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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-02-26 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. JCon


    They do surveys to gather the information. It's free research for the party in power. And, then they point to it to say this is what people wanted, regardless of what the statistics say. It just makes people feel like they've contributed. I've been on the gov't side enough when they're preparing these consultations. The orders are already written and they'll finetune them next week. They don't really care what we think.
    4 points
  3. JCon


    It's truly amazing how quickly they got these vaccines ready but let's not forget the scientists at the Gates Foundation that managed to get the human control chips into each of these vaccines in such a short time. An unrivalled engineering feat. Equally remarkable.
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Andrae Thurman 2006 https://www.statscrew.com/football/stats/p-thurmand001
    3 points
  6. Jpan85

    Game 19 : Montreal

    Dubios Scheifele and Wheeler is a line that is built for the playoffs. Big, strong, skilled max effort over a seven game series they will wear down the opposition.
    3 points
  7. JCon

    2021 Season

    https://3downnation.com/2021/02/24/you-guys-are-so-full-of-it-super-bowl-champion-db-will-blackmon-provides-glimpse-into-chris-jones-led-riders/ ‘You guys are so full of it’: Super Bowl champion DB Will Blackmon provides glimpse into Chris Jones-led Riders I found this to be an interesting read. I'm not sure if it's a common practice but this seems to be yet another reason I don't want that trash, Jones, back in the CFL.
    3 points
  8. Or ideally even better Ehlers can retrieve the puck from the net, flip it to Perry after scoring his third goal of the game.
    2 points
  9. Bigblue204


    WPG TPR = 3.3% That's 3(?) days in a row it's dropped I think
    2 points
  10. Tracker


    As an aside, about 25 years ago an Australian doctor, Sam Chachoua, lost his father to cancer. Chachoua was one of the youngest doctors to graduate from medical school, and at the top of his class. He decided to make the eradication of cancer the focus of his life and as a tribute to his father. He saw that the conventional "cut, burn and poison" treatments were limited decided to look for a better treatment process. He was aware that some cancers spontaneously go into remission and began to explore why. He came to the conclusion that a secondary viral infection attacked the cancers and eradicated them. When the secondary infection was treated, the cancers did not recur. As some of the secondary infections were difficult to treat, he decided to identify more benign viruses and use them to attack cancers. He also modified the secondary viruses to make them more effective and claimed to cure over 90% of stage 4 cancers, as well as well-advanced AIDS. He was not well-received in the US, and his story can be found at: Dr. Sam Chachoua | ENCOGNITIVE.COM Why have I posted this? The process of creating the COVID vaccine is almost exactly the one Dr. Chachoua created. The wheel is re-invented.
    2 points
  11. JCon

    Game 19 : Montreal

    Niku was very good, so you can expect him to be reassigned to the taxi squad. Heinola is playing big minutes with the Moose. I would rather see him there with lots of minutes touching the puck, than splitting time at the NHL level, on and off the roster.
    2 points
  12. Jpan85


    Plus even though its 60 some percent that you may get sick its virtually eliminated death and hospitalization from Covid.
    2 points
  13. Noeller


    I used to think like this, and then I did a bunch of reading and realized that 62% is still CRAZY high effectiveness. Most vaccines aren't normally that high. And the 90%+ is basically unheard of. It's never been done before. So, as someone else just posted, you want ANY of the vaccines...it'll get the job done.
    2 points
  14. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    If you deciding on which shot is best for you... first available seems to be the right choice.
    2 points
  15. Tracker


    The COVID recovery outlook and CFL season are brighter prospects all the time.
    2 points
  16. 17to85


    The more vaccines that get approved the quicker we can get enough stock to vaccinate everyone so huzzah!
    2 points
  17. bustamente

    US Politics

    Always know who butters your toast
    2 points
  18. kelownabomberfan

    Random Jets News

    Yes he's everything Trouba could have been.
    2 points
  19. Thompson with the GWG. Not sure if Maurice genius or mad man.
    2 points
  20. Noeller


    Consultation is ALWAYS a good thing. They don't necessarily base their decisions on what people want, but it helps to know what people are most passionate about. It's good for them to be informed, and it's good for citizens to feel like they have a voice.
    2 points
  21. Mark H.


    In all seriousness, why are they asking for feedback? They need to base this on numbers and projections...not on how we all feel about it.
    2 points
  22. Bubba Zanetti

    Bombers Signings

    Leggy McKicksalot?
    2 points
  23. M.O.A.B.

    Bombers Signings

    Bombers' neg lister (assuming he's not removed yet) https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/09/24/bombers-unveil-10-names-45-player-negotiation-list/
    2 points
  24. Pionk is fantastic and has been our best defenseman for awhile, BUT Morrissey is still great. I feel like he's been asked to do too much. I'm not sure he was ever meant to be your #1 stud D. Josh Morrissey is a great NHL defender, but he's not Chris Pronger or Shea Weber. And that's okay, too.
    2 points
  25. Bigblue204

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    I thought this, BEFORE they signed Bear woods lol. I mean they could be really dangerous if the CFL only plays 9 games. Any more than that and their 6 game is gonna be full!!!!
    1 point
  26. Noeller


    exactly this...
    1 point
  27. Noeller


    there's always a good chance of Manitoba winning because we have so many good ******* teams, period. Even if we only have 1 or 2 in the bonspiel, we've got a better than good shot of winning because we're that much better than everyone else on any given day. Virtually every province has benefitted from our curling expertise in some way. One of the things that absolutely makes me sick to my stomach these days is we sent our best male curler over to the ******* GAP of all places, to wear green and help those inbred, knuckle dragging cousin-f***ers win a f***ing Brier......absolutely gross.
    1 point
  28. 17to85


    Yeah the 60% isn't a concern when you consider that it has shown to prevent people from getting seriously ill anyway. At this point take whatever we can get and get ourselves some herd immunity going.
    1 point
  29. JCon


    1 point
  30. Noeller

    Around The NHL 2020/21

    not that I have any love for the Sens, but few things would please me more than to see Calgary and Vancouver sucking the hind *** at the bottom...just fabulous.
    1 point
  31. JCon

    Around The NHL 2020/21

    Ottawa can pass Vancouver and Calgary soon if they keep this up.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. SpeedFlex27


    I sure miss The Unknown Poster on this thread....
    1 point
  34. JCon

    US Politics

    Don't negotiate with terrorists. And, they are terrorists.
    1 point
  35. Why would Toronto or any team care? The penalties for violating the salary cap are weak, and the potential profit for a (normal) championship team would more than offset the cost. If the league wants to have a cap with teeth, then basically refuse to allow contracts to be registered once a team exceeds the cap and then the team can’t have the player, simple as that.
    1 point
  36. Bigblue204

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    I won't be surprised if there are some big name vets cut before the season by TO.
    1 point
  37. bustamente

    US Politics

    Biden needs to stop trying to play patty cakes with Republicans and that will be made even clearer after the CPAC slurpathon this weekend
    1 point
  38. wbbfan

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    I think we will see half their FA pick ups gone or on the IR by the vet cut day.
    1 point
  39. wbbfan

    Bombers Signings

    Prince robinson looks like he was playing vs competition way below his skill level. Breon borders would be a pretty sick get.
    1 point
  40. Dr Zaius

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    The Stamps should be the team that goes after Muamba. He's younger, better and just as Canadian as Greenwood
    1 point
  41. FrostyWinnipeg

    The Tech Thread

    https://mobilesyrup.com/2021/02/25/supreme-court-dismisses-incumbents-appeal-crtcs-lowered-wholesale-rates/ Also... KODI V19 apparently disables most of the good addons so... Don't update!
    1 point
  42. SpeedFlex27

    2021 Season

    Well he did have a practice squad for the practice squad of the practice squad while in Regina.
    1 point
  43. Eternal optimist

    2021 Season

    Although there's always two halves to every story, if even some of those allegations are factual, it'd explain a lot about Jones' time there.
    1 point
  44. iHeart

    The TV Thread

    1 point
  45. Niku has looked good.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Just saw this abomination on TSN. Harris was on the list, but it was him scoring some random TD as a BC Lion. Really? Not, oh, I dont know...winning MOP and Outstanding Canadian in the first Grey Cup win for his home province in 3 decades? I am irrationally angry about this...
    1 point
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