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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-10 in Posts

  1. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    The chip shortage has significantly affected industries around the world, vehicle production in particular (regardless of propulsion system).
    6 points
  2. GCn20

    World Politics

    2035 I put a $100 deposit to get on the cue for the 2024 Silverado EV WT...this is the work truck version that doesn't cost 100k. I received an email from GM Canada stating that they received my deposit and that due to limited supply I was on a cue for the 2026 production year.
    5 points
  3. Bigblue204


    We really need a WTAF button added on this forum.
    4 points
  4. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    And, as has been posted here before, the Anti-vaxxers and pseudo-truckers are really pissed that they are no longer in the limelight.
    4 points
  5. You know the East is stacked at QBs by all the Grey Cups they have. Overwhelming.
    4 points
  6. 17to85

    World Politics

    It's just disgusting what this mad man is going to get away with. Ruining history country, sending conscripts to their deaths for no good reason and wantonly bombing civilians. Putin can go **** himself with a rusty fork.
    4 points
  7. LOL I mean by sheer numbers alone they must be stronger, MTL has as many QBs under contract than almost any 3 Western teams combined
    4 points
  8. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Of course this would happen. They get their "research" about Covid from the same place they get their information about what is happening in Ukraine/Russia - Russian bots.
    4 points
  9. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    World Politics

    Amazing reporting here
    3 points
  10. WildPath

    World Politics

    It would make a ton of sense for Grand Rapids or Pinaymootang to get a charging station. Pair it with a place to eat and you could get a lot of extra business for the restaurant while waiting for charging. There would probably be a lot of grant money for that as well.
    3 points
  11. GCn20

    World Politics

    Dauphin or The Pas would make my trip a couple hundred kilometers longer. I need one in Grand Rapids ideally. I would hope we get one there by then. We just got our very first stage 2 charger in Thompson a couple weeks ago so there is a lot of work to be done here too. I know that those living in the big cities can have quite a myopic view on EV infrastructure because they have it, but rural Canada is absolutely devoid of EV infrastructure currently with the exception of maybe BC and the gas stations in rural are all pretty small mom and pop operations that will need seed money to implement it.
    3 points
  12. HardCoreBlue

    World Politics

    US citizens across the country with Ukraine ancestry (and whoever else wants to join) should be mobilizing their efforts to achieve high voter turnout having these and other clips on constant play as a reminder on why you're doing what you're doing.
    3 points
  13. bustamente

    World Politics

    Lock him up 😁
    3 points
  14. JCon

    World Politics

    There's so much demand and so little supply right now. Everyone seems to be trying to catch up but supply chain disruptions have put everything back. The waiting lists are long for all EVs, it seems.
    3 points
  15. JCon

    World Politics

    The start button to an all-electric future has been pushed Introducing the revolutionary Ultium Platform. Engineered for range, power and flexibility to charge fast, run long and fit every type of vehicle. An innovation that’s powering General Motors’ plan to offer 30 new EVs globally by 2025. Which means the day will soon come when everybody can drive an EV. Welcome to Generation E. Join us and together we’ll emit optimism. https://www.gm.com/commitments/electrification
    3 points
  16. While I agree there are many good Russian people who are disgusted by Putin and his actions, and want peace and cooperation with the rest of the world, I think @Bigblue204 was referring to the malicious ones brainwashed by disinformation and propaganda, blindly supportive of Putin and his and inner circle, falling prey to the narrative Ukraine is controlled by nazis and needs to be liberated, and guilty of spreading that poison to every corner of the online world. There seems to be a parallel there to our own group of misinformed, fearful, hysterical, conspiracy theory spouting assclowns here in Canada, many of whom participated in the protests tantrums roughly a month ago and spent the previous few years going down rabbit holes of utter nonsense and sharing that cancerous garbage on every major social media platform. And it's only getting worse, IMO. Many of these misguided imbeciles are under the impression there's some sinister agenda at play in Ukraine and that Putin is somehow on the side of good. It's completely batshit and it seems like they're too far gone to even be reasoned with anymore. Information warfare has become significantly more prominent in geopolitics the last few decades, first with the dawn of the internet and then with social media. With the lack of oversight and challenges related to regulation, the online world became a crucial battleground. It should come as no surprise that a former KGB agent could use this new reality to his advantage in undermining western democracy as he rose to power in post-Soviet Russia.
    3 points
  17. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    Not sure about the $$ but certainly the fake profiles to boost #'s in the social media groups/pages/accounts etc. It's been shown that many extremist facebook groups and even some religious ones are run by bots/trolls. My twitter feed in particular has a lot less Trudeau hate and a lot less "vaccines are killing people" posts since the war started.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Kenney will take every step needed to ensure he doesn't have to answer any even remotely hard questions. Guy is a spineless coward. Expect all questions to be of the "why are notley and Trudeau such awful people?" Variety.
    3 points
  20. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    If it went into general revenue, it would be a tax. All net funds collected are rebated. Here's the Act: Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act ------------- How much are taxpayers really subsidizing Canada's fossil fuel industry?
    3 points
  21. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    It doesn't go into general revenue, hence, why it isn't a tax.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. Slips in to check if the Jets forum still exists....leaves immediately
    3 points
  24. From Mike O'shea era teams Medlock, Harris, Bryant are all locks. Biggie and Willie will be in that range in a couple more years. One that you could make an arguement for is Mike Miller he end up being head and shoulders above anyone else in special teams teams tackles in the history of the league.
    3 points
  25. GCn20

    World Politics

    I do love Manitoba...but not that much...lol. I actually quite enjoy the ride by Riding mountain area...would prefer not to HAVE to do it though. Plus it is a pretty long stretch from the Pas to Thompson....might be all for nought.
    2 points
  26. do or die

    World Politics

    As a card carrying member of the global elite.......I wish that Cawthorn and the rest of the Freedom Caucus would lay off, for a while........
    2 points
  27. do or die

    World Politics

    So much propaganda and misinformation surrounding the Russia/Ukraine conflict. So, to get the straight goods........listen to The Alex Jones Show on INFORWARS Global Emergency Broadcast Is LIVE: Globalist-Backed Ukraine Orders Russia “To Surrender” – Intel Shows NWO Forces Preparing to Launch False Flag Bio/Chemical/Radiological Attack!! Alex Jones has reverse-engineered the global elite’s next move & will lay out exclusive CRITICAL INTEL that’s absolutely essential to the future of humanity! Tune in NOW! https://www.infowars.com/posts/actor-sean-penn-trying-to-restart-mig-29-transfer-to-ukraine-stoking-fears-of-wwiii-thursday-live/
    2 points
  28. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    Yup I’m just talking about the good ones. Just trying to give them some props.
    2 points
  29. Noeller

    The TV Thread

    he fit the bill.....after elfen Tom Cruise, people were happy it was close enough. This dude was a mountain.
    2 points
  30. Tracker

    World Politics

    FYI: Bandera was not a Nazi, but he did cooperate with the Nazi invasion to drive out the Russians during the early days of WW2 to try to gain Ukrainian independence from Russia. When the Nazis turned on the Ukrainian partisans, he fought them as well, and again against the Russians when they returned to Ukraine. The Russians mounted a major disinformation campaign to vilify him and paint him as an absolute Nazi. I believe the KGB assassinated him in Vienna after the war.
    2 points
  31. https://boingboing.net/2022/03/10/after-trumps-flight-broke-down-the-cheap-grifter-is-now-asking-his-fans-to-buy-him-a-plane.html
    2 points
  32. Yes of course. But Russia (along with most powerful countries) also have agencies where their only job is to implant misinformation and create division. Russia has been real good at it in North America. Just google Russian Troll farms for some examples. I would bet a lot of money the majority of profiles in those convoy forums aren't actually real people.
    2 points
  33. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    A very timely article. How much does the fossil fuel industry actually get from taxpayers? That depends on who you ask, how they define a subsidy and what data is used to calculate the total — resulting in highly variable estimates. In Canada in 2020, estimates range from $4.5 billion (OECD) to $18 billion (Environmental Defence, including public financing to support pipelines) to $81 billion (IMF, including externalities), although most reports note that a lack of transparency makes complete and accurate calculations difficult. https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/fossil-fuel-subsidies-expaliner-1.6371411
    2 points
  34. It wasn't long for sure. Less than a half. He did look poor too. But luckily we were crazy deep at db and only got better with the change. The fact he didn't draw back in as a vet when healthy and isn't back says all we need to know.
    2 points
  35. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    This makes me wonder how much funding Putin's people funneled into the "trucker" protests as a way of destabilizing Canadian governments and sowing discord, much as they have (with Trump's participation) done in the US.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. And as usual, the East will crash & burn like it always does.
    2 points
  38. WinnipegGordo

    The TV Thread

    Barry is awesome. The new season is finally starting next month. Another great comedy/drama is Loudermilk staring Ron Livingston and Brian Regan. I recently plowed through Mayor of Kingstown, 1883, Reacher and Peacemaker. Severance is a new interesting show thats getting good reviews. For those that have access to it Peaky Blinders has started its last season (won't be on Netflix for awhile).
    2 points
  39. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Yes! But, even now, there's a significant political party who's said that they'll scrap the pricing because it hurts their feelings. And, the carbon pricing is cost neutral for most taxpayers! Imagine the convoys if we invested in something that's not O&G!
    2 points
  40. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    I agree with this. However at this point in time it's wishful thinking at the very best. Oil and Gas has infiltrated every level of politics mainly for the purpose of essentially regulating themselves. And we all know how that's worked out. Banking the future health of our water ways/planet etc on oil and gas being properly regulated is essentially insane at this point. Mainly because of the grip Oil and Gas has on us, for this particular issue, on our politicians.
    2 points
  41. JCon

    World Politics

    Don't you love Manitoba enough to travel the long way around to get to Winnipeg? You could stop at one of our National Parks and visit our second most populated city. Then marvel at our twined Highway 1.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. bigg jay

    World Politics

    Swan River looks to be the "nearest" place to Thompson but it's not exactly on the way. https://chargehub.com/en/countries/canada/manitoba.html
    1 point
  44. FrostyWinnipeg

    Canadian Politics

    ‘Freedom convoy’ forums find new focus: disinformation about Russia-Ukraine war
    1 point
  45. Ya I would give a ROH to Clements just even for the short time he was here mainly because of that amazing 84 season, ending another long drought. Brock got a ROH and even though he was a great QB, he could never perform in the big game. I would put Clements over Brock any day. I think I still have my old Brock Busters T-shirt from that game.
    1 point
  46. It is always personal preference In the end, but I’d argue if Jones and Battle deserve to be in yesterday as you say, Clements is no less worthy than either of them. And we shouldn’t cap eligibility just because of position.
    1 point
  47. Clements is one of only 7 Bombers ever named MOP, and one of only 4 to win MOP and Grey Cup as well. He is arguably the next most deserving QB behind the 3 already honoured. We’ll see where Collaros slots in when it is all said and done, but 2 Cups and an MOP in 2 (abbreviated) seasons is a pretty sweet start to a resume. For receivers, James Murphy was the all-time greatest receiver in club history prior to Milt, and is still #2 on pretty much all the career numbers, also only one of 3 non-QBs to win MOP with the Bombers (Milt and Willard Reaves the other 2). Joe Pop was a Canadian legend and had he not retired at 28 he may well have surpassed Milt’s career totals, I would not be surprised to see him honoured next. For o-line, Bryant and Rigney should be next up, John Bonk has an outside shot due to longevity, Grey Cup win, and Schenley win, but he was never “all-time best” talk like the other 3. There are others throughout the years but all a grade below the big 3. RBs Charlie should be next, then Harris, and Reaves some day since he stayed in Winnipeg after his playing days and won MOP.
    1 point
  48. Thanks for verbalizing my thoughts on this. He was brilliant and my all-time favorite QB, and deserving of the “ring”, but it does open up the question of why makes one “ring-worthy”?
    1 point
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