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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-07-17 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. Jonathan KongboLast year was a physical, spiritual and emotional healing for me,” began the 24-year-old defensive end during a conversation with bluebombers.com from his home in Surrey, B.C. “That all happened in Winnipeg for me. I remember when I first got there, there was this ambiance around the team and the staff. Everyone believed in me and told me I was a good player and, in a sense, that helped rebuild me.“And by the end of the Grey Cup I would say I had come a long way. But that was a byproduct of the great leaders I was around in the locker room, the culture of Coach O’Shea set… it was the best thing that could have happened to me.”.https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/07/17/catching-jonathan-kongbo/ https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/07/17/catching-jonathan-kongbo/
    5 points
  3. FrostyWinnipeg


    There's also a reason why Junior Mints are not allowed in surgery even though they are perfectly safe.
    4 points
  4. Second highest passing yards all time (72,381 yards), second highest TD passes thrown (394), 3rd highest rushing total all time (11,920), 3rd highest rushing TDs (93), 4 Grey Cup Championships on three teams but okay most overrated CFL QB ever.
    4 points
  5. rebusrankin


    Sorry to hear that, @Mark H. Glad our overall numbers are still low.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. People somehow using this to "make fun" of the Black Lives Matter movement...........I want to say it makes me shake my head, but it's a lot worse than that. It's unbelievable to me that people don't get the severity of that, in this day and age.
    3 points
  8. blue_gold_84

    Black Lives Matter

    Oh, I'd argue he is the only bunyak going by the trash he's posting. I think the rest of us Ukrainians know better than to make ignorant statements and trot out some fragile proud boy bullshit narrative on this forum. If anything, you'd think a person of Ukrainian descent would understand the BLM movement and what it actually stands for, considering some of the disgusting oppression Ukrainians have faced in the past. Are there **** humans taking advantage of BLM to peddle a separate agenda or narrative? Yes - same as any other movement/protest. However, by no means does it take away its actual purpose or meaning, much less justify making absurd, conspiracy theory level, blanket statements about it.
    3 points
  9. Prediction: they totally blow this and go with "East Indians".
    3 points
  10. Rich

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Nothing official but quite a few rumours out there Red Wolves is a front runner and gaining support. Wildlife groups are apparently supporting the name as they think added visibility can help the endangered species. https://www.washingtonian.com/2020/07/13/red-wolves-what-you-need-to-know/
    3 points
  11. bigg jay

    2020 Thread

    Fun fact, he's also in the Canadian Arts & Crafts Hall of Fame.
    3 points
  12. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Fox News interview (airs Sunday)I agree with Aaron Rupar that trump is already rattled. Finally, somebody calls him out on what he’s spewing and Trump is actively waving his hands as he does when he’s getting annoyed. Right off, he’s calling for assistance to try and prove that he knows what he’s talking about. So far, so good.
    2 points
  13. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    It's pretty crazy what the USA has turned into:
    2 points
  14. Hope he comes back after qualifying for that NFL pension....
    2 points
  15. Sard


    Per the Manitoba Health update: Today’s cases are a male and female in their 60s, a male and female in their 30s and a female in her 20s. All the cases are on a Hutterite colony in the Interlake-Eastern health region.
    2 points
  16. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    Apparently, it's not even an accurate story: Leave it to right wing idiots like Ingraham to share lies and misinformation, though.
    2 points
  17. bustamente

    US Politics

    On Laura, Toronto as much as some in Toronto and apparently you think is in not part of the US.
    2 points
  18. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    Not to mention ironic as hell: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/08/22/trump-has-flipped-fed-will-conservatives-join-him/ Typical republican dirtbag.
    2 points

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Empire has strong connotations of colonialism and taking over by force. Canada was/is part of the British Empire. If the Eskimos are going to change their name they should use something more benign like Elk.
    2 points
  20. I understand Washington will be renaming their team the Red Wolves. The Grey Wolves & Black Wolves are upset. Black Wolves Matter are planning a mass wolf demonstration at Washington's training camp next week in protest.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Bigblue204

    Renaming Sports Teams

    I like the Elk better then empire...mostly cause they could have sweet antlers painted on their helmets.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 17to85

    US Politics

    I can't even call it farcical. It's just down right evil! Like don't listen to the people who understand this, your feelings are more valid that people who dedicate their lives to researching these things. Honestly they should be on trial for **** like that, but in today's USA it's just part of the new reality. Anti-intellectualism is just a complete travesty.
    2 points
  25. There have been literally hundreds of thousands of protestors in hundreds of rallies all over the world, not just in the US and there have been a few dozen instigators of violence, so that does not mean you give a blanket condemnation of all as violent, Antifa means "anti-fascist" and how many killings have been linked to them? By comparison, those on the right wing have resorted to many incidents of attacks and killings and the victims of those attacks have included police. The issue is the unwarranted arrests, harassings, beatings and killings of coloured (non-caucasian) by police who consider themselves above the law, rather than enforcing the law (without fear or favour). The police have long been held in high esteem and the public has been quick to give them the benefit of the doubt in incidents, but the police have the same percentage or higher of racists, rapists, and violent offenders as the public. Down in the States, the numbers are way higher. And you are not the only bunyak here,
    2 points
  26. 1 point
  27. rebusrankin


    What are the protocols for your gym? Mine is signing up for a spot and a limit on spots per session, three question interview before you enter each time, 15 minutes per sessions for a cleaning session, one door in and out, bring your own water and no change rooms, hand sanitizer upon entry, spacing of equipment for distancing, wipe everything down before and after and 4-5 staff members cleaning while you work out.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 17to85


    Yeah lots of people acting like it's all over. Would not be surprised to see Nenshi make masks mandatory in Calgary since Kenney can't do anything of value. I'd bet that gyms will be closing again too since there are some outbreaks linked to fitness classes.
    1 point
  30. iHeart


    Thank god I was at home during those hours
    1 point
  31. do or die

    US Politics

    For the unemployed.....that advice isn't worth a hill of beans...
    1 point
  32. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    he looks like he's pooping.
    1 point
  33. Tracker

    US Politics

    It is just a matter of time until Trump erupts. It will be explained by his lackeys as a reasonable response to all the attacks and unfair treatment he has been getting.
    1 point
  34. Tracker

    US Politics

    Federal Agents Invade Portland, Citing Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Statues. The Border Patrol says it has authority to “conduct arrests” in Portland. Portland has been invaded by federal agents—including unidentified, camouflage-clad officers who have emerged from unmarked minivans to arrest protesters. These officers have reportedly refused to say what agency they work for. But their supposed authority to police Oregon’s largest city and make arrests appears to rest on a June 26 executive order by President Donald Trump calling for the protection of statues, monuments, and federal property. Black Lives Matter protests in Portland have continued this month, drawing attention from Trump, who falsely described the city as “totally out of control.” Trump also threatened this week to “take over” cities he claims are suffering from crime sprees. Agents from US Marshals Service, Federal Protective Service, Homeland Security Investigations, and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have been in Portland since early this month. But on July 14, protesters began to document instances in which armed agents wearing masks and military-style fatigues emerged from unmarked vehicles, detained protesters with no explanation, and drove away. https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2020/07/federal-agents-portland-border-patrol-chad-wolf-statues/ ( This is stunning. Trump is using border patrol agents as his private militia and the border patrol has already stated that they are not answerable to the courts. They are functioning as secret police apart from the FBI or regular police forces)
    1 point
  35. Mark H.


    Yes, but within the public health guidelines.
    1 point
  36. bustamente

    US Politics

    Speaking of criminals
    1 point
  37. Stay edgy with the childish comments, bud. Nice contribution to the discussion, as usual.
    1 point
  38. Mr Dee

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Nowhere near the same circumstances though..
    1 point
  39. do or die

    US Politics

    Have been listening for a while, to Mnuchin, Moore, De Vos, Kushner, Pence, and of course Trump. Some common denominators: The agenda (Trump's re-election) and the state of the stock markets, are the overriding concern Any medical or scientific facts that don't jibe with the agenda, must be ignored Everybody or anybody else, between the Ramp and the Easter bunny is responsible for the shambolic Federal response Downplaying the virus, misinformation and the suppression of unwanted information is paramount Pretending that this administration has a plan or the intent to create and implement a plan to combat the virus None of these people truly give a damn, how may Americans must die, to fulfill their agenda
    1 point
  40. Mark H.


    TBD - depends on the contact tracing results. The person who originally had the virus has recovered. They were extremely sick for 2 - 3 days, approx. 10 days altogether.
    1 point
  41. Mark H.


    It is not Netley. But we are once again closed to visitors until things settle down. Without divulging too much info - I will just say that travel to Alberta is probably a bad idea.
    1 point
  42. 17to85

    US Politics

    Yeah communion is about the worst idea during a pandemic. Like I understand the importance of it, but cripes people it is all the do not dos of a pandemic.
    1 point
  43. Should be Helle in a rout....
    1 point
  44. Tracker


    Its gonna take a boatload of Florient to clean the smell in the White House after Trump gets evicted- in chains, I hope.
    1 point
  45. 17to85

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Hey I am just saying it's rarely a systemic issue and more of a people in charge issue. People are naturally greedy fucks and will use any kind of framework to further their greedy, power hungry ways. Which is where the whole point of being praggmatic and trying to do what's best for everyone comes in.
    1 point
  46. 17to85

    Renaming Sports Teams

    If you don't believe that "Capitalists" want to remake society in their own image then you've never read about their game plan. It's no secret, they don't hide. Attack the homosexuals, attack all non evangelic Christian religion, attack anything they don't consider 'normal, divide people and conquer. How about we stop trying to label everyone and paint them all as bad? Why don't we look at the big picture and recognize what is good for society as a whole? Marxism isn't all bad, yeah people have done shitty things in the name ofjit, but people have done horrible things for capitalism too and it's not all good. People need to be less beholden to their beliefs and more open minded and pragmatic.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Jpan85

    Random News Items

    They are we have large sheds with hay/straw on our farm and its the perfect environment for rodents. We have a pack of cats that are not tame that live in the sheds and have done a real good job of keeping the rodent population down. They actually come and sit and hunt as we are taking the bales out the sheds.
    1 point
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