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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-06-04 in Posts

  1. rebusrankin


    Totally onboard with vaccine passports. Those who don't, well, they can exercise their right and society can exercise their right to keep everybody safe by requiring vax passports for travel, sporting events, concerts etc.
    9 points
  2. TrueBlue4ever


    Mine are both in University and have done better grades-wise than I could have imagined. But hard to say what the social distancing has done to them. My daughter has been in a long distance mostly online relationship for the past year, so she has coped. I feel like I can never get back what my son lost in the last 15 months. He graduated high school last year, was 3 days away from his senior school play. After 4 years of bit parts, finally had the lead role in his last play, only to have it cancelled when classes shut down that very week. He also lost out on his senior trip overseas which was a week later. And we had to cancel our family trip in the summer to Europe as a grad gift. Basically everything he was looking forward to was taken away, and they postponed grad 3 times up to October before they finally nixed it. Now a full year of online classes and he has said to me “do you think I will ever get a girlfriend?” since he has had to isolate for the better part of a year now instead of attending campus in his first year of university. Can’t imagine what this has done to the mental health of adolescents who crave this social interaction as part of their development. Lucky to get an appointment moved up to today thanks to cancellations and being available at the right time, so I now have my second vaccination too! Kids have their first, and my wife in health care has her double dose. Good day for me!
    9 points
  3. Noeller


    Here's the thing.... we have to show our driver's license to get into some places, to show you're of age. I think showing that you're vaccinated could be a similar procedure. Maybe it's something that's worked into your DL or existing travel passport?? Whatever it takes, I'm all for it. It's not even about knowing that everyone in there's been vaccinated...it's knowing that morons aren't allowed in. Distancing myself from stupid people is a lifelong goal.
    8 points
  4. WildPath


    Interesting to hear accounts of what it is like for parents as I have been solely doing remote teaching (elementary) since January. I know it is hard for some families, especially larger families or ones with limited devices, so I try to accommodate when possible. I get a filtered view of what families decide to tell the teacher, so its mostly positive. One thing I have been really impressed with is how students have actually developed relationships with each other since we started in February. These are families that chose remote learning due to health concerns and other reasons. Many of these students haven't been able to see their friends and have come to rely on our meetings for building relationships. My students come from all across Manitoba and many are already planning on meeting up this summer if/when restrictions allow. In some cases this will mean more than 6 hours of travel.
    8 points
  5. bigg jay


    Double dosed! If anyone needs me, I'll be at IGF waiting for the season to start.
    8 points
  6. Wideleft


    Does anyone have a problem with vaccine passports? I don't see how they can hurt an accelerated return to "normal" if they are implemented and enforced where appropriate. And yes, they should have space for booster shot stamps as well.
    7 points
  7. JCon


    Yeah, he's being largely panned for everything that comes out of his mouth. The fact is that our health care system was so damaged from their recent cuts, that a pandemic of this nature would expose them for the frauds they are. If the Conservatives ever regain power in this province over the next twenty years, we should be ashamed.
    7 points
  8. Sard


    I think if you have a condition that legitimately doesn't allow you to be vaccinated, then your vaccine passport would reflect that.
    6 points
  9. Noeller


    I want mine on a lanyard that I'll wear everywhere....I'm gonna flash that thing like it's backstage passes to a Stones concert. I don't want anyone getting into the same indoor facility as me without one... "NO CRAZY PEOPLE ALLOWED"......
    6 points
  10. the watcher


    I have a year old grandchild that my wife and I have never held. Sucks bug time. The Incas had rules where if a common person stole they were punished but if a elite class ( read leader ) stole they were executed. They were expected to be above that as a leader. Made sense didn't it.
    6 points
  11. SpeedFlex27


    I read today that your Premier was saying Thank God this pandemic didn't happen in 2017 as Pallister said he had time to fix the ICU's & health care system in Manitoba. Fixed so well that patients are being transferred out of province to Ontario & Alberta. Calgary & Edmonton are taking 5 patients each to start. What a fricking liar this dude has become. More like Pallister passing his failings onto other provinces. I hope you guys remember all this the next provincial election.
    6 points
  12. Tracker


    In all this, there are some valuable learnings. For children (and some adults), there is the lesson that the welfare of all is the responsibility of all, and at times our individual wishes necessarily are subordinate to the well-being of others. It is the price we pay for being in community and being a part of the whole. It has also revealed that there are those among us (and some in positions of power) who are willing to ignore the welfare of others to pursue their individual agendas. In times of crisis, we reveal the true "us", the true selves we keep hidden for good reasons. Power can be a drug that drives selflessness or the worst parts of our egos.
    5 points
  13. 17to85


    And yet I know who your long term friends are.....
    5 points
  14. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    Further to the topic of reconciliation, it can never happen until the Indian Act is abolished. It is a document that strips aboriginals of many freedoms and rights and allows for the government, both federally and local first nation governance, to abuse the people. It does not allow us to define ourselves, it does not allow us to own property on our home lands, it does not allow us to monitor our own governance, it is even the legislation that allowed residential schools in the first place, these among many other rights and freedoms that every other citizen of Canada holds dear. It is paternalistic, outdated, and racist. As long as this piece of crap legislation is allowed to exist aboriginals will forever be 2nd rate citizens through an act of parliament. I'll just give you an example. My grandfather's home, where he raised 11 children for the past 45 years, and was the hub for all of us to gather was taken away by his home reserve recently a couple year's after his death. Although my two aunts and a couple of their children lived there it was deemed that someone else needed the house more so they were evicted and another family moved in. My aunts were forced to go live with other siblings in their houses with their families and our entire family lost our gathering place. Who does this sort of thing and how is it allowed? Check the Indian Act for answers.
    5 points
  15. blue_gold_84


    Is it really any different than having proof of vaccination to travel to specific countries? I don't think so. Vaccines are meant to protect people (oneself and others) and keep everyone safe and healthy. My view is if you want to enjoy the "freedoms and rights" of living in a civilized society, you do what's right and good for those in said society, which means every single individual. This pandemic has shown me there are two types of people: those who believe in doing what's best for everyone even if it means personal sacrifice, and those who see being personally inconvenienced in any way as unacceptable/intolerable without any further consideration. The latter are, IMO, what's wrong with the human race. The Shopping Cart Theory really sums it up well, IMO: https://scoop.upworthy.com/viral-shopping-cart-theory-determines-moral-character
    5 points
  16. Super Duper Negatron


    Chose July 2 for a Pfizer to go with my 1st dose of AZ. That date gives me a 10-week spread. Plus a 4-week buffer to see if we are creating cocktail zombies in the meantime.
    4 points
  17. Sard


    I could see it being a permanent thing showing your whole vaccination record. This would be usable when you travel to the tropical places and require certain vaccinations to be able to go there.
    4 points
  18. JCon


    April 25th and before can now book their second vaccine shot. @Sard Linky below.
    4 points
  19. JCon


    Unlike last spring, this year the teachers are ready. They have lots of material and they're doing lots to engage the kids. But, they're no competition for Unspeakable or whatever other Youtuber has their attention. And, they miss their friends.
    4 points
  20. "Skate a great distance". Sounds like Borat.
    4 points
  21. I'll tell ya, that entire weekend in Calgary was something special. I'm a big believer in "Everything happens for a reason..." and while there are a lot of days where I scratch my head wondering how the hell I ended up living and working in west central Alberta, that weekend was like "Ohhhh....this is why I'm here...." I'll never forget that weekend as long as I live.
    3 points
  22. Just finished watching it again. It seems so fitting at the end of the game for the last turnover of the game to make way for the offense to knee down in victory formation. Whew, that was a really magical GC run.
    3 points
  23. JCon

    US Politics

    Well, he won't leave Florida, so I'm all for it. Drag every Trumper out into the heat of summer to wax poetic about the stolen election. Every Trumper deserves to sit in the blazing sun while the moron spews nonsense. It's glorious.
    3 points
  24. JCon


    3 points
  25. Mark F

    US Politics

    yes, it's right next to Mar, only smaller. it's (waving hand vaguely), over ...there. many patriots, good people, freedom lovers in Minimar.
    3 points
  26. SpeedFlex27


    My youngest would have been devastated. He really liked basketball but he absolutely LOVED FOOTBALL WITH A PASSION. Having that taken away would have been so sad. I think vax passports are a great idea. Let the anti vaxxers stay at home & rot for all I care. They deserve it.
    3 points
  27. Wideleft


    And again:
    3 points
  28. Bigblue204


    I have one child doing remote work, some days are good some days not so much. Personally, I love it when I'm able to be home with him. I suppose the fact that I'm not at home 5 days a week likely makes it easier for me than someone who is with their kids 24/7. I do feel for the teachers, those morning meetings with multiple kids just look/sound real annoying lol. Between the constant interruptions and being told they look tired, I don't know how the teachers don't lose their ****! lol. We just found out that my kids teacher is prego too. At home with a toddler, pregnant AND having to do remote teaching. GIVER HER A RAISE!!
    3 points
  29. JCon


    Yes, for travel. But, we already have that for many countries. I'm referring only to internal movement and attending events. I don't want to have to provide evidence perpetually when I go to IGF. We should aim to have these measures only for a period of time. Fingers crossed, it won't be necessary after too long.
    3 points
  30. JCon


    I see the vaccine passport as a short-term measure until the virus is virtually eradicated. I'm not sure how long that will take but the quicker everyone gets vaccinated, the better.
    3 points
  31. Rich


    In regards to Vaccine passports, how long are those required to enter public spaces? What do you end up doing to people who can’t be vaccinated due to other health concerns? if you are fully vaccinated, with its high efficacy rate, does it really affect you that much if you are in a space with unvaccinated people? People who can be vaccinated need to get off their ass and get vaccinated
    3 points
  32. are you kidding??? It's pre-spawn for bass! The absolute best time of year for bass fishing.....he's right where he wants to be. Ha ha.
    3 points
  33. Sard


    Thanks, I actually just booked it. Got in for this Saturday at Pure Lifestyle on Empress. Otherwise I was looking at the beginning of July at RBC and Leila. https://www.purewinnipeg.com/covid-19-vaccination-clinic
    3 points
  34. Just a reminder that a play like, that is after the whistle and can not even be considered a "hockey play", for a repeat offender in the regular season warrants no suspension and only a $5,000 fine. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nhl/news/tom-wilson-suspension-timeline-history-fines-capitals-penguins-zach-aston-reese/k3plwl8lfkot11flpw7ah3yf7
    3 points
  35. SpeedFlex27


    And in my province you need to follow the rules unless you're Jason Kenney & his cabinet. He made the rules but does not follow them... Yet he feels he did nothing wrong. More backlash just like last Xmas. All he had to say that he was sorry but nope... he did nothing wrong. Stupid ****. Didn't learn his lesson from 6 months ago. I haven't seen my youngest son & his wife since Xmas 2019 & my other son & his wife since last fall. We have followed the rules as have millions of Albertans so this hits deep as does having the dinner at the Sky Palace in edmonton. Alison redforsd had to resign over the cost of construction of this building as it is opulent. The PC's finished building it but when the NDP were in power apparently Rachel Notley never set foot in the place. The rule here is outdoor gatherings can occur but there can't be more than 10 people with no more than four from one household. So six or 7 different people aren't allowed for their working meeting... (burp!) (hic!!) contravened the rules. Man, people would have forgiven Ralph Klein or said big deal but not Kenney. He is reviled by everyone. His critics which are just about everyone just live for this stuff. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alberta-premier-says-sky-palace-dinner-was-fully-rule-compliant-as-backlash-continues-1.5455455
    3 points
  36. All the stuff Tom Wilson has done, but it's Scheifele that they choose to make their statement on. A guy with zero history in more than 500 games played. It's really the inconsistency of the DoPS that is so maddening....
    3 points
  37. Parros is a joke. DoPS is a joke. The NHL is so far behind amongst the big 4 because of stuff like this. Marketing fails, DoPS fails, reffing fails. ****ing figure it out.
    2 points
  38. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    My son does movie night with friends and cousins over discord. they all share the same voice chat and cue the movie together- it's really nice, they get to share their "Om god what the hells", "Holy what just happeneds" and other various exclamations during the movie- it seems to work.
    2 points
  39. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    My guess?
    2 points
  40. GCJenks


    Mine and his friends have started using Teams after school to visit and play Roblox on line together. It is sometimes painful to listen too but they are finding a way to socialize while distant. We think it is an excellent solution for 7 and 8 year olds that should not have online chat active on some of those games.
    2 points
  41. the watcher


    Ever wonder how many pet/ livestock owning antivaxers vaccinate their animals ? If any are in the hog industry and tied to the big companies they would be required to vaccinate their animals. YES ! Forced to do it . lol.
    2 points
  42. The XFL needs to announce cities & who is running the teams. As well as starting to put organizations in place. I'm sure discussions are heating up now that they don't have the luxury of another year.
    2 points
  43. I say they should get a refund for being 100% correct. Would love to hear the richest owner in the league’s take on this. Too bad Thompson never says anything.
    2 points
  44. Four games. The biggest frustration is trying to understand this being consistent with other rulings. It would be interesting to be in the room as they toss around their thoughts on the hit and hearing how eventually they land on four games. I think that might be even more frustrating to listen to. Another organization that may be challenged with understanding the rationale behind this ruling is the New York Rangers.
    2 points
  45. Look on the bright side Scheifele won’t have to take the beating Edmundson is so excited to give him.
    2 points
  46. Sean Avery Reacts to Scheifele Hit on Evans - YouTube
    2 points
  47. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    First... awwww ****. Secondly, at least we are figuring this covid thing out. More reason for people to get vaxxed.
    2 points
  48. This is playoff hockey....you better be prepared for hard hits...If Schief is going to get suspended for playing at a 110 percent then I'm watching the wrong game....What a bunch of bull$hit....right out of the eastern media crapcan
    2 points
  49. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    First off... I was no fan of the Selinger government... but having the dubious distinction of have the WORST PER CAPITA RATE OF NEW COVID INFECTIONS, NORTH OF THE MEXICAN BORDER is something I feel the previous government would have avoided- thats just me. Also, those changes, sorry cuts, to the ICU bed numbers and closing emergency rooms across the city... wouldn't have happened and would not have exacerbated the strain on our healthcare system... /rant. Idiot needs to keep his mouth shut.
    2 points
  50. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    As a residential school survivor I will share my opinion. There really is no way of making reparations for this sad chapter. It must be acknowledged, remembered, but MOST importantly the effects it has had on native society must be understood. Generations separated from parents and community has had a massive trickle down effect to today. Native children having children today have no parental modelling to learn from because their parents and even grand parents don't even know how to role model for their children because they were never taught how. If the government of Canada wants to start making reparations then start in the present by overhauling CFS so that it becomes proactive instead of reactive. Bring back parental guidance and supports so that the new generations can learn how to teach their own children morals, and values and what it takes to be a responsible parent. Start by giving aboriginals a hand up, not a hand out. Create industry on reserves so that there is meaningful employment. The lazy Indian myth only persists to this day because the government stuck our people in the middle of nowhere with no prospect for employment. Start by fixing the water and housing crisis plaguing every reserve. Start by allowing first nations people to actually own the land and house they live on/in so that they may start building wealth. Start by forcing native leadership to produce financial statements to their people so that there is transparency. I could rattle off a hundred more things.....but I'll leave you with those to chew on for a bit.
    2 points
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