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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-01-20 in Posts

  1. Wideleft


    Somewhat related:
    9 points
  2. Lanier arriving at Rider practice...
    6 points
  3. It is a lot easier to score points and control field position when you are starting drives around midfield.
    6 points
  4. Grant is a borderline “must have”. He may not be an every down player - but he is a game changer. People discount elite returners until you don’t have one. They aren’t that easy to find.
    6 points
  5. Sard


    Choosing to wear a mask in public, keep distance from people, or staying home does not equal living in fear. Choosing to wear a mask in public can mean any number of things, including choosing to help others out if you aren't feeling 100% but needing to be out to get groceries. Of course you're not going to see people who are staying home and "hiding", if you did, that would mean they didn't stay home.
    6 points
  6. Unfortunately I don't have snap counts, but... Winnipeg's D faced 686 dropbacks (Pass attempts + Sacks + QB scrambles) Ottawa's D faced 613 Total pass + rush attempts against their D + sacks (per CFL): Winnipeg: 942 Ottawa: 947
    6 points
  7. I BBQ all yr round ..prob 2x a week min in winter
    5 points
  8. Too cold to BBQ? That sounds like a challenge! When I prepare my steak sous vide, I put it on the grill afterwards to get a nice sear after.
    5 points
  9. JCon


    Disagree. They've spent the last 30 years reshaping the minds of Americans, per Murdoch's desire to dumb down entire generations. He's evil and his empire is too. So many dead. So much blood on his filthy rich hands.
    5 points
  10. FrostyWinnipeg


    This still revelevant but more so couple years ago.
    5 points
  11. MOBomberFan


    AP News, Reuters, Al-Jazeera are generally solid, VICE is getting bigger and better by the day, The Guardian is generally in the centre but does lean more left than right. News agencies with an agenda or political slant will take reports directly from AP and Reuters, run it through their spin machines, and present the identical story garnished with their own slant. We used to take media literacy in high school and were tasked with finding articles using neutral language and articles that had a slant... going direct to Reuters or AP was the only way to do it.
    5 points
  12. Tracker


    CBC, BBC, Al-Jazeera and various websites which have a proven history of accurate reporting and predicting.
    5 points
  13. Two great interviews by Justin Dunk, O'Shea opens up much more than he usually does when talking to the media.
    5 points
  14. Wideleft


    Someone is confusing "we've moved on" with "governments responsible for public health have totally abdicated responsibility and accountability". Again with the "I see it with my eyes, therefore it's true and right." rather than "What am I seeing with my eyes, and why?" That is the difference between our commenting.
    5 points
  15. blue_gold_84


    The irony dripping from this comment is as palpable as the glaring and utter lack of self-awareness. Anecdotes and personal experiences being feebly passed off as evidence of anything is laughable, too. The media and many governments fumbled the message(s) many times since the pandemic began, but how does that differ from anything else with regard to news, world events, etc. since the dawn of the 24-hour news cycle, internet, and social media? Being bombarded by information constantly can be exhausting but it's not insurmountably challenging to sift through the garbage and figure out what's factual in order to be informed and use critical thinking. A cloudy or unclear message does not equate to propaganda. Propaganda is generally defined as information of a misleading, inaccurate, and/or biased nature with the express purpose of influencing or persuading an audience of a particular view, often misrepresenting facts or ignoring them altogether. It also uses loaded language to elicit emotional responses rather than rational or objective ones. For example: "vaccination can less the severity of symptoms of a novel virus." vs. "vaccines contain dead babies and will work with 5G towers to exterminate people." It's pretty easy to see which one is propaganda. And as far as vaccines go, the facts have been quite clear for many years now and the COVID-19 vaccines are no different. The only "agenda" being pushed to get vaccinated during a global health crisis is protect oneself and others. Is trying to save lives really an agenda, though? "Vaccine hesitant" individuals should've just talked to their physician or any self-respecting doctor or medical professional, as doing so would've allayed their concern and informed them of the facts. Being hesitant of proven scientific facts doesn't make rational sense. It's like saying one is seatbelt hesitant because car accidents injure or kill people. And let's be honest here: the us vs. them mentality has been around much, much longer than this pandemic. But that's a much broader issue related to wealth disparity and socioeconomic inequality that has hampered humanity for ages. The tolerance paradox applies here. Intolerant or ignorant views should not be tolerated.
    5 points
  16. Wideleft


    Oh boy! This is why you've made yourself a target around here. The weakness in almost all your arguments is that you speak in absolutes when all you have is your own anecdotal evidence as "research". You seem incapable of comprehending complexity or nuance because it's just easier to relate your "knowledge" based on what you see in your small corner of the world. To top it off, you have the nerve to suggest that your detractors (like me) get off social media because it's poisoning our minds. As someone who constantly provides links to information, I suspect that you can't even access half of them. Do you even subscribe, bro?
    5 points
  17. She's slowly poisoning his food.
    4 points
  18. It won't be that exact situation, as he was in the building with Walters a week or two ago - but I do think it's done and just hasn't been announced.
    4 points
  19. JCon

    Around The NHL 2022-23

    Are we still pretending that we're not old?
    4 points
  20. JCon


    Faith means believing without evidence. Makes people feel good and validates their opinions. Just because lots of people share the same ignorance doesn't mean everyone has to or that it's correct.
    4 points
  21. HardCoreBlue


    I would also add simply holding a 'religious' belief or any belief for that matter and my freedom, my individual right to share my beliefs with others so I can counter things like equality, anti racism, inclusivity, tolerance etc does not shield me from criticism when people counter my counter. Nor can I use the consequences of me sharing these beliefs to gaslight away, trigger away others by completely abusing to my advantage concepts like tolerance, many sides to this issue, inclusivity, respect, having an open mind etc etc for nefarious reasons. Freedom of uninformed and not well thought thru speech, freedom of holding outdated and regressive beliefs does not mean freedom from consequences when sharing these outdated and regressive beliefs. We are all to be held to that standard no matter who we are and no matter what we look like.
    4 points
  22. Trouble brewing in the old hen house. Darnell Sankey @DarnellSankey · 22h I’m always gonna give respect where respect is due. I expect the same in return! I’ll leave it at that
    4 points
  23. TrueBlue4ever


    I always remember Jon Stewart’s final Daily Show and his closing monologue about the prevalence of bull **** in the world and how to recognize it. A not-very-veiled attack on modern media and politics. If you can read it in Stewart’s voice and cadence it works better: ”Bullshit is everywhere. There is very little that you will encounter in life that has not been, in some way, infused with bullshit; not all of it bad. The general day-to-day organic free-range bullshit is often necessary, or, at the very least, innocuous: "Oh, what a beautiful baby! I'm sure it'll grow into that head!" That kind of bullshit, in many ways, provides important social contract fertilizer, which keeps people from making each other cry all day. But then, there's the more pernicious bullshit; the premediated, institutional bullshit designed to obscure and distract. Designed by whom? The bullshit-ocracy. It comes in three basic flavours: 1. Making bad things sound like good things. "Organic, all-natural cupcakes", because "Factory-made sugar oatmeal balls" doesn't sell. "Patriot Act", because "Are-you-scared-enough-to-let-me-look-at-all-your-phone-records? Act" doesn't sell. So, whenever something's been titled "Freedom, Family, Fairness and Health America", take a good, long sniff. Chances are it's been manufactured in a facility that may contain traces of bullshit. 2. Hiding the bad things under mountains of bullshit. Complexity. "You know, I would love to download Drizzy's latest Meek Mill diss, but I'm not really interested right now in reading Tolstoy's iTunes agreement. So, I'll just click "Agree", even if it grants Apple prima nocta with my spouse!" Here's another one: simply put, "Banks shouldn't be able to bet your pension money on red" Bullshitly put it's, "Hey, a handful of billionaires can't buy our elections, right? Of course not. They can only pour unlimited, anonymous cash into a 501(c)4 if 50% is devoted to Issue Education, otherwise they'd have to 501(c)6 it, or funnel it openly through a non-campaign coordinating Super PAC, with a quarter- I think they're asleep now, we can sneak out!" And finally, the bullshit of infinite possibility. These bullshitters cover their unwillingness to act under the guise of unending inquiry. "We can't do anything, because we don't yet know everything." "We cannot take action on climate change until everyone in the world agrees gay marriage vaccines won't cause our children to marry goats who are gonna come for our guns" But the good news is this: bullshitters have gotten pretty lazy, and their work is easily detected, and looking for it is kind of a pleasant way to pass the time, like an “I spy” of bullshit. So I say to you tonight, friends, the best defence against bullshit is vigilance. So, if you smell something, say something.”
    4 points
  24. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Jean Chretien brought in a per-vote tax subsidy to reduce outside influences, but Harper scrapped it. https://www.ctvnews.ca/federal-government-moves-to-kill-per-vote-party-subsidy-1.707244
    4 points
  25. Demski wasn't re-signed until mid February in 2019, and he stated at that time the deal was done some time ago but he just hadn't put pen to paper on it before that as he was out of the country. Could be the same scenario again.
    4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. That picture needs to be used for the Statue that inevitably will be built out side the stadium
    4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. It's funny because sous vide is about slow and airfryer is about fast. Both are great methods but I like slow so I can get more beers in my belly that way.
    3 points
  30. He's clearly not actually married.
    3 points
  31. We really want a sous vide.
    3 points
  32. Got my wife a Ninja grill, griddle, air fryer for Christmas this year and it's the most used appliance in the kitchen now. It's magic with food
    3 points
  33. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    What do you qualify as crucial validities? I am honestly curious. I will do my best to give you good information.
    3 points
  34. HardCoreBlue


    I think where you and I part ways is your use of the term ‘both sides’. Absurdity no matter where it’s coming from is not a side.
    3 points
  35. JCon

    Around The NHL 2022-23

    It's very 1995 NHL All-Star.
    3 points
  36. JCon


    Along with others mentioned, the Freep. Editorials and commentary are very hit and miss. Doesn't matter the source. They tend to publish opinions that meet the owners expectations or they try to provide "balance" by allowing unsupported claims without pushback. I'm not certain but it feels like editing skills have diminished. It's probably just a result of cuts over the years.
    3 points
  37. Spring rolls. From frozen to deliciousness in 7minutes. I've stood at a urinal for longer than that.
    3 points
  38. Wideleft


    Was your initial response a little rude? Sure was. Do we sometimes need to be harsh with people minimizing a deadly health crisis or spreading misinformation about it?
    3 points
  39. blue_gold_84


    You've made many mistakes in this thread and others. But at least you have a child cosplaying as an adult down pat.
    3 points
  40. blue_gold_84


    The term is "out of touch with reality," you deluded ghoul. With.
    3 points
  41. Wideleft


    Your "attempt" was more than solid.
    3 points
  42. HardCoreBlue


    Great, glad you accept all views. Most of us here do if it is an actual view with some critical thinking, curiosities, facts, healthy skepticism ext etc added to it. What frustrates me with this 'listen to all views and if you don't you're in an echo chamber and you're mean and defensive' is this legitimate approach it's being abused by some imo. For example very simply, when a 'view, perspective, another side' comes in hot (i.e., gaslighting, passive aggressive etc) on this board void of facts, critical thinking and its rightfully called out (yes sometimes it can be called out bluntly by some - that's a whole other issue to chat about) the default response is you all live in an echo chamber, you all are defensive, mean, belittling, can't we just all get along, wow what is wrong with you all'. What are we to do with absurdity because simply words forming in one's head that are typed into an post doesn't make it a view, another side, a perspective until other things are added, like thinking it thru, informing yourself, identify your gaps etc etc.
    3 points
  43. Seems to me that Demski is the last must have.
    3 points
  44. FrostyWinnipeg

    US Politics

    3 points
  45. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Singh threatening to pull support for the government if they fund provincial healthcare that expands privatization. Canada's health-care system under threat from both Liberals and Conservatives: Singh | CBC News
    3 points
  46. I love that other team’s fans are wondering how we are able to bring our guys back. Well, to start : 1. We manage the SMS better than any team 2. Guys want to be here 3. You can basically add playoff money into your salary 4. We draft well
    3 points
  47. MOBomberFan


    I have a couple direct answers for this, just my take, maybe asking an actual doctor would be more useful but here goes...
    2 points
  48. CodyT

    Canadian Politics

    This 1000% times. Should be no private donors allowed. This goes against all things democratic and is widely swept under the rug. There must be a way where the tax payers fund an allotted amount to each party to run and that's that. No outside money. I am a capitalist but there should be a cap in my opinion. A billionaire has too much power to buy elections, laws, and decisions that positively affect them and **** everyone else.
    2 points
  49. Easier to be a stand-out when the rest of your team stinks and pass rush is damn sexy. Most guys playing rush end in this league could just pile up numbers when most of the games they are playing in are meaningless. Who cares if you lose your gap and lose by 24 instead of being in your gap that play and losing by 17. Easy to be selfish on a bad team. Remember Shonte Peoples? Alex Hall?
    2 points
  50. GCn20

    Manitoba Fishing

    Going out for Rainbow's Saturday just down the road and hitting Clearwater for Lakers next week. Last year I hit the Northern Grand Slam for master angler fish. Hoping to get my first two species knocked out in the next few days. Need my rainbow and Laker. I got all wnter for Jack and pickerel..so not worried about that at all. Got mid lake a few miles from home for the rainbows ...but I suck at small trout fishing.
    2 points
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