easier to block a punt
    1 point
  44. The drought in the U.S. Southwest is now considered a once in 1200 year event. It has lasted 23 years. *I have learned that as a subscriber, I can gift 10 Washington Post articles per month. This means I can link them here and you can read them in their entirety. I'm going to try to use them judiciously. U.S. announces more water cuts as Colorado River hits dire lows The new shortage triggered by low reservoir levels comes comes as states negotiate how to make major reductions in water use https://wapo.st/3PBbGpL
    1 point
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