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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-03-01 in Posts

  1. You're a moron.
    3 points
  2. SpeedFlex27

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Don't you think Drew Wolitarski would make a great slot rather than a wideout? He seems wasted out there.
    3 points
  3. Dr Zaius

    Game 20 : Montreal

    This is the single worst take on the Jets anyone has ever said. That's actually impressively bad.
    3 points
  4. All of the media companies in this country seem like complete trash.
    3 points
  5. The perfect photoshopped image doesn't exi-
    2 points
  6. JCon

    Game 20 : Montreal

    I'm going to ask Georges for his take. Goerges:
    2 points
  7. Mark F

    US Politics

    looks like Biden learned from the Obama mistakes and backtracking. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/03/01/huge-huge-deal-biden-issues-public-statement-support-alabama-amazon-workers-fighting ""I made it clear when I was running that my administration's policy would be to support unions organizing and the right to collectively bargain," the president says in a two-minute video posted to TwitterSunday night. "I'm keeping that promise." "We haven't had this aggressive and positive of a statement from a president of the United States on behalf of workers in decades," Faiz Shakir, former presidential campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and founder of More Perfect Union, told the Washington Post. "It is monumental that you have a president sending a message to workers across the country that if you take the courageous step to start to unionize you will have allies in the administration, the NLRB, and the Labor Department. It means a lot." In the new video—released after the president faced pressure to vocally support the Bessemer effort—Biden says that "you should all remember that the National Labor Relations Act didn't just say that unions are allowed to exist. It said that we should encourage unions."
    2 points
  8. Tracker


    We can see the light breaking on the horizon!
    2 points
  9. iHeart


    it's getting even lower
    2 points
  10. GCn20

    Game 20 : Montreal

    If someone yells at OB does it make a sound? We'll never know because you are the only one there. Now you have come here because, I am guessing, you tired of responding to your own posts? Good start...trolling should get a couple of reactions before everyone just tunes you out and stops responding altogether....just like OB. He was tired of having the same conversation with himself over and over again.
    2 points
  11. Dr Zaius

    Game 20 : Montreal

    He's an upgrade on Beaulieu for sure. But 3.5 is way too high for him. 3.5 for chiatot is death by 1000 papercuts that kills a team's cap. It just can't be done. I'm fine with it, but for the love of God, put Heinola in over Beau
    2 points
  12. Brandon

    Canadian Politics

    He is so far off on trying to compare America's issues with police brutality and racism with Canada it's annoying when people like him are trying to create something out of nothing. Yes don't come to Canada because we had residential schools and clearly the country hasn't changed in 50-100 years when that happened. Don't come to Canada because clearly this Country has not embraced a massive amount of different cultures and places like Winnipeg never celebrate these cultures with things like Folklorama. Police brutality in Canada is so bad that amazingly relations with the First Nations is at an all time high and the amount of Police related deaths is at an all time low, but no this uneducated guy knows better because he's desperate for attention. I say we deport that guy to somewhere far away where he can experience what a truly bad country is like.
    2 points
  13. Buck as an analyst is sensational. One of the best in the league. Buck as PBP (with Tabler) is not good...
    2 points
  14. He's a troll folks... Let it go.
    2 points
  15. Brandon

    Game 20 : Montreal

    Lets focus on the one bad goal and then completely ignore the amazing save on Gallagher and the 38 other saves he made.
    2 points
  16. a) I would bet big money you couldn’t stop that one or pretty much any shot. b) Here’s a look at those disheartened players There is no c) because the rest of that post was nonsense. “Let’s trade the 27 year old Vezina winner”.
    2 points
  17. BomberBall

    Game 21 : Vancouver

    Let’s hope the guys come out with a better effort than Saturday. Winning when you’re outplayed is great, but it’s not sustainable.
    1 point
  18. Mark H.


    https://www.chrisd.ca/2021/03/01/covid-19-manitoba-people-colour-race-affected/ Interesting article. Manitoba has released a report showing COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Indigenous, Black and other people of colour in the province. “This is systemic and it is seen in every jurisdiction,” Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, said Monday. Roussin said the province’s race and ethnicity data show a similar pattern to information in other jurisdictions in Canada and around the world. He said it’s not about people in communities making bad choices. COVID-19 infections are largely linked to pre-existing inequities, including in housing and employment. “We know people in (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) communities are more likely to live in lower income neighbourhoods, live in overcrowded and multi-generational households,” Roussin said. “They are also more likely to have low-wage occupations.” Considering that most of the deaths are in care homes - I have to wonder how many low income people actually live in care homes?
    1 point
  19. Noeller

    The TV Thread

    BBT was a fantastic show until they decided that everyone needed to be in a relationship. Lame. When it was just the nerds and the one chick, it was really really funny. I always say the best years for that show were when Sara Gilbert was a semi-regular performer on the show.
    1 point
  20. bigg jay

    The TV Thread

    I didn't watch the Wire until a few years ago and I always wonder why I hadn't heard about it sooner. It's easily one of my favorites of all-time and it's forever changed how I pronounce the word ****! 😅
    1 point
  21. JCon

    The TV Thread

    If you haven't seen the The Wire, what are you doing with your life? It's absolutely amazing. I've watched it through 3 times. There are so many shows listed on this site that have had multi-year runs that I have never heard of.
    1 point
  22. I’m beginning to think Jack Eichel might indeed be a coach killer.
    1 point
  23. Name needs to change but this seems apt
    1 point
  24. Mark H.

    The TV Thread

    I assume you caught my reference? It's what the Mayor of Schitt's Creek orders at the local Cafe.
    1 point
  25. Noeller


    Good for Einar...she's fantastic. Some people questioned whether a team of 4 skips could make it work, but they definitely did. I still feel like this team is winning in spite of Val Sweeting and they could do better at the 3rd position, but they're getting it done regardless. Shame that Jonesy **** her pants in the tie breaker, but that's how she goes sometimes. Manitoba's women's curling future is extremely bright with a number of good teams. On to the Brier now, starting Friday, where Manitoba's men's division is not so bright. A couple of "just okay" teams and the best curler we've produced in at least a decade, Matt Dunstone, is skipping the dirty Gappers...what a shame.
    1 point
  26. do or die

    US Politics

    For Trump, starting a new party from scratch would be too much work, and would cut into his golf time. Besides, why would he need to do that, when the GOP has already morphed into the Trumpest Party, anyways? Donald can still rake it in, from both the cult, and the currently supine entity known as the former Republican Party. These GOP types talking about Trump somehow stepping back, and enabling some form of "unity" are simply dreaming in technicolor. The Don can (and will) continue to get his attention, money and revenge....snug and cozy, within this absurd personalty cult, on an ongoing basis. Anyone in the GOP who is not a cultist, bigot, conspiracy theorist, or seditionist, better start making plans......
    1 point
  27. Tracker

    The TV Thread

    Not unless the event was held in Saskatchewan, and then gopher al dente would be a side dish.
    1 point
  28. Tracker

    The Winnipeg Thread

    There is every indication that we are likely to have an early, somewhat drier than normal spring.
    1 point
  29. JCon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    Looking at the two week forecast, there is not much precipitation from here down south. Given the warm temps, I'm hopeful that there is not any flooding this spring. However, our we need rain. Hopefully, we'll have a wet spring after the crops are in the field.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. SpeedFlex27

    Game 20 : Montreal

    Horseman, huh? So, one of the 5 active posters left on that stupid site is bothering to troll here? What's the matter too busy there for ya?? Lol.
    1 point
  32. Mark H.

    The TV Thread

    I hope they served waffles & fried chicken with extra skin for dinner.
    1 point
  33. The big ones... Lotta money grubbing assholes.
    1 point
  34. bustamente


    I know of a few businesses where family members work and they tell me if its obvious they are not from the same household they will inquire but for the most part they don't turn away many customers
    1 point
  35. GCJenks


    I am not sure why you think not being enforced. We’ve been out three times and each time had to affirm we were same household. I didn’t see any obvious violations either.
    1 point
  36. Tracker

    US Politics

    Scaramuchi said today that Trump will be in it so long as the rubes keep pumping the money in to his "re-election campaign". The rest of the GOP does not have the sense to realize that Trump is leading the lemmings to the edge of the cliff and does not give a damn whether they live or die.
    1 point
  37. Iirc, he asked for his release.
    1 point
  38. GCJenks


    I expect some loosened conditions this week but we will be level red until the end of March at least. They couldn’t move us to orange without loosening travel or gathering restrictions. I am not hopeful but would love to see the household restrictions on restaurants lifted. It make no sense that my MIL can come here for supper but we can’t go out together.
    1 point
  39. bustamente


    Winnipeg's trp is now at 2.7, less cases being report, less hospitalizations, active cases are slowly coming down, I can see restrictions being loosened even more this week might even come out of Code Red
    1 point
  40. bb1

    Game 20 : Montreal

    Hey Rogers,Cbc why not make all Jets games at midnight so you can also fit in a 3 hour afterglow party for all Leafs victories!
    1 point
  41. Colin Unger

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    I don't think Winnipeg had room for him. They've needed for years a legit slotback and they got that in Mitchell. The other two American starters are Adams and Lawlyer with Bailey and Grant battling for playing time as well.
    1 point
  42. Mark H.


    And probably testing an entire reserve before sending the tests to a lab.
    1 point
  43. Why in the world would you trade Helle for a goalie who seems past his prime, who has 5 years left after this one at 10.5 million per year?
    1 point
  44. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    Trade the best goaltender in the world because you want to get as much for him as you can. Get the absolute **** out of here. This is why you can't have nice things... You don't appreciate what you have. Every team in the league would kill to have Helle. What a ******* terrible post.
    1 point
  45. GCJenks


    I suspect the numbers are bouncing up and down based on the timing of yest results from the North. From what I understand they are doing rapid tests on reserve but only announcing them once lab confirmed. That is likely why some days are higher than others.
    1 point
  46. Tracker

    Bombers Signings

    Obviously you are not a world-class athlete.
    1 point
  47. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    They were doing a lot of things that needed to be done. She was very pragmatic balancing new investments and supporting oil and gas. I don't trust the NDP much, but she was doing good and keeping them from going full on loonies left. We need more politicians in this country like her.
    1 point
  48. Horseman

    Game 20 : Montreal

    Just watch how far the Jets go in the playoffs because of these bad goals Hellebuyck keeps letting in, remember the one he let in from the other teams blue line? He constantly lets in questionable goals and I no confidence in him. He won the vezina trophy yes, but he isn't the best goalie in the league. We will not win the cup with him in net. I believe the Jets should trade him this summer, while people still think he may be worth something. To me he is simply Hellesuyck.
    0 points
  49. Horseman

    Random Jets News

    I think the Jets need to look at replacing a few players IMO, Beauliu (sp), Matt Perreau, Bryan Little should retire, and I would look to trade Hellebuyk this off-season. Like John Huffnagel says, it is better to trade a player a year to early than a year to late. The Jets could get something good for him right now after his Vezina season. I just don't think the Jets can win the cup with Hellebuyk in net. He is just to iffy for me, you seem to hold your breath with every shot he faces and his puck handling skills are lacking. Maybe they could swing some sort of deal with Mtl to get Price.
    0 points
  50. Yes, Perry needs to be brought in line, he thinks he's a tough guy taking on a smaller player who is not a fighter. I would hope that Lowry or Thompson would send Perry a message next game.
    0 points
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