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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-07-13 in Posts

  1. You know, it would be nice if just once everyone who gets so offended by a team nickname that they fill pages with outrage on social media devoted the same vitriol and energy to speaking out (or helping fix the problem) against the rates of poverty, lack of clean drinking water, and no road access to many northern reserves.
    5 points
  2. 17to85

    US Politics

    Should surprise no one, Lidnsey Graham was very anti-Trump before he started kissing Trump's ass. Guy will take whatever position he deems most favourable to his own position. Trump is losing it so time to distance himself! Spineless coward. I recently watched Inglorious Basterds again and the whole carving a swastika on the forehead of nazis they leave alive seems like a great idea to adapt to the USA right now. Carve a big T in the forehead of every single person who started enabling Trump.
    4 points
  3. AKAChip

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Perhaps the onus should be on the team to prove that the overwhelming majority do NOT find it offensive rather than the other way around.
    3 points
  4. Let me tell you a story about insurance companies like Bel Air Direct & others from first hand experience as a claims adjuster. I was employed by an Independent Adjusting company in Thompson back in the late 80's & early 90's. What an Independent Adjuster does is investigate claims on behalf of companies that have no offices or company adjusters in the area. The nearest office may be Calgary, Winnipeg or Saskatoon. They call & assign a claim to me to investigate a loss be it commercial, property or auto on their behalf. I get paid a certain rate per hour per claim plus all expenses if I have to travel by my own personal vehicle, rental or by air. After the claim is completed I bill the company for my services & I get paid. I was assigned a claim by a well known insurance company. A house fire on a reserve. Total loss. It was one of the band councillor's home. It was about an hour's drive from Thompson. I got out to the site of the fire on the reserve, took pictures & statements. Ordered an RCMP police report & arranged for contractors to submit bids to rebuild the house. I sent a report to the insurance company with an update. I got a call back from the company adjuster on the file who gave the okay to start construction. He said he noticed in my report that the house was on a Indian reserve. He wanted to know if that was true? I said, yes. He got upset & exclaimed, "What the hell are we insuring houses on an Indian reserve for?? Pay the claim but I'm sending a note to underwriting to cancel the insurance as he's a bad risk." Usually with something like a fire as it could be suspicious, the insurance company wants to know my impression of the client in my report. How they act. How they cooperate. Does it look like they're telling the truth? Are there any flags or warning signs like suspicious behaviour? I had no concerns about the homeowner & noted that in my report. He was a First Nations band councillor living on a reserve which made him a bad risk in the company's eyes. They felt he was uninsurable because he lived on a reserve. I can honestly tell you that dealing with the homeowner was never a problem. Very cooperative & a good guy so I was more than a little surprised at the company's reaction A couple of weeks later I got a call from one of the insurance agents in town to ask why his client's homeowners coverage was cancelled as he thought I might have had something to do with it. Which I didn't. The insurance company notified the agent & his client in writing that the policy was cancelled. I told him what the company adjuster said to me & he became even more upset. "They can't do that!!" he yelled. He said he was going to call the company to hopefully get the policy reinstated. He said if they don't then he'd recommend to all his clients in Thompson & area to cancel their coverage with that company when their renewal came up & he'd get them hooked up with another insurance carrier. The impression I got when I spoke to the company adjuster was that it was no big deal if they lose a few clients in Thompson. Especially those who lived on reserves that they weren't aware of. That's about as racist as it gets. So I have no particular love or respect for an insurance company like Bel Air Direct for what they did regarding the Eskimo name as there is always an ulterior motive. They want to look socially responsible so more people will insure their property, belongings & vehicles with them. Corporate decisions like these are always driven by money & profits. Not by social justice.
    3 points
  5. Rich

    Renaming Sports Teams

    I'd also point out that changing racist team names is not anything new, this list highlights name changes as far back as 1935.. https://www.businessinsider.com/offensive-sports-team-names-and-how-they-came-about-2020-2 As language and norms change and evolve, there is no reason to keep racist sports names because of history. Imagine if the names on this list were never changed. The same will be said of the names we are only starting to change now.
    3 points
  6. We don't bat an eye at Indians, Redskins, Braves and Eskimos..... But if you a team The Whities, Pale-Faces, etc.... You'd bet there'd be questions. It's insane to name sports teams after an ethnicity.
    3 points
  7. "I am so looking forward to running out of that tunnel for the first game and defending the Grey Cup." Zach Collaros https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/07/11/first-10-column-catching-collaros/ Ed Tait
    3 points
  8. I seem to recall he did get the money. So apparently he was entitled.
    2 points
  9. blue_gold_84


    Totally incoherent seems like a massive understatement.
    2 points
  10. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    Remember the Liberals are entitled to their entitlements.
    2 points
  11. Stretch


    Awesome! 😉 But seriously, keep up the good work Manitoba.
    2 points
  12. The CFL definitely will face the same issues every other pro league has and will. I hear you on the cost of starting up. But, there's also a big cost for the CFL not trying a start up. The fan base, TV deals, advertising, sponsorship just aren't as strong as the other leagues. If the CFL goes away for a year, they may not recover. No one cares about the CFL in Toronto and Vancouver now. Do you think they will a year from now, having not had a CFL game played for almost 2 years. I think the CFL would be pretty much dead in those cities then. There's no great solution - trying to run a shortened season is going to be risky and cost teams money; punting on the season now is going to cost teams money and support. I think the optics are worse if they don't try at all.
    2 points
  13. Tracker

    US Politics

    Top Mueller Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Announces Yet Another Explosive Trump Book This week, Mary Trump’s tell-all book about her uncle will be released despite President Trump’s best attempts to block its publication. But, as if that wasn’t enough to upset him, another potentially explosive book about Trump was announced Monday morning. One of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s top prosecutors is set to release a book on the two-year investigation into the alleged ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Associated Press reports. Andrew Weissmann’s Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller Investigation will reportedly be published Sept. 29. “I felt it was necessary to record this episode in our history, as seen and experienced by an insider,” Weissman is quoted as saying in the announcement. “This is the story of our investigation into how our democracy was attacked by Russia and how those who condoned and ignored that assault undermined our ability to uncover the truth. My obligation as a prosecutor was to follow the facts where they led, using all available tools and undeterred by the onslaught of the president’s unique powers to undermine our work.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/andrew-weissmann-top-mueller-team-prosecutor-announces-yet-another-explosive-trump-book?ref=home (Another nail in Trump's and the GOP's coffins But the sad truth is that to Trumpites this will make no difference at all in their fanatical zeal)
    2 points
  14. Tracker


    ITS NOT TRUMP'S FAULT!!!! EVER!!!! Trump Pushes Conspiracy Theory That Doctors Are Lying About COVID-19 to Damage His Re-Election Chances President Trump is pushing a ludicrous theory that doctors are purposefully lying about the novel coronavirus pandemic because they want to harm his chances of re-election later this year. Early Monday, Trump retweeted the conservative conspiracy theorist and former game-show host Chuck Woolery as he dismissed medical experts as politically-motivated liars. The incendiary tweet read: “The most outrageous lies are the ones about COVID-19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.” Neither Woolery nor Trump explained exactly what aspect of the raging pandemic doctors are supposedly lying about, nor did they provide any evidence to back up the vague, unproven claim. Last week, the U.S. repeatedly broke its own daily record for new COVID-19 cases, and the nation’s death toll now totals more than 135,000. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-pushes-unproven-theory-that-doctors-are-lying-about-covid-19-to-damage-his-re-election-chances?ref=home (And it sure as spit looks like Trump and his sycophants are settling up Fauci to take the fall and get canned. They are posting edited clips of Fauci's comments to make it seem that he wasn't aware of the seriousness of the pandemic.)
    2 points
  15. 17to85


    ******* Americans. They're going to the be reason this drags out here longer than it should too. All of those politicians who put greed ahead of human lives and safety are garbage in human suits and sadly will likely never be held responsible for this shameful display.
    2 points
  16. Tracker


    But no COVID patients in hospitals, and that is possibly the best news of all.
    2 points
  17. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    You know at this point it's less about the candidates and more about the fact that conservative parties the world over have been taken over by regressives hell bent on ******* **** up in the name of corporate greed.
    2 points
  18. Yup. And I'm not sure the current candidates can do it either. I applaud what Trudeau has done to manage the Covid crisis, but outside of that he's just like any other politician.
    2 points
  19. rebusrankin


    Not saying that Albertans aren't acting poorly because they are but you do realize that as of today (Monday), Canada has 27, 649 cases and that 25,082 were in Quebec right? Let's be honest, Albertans are acting stupidly AND Quebec has handled Covid poorly.
    1 point
  20. bustamente

    US Politics

    At this point he is just opens his mouth crap comes out and his base laps it up, while the rest of America and the World laugh at his stupidity and ignorance
    1 point
  21. Noeller


    Alberta is, now moreso than ever, "Little America".......and they're extremely proud of that fact.
    1 point
  22. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Lies over lives yet again.
    1 point
  23. GCJenks


    I can tell you I have never disliked Alberta and growing up used to visit family every summer and I looked forward to it all year. Now Albertans have been so self centred and not caring about others I have been forced to change plans to visit family and friends in BC. Smaller communities are so fed up with Albertans that they aren’t welcoming of any visitors right now. F U Alberta!!!
    1 point
  24. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    "Bad optics" means it looks bad, but does not imply or deny culpability.
    1 point
  25. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Yes I remember the entitled to their entitlements, I was just playing on Cretiens a proof is a proof word salad about the same time.
    1 point
  26. Fred C Dobbs

    The Music Thread

    This was huge. I was living in England at the time and it was a beautiful summer day, so everybody had their window open. As you walked down the street you were surrounded by music:
    1 point
  27. blue_gold_84

    Renaming Sports Teams

    The term East Indian is ignorant. There's no East India; there's just India. Why are indigenous people in Canada still called Indians? It's simple: a history of ignorance. They're exonyms based on historical events from a long, long time ago. Is it a racist term? I guess that's up for debate*. Maybe racially insensitive is a better term...? Who am I to say. But there's no question it's ignorant - and certainly inappropriate when taking today's sociocultural worldview into consideration. * it isn't my say one way or the other but I think there's a case to be made for those who would deem it as racist
    1 point
  28. Wonder if the feds will rename the Indian Act ?
    1 point
  29. Brandon


    I went to Grand Beach on the weekend and can confirm it was very busy and that minimal social distancing was being practiced on the boardwalk. You would never think that any sort of pandemic was going on based on what I saw. A few weeks back my co worker posted pictures of Grand Beach and it was jam packed where you couldn't find a spot on the beach to lay a towel down. I've gone to the mall and shopping only a few times and the older folks are either overly paranoid or else completely oblivious and disregarding any social distancing. The malls I went to have been really bad outside of a few stores that were pro-active in cleaning. The people shopping don't give a **** at all. Grocery stores have stickers with arrows and sanitizer but most people ignore them. The walking paths near my house are full and people are not moving over or doing anything out of the ordinary. The dog park that I drive by is full of people huddled together whenever I do drive by. Go back to the BLM protest where they had 10 000 people contained in a small area where a large amount of folks were not even wearing masks. I'd say we are more lucky then anything else. I will say that the stand alone stores, strip malls, restaurants have all been top notch in enforcing and sanitizing.
    1 point
  30. people who hold racist beliefs have a hard time accepting that those beliefs are racist sometimes.
    1 point
  31. 17to85


    it's the alberta advantage!
    1 point
  32. do or die


    They actually have it right... Telling the truth is not in the best interests of the President..
    1 point
  33. Mr Dee

    Canadian Politics

    I just find the difference between the US and Canada amusing. In Canada we have a leader who apologies to the country and down south we see a guy who’d prefer to call his fellow citizens anarchists and low lives etc. and has complete disdain for those ’beneath’ him. Oh Canada
    1 point
  34. Floyd

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Yeah I do have the internet as well but thanks for your concern
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. iHeart


    only one active case
    1 point
  37. bustamente


    1 point
  38. Mr Dee

    Renaming Sports Teams

    How grand of them. They don’t have any regard for the actual meaning behind this gesture. They’re not really doing it for the benefit of mankind, but rather, for the benefit of their pocketbook. They had ample opportunity over the years to change this ‘nickname’ but chose not to, but are only doing it now because sponsors are backing off. (and they’re backing off for the same reason)
    1 point
  39. Tracker

    Renaming Sports Teams

    The Washington NFL team has annouced that they will be releasing the new name for their team later today. Washington Warriors, maybe?
    1 point
  40. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Texas. Texas?
    1 point
  41. Tracker

    US Politics

    "The rats are leaving the sinking ship": Lindsey Graham agrees to let Robert Mueller testify Mueller published an op-ed in The Washington Post expressing displeasure with Donald Trump commuting Roger Stone. Senate Judiciary Committee Charman Lindsey Graham (R-Sc) stunned political observers on Sunday by siding with Democrats to allow former special counsel Robert Mueller to testify before his committee about his investigation into the Donald Trump administration. Following a Mueller op-ed published Saturday in The Washington Post expressing displeasure with Donald Trump commuting Roger Stone's sentence, Graham tweeted, "Apparently Mr. Mueller is willing – and also capable – of defending the Mueller investigation through an oped in the Washington Post," before adding, "Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have previously requested Mr. Mueller appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about his investigation. That request will be granted." (A threatened rodent bails out, soon to be followed by many others)
    1 point
  42. Mr Dee


    A visual guide..
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Floyd

    Renaming Sports Teams

    Natan Obed is not 'some white minority'... This is an issue that he brought to the spotlight and I doubt it goes away. Very tone deaf on the part of CFL. He outlined his argument a long time ago - https://nunatsiaq.com/stories/article/65674natan_obed_why_the_name_edmonton_eskimos_harms_inuit/
    1 point
  45. That is such a bad pun... you're making a mockery of a serious issue here...
    1 point
  46. Tracker

    US Politics

    And look how he is wearing the mask. Truly, Trump does not have the smarts of an average house plant.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Mr Dee

    Canadian Politics

    And if I had any money “left”, I’d put my money on this theory.
    1 point
  49. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    I don't think it will stick but bad optics as an excuse? Please. You award a contract for nearly a billion dollars where no others are considered to a company that has given large sums of money to various family members over the years and that's not questionable? Then throw in you saying that the civil service made the decision and then its revealed that you lied about that because it was a cabinet decision and you didn't excuse yourself from the discussion as you are supposed to. Plus one of WE's heads is on video saying the PM called you and offered the contract and then he backtracks on that when there's outrage by people. Aga Khan, SNC, WE, how many passes and excuses does one get? Heck I didn't mention the incident in BC where he sexually harrassed a reporter, something that would have ended others careers, the broken promises (changing the electoral system, being more open and transparent).
    1 point
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