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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-03-22 in Posts

  1. "John Hodge is a ******* moron" - WBB FC
    6 points
  2. A lot of the DB's will be LB's in the CFL at this combine. Some of the LB's will be edge types. DB's and WR's showed pretty good. There were only 2 receivers who ran 4.7 or worse. See what they look like in battle drills. I feel like Ajou Ajou is a guy that might fall right out of this draft. Think there's a crew there that will be long-term CFLers. OL group at combine is pretty poor. But most of the top 7-8 guys aren't there. Dumoulin Duguay is a guy I could see us picking in Round 1.
    5 points
  3. Another lber idr their name some pretty heinous domestic abuse stuff. I for sure think there is a precedent, if Kelly’s case ends up at that point. I do think Kelly is a ticking time bomber though. Glory days. Same era the nfl had Alstott. nfl fb useage is up a significant portion of late as well with bigger more athletic guys available at those te/hback positions don’t be surprised to see fb continue to rise. Especially considering the rb by committee that is popular. The linemen are always the best guys to listen to. Tsn needs to learn that lesson.
    3 points
  4. i was surprised and impressed with Paddy's poise and intelligence during the interview. He would make a great TV analyst/commentator when he's done pushing people around.
    3 points
  5. Unless you are in your early 20's or under, you should remember the greatest fullback in Bomber history...
    3 points
  6. JCon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    Violent crime has been on the rise but it's back to levels of around 2009. We need addiction spaces and housing investment, which the last gov't did not do. So, a much improved gov't will fix this. The last gov't was a disaster for this province. Property crime is down.
    3 points
  7. It’s a good thing this draft has plenty of high level and ncaa talent. The athletic performance really wasn’t stellar for a lot of guys at the combine. Hladik fb who stands 6’4 230 and rb Anthony soles 6’2 220 ran best times of 5.0 and 5.19 in the 40. A lot of db/wr/lbers in the 4.8 and slower range. Many of those guys filling out with 26-30” verts and single digit 225 reps. I wonder how much of it is these guys not being polished in the track skills, and how much is just low athleticism. It’d be interesting to average out the positions or take the highest drafted lowest athletic outlier and chart the numbers vs the ras and nfl averages. Maybe the cfl should invest money in a program that helps provide strength and conditioning coaching to cis and junior players. If the league managed to half the athletic difference from the average player at the nfl and cfl combine respectively, we would see a whole lot more value return from drafts and better calibre of play in the league.
    3 points
  8. What a great ad for the league....Sounds like he went on a tirade after he went on 'something'....Don't know when this little blurb was done but it shows what kind of personality the argo's and the league are dealing with...................ouch
    3 points
  9. Imo, he sounds intoxicated in that video. Am I alone thinking that?
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. dude is really well spoken and just seems like a good dude.... during the pandemic, the Bombers re-aired the '19 GC online and had various players doing a "watch along", and Paddy and Jake together were brilliant during the re-broadcast. So much fun... I'd pay folding money to re-watch games with the Bombers in their theatre-style meeting rooms.
    2 points
  12. "move, *****... get out the way.... get out the way... move, *****, get out the way....."
    2 points
  13. Don't fully understand why they wouldn't attend, are they being advised by their agents not to waste their time on the CFL, or do they think they're too good for the league? If so the CFL has a serious image problem among college aged players. If you graduated from college would you limit sending your resume only to the top employer and not cover your bases more broadly? If good enough maybe 1 or 2 of these guys will kick around on NFL PR's for a few years before kicking back to the CFL or quitting football entirely. I can see why the Bombers emphasize picking guys who really love playing football over players just in the sport to make as much money as they can. Still recall the many wasted years waiting for Christo Bilukidi and Andy Mulumba to give up their NFL dream and return to the Bombers, neither of them ever did, nor did they establish themselves in the NFL as starters, thus forgettable careers. Contrast with what Pat Neufeld has accomplished even with a poor combine showing, establishing himself as a 12 year CFL starter. I seriously doubt any of the OL guys skipping the CFL Combine for bigger things, will ever match his career. Great video, especially when Neuf. answers questions sent in by Stanley, Chris K, and Jake. He also sheds a bit of light on why they kept Tanner Schmeckle.
    2 points
  14. JCon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    There are lots of new developments, apartments and whatnot. It's booming down there.
    2 points
  15. This sums up how they view the FB position. "The retirement of Miller – he’s now the special-teams coordinator – and the release of Damian Jackson last month also means the team does not have a fullback on their roster. That said, it’s not necessarily an urgent area of need. The Blue Bombers often use a sixth offensive lineman in short-yardage situations and could also feature a bigger-bodied receiver in fullback-type sets, too, if need be. “I would believe that as a group – Buck and his group but also JY (Jordan Younger, defensive coordinator) and the defensive staff – they’re always able to fit the pieces together. Do you ‘need’ a fullback? I don’t know. Would you like one? Sure,” said O’Shea. “We all have our philosophies on that,” added Walters. “If you dress a seventh O-lineman, is he athletic enough to handle that? Sure. Can a bigger receiver do that? Maybe. You don’t need to reach for a fullback that’s going to play eight snaps a game. “But we obviously don’t have one on our roster and Marty and Buck would sure like to have one. We won’t just grab one at No. 8 (Winnipeg’s pick in the first round) because we don’t have one on the roster. It’s certainly a position group we’ll watch and there are some interesting guys here, two or three fullbacks here and a couple bigger tailbacks we’ve identified.” https://www.bluebombers.com/2024/03/20/cfl-combine-fyi/
    2 points
  16. He 100% is. But obnoxious ******** can drink/smoke too and he was definitely on something.
    2 points
  17. To be fair: 2019 - Rookie Season 2020 - Season Cancelled 2021 - Played shortened season, Suspended 2022 - Sat out season 2023 - First year back So he's essentially played less than 3 seasons, each of which he had come back from a break. Should be interesting to see if he can finally get his footing.
    2 points
  18. I think he sounds like your average American honestly. I don’t think he’s intoxicated but he certainly isn’t all there
    2 points
  19. Dillon quote - To give up 3 f'ing power play goals is absolutely unacceptable. We lost the game because of special teams
    2 points
  20. Wow.... What a goal by Fly!
    2 points
  21. Eli is the greatest modern cfl draft hoodwink. Every team in the league looked at their scout department who went oh $&@%
    2 points
  22. I don’t want to compare Kelly but dude comes across more Aaron Hernandez, not exactly all there upon closer inspection
    1 point
  23. Goalie

    The Winnipeg Thread

    No cap here. I voted ndp but honestly they haven’t done much if anything yet so remains to be seen Time to finally tear the walls down tho. It’s happening and it’s about fuggin time. But to your previous point, it is booming. There are tons of condos. I think the violent crime down there is a bit exaggerated at times. There are lots of homeless camps by the river tho. But, hopefully the ndp fixes this.
    1 point
  24. This fullback talk. Man my grampa, rest his soul, would be loving this. I haven’t seen somuch talk about a fullback since i was 3 feet tall. What’s he smoking? Meth or fentanyl meth cuz weed makes you more chill. Irregardless (word that shouldn’t be used), I think we can both agree it’s not a good look for the argos or the league. Did they guarantee him money? Cuz if I’m Toronto, not sure I’d want this human with an obvious lack of character representing my team. At what point would the cfl deem him an issue.
    1 point
  25. I mean, it is a pro combine. You would think that the venue would be appropriate. But then last time it was here it was a gong show for the 40 as well. More important factors include the quality and prep of the surface (the big issue last time) and the quality of electronic timing equipment. Though who knows maybe it was just Randy sitting on an old stop watch. But either way, we've got a good chunk of 195-210 pound guys running 5s and some 260-270+ guys running significantly faster. If they are all running under the same conditions, which just has to be the case, it's a pretty big dip in athleticism. Especially when you consider the bigger 260-270 guys are still C grade NFL athletes as well. The other categories have some awful numbers too. How are you gonna do the bench press and only be able to put up 2 reps of 225lbs at 200+ lbs? Like the dude cant do push ups. The first rep in the bench often bounces off the guy as much as any thing in football combines. If you're 6'+ and 220+ running a 5.2 and jumping 24" in the vert you either better be the most talented and cunning football player in history, or better be a holder/snapper. You don’t need to reach for a fullback that’s going to play eight snaps a game. Mos intensifies. I think you can dress a canadian super package/sub guy. Some one who is a TE/Hback/Fb Body type up to an undersized athletic centre or down to a big WR. And have that guy fill a TON of roles. Both goal line packages, fg, kick cover/up back and return etc. But that guy has to have a position that they can sub into for an injury, WR would be the easy one, and they have to really excel on teams. Maybe they are the back up punter/kicker, long snapper, holder etc. The easiest way to get and develop that guy though, is to draft a reasonably athletic Lber. Like we have for the entire time walters has been here. They already have the hit guys and move bodies mind set you need.
    1 point
  26. The live feed on the CFL website showed they had plenty of room at the soccer facility. Didn't appear to be an issue at all.
    1 point
  27. Not going to do a mock yet, but there are for sure some interesting players at the combine even if a ton of the top end guys aren’t there. I’d like to see more of Labrosse, Brubacher, maybe even Antoine in 1 on 1s Mital didn’t show as well as I hoped, Herzog’s numbers are flashy but he’s not going to go high at all I don’t think. We’ll have to see.
    1 point
  28. JCon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    Yes, hopefully.
    1 point
  29. Looks like wr and dbs fared well in relation to 2023, Deblanko improved his stock at lb, Dl were disappointing while oline seems stronger as well Id be cautious with Haladik, and Ouellette at fb, no higher than 3rd round. Chris Ikes at 225 lbs is intriguing with great speed and size
    1 point
  30. Not to speak for others, but I think by “hoodwink” he meant In terms of where and how he was drafted, not necessarily the best overall player pick. By that criteria I’d say it’s up there for draft success in recent history. I wouldn’t say the greatest hoodwink though, Rourke was a second rounder for one. You could also include Loffler and even Olivera as guys who were drafted later than their provided impact would dictate in hindsight.
    1 point
  31. Pretty bold claim for someone who's been a back-up for 5 years.
    1 point
  32. He was definitely wasted on something.
    1 point
  33. More classic M. Emmet Walsh.
    1 point
  34. Jekyl n Hyde here with the Jets.
    1 point
  35. Teams can start whoever they like when their NAT starters aren't particularly good or you have a guy like Eli that would have been a top 5 draft pick if people had known he was willing to play. In Winnipeg, our 3rd round or later will have very little opportunity to start in their rookie deal just because of our existing NAT starter talent. Of course, a guy could be a late bloomer or fly under the radar, but counting on that would be a very bad idea.
    1 point
  36. I watched that video. Pacman was clearly high and he kept saying that Winnipeg was in the UFL.
    1 point
  37. Reminds me of when Pacman Jones had his video posting on the internet then the next day the Bombers decided not to sign him. lol
    1 point
  38. Just show me the injury stats for kick returns and prove this isn't all based on anecdotes and speculation.
    1 point
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