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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-02-07 in Posts

  1. TrueBlue4ever

    Canadian Politics

    Start at the 8:37 mark. Or cut to the chase at 10:13. Either way, I have found the best remedy is to starve him of oxygen if you don’t like him. Not literally, and not via the ban hammer. Just tune out his noise. Don’t worry about discrediting his sources or challenging his version of spin with contrary opinion or facts. Just act like he didn’t even post and carry on with the conversation. And when he whines about the “echo chamber” and “closed minds refusing to accept differing points of view” (Kellyanne Conway called them “alternative facts”, which by definition cannot exist) understand that he does it to get a rise out of people and to get them to follow him down the rabbit hole to get a sense of gratification out of it (he will deny this point I strongly suspect) because he is being heard. He may have some interesting tidbits to post, unfortunately for him so much of his past posting history (notably in the Climate Change thread) is so one-sided and debunked, that his reputation as an objective or credible poster here is shot. And that is of his own doing. So if you want to spend time debunking him further, have at it. It gets kind of fun to see how fast you can sow doubt into his sources. But there is little point in getting upset about it. That is his oxygen. And it seems to me that this approach of just ignoring him and pretending that he didn’t post anything worked before. Once his contrarian climate change posts were simply passed over, he got bored of being invalidated and “took a break from the echo chamber”. Now he’s back but his habits haven’t changed, so there is no reason to give him a new chance at legitimacy. Differing opinions are certainly allowed here, and we can agree to disagree, but if you can’t back up your position, use discredited sources, or just turn a debate into a personal insult like “you just don’t want to see the truth because of a character flaw” (radical left, right wing racist, and Rider fan seem to be the go-to’s here at this point in time) when you get challenged, then your schtick will get tired quickly, whichever side you are on. In my opinion, the best way to remove these types is to pretend they did not post. Or write “TLDR”. (My personal calling card) 🤣
    7 points
  2. TrueBlue4ever


    Polio was a virus, it has been eradicated.
    4 points
  3. It's sad that Andy Reid's time he spent away from his family as an NFL HC caused such strife in his home. Dad being away so much coaching football & missing special occasions, family birthdays, Christmas or even his 2 sons high school games came at such a cost. They look around & see other Dads in the stands but theirs isn't as he's too busy with his team's players & it's tough. I can relate as my father was a small business owner & an alcoholic. He was also was never around & would be gone for days at a time & my Mother & I would not know where he was or if he was even alive. Was he lying dead somewhere?? It wasn't uncommon for him to go missing from Thursday at noon to when he came home for lunch to Saturday night or Sunday morning. When he was around then my parents argued about the times he wasn't. I had a hard time trusting others because I could never trust that my father would keep his word he'd be home that night or that we'd be going on that fishing trip the next Saturday when I was a kid. You get ****** up when you can't trust your father as a 10 year old. Or seeing your Mother crying because she thinks her husband is dead or we have no money for food because Dad is drinking it all away & he's the only bread winner in the family. It affects you the rest of your life. So, I have sympathy for Britt Reid but he is an adult now & hurt 2 innocent little kids. He should go to jail.
    3 points
  4. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    No one actually thinks Trudeau is a Saint, just that the other options are worse.
    3 points
  5. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    this pigeye is wrong about everything, but also smug and condescending. What is the (allowable here), word for that? need "permission to speak frankly sir" the guy loves to ruin discussions with half right, mostly wrong piggy stuff. he reminds me of the guys I used to go for am coffee with. everyone got there early so when our version of the pigeye character showed up, no room for him. lol. go sit in the corner pigeye.
    3 points
  6. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    And, yet, you and the other Qarens are that uniformed. He's an alt-right mouthpiece and has been for years.
    2 points
  7. Oh yay. Rex Murphy - Canada's answer to "what would the embodiment of Tucker Carlson's faux outrage and indignation look like." Yeah, I am taking a hard pass on this one.
    2 points
  8. do or die

    US Politics

    That comments section is uh, pretty deep
    1 point
  9. do or die

    US Politics

    Unclear who these noted experts and scientists are, when talking about the "steal" Relax. My Pillow Guy is finally spilling the beans, on OANN.
    1 point
  10. 17to85

    US Politics

    If there was so much evidence of fraud where is it? Trump lost for one reason: his ego and incompetence. Handed a crisis and bungled it so bad. Had he simply taken it and let the experts handle it ge would have cruised to a 2nd term. Instead he us impeached twice and accused of inciting an insurrection The conspiracy theories of a rich kid don't amount to a hill of beans.
    1 point
  11. Tracker

    US Politics

    In the next few months we are going to find out if the Democrats and America have the moral grit to put their house in order or if the corruption is so deep and broad that it has infected the whole American political system.
    1 point
  12. Mark H.

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    They needed something to do at their retreat.
    1 point
  13. bustamente

    US Politics

    If American wants to come out of this disgraceful period in their politics they need to have everyone held accountable and punished accordingly.
    1 point
  14. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    I have done that. I put him on my ignore list long ago. not sure why anyone responds to him. complete waste of time.
    1 point
  15. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    What point is that? That you spew alt-right crap all the time? Rex Murphy is an opinionist and the reality of news entertainment today is that the more controversial the opinion the more views you get. Danielle Smith for example got a hell of a lot crazier on the radio show she had than she was when she was actually accountable to voters. It's all about getting people to tune in or read or whatever to your opinion on your entertainment platform.
    1 point
  16. iHeart


    man I'm loving this downward trend
    1 point
  17. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    No it's the alt-right crap you regurgitate that gets you called an alt-right mouthpiece.
    1 point
  18. M.O.A.B.

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    @JCon https://www.google.ca/amp/s/3downnation.com/2020/01/07/teams-will-be-allowed-to-have-three-qbs-on-roster-in-2019-ambrosie/amp/ ”The new rule specifies a requirement of two quarterbacks, not a limit of two quarterbacks.”
    1 point
  19. BomberBall

    Game 12 : @ Flames

    Ken Wiebe @WiebesWorld · 14m #NHLJets line rushes: Ehlers-Scheifele-Copp Vesalainen-Stastny-Wheeler Connor-Dubois-Lewis Perreault-Lowry-Appleton What the hell??
    1 point
  20. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    When I spout crap and people from all varying perspectives disagree I say with smugness you all in an echo chamber. Sigh. I read on the twitters that resonated, being ignored doesn't mean your freedom of speech is being infringed.
    1 point
  21. Booch

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    you can actually....but only need to have 2 on game day roster
    1 point
  22. This was a Dunk spec. from a time before the BB re-signed Stove. It won't happen.
    1 point
  23. JCon

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Can't roster a third QB.
    1 point
  24. do or die

    US Politics

    Rhetorical question there....
    1 point
  25. SpeedFlex27

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Should the Bombers sign Canadian QB Micael O'Connor?
    1 point
  26. FrostyWinnipeg

    Canadian Politics

    I always liked Rex Murphy. Never saw him as Con.
    1 point
  27. This is so cool.
    1 point
  28. I remember the stories before the 2019 season about how badly the negotiations went between Desjardins & a number of players. Especially Trevor Harris. I don't think Desjardins has a great reputation for trust with players.
    1 point
  29. TrueBlue4ever

    The RIP 2021 Thread

    Not to get too far ahead here, but a reporter on 1290 yesterday was essentially talking about Marty in the past tense, so I suspect his passing is imminent. Great coach, just could never get over the hump with talented teams. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kshb.com/sports/former-nfl-head-coach-marty-schottenheimer-reportedly-moved-to-hospice-care%3f_amp=true
    1 point
  30. 17to85


    Will depend. I have read that some of these new strains are stopped, or at least slowed down by the current vaccines. It all depends.
    1 point
  31. Tracker


    A lot of "ifs", but if we here in Canada vaccinate a high percentage of us, herd immunity will ensure that any inbound transmission will likely die out quickly (poor choice of words) or be very localized.
    1 point
  32. Desjardins is an asshat. We knew that though.
    1 point
  33. Mark H.

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Could be another Andrew Greene scenario...get one more good year out him, surrounded by top notch talent at his position.
    1 point
  34. rebusrankin

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Micah Johnson would be an interesting add. Too bad about Sewell. I hope Cameron Judge goes East just because screw the Riders. Honestly I hope out big free agent news for Tuesday is the return of Kongbo.
    1 point
  35. What's sad is that Britt Reid has been given many chances to change his ways in the past but hasn't been able to do so. Many more chances than a lot of people with drug & alcohol issues get. Like going from a drug addict to Linebackers Coach on the Chiefs because of who his father is. Continues to make poor choices in life like mixing Adderall, alcohol & getting behind the wheel injuring two kids. I don't think being the son of Andy Reid will get him out of this. Britt Reid crash: Andy Reid's sons' sad past reemerges (nypost.com)
    1 point
  36. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Honestly he should just go live at r/conservative. He would be right at home in that right wing safe space.
    1 point
  37. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Rex Murphy is Canada's answer to a Fox News correspondent. Complete and total garbage.
    1 point
  38. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Wow, this is a really good graphic showing the mob movement on 1/06
    1 point
  39. do or die

    US Politics

    Lou Dobbs retweets supporters blasting decision to cancel show https://thehill.com/homenews/media/537654-lou-dobbs-retweets-supporters-blasting-decision-to-cancel-show Trump Davidians unhappy everywhere. Waco moving to OANN.
    1 point
  40. Bombers’ operating costs for 2019 was $32 million, the player salaries were only $5.35 million of that. Ticket sales accounted for 32% of the club’s total revenue of $35 million. Game day, concessions and merch sales accounted for another 24%. And although the privately owned clubs’ books are not public, the publicly owned Bombers, Riders, and Edmonton Whatevers are considered probably the 3 healthiest clubs in the CFL, and only the Bombers turned a profit in 2019. Suggesting that the TSN can cover the bulk of the salary cap and therefore the league is financially solvent because of that one fact is too simplistic and fundamentally incorrect. Edited to remove some of my snark. Was not needed or called for.
    1 point
  41. Mark F

    US Politics

    saw this "All Q and no I”
    1 point
  42. Mark H.

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    If this were a fact, then we wouldn’t have teams going broke or reliant on owners.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. iHeart

    US Politics

    1 point
  45. Wideleft

    US Politics

    Did a certain poster just get his computer privileges back from his mommy or is it just me who thinks that?
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. You do what you want. I ain't your parent. trump gets de-platformed and disappears entirely, my post counts start to fall, my heart rate and blood pressure normalize, days seem brighter and colours more vibrant... and the @pigseye starts the prolific trolling and....
    1 point
  48. BomberBall

    Game 11 : Flames

    Finally a game where I can unclench.
    1 point
  49. Six is enough Super Bowls. I want to see Mahomes & Andy Reid win again.
    1 point
  50. Tracker

    US Politics

    I'm afraid that many, perhaps even most Americans are afflicted with the "win at all costs/ If you're not cheating, you're not trying" mentality. Societal attitudes take generations to change. Or a widespread catastrophe.
    1 point
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