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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-19 in Posts

  1. **** the riders. I hope Rourke tears them a new *******. Bombers can take care of the upstart Lions if they have to do it themselves. But always always always **** saskatchewan.
    9 points
  2. Looks like Bomber bye-week is in full swing...
    6 points
  3. Hi friends, this is a 3Down article I wrote about how my late father taught me to love the CFL and the Bombers. He died of kidney disease over five years ago. I thought it might resonate with some folks here. https://3downnation.com/2022/08/17/no-lead-is-safe-remembering-the-man/
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. The Bombers should be allowed to jump into the stands in their own stadium. It is a unique thing here, and should not change. Visiting players doing it is dumb
    5 points
  6. Elks are all in on Jones and have painted themselves into a corner.
    5 points
  7. They won't fire Jones. No chance. Not unless the team implodes entirely.
    5 points
  8. How come no one is talking about Bobby Clarke in this thread?
    4 points
  9. The Gappers wish they have scored 4 rouges all season
    4 points
  10. Tracker

    US Politics

    America began to pass that marker in the Reagan era and it was all downhill from there- accelerating all the way, the skids being greased by Faux News. Still, Faux News is saying only what the rabid mass of their followers want to hear.
    4 points
  11. take yer hockey talk somewhere else! This here is Football country!!
    4 points
  12. He was also “all in” which is different from scaling a wall I think the CFL is understandably leery about that degree of interaction, after the Ticats/Argos debacle in last yrs playoffs.
    4 points
  13. Who cares. O'Shea and the Bombers will be ready to play any team any time any place come playoffs.
    3 points
  14. Disagreements with noeller should happen regularly just to make sure you aren't fully off the deep end.
    3 points
  15. Ovechkin is/was better than Crosby.
    3 points
  16. Do NOT compare McJesus and Palms Up Crosby pleeeeeeeeease...... Oi.
    3 points
  17. People like to call players like Crosby and mcdavid whiny because they expect the refs to call infractions against them. But the nhl won't do it because that's bad for fake parity
    3 points
  18. Bobby Clarke might be the single biggest POS in the history of the NHL and that's saying something
    3 points
  19. Not quite what he said. He thanked the fans for the prayers & well wishes and says he was grateful for the chance to play in front of them. Saying it's going to be a journey back does not sound like he's given up on the game, just that it's a long road (one he is already familiar with).
    3 points
  20. Imagine comparing Bobby Clarke to Sidney Crosby. Clarke was a dirty player and a rotten person. “We didn’t tell him to go get cancer, he got goofy on us” while Sidney is a class act. Weird take.
    3 points
  21. If Strevler can manage to stay in the NFL this long Rourke has a great shot of sticking around. I honestly think Rourke has a better skill set than Strev.
    3 points
  22. And if by some miracle he isn't down South by December, the Lions will have to dismantle that receiving corp in order to redo his contract.
    3 points
  23. Bo Levi on Rourke. "Stop finding a reason to hate on the kid. Love him up and enjoy him while he’s here.” I agree with that. most football fans do.
    3 points
  24. White Out

    No Lead is Safe

    A wonderful read, thanks for sharing. Condolences for your father
    3 points
  25. The Riders beating BC would help us but that's like rooting for a baseball bat to the balls. Ottawa/Edmonton just looks like an awful game. Curious to see if Montreal can ride the momentum from last week. I think the Stamps beat the Argos.
    2 points
  26. Mark F

    US Politics

    I just listened to audiobook On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century is a 2017 book by Timothy Snyder, an historian of 20th-century Europe. The book was published by Tim Duggan Books in hardcover and by Penguin Random House in paperback. A graphic version, illustrated by Nora Krug, was released October 5, 2021. The book topped the New York Times bestseller list for paperback nonfiction in 2017 and remained on bestseller lists as late as 2021. On Tyranny focuses on the concept of tyranny in the context of the modern United States politics, analyzing what Snyder calls "America's turn towards authoritarianism".Explaining that "(h)istory does not repeat, but it does instruct," he analyzes recent European history to identify conditions that can enable established democracies to transform into dictatorships.The short (126 pages) book is presented as a series of twenty instructions on how to combat the rise of tyranny, such as "Defend institutions", "Remember professional ethics", and "Believe in truth". aimed at murica, but applies to us as well. a bit uneven, but very straightforward, short, useful. some things we can all do to resist the right wing authoritarians smothering the world.
    2 points
  27. And the true value/importance of a player is someone whos presence can alter the way a game is played and his name alone can strike fear in the very hearts of the opposition. There can only be one:
    2 points
  28. You Toews fanbois are just so salty that Crosby is many times the player toews is.
    2 points
  29. He is. Look at all trophies and medals. Pour one out for the mod that needs to clean up this thread!
    2 points
  30. Agreed, one has actually won something before. Do you know who Bobby Orr is? Give me a break
    2 points
  31. Exactly. They are supposed to just take abuse because other players have no way to keep up. They also lose it if they give back 1/10th of what they get. Best player of his time? My god
    2 points
  32. Crosby isn’t whiny or dirty. Just the best player of his era. It is too bad Davis didn’t get dropped on his butt. His claim to fame is a TD vulture. Way to go, Pal!
    2 points
  33. That may be it. Part of Edwards suspension agreement involved CFL acknowledging the role of separating fans and players. The rope between the seating and the players domain, the field, was violated. Astute observance!
    2 points
  34. Duke Williams gets fined for jumping into the stands in Edmonton and eating nachos with Rider fans after a TD. Seems silly but a violation of “security protocol”. So where is the fine for Dom Davis for jumping into the stands in Winnipeg to antagonize Bomber fans? More potentially explosive security situation there, no? https://3downnation.com/2022/08/18/cfl-fines-riders-receiver-duke-williams-for-viral-nacho-eating-touchdown-celebration/
    2 points
  35. If somehow the Riders win... could you imagine the posts that TBURGESS will create about our 2nd half being an obscenely difficult challenge.
    2 points
  36. Easier to block a punt
    2 points
  37. Rourke is as good as gone. We haven't seen a Canadian kid like this... ever? But, he played at a elite US HS program and a very well regarded college football program. He's been built for the modern NFL.
    2 points
  38. Great article! I read it this afternoon. Started getting some tears in my eyes as I have a similar story about my grandfather who was a huge bomber fan who passed away from a long battle with lung cancer in 2016.
    2 points
  39. Thanks for that story. A great read about your Dad. Something tells me that you needed to tell that story as a way of still grieving your Father's loss & to get it all out. So, it was therapeutic to do so & good for your soul. My condolences on the loss of your hero. I grew up in a totally different era. The 1960's. An era of no social media, 3 channel television, No NHL. No NFL. No Blue Jays, Expos or Raptors. No nothing. Winnipeg was less than 500,000 people. The only thing we had were the Bombers. For me, they were the Bombers of the Bud Grant era. Big, tough, talented & winners. Six Grey Cup appearances & 4 Championships. All against those sad sack Jim Trimble led Tiger Cats. My Dad was just a casual fan. He liked the Bombers but his life was his family, his successful auto body business, hunting & fishing. We never went to a Bomber game together until I was in my 20's & I had season tickets. It was my neighbour Mr McGibney who used to tell me stories about all the Bomber heroes going back to 1935 at Osborne Stadium. He saw all the lefendary Bomber players perform on the field. Guys like Fritz Hanson, Bob Fritz, Jack Jacobs, Tom Casey, Neil Armstrong, D ic k Huff, the Grant era players all the way into the mid 60's. When he regaled about the team back then, I could see those players come alive in my head & it was fantastic. His love for the Bombers transferred to me & even though guys like Butch Pressley, Paul Desjardins, Phil Minnick, Ken Nielsen, Amos Van Pelt, Mitch Zalnasky. Glenn Schapansky, John Schneider, Glenn Orris, Ron Johnson, John Senst, Lou Andrus, Ed Breding, Chip Barrett, Wally Gabler & others only won a couple of games a year for 5 straight years in the second half of the 1960's, I became a fan. I didn't care if they won two games or 20 as they were my team, The Bombers have always been my team for nearly 60 years. They always will be.
    2 points
  40. That has to be the UGLIEST kick I have ever witnessed in pro sports... and would rank in the top 10 of school yard pick up ball...
    1 point
  41. 17to85

    Kicking Discussion

    you can shank a kick off a tee or a punt just as easily as you can a field goal try. That's all that happened here. Guy whiffed on the kick. If they're tried to punt it through and he'd shanked it wouldn't the questions be more serious about why not just try the easy field goal? There's nothing much to say other than the kicker missed a kick he should make and he missed it because he completely mishit the ball.
    1 point
  42. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    I keep seeing "he's a complete moron" when people discuss this rat. And he's not. He knows exactly what he's doing and why. He knows how the game works (been apart of it long enough) and he knows what his voting base wants to hear and is feeding it to them.
    1 point
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