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  1. 6 points
  2. 17to85

    Black Lives Matter

    Yeah but if the protesters hadn't been there then the cops wouldn't have had to do that. It's 50/50 for blame really.
    4 points
  3. bustamente

    US Politics

    Even before Trump gets dragged out of the office along with his brood many will try to distance themselves from him trying to avoid get caught in the wash, Democrats need to make any and all accountable no matter what position they held and when they held it for what this administration has done in the last 4 years
    4 points
  4. do or die

    US Politics

    Back off. Guy is also a military expert, as well as a medical one...
    4 points
  5. No. Just no. 2016 stats [the last time Kaepernick suited up in the NFL]: C. Kaepernick - 12 GP, 196/331 (59.2%), 2241 yards, 16 TDs, 4 INTs, 90.7 QB rating (https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/K/KaepCo00.htm) B. Gabbert - 6 GP, 91/160 (56.9%), 925 yards, 5 TDs, 6 INTs, 68.4 QB rating (https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/G/GabbBl00.htm) In what universe is Gabbert's stat line better than Kaepernick's? Every single stat Gabbert posted there is actually worse. And how is the latter's stat line that season brutal by any rational metric? It's like you don't even ******* try sometimes. Where did you get your info, Breitbart Sports?
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Holy ****. Murica is a dumpster fire.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. After Wheeler mentioned wrong Energy106 twitter account
    3 points
  10. Guys, several Leafs fans have told me that Pietrangelo is going home to Ontario and joining the Leafs so why bother? Apparently Dubas's plan is to pay 5 guys 50 million and then have half the team making a million or less.
    3 points
  11. do or die


    Thinking as I was watching the GOP convention......thank god the pandemic is over...
    3 points
  12. Doc Rivers' comments after the game last night surrounding the Jason Blake shooting. Hopefully everyone will LISTEN. Not listen just to respond to it, but listen to understand. Too much of the former in the world, not enough of the latter.
    3 points
  13. bustamente

    US Politics

    Everything that this Administration is criminal, from using the WH as a prop for his re-election, to a Secretary of State getting involved in an election, to filling his pockets from donors to his campaign, but to this date nobody has dome anything, and nobody has stopped him. If the Democrats take the Presidency, the Senate and retain the House it has to be more than words.
    3 points
  14. blue_gold_84

    Did You Know..

    Your writing comprehension is as bad as your reading comprehension. You said his final year, which was 2016. In 2015, Gabbert was marginally better than Kaepernick after the latter was benched midway through the season with an injury. I mean, did you even read the second article you quoted? But 2015 wasn't his final year, was it? Both were on the 49ers roster a season later and Kaepernick was statistically better than Gabbert in every tangible QB category. In fact, it was Gabbert who eventually got benched in 2016 because his stats were brutal. Maybe try and get your stories straight next time. Effort goes a long way.
    3 points
  15. Mr Dee

    Did You Know..

    Wait a minute. Are some of you guys saying, statistics aside for a minute, that players and teams weren’t intimidated by the stance the NFL took, with what the fake president said, and Roger Goodell didn’t? And now Goodell says “he won’t punish players for taking a knee“. Its reasonable to assume Kaepernick was blackballed in some fashion throughout the league.
    3 points
  16. Mr Dee

    2020 Thread

    Come on down to Winnipeg!
    2 points
  17. MOBomberFan

    2020 Thread

    **** I just ordered my Texada jersey too
    2 points
  18. Has to be guarantees in the contracts. I don't know if we should get rid of one-year deals but we should provide some incentive for players (and teams) to sign multi-year deals.
    2 points
  19. Mr Dee

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    A portion of their 2nd year, or whatever year contract, could be guaranteed. To be determined. Like 3 games, 6 games..whatever. 3 year contract? 1st 2 guaranteed. Something.
    2 points
  20. A civilized society is not one that allows people to roam the street displaying long guns and using them, the States has turned into a violent third world country were the rich hide in gated communities and the poor slug it out for their entertainment
    2 points
  21. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Trump really is the child who just stands in his messy room and says, "It's clean, it's the most beautiful clean room anyone has ever seen. Some people say a room has never been this clean. My daddy came here to look at how clean it is, and he's has tears.... I mean this big strong man is sitting here crying because this room is so clean." FIFY
    2 points
  22. JCon

    Black Lives Matter

    Another video.
    2 points
  23. JCon


    Boring. It's 2020, Mr Dee. They call it Covid-19 because it's sooooooooo last year. Didn't you hear, it's over? Cancel Culture deez nutz and get on the train!
    2 points
  24. Mr Dee

    Black Lives Matter

    The bravado shown in this picture is markedly lessened when a video appeared of the teenagers who were there from another state were trying to look at the video replay being shown by a independent? photographer. BREAKING - ( this is not that video) ^^^
    2 points
  25. Mr Dee


    Just the beginning...
    2 points
  26. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    The Simpsons nails it. Every time.
    2 points
  27. 17to85

    US Politics

    See when she says future, she means her future. If her husband loses he opens himself up to a lot of prosecutions and possibly even the government seizing his ill gotten money. For a gold digger like her that's the worst possible future!
    2 points
  28. 17to85

    US Politics

    See if you don't test then you don't get any cases! Problem solved! Trump really is the child who thinks cleaning his room is just stuffing all his mess under the bed.
    2 points
  29. Mr Dee

    Grey Cup Fan Base

    The fan base is not a bad idea, just not affordable by most fan basers. Now if the Bombers could have their own fan base at say, $100, that likely would be doable. Maybe after the current promotion so that it doesn’t interfere.
    2 points
  30. bustamente

    US Politics

    Not the first time he has disparaged Canada, guys a bottom feeding hack
    2 points
  31. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    These people are supposed to be advancing the cause of this administration?
    2 points
  32. BBlink

    Grey Cup Fan Base

    I think it takes a certain amount of mental gymnastics to say that as a fan you haven't done enough to be on the Grey Cup fan base. As we all know, the CFL has been largely able to operate because of the fans sitting in the seats. There has always been a relationship between the fan and the teams/players that no other league can rival. That is one of the great things about our league. This is the league acknowledging that while also providing themselves with a bit of revenue. This (imo) is a win-win
    2 points
  33. Noeller

    Grey Cup Fan Base

    So, I've seen this take a lot online....and my first instinct is to 100% agree with you, because I felt the same way about the Grey Cup rings that you could get as a fan. And in regards to that (not having "earned" it), a buddy at work said this to me: "As Bombers fans...with everything you've endured...especially in the last 30 years.....have you not 'earned' something special?" Now that's a fair point.....and maybe it applies to that Grey Cup base as well?? If I could afford to drop $400 for something like that, I might. But I think I'd be more inclined to do something like purchase Bombers seasons tickets to support the team directly, rather than a league-wide initiative...
    2 points
  34. do or die

    US Politics

    According to last nite's GOP convention ..not every country may appreciate Trump's approach, but he gets results
    2 points
  35. JCon

    US Politics

    Why on Earth would we want to be partners with them? Top Trump adviser Peter Navarro disparages Canada's military efforts in Afghanistan https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/top-trump-adviser-peter-navarro-disparages-canada-s-military-efforts-in-afghanistan-1.5079375
    2 points
  36. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Donald Trump continued to shift money from his donors to his business last month, as his reelection campaign paid his private companies for rent, food, lodging and other expenses, according to a review of the latest Federal Election Commission filings. The richest president in American history, who has yet to donate to his 2020 campaign, has now moved $2.3 million of contributions from other people into his private companies. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/08/25/trump-has-now-moved-23-million-of-campaign-donor-money-into-his-private-business/#157bfba0773c
    2 points
  37. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    It's been talked about by some for a long time, but call me skeptical it will ever happen. I don't forsee it being used enough. The drive isn't so long and once you get to either city you kinda want to have a car to get anywhere.
    2 points
  38. Mr Dee

    Did You Know..

    DYK... What a turnaround...
    2 points
  39. Mr Dee

    Black Lives Matter

    Kinda scary they found him this fast..
    1 point
  40. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Pretty well sums it up: And no, why should I care what she said? She’s a two faced liar.
    1 point
  41. Meanwhile, wonder if the NHL would plan anything. One thought I had rather than a boycott: Teams square off at centre ice. Off the opening faceoff, the teams skate away from the puck drop and all go to their respective blue lines and all take a knee. Let the clock run for 8:46 (the length of time the police were kneeling on George Floyd’s neck) with the players on the ice kneeling. Then one player retrieved the puck and is allowed to skate in alone on the opposing netminder and take 7 shots, symbolic of the 7 shots to Jacob Blake. Simple shots intended not to score, just be a symbol. Even more powerful if the netminder turned around and the shooter put the puck softly but squarely into his back 7 times. With each shot the players on the bench bang their sticks once against the boards in unison, that is an attention grabbing noise. After the 7th shot, the shooter takes the puck back to centre ice and flips it over the glass so the next faceoff is at centre ice so no advantage for either team. Can symbolize the equality we are all striving for in a fair and just world. Can finish off with stick tapping on the ice for all as a sign of solidarity if they want. Thoughts? Any other ideas?
    1 point
  42. Two things immediately would help the CFL I believe, as far as the fans are concerned. One, get rid of 1 year deals. Two, get rid of Unrestricted Free Agency. The 2 biggest complaints by fans are the fact that they don't know the players on their teams anymore as free agents come & go. So, it's hard to invest in a player as a fan when he could be gone the following season. Why should anyone buy a jersey for nearly $300 when it will be obsolete the day the current season is over? I won't. If I buy a jersey it will only have the name of players in the past like Reaves, Jonas, Murphy, Frank, Clements, Hufnagel, Raimey, Ploen, Lewis, Brock, West, Hill, Minnick, Browne, etc. No current players. I'd love to have a #5 Willie Jefferson jersey but where will he be after 2021? Player movement affects merch sales. So stem the tide of free agency by restricting it. Make a team pay for actually signing a UFA. If the CFL does that then I believe that'll go a long way to rebuilding some crumbling fanbases in the CFL.
    1 point
  43. Noeller


    Hopefully it all gets sorted, anyhow! I just don't see how things get better once kids go back into schools...plus the usual fall/winter cold/flu season. It's going to be a gong show for the next 6 months or so...
    1 point
  44. Mr Dee

    Random News Items

    Go for it!
    1 point
  45. TrueBlue4ever

    Random News Items

    For about 5 minutes. Then everyone with a zero attention span (which Sean Hannity recently said is “everyone”) would move on, and the players would have no platform to continue. And Trump and his ilk would be happy because out of sight, out of mind. Kaepernick did it right. That’s why his protest is still talked about.
    1 point
  46. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    I was going to say shoving stuff under his bed and calling it clean gives him too much credit. It would mean he did something, even if that something was unproductive. Trump is the kid who closes the door to his room and says it is clean thinking that no one can/will open the door to check.
    1 point
  47. And while police are “appreciating” these armed civilians acting like a wannabe militia, you can hear other police in the background warning protesters “you are civilians in a closed area, you must leave. Yes, you! This is your last warning. Disperse now!” Apparently the curfew rules did not apply if you were armed with an AR-15 - and were white. Reminds me of the line in Animal Farm - “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
    1 point
  48. tacklewasher


    BC not looking so good either. Mostly young people not giving a ****.
    1 point
  49. I can respect that. But hes still a pos rider
    1 point
  50. do or die

    US Politics

    I assume this involves ultraviolet light, and a special suppository..
    1 point
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