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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-05-10 in Posts

  1. blue_gold_84

    Space is the Place

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/james-webb-telescope-images-1.6447622 Amazing. Simply amazing.
    7 points
  2. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Oh, god no. NO, no, no. I had to live with it in Ontario and it's godawful.
    6 points
  3. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    They started by neutering the Hydro board. Then they dismantled PUB and their powers. It's a step by step plan to reduce ties to gov't and remove it entirely from the GRE. Next step will be to say that the debt is insurmountable and the only way to save "tax payers" is to sell it off. Rinse, repeat. Just like MTS.
    6 points
  4. Riders bring back Charleston Hughes. Would have been news a few years ago but now...
    5 points
  5. Chris Jones needs a life time ban from the CFL.
    5 points
  6. It's much more impressing if you just cut and paste it: SECTION I. ABUSING PARLIAMENT: SABOTAGE, SCANDALS, CORRUPTION AND CONTEMPT This section includes examples of willful misgoverning by the PM and his team, 31 times they have lied, flouted rules and stymied democracy to achieve political and ideological ends. The Tyee is supported by readers like you Join us and grow independent media in Canada PMO Tied to Senate Hush Money Scandal An RCMP affidavit reported widespread involvement by PMO staffers in a secret payment to Senator Mike Duffy to try and make a political problem go away. The Senate expenses scandal brought on allegations of a cover-up, a breach of the public trust, and a whitewashing of a Senate report. The PMO was found to have hand in the altering of a damning Deloitte audit. Harper Found in Contempt of Parliament For refusing to disclose information on the costing of programs to Parliament, which Parliament was entitled to receive, the Harper government became the first in Canadian history to be found in contempt of Parliament. Against Court Order, Refusal to Share Budget Info Even though it lost a court case and was ordered to comply, the Harper government nevertheless refused to share 170 times reasons and impacts for cuts with Canada’s independent budget watchdog, mocking Parliament’s right to control the public purse. Conservative Cabinet Staffers Granted Immunity from Testimony A PMO edict absolved political staffers from ever having to testify before parliamentary committees. Conservatives Falsify Reports and Documents Among documents deliberately altered in the writing or the quoting by the government: CIDA document by Bev Oda’s office on Kairos; the Senate Committee Report on the Duffy affair; a report by former auditor general Sheila Fraser on financial management. Repeated Duplicity in Afghan Detainees Controversy Among the abuses: Parliament was misled and denied documents. An inquiry was shut down. Tories attempted to discredit diplomat Richard Colvin whose testimony diverted from the government’s line. Repeated Duplicity on Costing of F-35 Fighter Jets An auditor general’s report revealed serial deceptive practices used by the Conservatives in misleading the public and Parliament on the projected cost of the fighter jets. Harper Minister Lies, Blames Statistics Canada for Killing Long Form Census Under fire for Conservatives killing the long form census, Industry Minister Tony Clement falsely stated that StatsCan backed the idea and assured the voluntary substitute would yield valid statistical data. Neither was true, outraged StatsCan sources confirmed. Conservative MP Admits He Lied to Parliament As opposition members claimed the Harper government was out to rig election rules in its favour, Conservative MP Brad Butt rose in the House of Commons to say why the bill was needed -- all the voter fraud he had personally witnessed. Weeks later he rose again to say his statements were false. Delivering his strained apology, he failed to explain why he lied in the first place. Conservative House Leader Admits to Mockery of Question Period Criticized far and wide for farcical answers in question period, Paul Calandra, parliamentary secretary to Harper, made a tearful apology for abuse of the democratic process. Harper Maligns the Supreme Court Chief Justice The Prime Minister took the unprecedented step of alleging inappropriate conduct by Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin. Facts undermined the credibility of the PM’s position. Conservatives Engage in Abuse of Process with Omnibus Bills Harper’s party pushed legislation through Parliament via omnibus bills, the scale of which Parliament had never seen. Such bills are widely condemned as an abuse of the democratic process, because they blend and bury so many controversial laws within one dense package. Harper himself once railed against them, and his born again love for them made his own MPs queasy. Referencing such bills, former auditor general Sheila Fraser said that “Parliament has become so undermined that it is almost unable to do the job that people expect of it.” ‘Parliament has become so undermined that it is almost unable to do the job that people expect of it.’ Former auditor general Sheila Fraser on Harper’s omnibus bills. Harperites Deliberately Sabotage, Stymie Committee System Conservatives used tactics such as barring witnesses, closure, time limitations, and in camera sessions to an extent rarely, if ever, witnessed in Canada. In their early days in power, top Conservatives prepared a handbook instructing committee chairpersons how to obstruct proceedings. Harper’s Own MPs Protest Muzzling In a caucus known for his tight discipline, in 2014 some members finally rose up to contest being censored at question period by the Prime Minister’s Office. Former Conservative backbencher Brent Rathgeber turned independent and published a book, Irresponsible Government, decrying anti-democratic practices. Conservative Bill Rewrites History to Protect Mounties from Potential Criminal Charges To protect the RCMP, the government retroactively made an old bill come into force before it was passed by Parliament. Harper Minister Caught in Advertising Scam with Public Funds The Globe and Mail revealed that Harper’s chosen Minister for Democratic Reform Pierre Poilievre commissioned a team of public servants for overtime work on a Sunday to film him glad-handing constituents. The vanity video on the taxpayer dime was to promote the government’s benefits for families. Corrupt Conservative Cronies The Senate scandal is just the latest eruption of crony corruption in Harperite ranks. Take Bruce Carson. He was a convicted fraudster before Harper made him a key advisor in the PMO. There, Carson was lobbied for money for a new University of Calgary eco-think tank. He then left the PMO to run the same think tank, converting it to an oil industry booster with a $15-million grant from the Harper government. The complex saga added one more criminal charge to others Carson faces for allegedly illegally working his connections with the Harper government. Access to Information System Impeded Many new roadblocks have been put up by the Harper Conservatives. Former Information Commissioner Robert Marleau concluded that having obtained absolute power, the prime minister “has absolutely abused that power to the maximum.” The Silencing of the Public Service The PMO took an unprecedented step in instituting a system wherein the bureaucracy has all its communications vetted by the political nerve centre. The policy contribution role of the public service is significantly reduced. Complaints from insiders allege that the Privy Council office has become increasingly politicized. Loyalty Oaths Imposed on Public Servants Archivists and librarians were made to swear strict oaths of allegiance and were hit with restrictions on freedom of speech that editorialists of the right and left described as chilling. Integrity Commissioner Christiane Ouimet sat on more than 200 whistleblower files before quitting. Her style? ‘Gross mismanagement,’ concluded the auditor general. Harper Government Sued by Justice Department Whistleblower Time and again the Harper government proposes bills that end up being shot down by the courts, prompting critics to say such legislation is more about making political statements than lasting policy. The wasted efforts bothered senior justice department lawyer Edgar Schmidt so much he finally sued the government for breaking the law by inadequately evaluating whether proposed bills violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He was promptly suspended without pay. Conservatives Block Accreditation for Opposition MPs In another example of partisanship taken to new heights, the PMO blocked opposition members from being accredited for international environment conferences and from visiting military bases. Tactic Borrowed from North Korea’s Dear Leader Ostensibly neutral public servants were used as stooges, falsely posing as new citizens in a staged Citizenship Renewal public relations exercise by the Immigration Department. Media critics had a field day comparing the charade to practices undertaken by North Korean dictators. Clampdown on Freedom of Speech of Diplomatic Corps Ottawa’s diplomats must get all communications approved from Conservative political operatives. Under Harper, the country’s ambassadors are hardly heard from any more. In a recent speech, former United Nations ambassador Stephen Lewis said our political culture under the Conservatives has descended into “a nadir of indignity.” Aquatic Science Libraries Decimated The Harper government’s downsizing of federal libraries included sudden closing of seven world famous Department of Fisheries and Oceans archives. A leaked memo revealed the destruction and consolidation would save less than half a million dollars. Scientist patrons of the libraries, who witnessed chaotic chucking of rare literature, called it a “book burning” with no logical purpose other than to restrict environmental information. The Harper government claimed vital works would be digitally preserved, but never provided a plan or cost for doing so, nor any proof it had happened. No scientists interviewed by The Tyee believed digitizing would or could replace what was lost. UN Blasts Canada’s Treatment of Immigrants Changes made to the Canada’s immigration and refugee system under Harper were investigated by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, whose report blasted how thousands of migrants are detained indefinitely without due process, many for over a year or more, as well as poor mental health support for those incarcerated. Harper Government Denies Khadr Basic Rights Defying court rulings, the Conservative government refused to accord Omar Khadr basic rights such as access to media. Editorialists of right and left persuasion described the move as unbefitting a democratic government. Illegitimate Prorogation of Parliament, Twice Prorogations are a legitimate procedure that can be abused depending on motivations. The Harper government provoked 60 protests across Canada and beyond its borders in 2010 after shutting the legislature’s doors to escape condemnation on the Afghan detainees’ file. It was the second prorogation in a year’s period. Undue Interference with Independent Agencies Command and control system was extended to meddling in bodies like National Energy Board and CRTC whose arms-length autonomy is significantly reduced. A special target was the Parliamentary Budget Office, which was hit with condemnations and budget cuts for its critical reports. Billions Borrowed without Parliament’s Permission The auditor general sounded alarms about the “prodigious” growth and size of federal borrowing. Those billions in “non-budgetary” spending used to get Parliament’s oversight, but no more. The finance minister can borrow what he wants without Parliament’s permission. Why? A loophole buried in a 2007 Harper omnibus bill. Lapdogs Appointed as Watchdogs The most controversial was the case of former Integrity Commissioner Christiane Ouimet. Her office reviewed more than 200 whistleblowing cases. Disciplinary action followed on none of them. Ouimet’s own angry staffers blew the whistle on their boss. The auditor general found Ouimet intimidated her employees, took “retaliatory action” against them and may have breached their privacy, all part of the Harper appointee’s “gross mismanagement.” Ouimet was paid more than $500,000 to leave her post. SECTION II: ‘HARPER BRAND’ ABUSES: LIES, SPIES, AND THIS PORK SMELLS REALLY BAD This election began the minute the last one ended. Since his first day as PM, Stephen Harper has reinforced his party’s ‘brand’ by rewarding cronies, slapping the Conservative logo on government cheques, perfecting the no questions photo-op, instructing bureaucrats to start calling Canada’s government “the Harper Government.” The flip side has been relentless monitoring, muzzling and attacks on anyone who might tarnish the image. Here are 22 instances of power abused to build the Harper brand. PMO Attempts to Cover up Video Leak Putting Troops at Risk On an Iraq visit, the PMO was caught lying to try and cover up the leak of a promo video, which constituted a security breach. The PMO, noted a National Post editorial, “stumbled from blunder to evasion and falsehood in the service of shamelessly manipulative partisanship, especially in using our troops as PR props.” The ‘Harper Government’ Labelling Deception Public servants were told to use “Harper Government” instead of “Government of Canada” in publicity releases. The Conservatives denied it was happening -- until internal memos revealed by the Canadian Press revealed the denial to be without basis. Conservatives Place Party Logos on Government of Canada Cheques Once “caught red-handed,” they backed off. The federal ethics commissioner, adopting the exasperated tone of an adult lecturing a child, noted: “Public spending announcements are government activities, not partisan political activities, and it is not appropriate to brand them with partisan or personal identifiers.” Record Amounts of Partisan Political Advertising, on the Public Purse Several media reports told how the Conservatives used taxpayer money for partisan political advertising in record quantity, costing the public treasury $750 million since Harper became PM. In one instance, the Tories spent lavishly on ads for the promotion of a jobs grant program that had yet to be made public or presented to parliament or the provinces. Even more nakedly partisan, a mailed blast, charged to the taxpayers, targeting Justin Trudeau. Conservatives Stack Their Own Ridings with Infrastructure Funds In a display of brazen pork barreling, the Conservatives arranged for no less than 83 percent of infrastructure fund projects go to Conservative ridings. $50 Million Spending Deception as Documented by the Auditor General The auditor general ruled Conservatives diverted $50-million from spending slated for border infrastructure to political spending on projects in Tony Clement’s riding at the time of the G-8 summit. Parliament was willfully misled. Patronage Run Amok After promising a new way, the prime minister dismantled his newly created Public Appointments Commission and reverted to old-styled patronage by the barrel. In June 2015, the PM made 98 patronage appointments. That included stocking the National Capital Commission with loyalists in advance of decisions on the controversial monument to the victims of communism. Undermining Statistics Canada, Killing Data Against pleas from everyone who needs and uses data from the long form census, the Harper government scrapped it, prompting the Statistics Canada chief to resign in protest. Government Muzzles Science Community Top scientists came under such heavy monitoring by the Conservatives that they staged “Death of Evidence” protests for being denied freedom of speech. The Conservatives sent out chaperones or “media minders” to track Environment Canada scientists and report on them. ‘Death of Evidence’ rally on Parliament Hill, July 10, 2012. Photo: Richard Webster. Like Never Before, Limits Placed on Media Access Journalists have been hard-pressed to recall another time when controls put on them were so tight. At the Conservatives’ 2013 Calgary convention, reporters wrote of being harassed and penned in at every turn by the PMO’s command and control system. In his book Killing The Messenger, journalist Mark Bourrie charts the many examples of new limits on freedom of speech introduced in the Harper era. Harper’s Team Tries to Ban Journalist for Asking Question Veteran TV cameraman Dave Ellis covered a Harper speech about oil to a business audience. Though media had been instructed no questions allowed, Ellis posed one about charges laid against a Conservative MP. The PMO tried to punish Ellis and his network by kicking him off covering Harper’s trip to Malaysia. After media hue and cry, Harper backed down and Ellis went. Harper Minister Sucker Punches CBC Budget After the 2011 federal election Heritage Minister James Moore assured Conservatives would “maintain or increase support for the CBC. That is our platform and we have said that before and we will commit to that.” The next year, Harper’s Cons delivered the biggest government cut to CBC since the mid-1990s, much deeper in proportion than overall trims to federal programs, defying public sentiment. Suppression of Research In the gun registration debate, incriminating research and documents such as a Firearms Report were deliberately withheld from the public. While ramping up their prison building, Conservatives suppressed related research and studies contradicting their political priorities. The Vic Toews Porno Smear In a vivid example of the browbeating of opponents, the minister of public safety said anyone who opposed federal plans to make electronic surveillance of Canadians easier for authorities was siding with child pornographers. Harper’s Fallen Soldiers Blackout Emulating George W. Bush’s optics tactics, Stephen Harper banned media coverage of fallen soldiers’ caskets returning from Afghanistan. He also refused to lower the flag half-mast. Soldiers’ family members expressed confusion and anger at the perceived show of disrespect. Protesters Put under Blanket Surveillance According to a leaked memo, as part of its command and control approach, the Conservatives have approved a system wherein all advocates, protesters and demonstrations can be monitored by authorities. The Government Operations Centre has requested federal departments to assist it in compiling a comprehensive inventory of protesters. Security specialists have called it a breach of Canadians’ Charter of Rights. Conservatives have moved to give CSIS even more powers than the spy agency wants. Rights and Democracy, Other Groups, Dismantled In a show of brute force, the Montreal-based group Rights and Democracy was pole-axed for its alleged political leanings and eventually disbanded. Organizations like the church group Kairos were de-budgeted or dismantled for political leanings. Nuclear Safety Commission head Linda Keen was dumped. Among the complaints cited by the PM was that in her distant past, she had some Liberal ties. Harper Government Spied on Aboriginal Critic, ‘Retaliated’ Aboriginal child welfare advocate Cindy Blackstock was spied on by the Harper government, and when she arrived for a meeting with other First Nations leaders at the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs only she was barred entry. Finding Blackstock had been “retaliated” against by a ministry official, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal awarded her $20,000 for pain and suffering. Revenue Canada Loosed to Attack Charities Not all charities, just the ones that don’t seem adequately aligned with the Harper brand. Enough to include many environmental, aid, human rights and free speech charities that banded together to push back against what looks like a politically motivated witch hunt. Conservatives Use Unheard of Tactic to Force through Anti-Union Bill Conservative senators went to the unprecedented extent of overruling their own Speaker. What could be so important to break Senate rules? A bill pushed by Harper that is almost certainly unconstitutional for its privacy invading measures forced onto unions, unlike other groups. Latest in a steady stream of Conservative attacks on organized labour in Canada. Harper Smears Liberal Sikh MP, Insinuating Tie to Terrorism When Liberals opposed a 2007 Conservative plan to extend anti-terror legislation, Stephen Harper singled out Grit MP Navdeep Bains, seeming to suggest that Bains’ party was motivated by a desire to protect Bains’ father-in-law, Darshan Singh Saini. A recent news story had claimed Singh Saini was on a list of witnesses sought by the RCMP for its Air India investigation, but provided no proof he was involved. In the House, Liberals erupted with outrage and Bains asked, in vain, that Harper apologize. Veterans’ Advocates Smeared Medical files of Sean Bruyea, a strong advocate for veterans’ rights, were leaked in a case that privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart described as “alarming.” Veterans Affairs Canada ombudsman Pat Stogran was dumped after criticizing the government. SECTION III: ELECTION ABUSES: SCAMS, SLIMES, STINGS AND CROOKED SPENDING Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have made federal elections a gladiators’ arena where anything goes -- unless and until you are caught, that is. Here are 17 times his team violated election laws or ethics. Conservatives Run Undercover Sting Operations Conservatives secretly recorded political opponents and also used agent provocateur techniques to try and entrap them. A sting operation against Marlo Raynolds, a Liberal candidate in Alberta, was backed by then employment minister Jason Kenney. Conservative Convicted on Robocalls Scam Tory operative Michael Sona was given jail time for his role in the robocalls scam. The judge indicated more than one person was likely involved. In another court judgment in a case brought by the Council of Canadians, the ruling said the robocalls operation was widespread, not just limited to the Guelph riding. Donald Segretti who did dirty tricks for the Nixon White House told a Canadian reporter his skullduggery didn’t go so low as to run schemes sending voters to the wrong polling stations. Harper’s Ex-Parliamentary Secretary Jailed for Breaking Election Law Dean Del Maestro was one of Harper’s favourites. As his parliamentary secretary, the PM frequently used him as an attack dog to allege misdeeds by opposition members. Del Maestro was given a jail sentence in June for his own election spending violations. Dean Del Mastro received a jail sentence for election overspending. ‘Reprehensible’ Dirty Tricks Campaign against Irwin Cotler Conservative Commons Speaker Andrew Scheer ruled his party’s own tactics in running a surreptitious misinformation campaign in the riding of the highly respected MP were “reprehensible.” Conservatives Bar Crosbie Candidacy In a clear-cut case of the party hierarchy’s undercutting of democratic rights, Ches Crosbie, son of former Tory cabinet minister John Crosbie, was barred from running for the party in Newfoundland. Election Violations Prompt Resignation of Cabinet Member Peter Penashue, another Harper Conservative was compelled to step down over election spending violations. Conservatives Attempt Election Campaign Frame-up In an attempted smear in the last week of the 2011 election campaign, a senior Harper strategist planted a false story in Sun Media that Michael Ignatieff was an Iraq war planner. (Neither Conservative operatives nor Sun Media opted to make hay with the true story that Stephen Harper had, while leader of the Canadian Alliance in 2003, published a letter in The Wall Street Journal itching to get Canada into that disastrous war and slamming then PM Jean Chretien for saying no.) Harper’s Office Deploys Interns for Dirty Tricks In one instance that brought on allegations of Nixonian tactics, junior PMO staffers in the guise of normal citizens were sent out to disrupt a Justin Trudeau speech. Citizens Ejected from Conservative Rallies Tory operatives hauled out citizens from a Harper rally in the 2011 campaign because they had marginal ties to other parties. A spokesperson for the PM was compelled to apologize. Problem fixed this time around: Only fully vetted Harper supporters will be allowed, by invite only, to attend the PM’s campaign stops. If they have a ticket. Conservatives Make Campaign Event Attendees Sign Gag Order Not only have Harper’s campaign handlers made his campaign events by invite only, they were forcing anyone let in to sign an agreement not to transmit any description of the event or any images from it -- but dropped the gag orders after news stories made them an issue. Conservatives Unfix Their Own Fixed Date Election Law In 2008, Harper pulled the plug on his own government, violating his own new law, which stipulated elections every four years. Guilty Plea on In and Out Affair The Conservative Party and its fundraising arm pled guilty to some Elections Act charges stemming from their exceeding spending limits in the 2006 campaign. The investigation cost taxpayers over $2 million. Cons’ Elections Bill Strips Power from Elections Canada The Fair Elections Act also makes it harder for Canadians to vote as more ID is required. Nationwide protests in which more than 400 academics took part forced Pierre Poilievre to withdraw some measures in the bill because of their alleged anti-democratic bent. Harper Minister Smears Head of Elections Canada In a bid to impugn his integrity, Democratic Reform Minister Pierre Poilievre accused the Elections Canada CEO Marc Mayrand of being a power monger and wearing a team jersey. Copyright Grab for Attack Ads CTV News found out Conservatives aimed to rewrite copyright law to let political parties grab any media content and use it for free in their ads. The impact, warned CTV’s Don Martin, “will be to cast a chill on every broadcast appearance” by MPs, commentators and reporters, who “must now be aware their views could end up featured in a political attack ad.” By asserting “unlimited access to the airwaves for propaganda purposes,” Martin said, the Harper government “could be seen as flirting with fascism.” Conservatives Use Terrorists’ Propaganda in Attack Ad Harper’s party created a political ad incorporating music and horrifying images of doomed captives pulled straight from the Islamic State’s own promotional video. The target: Justin Trudeau, whose views on the risks and rewards of bombing ISIS differ from Harper’s. Record Use of Personal Attack Ads Under Harper’s leadership, Conservatives became the first to routinely use personal attacks ads outside an election writ period. Their ads often used quotes deliberately taken out of context. Incidence of attack ads by Harper Conservatives was heavier than by any other government.
    4 points
  7. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I mean the idea that they will privatize healthcare. They can't do that over one term. They slowly defund it and push it beyond repair so that the only way to "save" it is privatization. It's all about the slow play. Undermine the system, cut funding, and bleed it to death.
    4 points
  8. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Yeah, we definitely see it from the NDP, Liberals and CPCs. Liberals warn of guns, Cons warn of criminals running around, and the NDP warn of attacks to healthcare.
    4 points
  9. Riders had so much fun winning the 2013 GC they want to win the same one again...
    4 points
  10. I think there is quite a big difference between pointing out the extremes of another party's political policy and outright disinformation like Trudeau is party of a WEF attempt to make people zombies through vaccine mandates. A lot of the extremely vocal anti-Trudeau crowd are that way because they believe wild things that just don't have any basis. Many citizens, regardless of where they place their vote, may be against Trudeau. The ones that disrupt campaign stops and do not allow him to speak are something else entirely. Saying the Manitoba PCs are trying to privatize hydro at least has some basis in reality. They sold off MTS (look how that turned out) and have already sold off parts of hydro. Privatization is kind of their thing.
    4 points
  11. Team has done well developing UDFA OL, Cody Speller comes to mind.
    4 points
  12. Perfect. A development player on the line with potential upside. If there is a team that can have patience in developing a CDN OL, it's us. Not sure if the scouting noted by 3DN is any good, given that he was not selected in the draft. I would think that a team looking down their list in the 7th round and didn't pick him, must have had him ranked really lowly.
    4 points
  13. See you later Priester since he was released? Here's what 3DN had on Sanford going into the draft:
    4 points
  14. Kinda tells you what Chris Jones thinks of his relationship with the bargaining unit.
    4 points
  15. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    Canadian wheat board for example. Americans tried for decades to destroy it with trade actions, then Harper did it for them.
    3 points
  16. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    let me tell you about life in Alberta with private home and auto insurance, where the government removed the cap on how much they're allowed to charge..... it's gone through the roof the last two or three years. Privatization is not the "competition will lower prices" thing that people expect it to be.
    3 points
  17. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Privatization of crown corps is something that conservatives have done in the past and always a possibility. It is well worth continuing to ask about that.
    3 points
  18. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    The NDP has made mention of the privatization of Manitoba Hydro because the Filmon PCs did so with MTS in 1996 after being adamant they wouldn't privatize it. Manitobans ahve been paying for that mistake ever since. It's not a conspiracy theory for an opposition to express concerns regarding the privatization of a crown corporation based on actual history.
    3 points
  19. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    That would be good. A lot of Cons got rich. They're looking to get some more money in their pockets with Hydro too.
    3 points
  20. shocked that Chris Jones is the one with the history of being an ******* to veterans, according to the union....absolutely shocked, I tell you....
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. Goalie

    Random Jets News

    I wonder if you move Chevy to hockey ops/ gm and trotz to ops and asst gm down the line or now and fix upper management of the team.
    3 points
  23. CBA doesn't expire until Saturday, and technically the newbies aren't covered by it because they haven't made a team yet......so mini camp should be going ahead as scheduled tomorrow! Sunday's "Main Camp" opening is somewhat in jeopardy (except not really because they'll get this worked out...)
    2 points
  24. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    A vote would have been democratic, and that would not sit well with the Harper regime. The Americans tried repeatedly to attack the Wheat Board through GATT and NAFTA, losing all times, so they had Harper do it for them.
    2 points
  25. Let's get that CBA ironed out and get on the field!
    2 points
  26. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    There were alot of farmers that wanted the Wheat Board gone. Id guess about 50/50. Lots of older farmers liked it, lots of young farmers wanted the option of marketing their wheat and barley like they did the rest of their crops. I had cattle and forage so I had no skin in the game. But did it really make sense that you could grow wheat in Ontario and market it how you liked but not in Manitoba ? Did it make sense that you could grow flax or canola and market it where and how you wanted but not your wheat or barley ? Yes, the Wheat Board served a purpose , at least at one time but it was questionable by the time it was dealt with. I had neighbors who hated the Wheat Board and neighbors who hated the market being opened up. Now I rarely hear it brought up.There seems to be very few mourners. In my opinion the demise or perhaps the slow death of the Manitoba Hog board did far more damage to Manitoba family farms. It didn't get alot of press though. That was the provincial Pc's that changed the rules that brought about vertical integration. Edit : I wwould add in the rail line closures and the privatization of the farmer owned grain pools as things that did way more damage to small farms and rural communities than the demise of the Wheat board
    2 points
  27. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Hydro is being starved to death. Hydro has been hamstrung in updating critical equipment since the start of the Pallister regime. It is a parallel to what has been done to our medicare system. Do not assume that just because a government action would be disastrous for a PC party, they will not do it. The MTS example is a prime example. To them, dogma is often more important that re-election as they expect to be personally rewarded later.
    2 points
  28. Is it me or does the TSN guys on TV always fixate on Hughes and make it seem like he's a far bigger deal then what he is?
    2 points
  29. To be fair, that was about Harper and he is now Chairman of the IDU, which ya' know - ain't so opposed to soldiers in the streets, with guns. See Orban in Hungary. And what nonsense that turned out to be.
    2 points
  30. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    In the case of Hydro, however, the PCs have a history of privatization and they've been making obvious moves in order to facilitate a sale. It was notable when they brought Paul Beauregard in as Secretary to Treasury Board.
    2 points
  31. If Harper hadn't lost so many Supreme Court challenges, you'd be whistling a different tune. https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2015/08/10/Harper-Abuses-of-Power-Final/
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Yeah you have to take anything from 3DN with a grain of salt but he was at the bottom of their list (15th of 15 OL ranked). Ferguson, in his final mock draft, had him as a 7th round pick so being picked up after the draft as a FA doesn't seem too far off.
    2 points
  34. MPs debate Bloc motion to scrap reading of daily prayer before House of Commons sits
    2 points
  35. I'm not sure that was ever "official" but was definitely rumoured...
    2 points
  36. welcome back, Robert Priester....
    2 points
  37. Happy Mini Camp Eve, everyone!! https://www.bluebombers.com/2022/05/09/positional-preview-defensive-backs-6/?fbclid=IwAR3UpvQOf-p5k-uuN97EXK3CpqFPkRI8ypt8wEEcdZv4ZbDsdesketiAEl8 The DBs, courtesy Our Man Tait....
    2 points
  38. I mean...who goes for the baseball?
    2 points
  39. Bombers added a bunch of new guys ahead of rookie camp … REC/returner BJ Muckelvene (Wingate), REC/RB TJ Hammonds (Arkansas), REC Tavonn Salter (Midd Tennessee), LB Darion Taylor (Pittsburg State), DB Javon Jackson (West Georgia) and RB Vance Barnes (Northern State)
    2 points
  40. JCon

    Random Jets News

    Welcome to YouTube, I will be your guide on this mystical journey...
    2 points
  41. This has been a great thread to read through.. Thanks for this. -Mike.
    2 points
  42. In the conversation for greatest defensive player ever on the Bombers. Where Ty Jones and Willie Jefferson were/are game wreckers, Battle is like Adam Bighill in that both controlled the game when they played and were the glue of the defence, solid and steady, but also would make the game-changing spectacular play with regularity as well. Battle’s 1990 Cup game is one of the best defensive performances ever in the championship.
    2 points
  43. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    If you're looking to criticize Harper, you'll find that the Wheat Board is not a good issue to do it on.
    1 point
  44. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    Could have put it to a vote. Didnt.
    1 point
  45. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    I miss mpi for sure, but mpi is not reflective of all public insurance options. ICBC for example I have heard nothing good about.
    1 point
  46. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    Thanks for the clarification.
    1 point
  47. Yeah, I agree, and good comparison to Sellers.
    1 point
  48. The salary cap and Import/Non-import ratio is what separates the smart GMs from the dullards. I do NOT want it screwed with.
    1 point
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