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  1. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    This will sound cheesy, I know, but I'm ready to step up and do whatever it takes, from a fan perspective, to help get a season off the ground. I've long toyed with buying seasons tickets, even tho I'm in AB, so maybe this is the year. Everyone, players included, are making sacrifices... I'm ready to step up if need be.
    9 points
  2. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Representation matters.
    5 points
  3. bustamente

    US Politics

    Let's get ready to rumble
    4 points
  4. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    I've said it before, but I'd listen to an argument that Bryant is the best OL in the history of the CFL, and that's coming from one of the biggest Walby fans of all time...
    3 points
  5. JCon

    Bombers Signings

    How ridiculously spoiled have we been with Bryant? That guy never misses any plays.
    3 points
  6. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Individual accountability.
    3 points
  7. Noeller

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Definitely, a lot of the logistical things are more straightforward compared to last year... so if they've modeled Profit/Loss for minimum 10% capacity and are okay with that..........?? Fingers crossed....man, I need this.
    3 points
  8. bb1

    Random Jets News

    Straight up pass....
    3 points
  9. Booch

    Bombers Signings

    Prior to Eli injury he was one of the higher rated center prospects in the NCAA going into what would have been his senior year...also at Hawaii in practice he took a lot of reps at the tackle position so grooming to become that, or have value as a depth guy before he takes over a fulltime spot is quite valuable...so landing him where we did was a complete steal I would think this may be Stan's last year if we go out on top again, and the probable switch could be Yoshi taking over the left side if we don't have an import on PR thats able to step in...If we use a Canadian at tackle eventually most likely will be at Right Tackle
    3 points
  10. JCon

    Random Jets News

    Agreed and the whole phrasing was weird. I looked at the list and said, these are all wingers? Why mention that what he's done is different from other wingers then compare him to wingers? Tell me how he compares to the top American in assists. Sorry, it's Friday and poorly worded and contextualized Twitter is making me cranky. I need more Bernie memes.
    3 points
  11. bustamente

    US Politics

    No wonder their coup attempt failed with idiots like this
    3 points
  12. Noeller

    Game 5 : Senators

    Love me a late HNIC game that I actually care about. Gonna be half in the bag by the time the game starts... Let's do it!
    3 points
  13. I haven't google searched but I'm going to assume they replaced Pannizza. I tried Pannizza a year and a bit ago and it was terrible. It was a ghetto version of Za Pizza mixed with the ability to make sandwiches. I knew it wasn't going to last when the lady who served us was completely shitting on the place and the owner and how they barely are doing any business and how her hours were cut and how she's going to tell off the owner and quit on the spot soon. Lol. Bonus Point to this story: The lady didn't realize that I used to work with her when I was 15 at Mcdonalds and she was fired for stealing a box of monopoly cups, taking all the stickers and then trying to redeem them all at once at a different location which was owned by the same owner and where the owner had his head office lol. Not the sharpest person in the world.
    3 points
  14. The club gets a cut from each replica ring sold, and the money from the Grey Cup base goes back to your club and its players directly.
    3 points
  15. I am really pleased to hear how many players have re-structured their contracts to keep the gang together. Hard to imagine many folks who have suffered financially during the pandemic would step up and take a 50%+ pay cut like Adam Bighill did going from $250,000 to $115,000. But also credit the Bombers for paying him his full $100,000 in bonuses in 2020 when they didn’t even have any games. Honest give and take from both sides, no shenanigans. A salute from this fan for a lot of class and understanding from all sides.
    3 points
  16. BBlink

    Bombers Signings

    Having our entire starting oline back is sick
    3 points
  17. 2 points
  18. FrostyWinnipeg


    2 points
  19. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    It's horrendous that they've done this. Wasting our resources to fight something most people want. It's an ideological argument and not a scientific one. But, that's today's PC party for you.
    2 points
  20. 17to85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    So still no plans without fans. Great leadership there randy.
    2 points
  21. JCon


    You're looking at an official government website, of course, they're not going to tell you about free and simple solutions. There is no way for the gov't to trace and control you if you don't take the official Covid vaccines. Wake up, sheeple!
    2 points
  22. FrostyWinnipeg


    Don;t see Bleach from Trump Pharmaceuticals on that list.
    2 points
  23. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    We can but oil is so cheap and plentiful.
    2 points
  24. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    Yeah, I was gonna say, I think the days of a Canadian playing the second most important position on the field are as done as a Canadian playing the most important position on the field..... they'll find another American to take over from SB66 eventually...
    2 points
  25. absolutely was the first thing that jumped out at me.... also, apparently wingers don't pass....only score. Oiiiiiiiiii veyyyyyyy...... you know how I know there's too many people in hockey media who never actually played hockey but are "huge fans"??
    2 points

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    The 2017 to 2019 comparison is cherry picking Nichols best year to Faj-JJ's 4th year in the league, first year as a starter. I don't think Faj-JJ is worth anywhere near $500K, but he's a young starter on his way up, not a beat up old QB who can't stay healthy. Lets see how he does next year before we call him a one or two trick pony.
    2 points
  27. Tracker

    US Politics

    No doubt that Cruz will be elevated to folk-hero status in Texas for his keen insight and principled stands.
    2 points
  28. JCon

    Random Jets News

    No one edits this Tweets? "Despite playing most of his career as a winger... he's only the 4th on this all-American list" Despite being a winger, here he is compared to other wingers. They start the sentence trying to make sound like he's done something unique as a winger but are comparing him to wingers? Gah, just bad writing.
    2 points
  29. BBlink

    Bombers Signings

    We'll just use him in the Grey Cup. It will be fine.
    2 points
  30. If Stanley and Heinola actually show well and stay with the big club, that's a HUGE bonus and relief for Chevy. You can't replace Buff, Myers and Trouba overnight, but if two guys suddenly appear more than serviceable.... Hallelujah 🙌
    2 points
  31. BBlink

    Bombers Signings

    That's part of the reason I put a name on the Grey Cup base
    2 points
  32. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    The only thing holding us together is this legal document and some vague notion of nationality. You open it up and everything falls apart.
    2 points
  33. A tale of two Fauci
    2 points
  34. Brandon

    Bombers Signings

    He's the best in the league at a time where the quality of players overall in the league is at it's highest. He's sustained his high level of play throughout his career while playing under multiple coaches. I'd find it hard pressed for anyone to suggest he is not the best of all time.
    1 point
  35. Brandon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Sadly.... insert joke about Toronto still not being able to fill 10 - 15% of their stadium regardless of COVID =\
    1 point
  36. Guys, positivity and optimism, please...
    1 point
  37. Stretch


    Agreements for up to almost 400 million does for a country that needs about 76 million (based on a population of 38 million). Really good sales reps at those companies.
    1 point
  38. according to Glazer he didn't come back bc spotters/trainers thought it was a concussion at the time as he appeared to knock his head and was very wobbly. he was apparently vociferously arguing to get back in. as for the vein i think it's the jugular. so i think spotters/trainers were maybe overreacting to how he presented immediately after the hit; i suspect if they had known he had basically been choked out and not concussed, they would've let him back in. caveat: i'm not a doctor so maybe when you get choked out you appear to have symptoms more similar to concussion...
    1 point
  39. i actually heard from Jay Glazer that he did not in fact have a concussion at all and that the player basically choked him out by accident...
    1 point
  40. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    No biggie on flying in. They just need a test before they fly, and, by then, most will have the vaccine.
    1 point
  41. Noeller

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    further to this, the league sent this out today: A LETTER FROM RANDY AMBROSIE To the CFL Family: We just wanted to check in and let you know how we’re doing. But most of all, we want you to know we’re thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing. There’s no getting around it: this can feel like a dark time. Some of us are in “lock down”, most of us feel cooped up. It’s easy to feel down or get worked up. But here’s the thing: I strongly believe 2021 is the year we transition back to something that feels normal. I’m feeling positive. And we at the CFL are optimistic about the year ahead. We’re all human. We can all feel our mood shift a bit with each new headline. But here’s our bottom line: we plan to play CFL football this year, and lots of it. We just need to hunker down and get through this Winter first. As we’ve said for months, you can help by following the guidelines in your area. I talk to government and health officials often; they’re hopeful, too, but they want us to remind you that we need to pull together. Here at the CFL, we’re watching closely the pace of the virus, and the progress of the vaccination efforts. And they will ultimately affect our ability to get our great players back on the field – and our wonderful fans back in the stands. We’re in constant communication with medical experts. We’re working to be ready when public health officials give us the green light. But we are determined to play. We are also working hard with the CFLPA – the players, our partners in this great league. We are committed to ensuring that we build our plans for 2021, for the future in collaboration with the Players’ Association and their members. We love and miss our game. We love and miss our players, our fans, our partners. And we love and miss showcasing the CFL. We know the CFL is a significant part of Canadian life. It’s more than just another sport, or another product. It’s ours, part of our country’s DNA. It has always stood for community. No group of athletes do more to help sick kids or bullied ones, or to teach young boys that respect for women is a requisite for real manhood, or to help stock our food banks. Our clubs’ community work may be more visible in our smaller markets, but it’s significant everywhere we play – and every place that we visit. It's also true that the CFL brings Canadians together in a powerful and unique way. It encourages us to look to the west or the east, instead of always looking south. It makes for intense, but friendly rivalries that cross city and provincial boundaries. Its’ power to unite is most obvious at Grey Cup, when millions of Canadians take time out to watch our biggest game, enjoy at halftime the country’s largest show. Thousands more, from every corner of the country, gather in person, to hoist a beer, embrace an old friend, and celebrate our game and our country, and what they mean to one another. And we all feel pride by the day’s national symbols: the Canadian military’s flyover before the game, the Mounties delivering the Grey Cup trophy as it ends, and the Cup itself, a monument to Canadian resilience and resolve. Canada needs the CFL, perhaps now more than ever. And we need all of you in the CFL family: our dedicated fans, tremendous players, loyal partners, dedicated staff and selfless volunteers. So, please, hang in there. Let’s be clear eyed about where things are today. Please be careful to protect yourselves, your family, your community. But we ask you to do something else, too: please look forward, to when we’re back on the field, back at the stadium, and together again at Grey Cup. Some positivity and optimism will help us get there sooner and stronger. The next time we rise for the anthem before a CFL game, or on Grey Cup Sunday, and we sing about the True North Strong and Free, we’ll do so knowing we are finally freeing ourselves from this terrible virus, and we were strong enough to get through the tough times. And how great will that be? I’ve always believed in that old saying, that it is always darkest before the dawn. Please know the light is coming, for Canada, the CFL and the entire CFL Family. Randy Ambrosie, CFL Commissioner
    1 point
  42. JCon


    There are only two vaccines currently approved in Canada; however, the government has deals with several more suppliers. Vaccine agreements with suppliers Supplier Doses Authorized Anticipated delivery start AstraZeneca 20 million No Pending Health Canada authorization Moderna 40 million Moderna authorization December 2020 Pfizer Up to 76 million Pfizer authorization December 2020 Johnson & Johnson Note* Up to 38 million No Pending Health Canada authorization Medicago Up to 76 million No Pending Health Canada authorization Novavax Up to 76 million No Pending Health Canada authorization Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline Up to 72 million No Pending Health Canada authorization Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-services-procurement/services/procuring-vaccines-covid19.html
    1 point
  43. Yes, he's been a professional for two years now. He's can be scooped.
    1 point
  44. 17to85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    I think it will be largely the same kinds of things. I think the real difference will be the game management aspect of it. Lapos biggest flaw was that he didn't have a good sense of the flow of the game and when to go for it and when to dial it back. Pierce I expect to have a better connection to things like that being a former quarterback.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. tacklewasher

    US Politics

    Isn't there some way to have idiots like this removed if they try this ****? Other than voting them out? Can't a senator be removed? God I'm tired of bullshit.
    1 point
  47. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    We already have a solution that would take some investing to get up to snuff, but no new technology or anything like that would be needed. Anything made by oil can also be made by hemp.
    1 point
  48. Dr Zaius

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    With the way our defense showed up in the Grey Cup, Nichols wins that game for us. That being said, I don't think Nichols would have won the game in Saskatchewan. Collaros made timely plays under pressure. Buried in our endzone and hitting Adams 35 yards down field on the sideline just isn't a throw I think Matt Nichols ever completes.
    1 point
  49. wbbfan

    Bombers Signings

    Im pretty confident that gray will be ready and end up being an anchor on our line.
    1 point
  50. do or die

    US Politics

    Found it....
    1 point
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