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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-02-20 in Posts

  1. You mean like, how my wife and I prepaid our 2020 season tickets (and parking pass) in December 2019, then rolled forward the balance to the 2021 season? They've had close to $1,500 cash from us for close to 15 months without providing any service. I think that is more than adequate and I'm sure I'm not the only one in that boat.
    3 points
  2. Blueandgold

    2021 Season

    Man I know the CFL didn’t have a good plan last year. But at the same time, the federal government has been pissing money away left and right. Yet, they couldn’t spare to help the CFL? Seems crazy.
    3 points
  3. That makes her a 11 year old and a minor. Expect a visit from the constabulary.
    3 points
  4. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Plexiglass box needs to be labelled dumbass station.
    2 points
  5. Super Duper Negatron

    2021 Season

    Not sure why there hasn't been a watch from home ticket drive. I would pay full season ticket price to have a season, personally. I cant be the only one. Im not talking pay per view either. I am talking sell "tickets", shares, whatever you want to call them we sell enough league wide, we have a season.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. blue_gold_84


    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/london-bar-sign-racism-discussion-1.5918749 And then doubles down: Alex Petro needs to head back to grade school and work on his English. I am so sick of these COVIDiot fucks.
    2 points
  8. I think AOC is more popular in Tx than ted cruz- nobody likes ted cruz.
    2 points
  9. blue_gold_84

    2021 Season

    While I disagree entirely with the opinion Ambrosie is singlehandedly at fault for all that's gone wrong since the pandemic began, that his "leadership" is bad, or that he's some scarf-sporting bogeyman, he is the commissioner of the CFL. To that end, he's effectively the "face" of the league* from the standpoint of its business operations. The same way he wears its successes, he's the one who wears its failures, even if neither are his solely his to bear. I think the issue that rubs many fans the wrong way has less to do with the current commissioner and more to do with how the CFL operates as an organization. Despite being a professional sports league, finances are often shrouded in secrecy and we're left to speculate on player contracts, team's SMS figures, profits and losses, etc. This culture has been around decades when it comes to the league's overall operational landscape, so it's not unreasonable as a fan to be put off by this. More openness wouldn't be a bad thing, IMO. We're all fans of the CFL and want there to be a 2021 season. 2020 sucked enough as it is without a CFL season, especially because our team couldn't defend its title, as well as the whole Atlantic expansion being shelved. Another lost season would be disastrous, so I hope whatever is taking place behind the scenes is progressing well. * it's no different when fans **** on Bettman or Goodell.
    2 points
  10. Tracker

    Space is the Place

    Actual photo from mars landing.
    2 points
  11. SpeedFlex27

    2021 Season

    PPV would be an abysmal failure. We don't have the population here to support it. We don't have one city the size of Chicago, New York or Los Angeles. There isn't enough revenue. Plus as people have pointed out, TSN is the rightsholder. They'd be giving the games away for free if they allowed PPV. Just not any kind of option. Now, this single team betting bill that passed in the H of C earlier this week could mean huge revenue streams for the CFL. I guess unlike Pro Line you can bet just on Bomber games for example. This could open up $$$ for each CFL team & create a following.
    1 point
  12. TrueBlue4ever

    comedy stuff

    Boy, the fun you could have if you wanted to mess with him. Watch him go all Howard Hughes. Yes, I know that is not nice to prey on someone’s anxieties. And no, I don’t care, because it’s Trump
    1 point
  13. do or die

    US Politics

    But not for John Lewis, or Covid victims, or whatever. Trump wannabe.
    1 point
  14. Tracker

    US Politics

    Florida to fly flags at half-mast for Rush Limbaugh on Ron DeSantis' order. Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered state entities to honor the late right-wing talk radio host when he is buried Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Friday at the Hilton Airport Palm Beach in West Palm Beach that he plans to lower flags at half-mast in honor of the now-deceased conservative radio titan Rush Limbaugh. According to ABC's WTXL Tallahassee, flags across Florida have been ordered to be lowered when Limbaugh's funeral, the date of which has yet to publicly announced, occurs. Limbaugh, who died of lung cancer at age 70, left behind a $50 million estate in Palm Beach Florida and taped his show just one mile away. "What we do when there's things of this magnitude," DeSantis said, lamenting Limbaugh's death, "once the date of internment for Rush is announced, we're going to be lowering the flags to half-staff." The pronouncement was met with applause from a mostly maskless audience.
    1 point
  15. Put my arm chair QBing expertise to work.
    1 point
  16. Goldkobra

    2021 Season

    No. Tsn bought the rights to the games. What they could do is a pay per view for post game press conferences, interviews and maybe something like coaches breaking down certain plays on film. Tsn owns the rights for the games but nothing else outside of the game. So they are looking at monetizing other aspects. The problem is these kinds of things cost money to produce and its unknown what the appetite would be.
    1 point
  17. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    ‘No regrets’. And there you have it, the problem summed up with these two words. A large portion of America has become radicalized with this nuttery.
    1 point
  18. Well, to pick a nit- inhabited means "living there" and Dr. Manhattan is an occasional visitor. So there.
    1 point
  19. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Ted Cruz and Lyndsey Graham are perfect illustrations of why Senators election cycles must be shortened. What is it 6 year terms once elected?
    1 point
  20. bustamente

    US Politics

    You could eliminate poverty if they set up a Cruz face punching booth
    1 point
  21. 17to85

    US Politics

    This is one of my all time favourite memes.
    1 point
  22. johnzo

    US Politics

    dod sez: Fake populist Serial lyer Arrogant Ignorant Hypocrite Bigot/misogynist Conspiracy theorist * is actually a colony of millions of alien worms in a pressurized skin suit, as we see in JCon's gif:
    1 point
  23. do or die

    US Politics

    Fake populist Serial lyer Arrogant Ignorant Hypocrite Bigot/misogynist Conspiracy theorist Sorry to say, but this actually worked for the GOP last time. Hopefully a lot of Americans can get off the cool-aid, moving forward.....
    1 point
  24. Tracker

    Space is the Place

    Mars is 100% populated by robots!
    1 point
  25. FrostyWinnipeg


    Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine can be stored at higher temperatures - https://globalnews.ca/news/7651176/pfizer-covid-vaccine-storage-temperatures/
    1 point
  26. 17to85

    2021 Season

    If they limit it to 25% capacity is that an attendance increase in Toronto?
    1 point
  27. Mark F

    US Politics

    should require "plexiglass " chase to wear a dunce cap, and her cubicle should be placed at the back. in the cloak room. any sctv fans? cruz real life guy caballero "Cheap, dishonest, gruff, and prone to making meandering patriotic speeches for no good reason, Caballero liked to affectionately describe his employees as "the SCTV family," although he routinely treated them with disdain. He was always seen in a white suit and white Panama hat, " 🤣
    1 point
  28. JCon

    US Politics

    1 point
  29. Wideleft

    US Politics

    Katie Porter is the kind of person who would be awesome in any government role, but this is a fine appointment.
    1 point
  30. https://mars.nasa.gov/news/8517/nasas-insight-hears-peculiar-sounds-on-mars/?site=insight
    1 point
  31. @KevinisInGoal · 43m Based on Jets lines rushes at morning skate, looks like C Nate Thompson returns between Harkins and Lewis; Stastny with Copp and Ehlers, Scheifele between Connor and Wheeler Oh great, Thompson is back.... Said absolutely no one.
    1 point
  32. Hate to fake news you guys but... 1) That's the older rover as you can see the tracks 2) The sound you hear was created using their best guess using a seismometer and sped up.
    1 point
  33. JCon

    Space is the Place

    I love this one too.
    1 point
  34. Tracker

    US Politics

    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Stretch


    That's like saying the Pope is "a little religious".
    1 point
  37. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    and he's still an odd duck. Ed and Darren did a "Handled Internally" podcast with him, and it was......awkward......in a lotta spots. Dude is still just kinda weird...
    1 point
  38. Stretch


    But you have to pretend it's being read in a condescending, petulant voice (his).
    1 point
  39. Dodge and Burn

    Bombers Signings

    Nobody I have ever watched play ball has made me say wow more than Chaz. A true legend.
    1 point
  40. CodyT

    Bombers Signings

    This was my thoughts exactly. It amazes me how some players are just so hard to duplicate. We think of running backs and wide receivers as a dime a dozen. And then I think of charlie and I think.... truly one of a kind. In my time watching football, he was my favorite player to ever watch. Anything could happen
    1 point
  41. 0 points
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