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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-04-18 in Posts

  1. https://www.chrisd.ca/2022/04/18/winnipeg-blue-bombers-youth-football-equipment-donation/ The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have donated $100,000 worth of equipment to youth football in the province. The donation includes 220 new helmets for high school and women’s football programs.
    7 points
  2. rebusrankin

    US Politics

    Note to Tucker, don't get your medical advice from old South Park episodes.
    4 points
  3. Outstanding two sport athlete, and Holder of a record that definitely will not be equalled. "In a period overlapping the 1959 CFL season and 1959–60 NHL season, James became the only player to play in the CFL's Grey Cup (November 28, 1959—won cup) and the NHL's Stanley Cup (first game April 9, 1960—lost cup) in the same season." still alive and kicking.
    3 points
  4. When Neuf spotted me wearing my #53 jersey at the 2019 parade, he looked incredibly touched as I'm guessing he probably doesn't see too many. "Nice jersey man", said he. "You're the greatest", said I. We both avoided a lot of discomfort when he didn't notice CATAN on the back.
    3 points
  5. do or die

    Game 76 @ Tampa

    Working out pretty well.... Now we just need more pucks to the opposition net.....
    3 points
  6. bustamente

    US Politics

    A tale of 2 Presidents First the idiot Who thinks he is still the President Second the sometimes forgetful compassionate old man
    3 points
  7. Mark F

    US Politics

    Florida former governor rick scott, owned a health care company, which was convicted of fraud, and was fined. "The fine clearly set a record, though the Justice Department (and media reports at the time) were not always consistent in their terminology, sometimes describing it as the "largest government fraud settlement in U.S. History" and other times more specifically as the "largest health care fraud case in U.S. History."...1.7 billion dollars. after that.... florida elected him governor, and now senator. truly moronic.
    2 points
  8. JCon

    US Politics

    Have to keep them ignorant to keep them voting GOP.
    2 points
  9. CFL's Flagship Franchise does it again
    1 point
  10. iHeart

    Upcoming Movies

    YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! https://deadline.com/2022/04/streets-of-rage-film-adaptation-john-wick-creator-derek-kolstad-1235004975/
    1 point
  11. Tracker

    US Politics

    Tucker Carlson Goes Nuts For '******** Tanning' And The Internet Has Questions Tucker Carlson, who recently came under fire for the homoerotic nature of the trailer for his upcoming “documentary,” which highlights the alleged collapse of testosterone levels in men, is under scrutiny again. In a short clip, Carlson’s guest, Andrew McGovern, said, “If you want to optimize and take it [your testosterone] to another level, expose yourself to red light therapy”: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-********-tanning_n_625cd22ee4b0be72bff7a25f
    1 point
  12. Mark H.

    The Weather

    Ah yes, 2004. I was attending BU - got stranded in Brandon for 3 days.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Tracker

    US Politics

    Birds Aren’t Real': How a mock conspiracy theory caught on with the far right When Arkansas native turned Memphis resident Peter McIndoe invented the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy theory in January 2017 — the month of former President Donald Trump’s inauguration — he was making fun of far-right conspiracy theorists. It was an exercise in political satire; McIndoe, now 23, was mocking the type of MAGA Republicans who listen to listen to Alex Jones’ “Infowars” and embrace Pizzagate and other ludicrous conspiracy theories. But Birds Aren’t Real caught on, and according to The Guardian’s Zoe Williams, some conspiracy theorists on the far right actually take it seriously. Birds Aren’t Real claims that the “Deep State” killed off all of the real birds in the United States and replaced them with drones that are made to look like birds — and the drones are being used to spy on Americans. McIndoe never really believed that, but he found that some far-right conspiracy theorists took him seriously and believed that all the birds flying around were drones. McIndoe, Williams notes, unveiled his Birds Aren’t Real claims at a rally in Memphis in January 2017. “Someone was filming him and put it on Facebook,” Williams explains. “It went viral, and Memphis is still the center of the Birds Aren’t Real movement. Or is it a movement? You could call it a situationist spectacle, a piece of rolling performance art or a collective satire. MSNBC called it a ‘mass coping mechanism’ for Generation Z, and as it has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, ‘mass,’ at least, is on the money.” The audience for far-right conspiracy theories only grew during Trump’s four years in the White House, from QAnon to the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. And according to Williams, Birds Aren’t Real is “the most perfect, playful distillation of where we are in relation to the media landscape we’ve built but can’t control, and which only half of us can find our way around.” https://www.alternet.org/2022/04/birds-arent-real-how-a-mock-conspiracy-theory-caught-on-with-the-far-right-report/
    1 point
  15. Some pretty juicy candidates for the #53 spot, including Pat Neufeld, Philip Hunt, Steve Patrick, Dom Picard and Aaron Brown (although both wore other numbers), and rocket man Pete Catan, but the selection is a Ring of Honour member and defensive player of the half century.
    1 point
  16. Goalie

    Game 76 @ Tampa

    They aren't the only problem but it appears they are part of it, the Jets problems aren't just 55 and or 26, it's just not, but you had a coach in Paul who quit earlier because he just couldn't reach them anymore. There are problems. Wheeler is the captain ffs, scheif is his assistant, Wheeler tries hard but he's getting old for a player now. Scheif isn't exactly old... looks like he doesn't try that hard most nights, they are the leaders... it starts with them, this team didn't listen to Paul, it's not listening to Dave... it's pretty obvious they are part of the problem and since they are the leaders of the room and there are problems in the room, it's cuz of the leaders. Maybe Blake's pissy attitude and excuses are wearing thin with the younger guys like KC ehlers Dubois who do tend to show up...they ain't half assing it. But obviously coaching Is a problem... Lowry huddy kompon all need to go. All. Huddy the most. A new coach needs to pick his own staff not inherit guys who are friends with the owner. Why is huddy still here since day 1? Seriously ... our D and man 2 man garbage sucks. 55 and 26 are part of the problem as is the coaching, time to hand the team over to the younger hungrier crew... worst case scenario? We miss the playoffs but get a shot at Bedard next year??. I'll take a team of guys who try hard nightly and actually play the right way as they say 100 bucks a ticket. It doesn't say a win is guaranteed but atleast show some damn effort and give a ****. This year's team is the Bombers after that 55 0 or whatever it was Labour Day Ass whooping in Tim Burkes debut. There are problems. It's obvious
    1 point
  17. Maybe..but his injuries are in many ways more physically hampering than Collaros's. There was never any question about whether Collaros could play the game anymore, the question was/is for how long. Saunders on otoh is the opposite. However, you are correct that both could be classified as reclamation projects of sorts. I just think Saunders will have a tougher time getting back to a high level.
    1 point
  18. Wish Buck well in his fight against cancer.
    1 point
  19. Hopefully this will be a Collarosesque type signing where he's been written off by some but (see two GC rings).
    1 point
  20. TrueBlue4ever

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    Was in the same graduating class as my father.
    1 point
  21. Mark F

    US Politics

    Precisely. Biden just announced more oil drilling permits. Not even a week since the report saying "no more drilling" I have come to realize that the people who will not be affected, do not actually care.
    1 point
  22. search an image at images.google.ca. When you find the one you want, right-click and choose "Copy". Then come over here, and in the typing window, right-click and choose "paste" and the image will automatically show up. No need to "insert image from URL"....
    1 point
  23. Ron Lancaster won something like 4 games in Saskatchewan before he was fired. He then went into broadcasting for the next decade being an analyst on the CFL on CBC broadcasts & used that time to figure it out. He became an elite head coach in Edmonton & Hamilton. My guess is he learned to surround himself with great assistants & delegate authority. I think he learned to manage people.
    1 point
  24. I was able to download this photo of Guard Ed Kotowich #56 blocking for Gerry James #28 in the 1958 Grey Cup.
    1 point
  25. Death threats to Jets and Tampa players families didn't help either
    1 point
  26. I like the looks of our recieving core more than last yr to be honest...especially with some of the guys we brought in new..Jackson being back and now Saunders...if he fully back to what he was..that's huge...and now with Grant...who I hope we mix in a bit more now in his 3rd yr here...we are looking good behind that online...and the 1-2 combo of BO and JA...easily will get us 1200 yards minimum combined in the ground game...Buck's second yr owning the offence too us gonna loom large too...I see us putting up league leading scoring numbers....and we know the defense will be top 1 or 2 in league giving up points ...3 peat totally in our grasp if we dont get nailed with multiple "key" injuries...I say key as we have great depth for most part...which was proven last yr...but we didn't lose vital guys for extended time...that of course will hurt any team...but we know we have the backups for the most part to carry us through...
    1 point
  27. Mark H.

    The Weather

    Looking out my window at 6 AM on Wednesday morning, things were still calm. But in spite of that, we still got the call that the division was closed. Within an hour, it could have been a very dangerous situation, had the school busses started out that morning. And quite honestly, no harm was done. Kids got a couple days off and some people bought lots of milk. I found it hilarious that people felt the need to justify their milk usage...on Twitter.
    1 point
  28. Tracker

    The Weather

    Those who first postulated about the looming climate change said that forecasts would become more and more unreliable as weather patterns became chaotic. A couple of years ago, Environment Canada stated that their long-range forecasts were more inaccurate than they were a couple of decades prior for this reason.
    1 point
  29. SpeedFlex27

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    I think Don Jonas should be in there as he had one 4,000 yard season & Schenley MOP in 71. Then a 3800 yard season in 72. Took a team that missed the playoffs for 4 straight seasons (1967-70) & was a league laughing stock with just 2 wins in 1970. In 1970, the Bombers averaged maybe 12000 fans a game while the team kept losing & losing. They stunk no matter who played qb. When Jonas arrived, the air was filled with footballs & excitement with high scoring games. Tickets were hard to come by in 1971 with sell outs a common thing. With Mack Herron running & Jonas chucking the ball & Thorpe, Larose, Markle, Ribbins & Kraemer catching the Bombers became a hot ticket. The Bombers made the playoffs & finished third in the West at 7-8-1. This led to expansion of the West Side of Winnipeg Stadium from 21000 to 25,000 in the off season. In 1972, the team went 10-6 & was just one stupid flukey play away from going to the Grey Cup losing the Western Final to the Riders. The team was in dire financial straights until Jonas et al showed up in 71. But it was Jonas who poured the drink & stirred the contents. The Bombers would have been nothing without him. He literally saved the team frrom folding. I grew up in that era. I remember the two biggest high profile athletes in Winnipeg at that time were Bobby Hull of the Jets & Don Jonas of the Blue Bombers. The City loved them both.
    1 point
  30. Wasn't Zach the QB for Saunders 1000 yard season? This is a good signing.
    1 point
  31. More like dumb and dumber.
    1 point
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