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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-02-07 in Posts

  1. Lawler at 250k is about what I’d like to see, any more than that would be unnecessary to me. We still have Schoen to re-up next year.
    13 points
  2. You don't move on from Dan Clark, Dan Clark moves on from you
    12 points
  3. Most players can only dream of going to a city where the team's play by play announcer regularly insults you.
    10 points
  4. My Windows Paint interpretation on the Sad Sack Sask sticker For @Bubba Zanetti
    9 points
  5. It's... beautiful. And the shitty cropping just adds to the sadness! Sir this undoubtedly will become the face of the Riders online. Everyone: save this file. Apply liberally.
    8 points
  6. That's a good get. Don't know what they'll pay but if they can get him and Lewis, they'll have two excellent receivers to trade at the deadline.
    8 points
  7. It's almost as if, after a thoroughly disappointing season, the thought of hitting reset and beginning a new project from the ground up (football operations, coaching, players) wasn't even an option that anyone considered. Like, putting a big contract on a QB who'll be 37 when TC opens, and a big name defender in the hopes of chasing a 7 win season is a plan worth having. I'd be furious.
    8 points
  8. so as it sits...before camp starts we can trot out Bryant / Grey/Eli/Neuf/Yoshi on the oline..backed up by Dobson and Kolo Have Brady backed up by Augustine.. ZC chucking a ball to Woli/Demski//Schoen/Lawler and likely Agudosi, with BOLO and Grant rostered Defensively will line up at current Willie/Walker/.Jake/Lawson /Jeffcoat and Hansen as a rotation end Wilson/Biggie/Darby with a back end of Rose/Nichols/BA/Houston/Lawrence...with Parker back Now how can you say that isn't a good starting point going into camp and not even counting any of the prospects/draftees brought in, or any other free agent signed...got to give Walters credit where credit is due...has done a masterful job
    6 points
  9. as Walters drops the mic.......
    6 points
  10. also, there is no such thing as over-paying Milt Stegall, who is inarguably the greatest receiver in CFL history, and a Top 10 CFL player of all time....
    6 points
  11. What's crazier....paying Harris 500k or playing in SSK for anything less?
    6 points
  12. But seriously- if we sign Lawler (and we have all been saying we would since about October if not last February) then:
    6 points
  13. "Trevor Harris is playing some of his best football right now" - Craig Dickenson hahahahaha
    6 points
  14. Nothing happens until next Tuesday, but apparently in Riders country, it's already happened....
    6 points
  15. Wait a minute. This morning I read everyone on here saying that it was stupid for a GM to grossly overpay for an American receiver. This afternoon it’s the complete opposite. Lol. And here I thought Riders fans were ridiculous. So the Bombers have 2 players signed for about $900K? Lol , yeah that’ll work out well.
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. Wolitarski is under contract isn’t he?
    5 points
  18. I don't want to talk numbers and reality. I just want some time to daydream about Schoen, Demski and Lawler catching passes from ZC and nobody being able to stop our offense.
    5 points
  19. Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.
    5 points
  20. Yup. 750K on a 3 year deal works for me!
    5 points
  21. I trust Walters to do the right thing... He always does. I'd hate to over spend on a receiver and have it cost us the ability to get a DT, which we need more, but again, I trust Walters.
    5 points
  22. 5 points
  23. I don’t say this lightly. That was the dumbest football opinion I’ve ever heard. It’s not even close.
    5 points
  24. That is just a really bad take. Like, almost 180 degrees from reality. Impressive.
    5 points
  25. I made the mistake of going on the Riderfans page to see what they are thinking and I was pleasantly surprised that most of the people were giving honest opinions...... until I read this:
    5 points
  26. Walters putting his kickstand to good use!
    4 points
  27. Dunbar is a nice add for the Elks.
    4 points
  28. We all know that Milt got his overpayment in the form of a minivan!
    4 points
  29. It's between us and the Saskatchewan Overpay's.
    4 points
  30. he is king of the yards between the 30's and no TD's tho...been that way forever...and wont change in sadsackville...not with the cast of plugs...slugs...and duds
    4 points
  31. And how about Brady O with another year of experience?
    4 points
  32. O'Day going full drunken sailor and FA is a week away.
    4 points
  33. Wait. They gave Weinke more than the bombers gave Demski?
    4 points
  34. Keep in mind the salary cap is supposed to be going up a fair bit because there's a new US TV contract coming, so I think GMs are basing their budgets on that. That's why you see the elevated future years of 3 year deals...
    4 points
  35. If Lawler is worth 333k/year then what is Scheon worth next year? He has played one year and put up a bigger season than KL ever did (stats wise).
    4 points
  36. I don't know if I've seen anyone say the Bombers should go get him at that price....?
    4 points
  37. I'd do 3x 250 without blinking. Best hands in the league by a mile.
    4 points
  38. Am I remembering the rules correctly that Edmonton cannot make part of the money guaranteed because you need to be under contract with the same team for two years before getting guarantees?
    4 points
  39. I'd love to have Lawler back but not at that price. Hopefully we find a new that works for both sides.
    4 points
  40. If that's what he's asking for...it's a pass from me. He's undeniably a game changer. But that's a lot of cheddar
    4 points
  41. I'm really pissed off that Walters re-signed Collaros, Bryant, Jeffcoat, Demski, the entire secondary, etc.... how is the team supposed to compete with garbage like this??
    4 points
  42. When June jones got to ham they had been struggling with good offensive pieces but not enough protection. They go max protect to 6 ol and a blocking back full time and have one of the best offenses in the league. Since he left they’ve stripped it down and down and just gotten worse. It’s crazy how hell bent people in the league are on doing the same stuff when they just don’t have the pieces to do it well.
    4 points
  43. I’ve said multiple times that I’ve never seen Harris put together multiple good outings consecutively. He’s efficient, and likely is the best option available, I definitely prefer him over Dane Evans. But as most have said, unless the OLine is improved, it doesn’t matter.
    4 points
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