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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-02-27 in Posts

  1. Stretch

    World Politics

    Gotta admit, this guy seems pretty badass.
    6 points
  2. bustamente

    World Politics

    You can shove your thoughts and prayers and condemnation of Putin now, you had a chance to help Ukraine but sided with your Orange God, the only Republican to vote for was Mitt Romney.
    5 points
  3. HardCoreBlue

    World Politics

    Legend being born. I also read he is a comedian which warms my heart even more.
    5 points
  4. bustamente

    World Politics

    This is real life not like the meal team six members and their cosplay pretend tired old act
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. Privileged?! You’re being way too kind. I’m hoping with what is going on in Ukraine that the majority of Canadians who have always known this is THE stupidest dumbest thing they’ve seen will run out of patience and be way more vocal and drown out these extremely dumb uncaring it’s all about my rights knuckledraggers. They should be shamed and banished to the kids table until they demonstrate they belong back at the adults table. On behalf of Canada I apologize to any Ukraine Bomber Jet fans on this site for this extremely embarrassing knuckle dragging behaviour we’ve witnessed for the last two years when the pandemic hit full force. I’m ashamed.
    4 points
  7. the watcher

    World Politics

    Apparently you can be trained in 1 hour on how to use Javelins and Stingers. If they can access enough of them and with the ground swell of resistance happening that could be a game changer.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. bustamente

    World Politics

    The world needs to make sure they are well armed and have supplies, javelins and stingers are causing major damage to the Russian convoys but heavy armament in coming
    3 points
  10. Noeller


    Well, add me to the list. I'm the second most COVID-safe person I know....never go anywhere other than the office and once a week to the grocery store.... Aaaand I tested positive yesterday afternoon (and again this morning). So far just a mild cold. Had a slight tickle cough yesterday... Today is a little more sinus-headache-y and less cough. Hopefully back to 100% by the end of the week. Thankfully able to work from home this week...
    3 points
  11. the watcher

    World Politics

    An opinion piece on Putin https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/27/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-power
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. They aren't a-peeling in the same way.
    3 points
  15. Tracker

    World Politics

    The Netherlands is sending 200 stinger anti-aircraft missiles, sniper rifles with ammunition, helmets, fragmentation vests, radars and detectors to detect ground mines and naval mines to Ukraine +150 soldiers to Romanian/Ukraine border. I hope it arrives on time.stay strong! 729 41
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. Mark H.

    World Politics

    ^^ Meanwhile in Canada - we spend three weeks parking trucks to supposedly protest vaccine mandates That is just - mind numbingly privileged
    3 points
  19. HardCoreBlue

    Game 53 @ Arizona

    I assume the Jets will run out the season with Lowry and existing staff behind the bench then big changes in the off season. Unless they get an offer they can't refuse, I think they even run out the season with their existing roster as well.
    2 points
  20. Mark F

    World Politics

    Looks like most ukrainians have had military training. dont know though. The National Guard of Ukraine serve as the main reserve component of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "Following hostilities with Russia, Ukraine increased the size of its armed forces to 204,000 soldiers (+46,000 civil servants) in 2014, not counting additional military forces such as the border guards (53,000), the newly formed National Guard of Ukraine (60,000) or the security service.[10] The current size of Ukraine's armed forces, which consists of 250,000 (215,000 military personnel), is the second largest in the region after the Russian Armed Forces.[11] In 2022, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ordered to increase the size of the forces by 100,000 by 2025, while ending conscription in 2024. Conscription will be replaced with short-term intensive military training.[12]" not a small military.
    2 points
  21. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-business-europe-moscow-2e4e1cf784f22b6afbe5a2f936725550 He's lost his ******* mind. Slava Ukraini!
    2 points
  22. Tracker

    World Politics

    Germany is sending war materiel to Ukraine, and is no longer opposing locking Russia out of the SWIFT banking system, and European teams are refusing to play Russian teams. Every bit counts.
    2 points
  23. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    The long term civil servants are really doing the work.
    2 points
  24. bustamente

    World Politics

    Imagine being conscripted to fight for your country, fleeing for your life, sheltering in a under ground in a subway system with hardly any food with young children these tools would be hiding in their parents basements wondering why their skip order is taking so long, So tough a life of having to wear and mask or getting a pin prick so that people taking care of others in the hospitals and aren't overwhelmed. Self serving waste of space imbeciles the whole lot of them.
    2 points
  25. WildPath

    World Politics

    Venezuela Can Bring Putin to his Knees - Greg Palast I’m sure Putin is laughing when he hears Biden list his new so-called “sanctions” which are as serious as canceling Putin‘s Walmart discount card. It’s about the oil, Mr. Biden. The price of oil. The more Ukrainians Putin kills, the higher the price of oil. Right now, Russian tanks have pushed the price of oil past $100 a barrel. That’s a windfall worth an additional half a billion dollars a day to Russia’s treasury. With 43% of Russia’s entire federal budget coming from oil and gas royalties, Putin doesn’t care if his oligarchs are barred from getting tickets to see Hamilton. The doubling of energy prices over the next year would bring Putin a quarter trillion dollar windfall. Want to stop Putin‘s tanks? Turn off his war windfall. How? Unleash the largest reserve of oil on the planet: Lift the cruel, crazy, unjustified embargo of Venezuela. Venezuela is capable of pumping 2 million barrels of oil a day for export. If Biden announces an end to the embargo, the price of oil will nosedive in 20 minutes. However, the US and Europe have laid siege to Venezuela, stopping everything from food to supplies of parts to get its oil industry back up and running. Stop choking Venezuela’s economy and starving the Venezuelan people, who are no enemies of America, who invaded no one, and the price of oil will collapse. The Biden administration continues to prosecute Donald Trump‘s mad embargo of Venezuela. The embargo was triggered by Venezuela‘s insistence on taking back control of its oil industry—and, Heaven forbid, taxing Exxon. The excuse I hear from Republicans and Democrats alike is that Venezuela is not a democratic state. As opposed to Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Qatar and Russia? It’s fascinating to me that European Union blockades oil from Venezuela but continues to take oil from Russia. We are paying the price of Trump‘s policy, now Biden’s, at the pump and Ukrainians are paying in Odessa. When I was a BBC reporter covering Venezuela, I got to know its people and their presidents, including Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, as well as the opposition. Maybe Biden doesn’t like Maduro, and Exxon and BP certainly do not like Maduro, but he is the elected president. And I can tell you that while Maduro is not popular anymore because of the suffering imposed by the embargo, he was democratically elected. And that’s more than can be said for the so-called “President“ that the US and Europe have recognized, Juan Guaido, who never even ran for president. Guaido is a rich white guy who has lived in Washington for years. The Venezuelan people, whatever they feel about Maduro, are not going to go back to white “Spaniard“ control of their mestizo nation. So let’s make a deal: We recognize the elected government in Venezuela and Putin recognizes the elected government of Ukraine. And if Putin doesn’t like that deal, we still recognize Venezuela, and unleash their oil, without doubt the greatest weapon on this battlefield. Yes, the Germans have agreed (for this week at least) to cancel Nord Stream 2, the new gas pipeline from Russia. But that’s one more cruel joke in which the Ukrainians are the punchline, ignoring Nord Stream 1. Germany continues to take Russian oil and Nord Stream gas, sending Putin nearly $1 billion a day. This is the commercial equivalent of the Hitler-Stalin pact. The US and UK governments have seized Venezuela’s oil revenues (and even its gold reserves), leaving its people to starve. Yet, we are not holding back payments to Putin. The fact that Germany has, by reports, vetoed banning Russia from the SWIFT international payments system is a clear indication that German industrialists are more than happy to send cash to Putin as long as the carbon keeps coming. End the strangulation of Venezuela and tankers full of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) from the South American nation could cut Putin’s pipeline noose from around Europe’s neck. So there’s your choice, President Biden: Is maintaining Trump’s embargo of Venezuela so important that you will continue to let Germany fund this invasion?
    2 points
  26. HardCoreBlue

    World Politics

    I don't know where to put this so I'm putting it here. Presently life is hard for a lot of sane people of many stripes, colors and shapes for similar and unique reasons. So when all this craziness of what's going on around us locally and globally gets tempered to manageable portions we are going to have an in-person Morning Big Blue member party where we can meet each other face to face and uncloak our monikers and meet each other as real people. Because I'm just the idea guy I vote that that the top 5 members with the most reputation points organize this event. 🙂 A victim of your own success so to speak. All members tho will contribute what they can monetarily to make it happen. 🙂 Now back to your regularly scheduled craziness. Go Ukraine.
    1 point
  27. Noeller


    That's what I've heard and I'm hoping it's true. So far so good, but knock on wood...
    1 point
  28. HardCoreBlue

    World Politics

    Me too but I'm also anti-lunacy. I'd like to cobble them all together (Putin, that lunatic from North Korea, the whole Trump family and their ardent supporters, a good portion of the GOP'ers, knuckle dragging free dumb fighters etc etc) and send them all on their way. A whole lot of pressure in this world sure would be relieved.
    1 point
  29. I actually watched the video where the quote in that headline came from, nobody was crying or complaining. It was actually very interesting getting to see behind the scenes footage from the war room. even if it is for another team. I wish the Bombers had something like Behind the R. Anyone that wants to grow interest in the CFL especially with a younger crowd would undoubtedly agree we should have a show like this.
    1 point
  30. We can say the same thing about the RedBlacks raiding other teams rosters. This, "WHY? WHY? WHY???" crying is so childish. Ottawa, BC & Edmonton drove up salaries & then they ***** & complain??? Reminds me of a punk who carries thinking he's the biggest & baddest dude out there until he meets someone who is bigger & badder than him and calls him out. Burke just thought throwing $$$ at players would solve everything until another team did the same thing. As much as I hate Chris Jones, if it ended up coating Burke more money than he wanted to pay then that's good. The people that run this league..... What a joke. One more thing. the RedBlacks have the worst HC & OC in the CFL. I don't care how good Massoli plays, he'll have the yoke of Paul LaPolice around his neck on every play holding him back. Can't squander a ten point lead in the second half.
    1 point
  31. Goalie

    Game 53 @ Arizona

    Ya I'm sure teams will be going hard after our backup.. lol do u Even? Nevermind. Jets or ahl for Eric Wheeler needs to go. The entire coaching staff needs to go also.. all of them. Lowry huddy kompon Flaherty even. All of them
    1 point
  32. Goalie

    Game 53 @ Arizona

    If they sign him to a new deal.. I'm done as a fan because it's then officially no longer about winning Stastny needs to go asap also.. just standing around watching
    1 point
  33. captaincanuck12

    Game 53 @ Arizona

    PLD has been a bright light in an otherwise dark season. The guy needs to be in the leadership squad next season. Beauty tip by Lowry to make it 1-0
    1 point
  34. Mark H.


    Good luck. I had Delta and I wouldn't have wanted to get too much sicker. But apparentlly omicron is pretty mild if you're boosted.
    1 point
  35. Mark F

    World Politics

    Outstanding article. I have read two novels by Vladimir Sorokin..... Brilliant author. Read them start to finish without stopping. Day of the Oprichnik: "Day of the Oprichnik, translated into English by Jamey Gambrell, is no earnest retread of Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, even though Sorokin, a talented mimic of his fellow Russian authors, clearly intends the ironic echo. On the contrary, this short and savage offering puts the “dys” in dystopian in a way few novels bearing that label can claim. It’s an outrageous, salacious, over-the-top tragicomic depiction of an utterly depraved social order whose absolute monarch (referred to only as “His Majesty”) is a blatant conflation of the country’s current president with its ferocious 16th-century absolute monarch known as Ivan Grozny." https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/his-majesty-on-vladimir-sorokins-day-of-the-oprichnik/
    1 point
  36. 11 years is long enough to show what you got at any job. The results haven’t nearly matched the hype surrounding this guy’s supposed brilliance at building a winning team, including coaching decisions. Time to move on and give this city the chance to be more than just grateful for an NHL team …
    1 point
  37. bustamente

    World Politics

    ............and one of these
    1 point
  38. bustamente

    World Politics

    A segment of Americans are becoming the biggest A holes in the world
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    These individuals are probably as effective in one portfolio as another.
    1 point
  41. Goalie

    World Politics

    Ukraine is like Mike Tyson in his prime. Just destroying Go Ukraine Go
    1 point
  42. johnzo

    Canadian Politics

    cabinet shuffles always seem insane to me. how are a minister of justice and a minister of labour interchangeable? Wouldn't you want skills and backgrounds tailored for each role?
    1 point
  43. Hi All, This episode features an interview with Bombers DB and West Final hero Nick Taylor! So excited he agreed to be on the pod. You'll really enjoy him. Our first ever player guest talks about his journey from college basketball, to NFL, to becoming a key member of the Back2Back Champ's #Darkside Defence. Listen as he gets you inside the locker room to share FIFO really means and how the way of O'Shea completely changed how he prepared for games, and how the 2019 defence came together so quickly. Nick also shares his favourite 90's music, preferred travel destinations, and more! -Shoutout to #bombersuperfan Lefty Carol and CFL Cartoonist Gary McDaniel Google: http://bit.ly/3mOpMb3 Podbean: http://bit.ly/3oZiGTG Apple: http://apple.co/3ayNHW7 Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3BESm4V As always, I appreciate any feedback, positive or constructive! Zach @bomberpodast on Twitter & Instagram Zachschnitzer@gmail.com
    1 point
  44. Driver is thankfully alive:
    1 point
  45. Thanks, these podcasts are getting better all the time. I really appreciate you putting content like this out.
    1 point
  46. 17to85

    World Politics

    Good on the Russian people protesting this crap. Standing up to a blood thirsty dictator takes real courage.
    1 point
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