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  1. Tracker


    Whoever is photoshopping dildos over the guns in photos of reopen protesters is doing God’s work.
    4 points
  2. SpeedFlex27

    Canadian Politics

    Liberals didn't win the last election. They just got more seats in a minority government which means Trudeau doesn't have the political right or moral authority to decree a ban on guns unilaterally. Debate it in the H of C in the form of a Bill & pass it using the same democratic tools always used. That would be to pass First, Second & Third readings in the House by convincing the other parties to support the bill as we are in a minority. Then send it to the Senate for approval & finally Royal Assent by the Governor General. Otherwise, what's the point? I'm not debating the merits of the ban. Just how it was done It's wrong.
    3 points
  3. TrueBlue4ever


    I know it’s easy to be dismissive of J5V if you don’t agree with his position, but we shouldn’t be dismissive of these reports without actually listening to them. At the same time, one shouldn’t just read the headline and cherry-pick a single response and pretend that the article is supportive of their alternate viewpoint without engaging in the same critical examination of the information provided. This won’t be a short post, so if a quick sound bite that reinforces your side’s position is what you want, just stop reading now and don’t bother sending me a “TLDR” post. But understand my from my viewpoint that this just highlights the problems we have right now in engaging in this discussion, that we don’t bother digging into our arguments and just spout one-off comments. From listening to the full recorded interview, in my opinion the radio host seems to have a veiled bias towards supporting the Swedish approach to non-lockdown, saying the Dr.’s comments point out Sweden’s “positive approach”. I don’t think the comments go that far. What I hear the doctor saying is that in the future, countries may have to decide that a lockdown is no longer feasible to combat the virus, and if they want to live in a world without lockdown they could look at the Swedish model as a way to coexist with the virus, allowing schools and businesses to be open but being extra mindful of social distancing precautions, which is what the Swedish government says it has been advocating. The Dr. doesn’t take a position one way or another on the Swedish approach as positive or negative, but says lessons can be learned from it by other countries going forward. He does not, to my mind, advocate that this was the right strategy from the outset, or the wrong one, for that matter. It is also important to note that the original question asked was whether the “herd immunity” concept Sweden was going for means that this was the better approach, and in answering he cautioned that very few who had contracted COVID 19 had developed the antibodies to combat the virus as a result of exposure, meaning they were still very susceptible to the virus in the future. Herd immunity may well not result from Sweden’s approach. Hindsight will be 20/20 as to which approach will be better in the long run. If Sweden does not have a second wave, survives this wave without overwhelming its healthcare system, develops herd immunity, and kept its economy humming the whole time, then we can say they chose wisely. That’s a lot of “if’s”, mind you. Those same “if’s” could apply to Canada if the lockdown doesn’t reduce the number of overall deaths or cases in the end, still overwhelms the health care system and resources, and drags down the economy irrevocably in the process with no real net benefit. But if Sweden’s approach means unnecessary deaths to save an economy that would have rebounded anyway, and Canada’s approach saves a health care system from collapse and its economy does rebound with no lingering effects long term, then you could say Sweden chose poorly. No one can say what the best approach long term will be because we are nowhere near long term yet. What I can say confidently is that short-term, New Zealand and South Korea both took strong measures to lock down their countries quickly and have virtually eliminated cases in their countries for the time being. Italy was late in responding with devastating results for their population. Canada has taken strict measures but the numbers of new cases and deaths does not seem to be waning just yet (although there are some stark regional differences at play). Sweden has put its trust in its citizens to govern themselves accordingly without over-regulation. Their numbers of cases are lower than Canada’s, and although their total deaths are close with one third of the population, their numbers in terms of new cases and daily deaths seem to be going down now, while Canada’s hold level. And I’m not sure all Canadians would show the same self-restraint if merely “encouraged” to stay at home and avoid public gatherings which put them at risk. We’ve seen plenty of examples of lack of self-restraint south of the border, which puts everyone at risk, the reckless and the careful alike. Finally, what I see as telling are the results of the closed cases in select countries. All numbers courtesy of worldometers.com. Worldwide there are 3.5 million cases, and one third of them are now closed (meaning ended in recovery or death). 18% of those closed cases worldwide resulted in death. In South Korea, 85% of their cases are closed, and only 2.7% of those closed cases were deaths. In New Zealand, likewise 85% of their cases are closed with a 1.5% death rate. In Canada, just under 50% of our cases are closed, and 13% of those closed cases resulted in death. In the US, only 20.7% of cases are closed, with a death result of 28%. And in Sweden, only 16.5% of their cases are closed, and of those closed cases a staggering 73% have resulted in death. Interpret those numbers as you wish, but for me it’s hard to argue that Sweden’s approach has not put many more lives in jeopardy unnecessarily in the short term given that very high fatality rate.
    3 points
  4. 17to85

    2020 CFL Draft

    That entirely why they drafted exume so late. No one cared about his special teams work but the bombers did. It's a really under appreciated thing I think. Considering the vast majority of canadian players need to fill that special teams role I am glad that Walter's values it.
    3 points
  5. bustamente


    You just know that these guy would be hiding in their basements if a war ever started
    3 points
  6. SpeedFlex27


    Gawd, not Sweden again. That is so April 2020 here.
    3 points
  7. Mr Dee


    ^^dated article...March 30^^ Some Swedes have gotten quite sick. More than 2,650 have died. The country's COVID-19 death rate is 12.3%, roughly triple that of Sweden's Nordic neighbors, Finland and Norway. The Swedish case-fatality rate also surpasses some of the hardest-hit countries: Spain (11.5%), and the US (5.9%).The actions that the Swedish government has taken are good and it perhaps makes the performance of Sweden's economy less bad than other economies,' said Jens Henriksson, CEO of the country's biggest mortgage lender Swedbank. April 23JP Morgan has forecast that Sweden's economy will shrink by less than the eurozone average, but still with a 13.7 per cent contraction in the current quarter. That compares with a projected 17.3 per cent contraction for the euro area, 16.6 per cent for Germany and 21.4 per cent for France. May 1stTrägårdh said that while herd immunity is not "an explicit policy goal" for Sweden, "you know, it's there in the mix."However, the World Health Organization warns that there's "not enough evidence" yet to guarantee people who get COVID-19 will be immune from re-infection, stressing that "no study" has yet evaluated the question. https://www.businessinsider.com/sweden-coronavirus-strategy-explained-culture-of-trust-and-obedience-2020-4. May 2 👁‍🗨It will be a long time before any relevant criteria can be analyzed with any degree of correctness, and even then, each country is different with very different circumstances. I like what Frosty said “They sacrificed lives for economy, we sacrificed economy for lives.”
    2 points
  8. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    So, when Harper ran on reducing the GST, for example, it still went through the House of Commons. I don’t agree that having something in an election platform means you can ignore established parliamentary procedures.
    2 points
  9. To rub salt into a wound: last year at this time, CFL rosters were being finalized, and we were arguing over who would make the opening day roster. I really miss that right now. Things are easing up here in Manitoba, and we have been both fortunate and compliant for the most part with the restrictions, but I suspect that the bit of added freedom we are going to experience starting tomorrow is going to be more of a reminder of what we have lost.
    2 points
  10. I lost track about what you guys are even arguing about anymore. Is it whether or not Trump is scum that has been accused of more and worse than Biden has? He is. Is it whether the Democrats and left leaning news media are being hypocritical? They are. Is it whether or not any of this will matter on election day? It won't. The whole thing sucks, and makes you depressed as a human that our choice of people in power, more often than not, boils down to who might be less of a human trash bag.
    2 points
  11. You and I have a very different take on how to decipher opinion versus fact and what discussion boards like this are all about. Regardless of who you are and what you believe it’s pretty arrogant to suggest everything you post is fact with no personal opinion attached whatsoever.
    2 points
  12. It's the principle of the thing, he by passed the democratic process, that is a no no.
    2 points
  13. SpeedFlex27

    Canadian Politics

    Bad guys will always have guns. Good people? Defenseless. Hunters & farmers are the bane of Canada.
    2 points
  14. Tiny759

    Canadian Politics

    👌and Mexico is gonna pay for it 👌
    2 points
  15. Nah. They did win. I didn’t like it either. But they won. That’s our system.
    1 point
  16. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    You said if we didn’t have Aboriginals our crime rate would be lower. All of my ‘bullet points’ are to show that the issues with Aboriginals and crime rate are a collective responsibility. You can’t just abuse a segment of your population, leading to widespread poverty, and then somehow dismiss them - we are living with the legacy of pushing them aside, of categorizing then as wards of the state and of putting them into residential schools. No, you don’t take this grade 12 teacher’s for it, I pointed you to some credible sources.
    1 point
  17. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    I’ll give it to you straight up. I have taught gr. 12 Law for about a dozen years, and I have several police officer friends, they come to my class as guest speakers. Yes, about 90% of the criminals they deal are repeat offenders. Yes, the correctional system has a high number of Aboriginal inmates. But to say our crime rate would be lower if we didn’t have any Aboriginals? The issues with Aboriginals are not only the fault of Aboriginals, not by a long shot. 1. The longest running human rights abuse in recorded world history is residential schools in Canada. From New France in 1600s until the last one closed in 1996. 2. If you want to learn more about residential schools for Aboriginals, go to the Canadian Encyclopedia and search residential schools. I would also recommend reading ‘Clearing the Plains’ by James Daschuck. 3. Even just a cursory glance at the current situation, shows a situation that will naturally create a higher crime rate. All of it created by government legislation, namely, The Indian Act. a) Funding per person that is below welfare levels, with local politics worsening the situation, due to unfair distribution. b) Education funded at a rate of $4300 per students, when the public education system is spending $10 000 per student. c) Teaching staff that will be snapped up by school divisions in large urban centres, as soon as they have gained experience and proven to be effective. I could go on, but considering all of the above, it is clear that the high Aboriginal crime rate is a shared responsibility. I also want to add one final point - it’s not that Australia and New Zealand don’t have Aboriginals - they actually have world renowned English as a second language education programs for their Aboriginal students.
    1 point
  18. FrostyWinnipeg


    Well their mortality rate is 10-11% ours is 6%. They sacrificed lives for economy, we sacrificed economy for lives. I do find it odd that they reported 778 new cases on Apr29 which was a record high and 64 on May 1 which is the lowest since March 8.
    1 point
  19. Mark H.


    But surely not overwhelming the health care system would result in fewer deaths? It’s hard to imagine that the idea is to have the same number of deaths, but to just spread them out more. That would make Heath care almost redundant.
    1 point
  20. Tracker

    US Politics

    "So true!": Trump claims he "has done more for Blacks than all the other Presidents combined" Trump apparently thinks he’s done more than end slavery per his appeal to black voters https://www.salon.com/2020/05/02/so-true-trump-claims-he-has-done-more-for-blacks-than-all-the-other-presidents-combined_partner/
    1 point
  21. Tracker

    US Politics

    Biden has categorically denied Ms.Reade's allegation and has authorized a search of records for any reports against him. I do not know what else he can do. It is impossible to prove a negative statement.
    1 point
  22. 17to85

    US Politics

    This woman's story changes all the time. How can we believe her when she can't keep a story straight?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    Honestly my only bias is forwards logic. If the allegation had legs I’d be calling for Biden to be turfed. He was never my choice and I voted conservative for years. The hypocrisy isn’t Dems here. It’s certain people who didn’t care about trumps issues suddenly wanting a federal case to be made. That’s the double standard. If you google Tara trade allegation, the first several responses are pieces doing a fair job at looking at it but this poster skipped all of them to look for things to support his position. That’s bias.
    1 point
  25. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    God I miss contact sports.
    1 point
  26. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    Left leaning news isn’t really being hypocritical. They’ve done what they do in every case. Take a critical look. Anyone who subscribes to the notion of believing women would take a look. Unless new compelling evidence emerges all we have right now is an allegation supported by zero evidence and one that has a whole lot of issues with credibility. We also have one of the most vetted people in the US who has zero allegations like this. Even Graham defended him. A critical look at the allegation and the accuser raises all sorts of issues. Does that mean it didn’t happen? Of course not. But it leaves us with nothing at this point. It’s fodder for pro trump people. That’s about it.
    1 point
  27. pigseye

    US Politics

    Privately, some Democrats are now lamenting the standard they set in 2018, saying it has backfired now that Biden has been accused. "We set up a standard we can't live by. No one likes to discuss it but it's the reality," said one Democratic strategist who requested anonymity to talk candidly. "It looks terrible for him and for the party. You can't say you believe women and then take it all back because it doesn't apply to you." The Dems have already made my case for me, I don't need to add opinion.
    1 point
  28. do or die

    US Politics

    Would be better to get back to basics, on this. Joe Biden is like anyone else in the public eye. He can admit or deny the charge. Reade's original complaint made on the Hill is going to come out. This week, CBS, Washington Post, The Times, CNN and others have run editorial statements, calling on Biden to address Reade's accusations. In his case, Biden has publicly denied them, on national TV. So, the marker is up there now..... either compelling evidence, incoming....or there is not. Biden will simply have to take his chances, just like everybody else. If the case can be made, he should pay the legal price, and regardless, the Dems would end up with somebody else on the top of the ticket. Time will tell.
    1 point
  29. Super Duper Negatron


    The success or failure of Sweden's strategy can't be measured in today's numbers. The deaths were always going to be higher in Sweden earlier on. The real test will be 6 months or a year from now. Remember, flattening the curve was never about a lower overall death count, it was about spreading that number over a longer period to avoid overwhelming the health care system. If the health care system can handle the higher early spike in hospitalizations, in theory, Sweden would be able to go back to normal earlier than everyone else, with little to no difference in overall mortality. It is a hell of a gamble, though.
    1 point
  30. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    You’re posts have all been decimated repeatedly. You ignore facts and keep coming back with this stuff to attack people here or bait or troll. Everything you post is always about defending trump and the alt right. It’s over pal. Accept it.
    1 point
  31. Based on the majority of what you just wrote here I thought you said you’re not here to share your personal opinions and what is inside your head?
    1 point
  32. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    You’re just trolling the board now. What does avanetti have to do with this? You always go with whataboutism. Serooisl if you don’t know the differences between this and Kav then you can’t even have a discussion. Its way over your head.
    1 point
  33. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    What are you even talking about. What you just posted doesn’t confirm anything. Look I know you desperately want it to be true. I’m not sure why since your sudden interest in believing women is awful for your main man Hilarious. Won’t people think of Kevin spacey? Lol
    1 point
  34. FrostyWinnipeg

    Canadian Politics

    Bypassed or is it something that does not have to go through HoC in the first place? Guessing latter.
    1 point
  35. FrostyWinnipeg

    Random News Items

    North and South Korea exchange gunfire at border
    1 point
  36. Mark H.


    Yes, I’m at a Hutterian school that is part of the public system, so I teach the mainstream curriculum.
    1 point
  37. 17to85


    I have heard them described as LARPers and it really fits.
    1 point
  38. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    I have worked with the legal system and have several police in my extended family, both active and retired. People are people worldwide with few exceptions and the comparison is valid. Your slur against aboriginals and refugees betrays you.
    1 point
  39. SpeedFlex27

    Canadian Politics

    I think it's pretty clear what he wants to do.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. SpeedFlex27


    When trying to become great again really means you are truly stupid. #greatpeople
    1 point
  42. Tracker

    2020 CFL Draft

    Do you suppose his jersey will have 00 on it for his number?
    1 point
  43. Mr Dee

    2020 CFL Draft

    “I got a call (from Bombers head coach Mike O’Shea) and was told I was selected by the Blue Bombers… it was just the greatest phone call in my life. I immediately started crying because I was overwhelmed with emotions because of all the adversity and everything I’ve had to fight through in my life to get to that moment.”https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/05/02/just-greatest-phone-call-life-oleary-orange-following-fathers-footsteps/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. bustamente

    US Politics

    Chinese propaganda but oh so funny and kinda true
    1 point
  46. Mr Dee

    2020 CFL Draft

    And now we hear a segment of Walter’s Words: https://www.cfl.ca/2020/05/01/walters-thrilled-welcome-new-draft-class-winnipeg/ “You get to do this job and the best part about it is the excitement,” Walters said. “One of my favourite days of the year is after you draft a player and how excited they are and how pumped they are. Nobody is worried about anything other than that they were drafted by the Bombers.“Everyone is working and the kids are the same way. They can’t wait to get started. …They’re ready to roll.” Noah Hallett: “We were talking about it a little earlier, just the positive comments (about the Bombers). Whether it’s Nick or my McMaster coaches, they all say that it’s such a great place to play,” Hallett said on Friday. “It’s such a professional organization and there are great people that play there and that have played there so it’s surreal to get this opportunity and I’m excited to get to work with them.”
    1 point
  47. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    How anybody, North or South, can defend Trump in any shape or manner is beyond me.
    1 point
  48. tursk

    2020 CFL Draft

    Taking an NFL talent in the 4th round. Worth the risk.
    1 point
  49. I second this emotion..
    1 point
  50. Wow, I for one am gobsmacked that a McMahon vanity project failed, especially when one considers all the success that other "not the NFL" ventures have had. Actually, what does amaze me is that there are people out there who will say "Ya, it's failed a whole bunch of times in the past, but this time..." and of course the ever popular, "This is really going to hurt the CFL." Bye bye Vince.
    1 point
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