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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-07-11 in Posts

  1. I've taken on a different anxiety, personally. Now that we have the cup, I'm terrified of ever giving it up. I've had two years of being mouthy about being the Champs and I don't ever wanna do anything else.
    11 points
  2. it’s good to see that even after I’ve been gone a year and then some, Iso and TB are still healthy and annoying as ever. you love to see it. it hit me when I went to the grey cup in 2019 ... it’s easier just to be a fan of the moments and enjoy the team than worry about “well we were fourth place and made a late season surge do you really think we’re a prominent force to be reckoned with or do you think my insufferable opinion about our backup qb being unprepared for battle should go unquestioned” I drank from the Grey Cup after Andrew Harris handed it to me at a bar in downtown Calgary, surrounded by my closest friends. They could come in last place this year I really don’t care. I enjoyed it. That’s what it’s all about.
    9 points
  3. Day 1 in the books and everyone's achillies are intact. Success!
    7 points
  4. STANDING OUT: A good chunk of the first part of Sunday morning’s session was spent on special teams, especially on kick cover. Popping off the page were Bombers draft picks DL Nick Dheilly, LB Robbie Lowes, DB Noah Hallett along with RBs Kyle Borsa and Brady Oliveira… Catching eyes among new receivers were WRs Blake Jackson and Carlton Agudosi… Noticeable with interceptions on D were Willie Jefferson, Adam Bighill, Josh Johnson and Prince Robinson. Awesome to see Dheilly standing out. Especially with Griffiths retiring. He will have every opportunity to make the roster and playing teams goes a long way Also just great all around to hear that our new draft picks are shining. Agudosi has been the training camp "winner" in the first two days. Getting mentioned twice. Guess he is a big guy and now showing some skills
    6 points
  5. Day 1 Blue Bombers Training Camp Rundown
    6 points
  6. Agreed! I still have a lot of "**** yous" to give out
    4 points
  7. Agreed. The Cup win took a lot of the pressure off for me. During previous seasons I'd get so wrapped up in the negatives and fall into a "here we go again" mentality due so so many season of getting kicked around and being the butt of the joke from other CFL fans. Having two of the best experiences I've ever had at McMahon (previous to last season watching a drunk Stamps get his head caught under the bleachers was the top) has caused me to go into this season looking for the enjoyable moments from the Bombers. It's amazing what the Bombers breaking their drought has done for me. I can't wait to see the boys out on the field again.
    4 points
  8. Top sports moment of my life. Dont care about the logistics of how it happened
    4 points
  9. It is soooo nice to be back bickering and kvetching about Bomber stuff.
    3 points
  10. https://www.bluebombers.com/2021/07/10/good-day-cfl-tc-day-1-recap/
    3 points
  11. I can't wait to do the dance when he scores us the game winning TD....
    2 points
  12. I agree with BattleLevel, after our win the weight/pressure has been lifted and I feel much more relaxed.
    2 points
  13. nothing better than come from behind wins, and championships.
    2 points
  14. Let me just be the first to say your new profile pic is fantastic and everything you say I now read in Dwight Schrute's condescending voice.
    2 points
  15. A person has, in one hand: a paper bag with something in it that doesn't smell, isn't damp nor is it squishy. In the other, a steaming pile of ****... "Yeah, let's go with the big pile o'****- at least I know what it is and what it is capable of." - said no one ever.
    2 points
  16. Based on the wording out of the province this morning, it sounds like proof of having 2 shots will be required to attend games. "Large-scale, outdoor professional sports or performing arts events may also allow fully immunized Manitobans to attend, subject to approval by Manitoba Public Health. The province will work with sports and arts organization to implement proof of vaccination protocols for these events." If you haven't had your first jab yet, and are on the fence, go get your first jab today or tomorrow. There is just enough time if you go right now to get in a 28 day period, get your second jab, and have the 14 day period before you can get your proof of vaccination before the home opener!
    1 point
  17. He was listed at 230 on draft day. Im hoping that 1 is actually a 7
    1 point
  18. Personally I think Liegghio is going to be a very good kicker. Im looking forward to enjoying the brief period of time when we are no longer worried about whether he can get the job done and we aren't yet worried about him taking a crack at the NFL.
    1 point
  19. Tracker

    US Politics

    This will only further increase the disillusionment and cynicism by Americans about the effectiveness of their political system. Which will serve the GOP and Russian agendas.
    1 point
  20. Mark H.


    Bottom line: high risk group & not vaccinated.
    1 point
  21. Also great to see the draft picks and ni rbs shining on teams. A big part of this camp is going to be replenishing our ni teams depth. We have consistently filled holes at db and found great guys to fit in. That front isn't going to give qbs a lot of time either. I think ol will be a great battle too. We have a bunch of young ni with a camp and some game reps under their belt and not a whole lot of service time dividing two of the starters and a back up or two. Gonna be some tough decisions at some point. Can only hide guys soo long.
    1 point
  22. Mark H.


    What a cluster cuss.
    1 point
  23. No small feat, given the Rider debacle,
    1 point
  24. Chris Larsen was released after his incident but he's now been completely cleared of any wrong doing. He might be an option to bring in.
    1 point
  25. https://www.bluebombers.com/2021/07/10/quick-hits-tc-july-10-2021/
    1 point
  26. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    And when the xfl folds for the 4th time after again not finishing a season then what. I'm not sure how tsn would re act. What are they gonna fill all the missing time slots with? They gonna air golf games played by nhlers in their off season? I wonder if at some point the league is better off cutting out the dead weight of a franchise like the argos and building around strengths. This young generation in the gta is never coming over to the cfl. The league has to make in roads in its strong markets with a younger audience. We've spent the last decade trying to prop up and fix broken Franchises and its brought the league to its knees. Maybe it's time to stop hanging around with an ex hoping she will take us back. That drill in riderville is beyond idiotic. I hope we are being smarter than that.
    1 point
    1 point
  28. Found video of the drill:
    1 point
  29. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    What trainer watches 3 players go down with Achilles injuries and says, "this is fine"??
    1 point
  30. This is true, he's taken a few hits where I was surprised he got up. He's certainly tough!
    1 point
  31. Tracker

    US Politics

    Well, he sorta does have a point- its pretty obvious that there are a lot of weak-minded people out there who can be conned into voting for morons. Trump has conclusively proven that.
    1 point
  32. A reminder that we're going into the season with the defending GC champion QB behind centre. And, are grooming his eventual replacement, like every other team does.
    1 point
  33. He is better then Nichols, he can take a hit and come back.
    1 point
  34. Nichols - I'm not going to debate you. Admittedly I've never been a Nichols fan. But, his CFL record speaks for itself. Still unknown what he'll be like post surgery and lengthy layoff, but I'll concede. But the gap between them right now, is slim. Arbuckle - He's been given the starting job in Toronto, but his stats in the last CFL season were worse than MBT, playing for a much better team. Take a look on cfl.ca. Don't be shocked if the Argos stumble a bit, or if Arbuckle misses time, good old MBT comes in and takes the starting job. He's not a scrub. He bounced around the NFL a long time because he has some talent. NFL teams don't keep giving you a shot to be nice guys.
    1 point
  35. Nichols sure. But I'm not convinced Arbuckle is anything more then a product of a solid system. He hasn't really impressed me all that much honestly.
    1 point
  36. 17to85

    US Politics

    I think what he's getting at is the Googles kept having negative things about Donald Trump show up in searches and it influenced people's voting.... now the man is still clearly a ******* moron with no idea what he is talking about, and maybe even believes that Google changed votes! But sad that elected officials are so ignorant. Honestly all elected officials should have to pass a technology competence test before taking office.
    1 point
  37. Bomber fans and Rider fans think their teams will be OK if their starting QB goes down based on nothing more than faith and the 'power' of positive thinking. Then they make fun of the other teams fans for thinking that their teams will be fine if their starting QB goes down. The truth of the matter is that most backup QB's fail. Some like Franklin and Jennings fail even after showing great promise. McGuire and other backups around the league haven't even got to the great promise stage. If you don't see that as a huge potential problem, then I can't change your mind. If you read my posts, then why did you ask your question? You always think you're right too. In fact, most if not everyone around here thinks they are right. If my opinions make you feel stupid, that's on you. All rookies are promising until they aren't. All unsigned vets are washed up until they are signed. You value the unknown over the known with issues and I value the vet over the rookie. Let's agree to disagree. The 'power' of positive thinking plus $5 gets you a coffee at Starbucks. Positive thinking shouldn't become a reason to hate folks who use critical thinking. It seems like reading my posts is making you angry. Maybe you should stop reading them.
    1 point
  38. Jersey yes....cross bar no....all the crossbar did was save Fajardo from throwing a season ending interception.
    1 point
  39. Nah. Call them out. Leave them behind snd exclude them form social /work / fun events. It’s their right to choose what medication/vaccines they take. We shouldnt force then to take it. They should also fully accept and agree that it’s the vaccinated’s right to not want to be around them and be at greater risk of infection and prevent them from attending these events. If they want social events they can through them themselves if public health allows and restrict it to unvaccinated or both groups.
    1 point
  40. JCon

    comedy stuff

    1 point
  41. This thread got a bit off the rails, wasn't intended to focus on people that made their mind up about never getting the covid vaccine. Rather, it was just some awareness for the "wait and see" folks to let them know, if you didn't have your first shot yet, well, now you won't be going to the bomber home opener. "Wait and see" will cost everyone, some people just don't see it until they lose out on something fun they wanted to do.....
    1 point
  42. Not being able to attend sporting events or travel is a good start. I have no sympathy at all for them. Most are as dumb as bricks.
    1 point
  43. The problem is that we have universal free healthcare. Every one of these covidiots who get sick cost the system (and taxpayers) hundreds of thousands of dollars. We need to set up a system like they have in some other countries where people who do not sign they organ donor cards are advised that if they need a replacement organ, they will be put at the bottom of the list. Maybe we could tell antivaxxers that in the event they contract COVID in any of its forms, they will be treated in the parking lot of the hospital.
    1 point
  44. Let them get left behind. I hope it affects every aspect of their lives.
    1 point
  45. that guy is the best thing on Twitter these days....
    1 point
  46. Not fair- there are many reasons why people don't get the vaccine:
    1 point
  47. the man speaks truths......... this time.
    1 point
  48. In all seriousness- get vaxxed, it's the smart thing to do.
    1 point
  49. Any one on the fence about vaccines is an idiot full stop.
    1 point
  50. Be careful, someone on this board gave me the gears when I said the Bombers were a motivating factor in getting vaccinated. Seriously though, it’s nice to know the Bombers will be approved to play. If being fully immunized is the requirement, I’d like to see IGF at 100% capacity from the start.
    1 point
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