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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-12-29 in Posts

  1. I need to read about another big blue bomber signing.
    6 points
  2. still beating that drum with loose skin....sheeesh
    4 points
  3. Seriously guys - don't reopen this discussion. If I have to mod during my xmas break, I'm gonna get real cranky.
    4 points
  4. Been away for a bit...took some time catching up...My taker on a few things Bryant will be in Blue in Gold...if he is not, he wont be playing but expect him to re-up before free agency, and after the other key pieces have...thats how he and the Bombers roll Rose back is big...lotta hate for a guy who was basically playing at under 100 percent for 14 or so games, and trying to bring a rotating door of a secondary and LB corp together Same with Biggie...hurt...a lot....and played more strong safety this year for most part, than tru MLB....And then having Wilson out early compounded things....and Wilson back as well is huge and not concerned with his recovery, as he never required surgery, and was already "working out" behind the scenes last part of yr...he will be fine....Hansen too...no surgery as well No way we replace Couture with Kolo if we make it work via SMS...not happening...and not up to speed on Hardrick, or if his deal been announced yet...but he not going anywhere...was a lot to read Expect to see Lawler back here and the expense of Ellingson, only way see Ellingson given a shot is on the cheap and if we lose Schoen....We gonna see an expanded role and legit opp for Agudosi and Haliegh to take a spot on roster, and basically you can count on both Bailey and Demski back... This Walters talk is kinda funny and blown way out of proportion by many in "media" but Kyle and Miller always worry about Kyle last..
    4 points
  5. Straight up confiscate the multi-millions that were donated to the convoy and apply it directly to the cost these protest caused, idiots have no clue the billions they actually cost taxpayers in lost business, disruptions and police OT.
    3 points
  6. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/announcement-1.6699095 Nicely done, covidiot scum.
    2 points
  7. HardCoreBlue


    Freedom of speech, freedom of choice comes with consequences good, bad or indifferent you knuckle dragging self-entitled mf’rs. Using the courts to push this drivel needs harsher consequences other than just being dismissed. It needs to come with harsh financial penalty for wasting the courts time.
    2 points
  8. But he is the best CB in the league.... The saddest part of Rourke likely getting an NFL deal is good old tburg won't ever have to accept his wrongness.
    2 points
  9. God i hope Lawler comes back. The thought makes my loins tingle. Kinda funny his entire instagram is him in Bomber gear. Not a single Elks pic lol. He's the best receiver in the league, period.
    2 points
  10. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.
    2 points
  11. A really solid obituary. Worth the read.
    2 points
  12. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Seems to me that suing the blockaders to retrieve as much of that money as possible would be the logical next step.
    1 point
  13. I am sorry I quoted the article. I thought he could comprehend what he reads and would slink away into the night on this topic. Instead he is calling McEvoy a liar, and reaching by playing verbal gymnastics to alter what McEvoy was very clearly stating. Honestly, I don't know of a single person who reads that article and still doesn't believe that the Lions are going to give Rourke a big raise if he stays.
    1 point
  14. If there's deep fried pepperoni on the menu, I'm there. Looking forward to going when it opens.
    1 point
  15. Just REEEEEAAACHING to not be wrong!! I also love the "If every invested entity in the deal comes out and says that I'm wrong....then I'll gladly admit it!" If McEvoy was limited to only a 10% raise why wouldn't he say it? Why wouldn't he say? "We would love to give him a better deal, but under the current rules we're limited to 10%."
    1 point
  16. 17to85

    US Politics

    Damned democrats causing bad weather.
    1 point
  17. McEvoy says he'll can offer a “competitive contract" (What the CBA says is the maximum is a definition of a competitive offer) & will "redo his deal" which could also mean offering what the CBA says. It could also mean ignoring the CBA rules and making the CFL make the final decision on what the CBA says or make Rourke a special case because he deserves it. Proof would be Rourke getting offered a contract that is bigger than what's in black and white in the CBA and the CFL agreeing to it and knowing that it's not a special one off case. If that happens, I'll happily admit to being wrong this time. I'll be interested to see if BC picks up the the 3rd year on Rourke's contract in February. If they don't that, then all teams have equal access to Rourke should he come back to the CFL next year. If they do, then the 3rd year CBA rules stay in place even for the 'Just don't exercise the option' folks.
    1 point
  18. I will believe Neil McEvoy thank you very much. It is very clear what he said. You are down to a McEvoy is lying to the media, for some unknown reason, defence of your position now. There is zero point arguing this anymore. The proof has been quoted above and no one is interested in a game of silly bugger anymore. We, who knew better, will take our victory lap now and you SHOULD just exit the conversation gracefully.
    1 point
  19. blue_gold_84


    1 point
  20. We certainly have the goaltender who can get on a white hot run.
    1 point
  21. bustamente

    US Politics

    The law for thee not for me
    1 point
  22. Interesting to see all the thanks but no thanks to the Riders about coaching position...and how they basically had to settle for their O.C....again...next up...exodus of free agents...have they resigned any of note?
    1 point
  23. I reminds me of when the L.A. Kings finished 8th... There...I jinxed it.
    1 point
  24. Feels over reals for some people
    1 point
  25. Rich

    Game 35 vs Minnesota

    The problem with trading this early is the extra 2 months of salary you need to take on. Especially if you are going to take on big salaries like Toews or Kane (max 50% retention without a 3rd team getting involved). Don't make rash decisions. The team built a decent buffer to hopefully weather this storm. They will fall in the standings, but as long as you can stay in playoff contention and make the push back up when everyone is back.
    1 point
  26. Mark H.

    US Politics

    It's fascinating how quickly and completely Fox News has 'dumped the Trump' Biden is now their whipping boy (but there's nothing to whip), while Putin is their somewhat good guy
    1 point
  27. Fatty Liver

    World Politics

    I don't know if these 3 interviews with a British reservist have been posted earlier but I thought they were very entertaining and informative explaining the situation on the ground in Ukraine from a soldier's perspective. Interesting that he estimates shooting people with personal weapons accounts for less than 1% of causalities in modern warfare, but considering the advanced weaponry being used, it totally makes sense. Being an infantry soldier on the ground has been a bad career choice since WW1.
    1 point
  28. kelownabomberfan

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    Finally re-watching the game for the first time. There's only one person I blame for this loss- Claire Hanna.
    1 point
  29. https://slamwrestling.net/index.php/2022/12/28/winnipeg-wwe-promoter-doc-holliday-dies/
    0 points
  30. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ukraine-invasion-day-296-1.6688169 Heinous ****.
    0 points
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