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Posts posted by Rich

  1. 4 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The Jets should have stayed in Winnipeg knowing how moribund financially this team has been since leaving Winnipeg. We'd have been watching the Jets in an 18,000 seat building at The Forks. I had made a committment to buy season tickets along with four of my friends back in 1995. I saw the plans for the building when I went to the Forks to buy season tickets. 

    There was no salary cap and revenue sharing when the Jets left.    The economics didn’t make sense at the time and no one was willing to step up and lose a bunch of money to pay for the losses. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    The two "expert" guests were Robert Malone and Peter McCullough, and both were guilty of spreading misinformation and outright lies on Rogan's podcast and on social media, using their credentials with pretty malicious intent.

    Pierre Kory is the one I was thinking of.   He has been the biggest proponent of pushing Ivermectin.  

  3. 36 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Just to complicate things a bit. As far as I know Rogan never lied/spread misinformation. He said he got covid, went to his doctor who prescribed many medications including ivermectin and then he got better. I don't believe he ever claimed ivermectin made him better. (Though I could be wrong about that)

    So this is where things get very cloudy. Yes by default he's basically implying ivermectin helped him beat covid....but he never actually says it. So how do you punish someone for the way his words could be interpreted?

    You are correct.  Rogan talked about a number of things that were prescribed for treatment, and has probably sung the praises of Monoclonal antibodies as treatment more than Ivermectin.

    The problem with Rogan, is he has had on his show at least one physician who explicitly pushed Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid.  This is where things get grey for me.  The person who he had on, appeared to have the credentials to be an expert in their field, so I don't know if that is a voice that should be entirely silenced.  However, their evidence was more circumstantial then would typically be looked for in actual clinical trials.  

    Also by the guests he had on, he appeared to be one sided and slanted towards the use of Ivermectin.  It wasn't until there was an outcry and probably some pressure from Spotify, that he had on qualified guests with a differing view.

  4. 17 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    That's what I don't agree with.

    They have indeed been exposed everywhere where you look on social media, the links you provided and numerous other links if one so chooses to access them on the world wide web. All sides are being presented with numerous links and sources valid or not and its being used to distract away from consequences. It's not like you have a hidden source that isn't accessible for others.

    As for proposing what needs to be done, this is where the Justice system has failed us miserably and needs to be held more accountable. Completely overhaul the justice system to bring it back to Justice is blind. I know I'm being naïve not easy task but has to be done to help change course on the path we are in now.

    First step, reverse all rulings and do not allow news outlets like Fox News, CNN, NewsMax, MSNBC etc etc to get away with the crap they get a way with to make a buck. If they present/imply themselves as a news outlet, do not let let squirm out of their accountability and split hairs by claiming to be an entertainment industry. Hit them in the pocket book for spreading lie/misinformation.   

    At the ground floor treat each lie separately. For example, penalize Joe Rogan for spreading lies/misinformation thru punitive damages. Then move on to any industry that has misconstrued what Joe Rogan has done to push their own agenda and hit them with punitive damages. Hit them all in the pocket book where it hurts because ultimately that's what drives the show.

    In theory, I think we are in agreement on a very base level, with this:


    First step, reverse all rulings and do not allow news outlets like Fox News, CNN, NewsMax, MSNBC etc etc to get away with the crap they get a way with to make a buck. If they present/imply themselves as a news outlet, do not let let squirm out of their accountability and split hairs by claiming to be an entertainment industry. Hit them in the pocket book for spreading lie/misinformation.   

    In reality,  I don't know how to make this happen without some central body who decides what is crap and what isn't.  And if history has taught me anything, that is a disaster waiting to happen.  So I really don't know how to make that happen without other dire, and quite possibly worse unintended consequences.

    And for this:


    They have indeed been exposed everywhere where you look on social media, the links you provided and numerous other links if one so chooses to access them on the world wide web. All sides are being presented with numerous links and sources valid or not and its being used to distract away from consequences. It's not like you have a hidden source that isn't accessible for others.

    I'm curious why I'm the only one you've singled out for posting links that anyone can find online, when there are numerous links, tweets, memes, articles posted daily by many people in these forums.  

    I'd also suggest these links that are shared are needed for any kind of discussion around them to occur.  That is indeed the main purpose of a place like this?

  5. 3 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Nope. I disagree. Just jump on social media whether it's journalists and/or key board warriors.

    The problem is it gets convoluted with 'everyone does it, you're just not paying attention if you only present one side, here's the links'.

    It's everywhere you look.

    Then that one side gets away with it because, even by your own words, we don't feel the need to re-iterate the original lie/spreading of misinformation. The time has come to focus energy and efforts on how do we impose consequences of lying and what needs to happen and less on twitter shaming the lie or follow-up lies on the original lie. 

    Left, right, middle pay for for your lies.

    What exactly don't you agree with?   No where did I say everyone does it.  I presented links because people were claiming it wasn't actual news sites that were pushing the horse de-wormer narrative, that is not true.

    If you want people to pay for their lies, those lies need to be exposed and acknowledged first.

    Would love to hear how you propose for people to pay for those lies.

  6. 45 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Funny, the articles I read all pointed out how Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medicine but that people were buying the horse version and not getting it prescribed.  (Because it's not a treatment for Covid)

    I think some people just confuse Twitter with journalism and conflate the two. 

    Just like all the other things that people were putting in their bodies to "cure" themselves. 


    Some, sure.  But not all media.  And a lot of this actually goes to headlines.  And while you can claim people should be reading the entire article, we all know if people see something enough times, it starts to get believed.  And that is irresponsible journalism.  A few examples


    "‘Crazy Times’: Joe Rogan Got Covid and Ate a Cocktail of Meds Including a Horse Dewormer"


    "Joe Rogan Says He Tested Positive for COVID-19, Takes Unproven Horse Dewormer"

    And the worst perpetrator of this was CNN, where even some of their own contributors criticized the network for how it handled and characterized it.





    Even the FDA had tweets with headlines saying things like you are not a horse or a cow, you shouldn't take Ivermectin.   These are all half trues that when people dig into the larger picture, sow distrust.



    41 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Fair enough.

    However what frustrates me is when someone lies and/or disseminates misinformation that hurts others then someone else reports on these lies/misinformation but adds their own narrative on top of that which can be misleading and/or false, the first reaction for some is to deal with the latter first and then it feels like the original lie/misinformation is being exonerated by deflecting the attention to other liars/misleaders.

    All I ever hear when some are reacting to stories like this is False narratives everywhere, Bias's, everyone is pushing their own agenda's, everyone lies etc etc and that's where the conversation stops.

    It's a perfect scenario for a liar to feel no consequence for their behaviour. 'Look they're lying too!'

    My wife and I have two children, a daughter and son. We've all lied, some more impactful then others. We've also exaggerated and/or added misleading information to the original lie. However, most times we have paid a consequence for a lie we have told regardless of another one of us lying as well. 



    I'm not a fan of either people or sides lying or spreading misinformation.   But only one side of this continually gets pushed and spread, so I don't feel the need to re-iterate or bring it up again.

    Should Rogan have pushed Ivermectin as a Covid cure?  No.  Absolutely not.  

    But the after effects off what happened made the situation worse.  Not better.  The headlines were everywhere at the time.  Where do you think tweets and things like Tracker posted earlier in this thread originally came from?   The was an overabundance of reports that Rogan took horse de-wormer, and then people are surprised people self medicate on horse dewormer?

    A more honest headline would be Rogan takes Ivermectin, a parasitic drug not approved for Covid.   And while many news outlets did report along those lines, there were too many that didn't.  CNN being the worst.   It is irresponsible.  

  7. 37 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    People know that ivermectin is more than just a horse dewormer right? Like there's actual human version/uses for it...I just keep seeing it described as only a horse dewormer and that isn't the whole story. Obviously it does nothing for covid, but it's is a medicine that humans have used for decades now.

    In fact, the scientists who developed it won the Nobel Prize for its use in dealing with parasites in Africa.  It has been life changing there.

    This is the problem with false narratives that the media keeps on pushing.  Should it be used for Covid?  No.  Does the fact that the media doesn't tell the whole truth and keeps pushing it solely as a horse deworming drug make people believe there is a conspiracy and double down on things like Ivermectin?   Yes.  

    There seems to be little to no attempt at unbiased reporting these days.  Everyone is out to push an agenda.

    Rogan didn't get the medication from a vet.  His doctor prescribed it, the human version, in human doses.

    If there wasn't a spin on this, and the media reported what actually happened here, maybe people wouldn't have stolen the drug from vets, and talked to their own doctor and could have received sound medical advice.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    Economics are all well and good, but do not determine the health of a society. America is a militant society and that translates down to their politics, religion and view of each other. In the last 100 years, the US has been involved in more foreign wars than any other country on Earth, and that impacts their cultural lives. 

    I mentioned economics, because if their economy tanks, ours is likely to follow and that has the potential for widespread impact on all of our lives.  

    I also mentioned more than just economics.  You don’t think what is happening in the States right now hasn’t already started to creep in and influence what is happening here?  

  9. 46 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    I think we do have a degree of insulation from the current insanity in the US but it is not absolute. We have a parliamentary system of government, bans on massive corporate political donations and a three-party system. We  Canadians live in a country that was created by legislation not a violent uprising and were not as dependent on slave labour and all the evils that came with it and still echo in the US. We are not devoted to firearms and the metaphorical mindset that comes with them. We are not as fanatical (for the most part) to religious/dogmatic extremist beliefs that compel us, as articles of faith to foist our beliefs on others against their will. All of this, I believe contributes to a culture that tolerates diversity and even encourages it.

    None of this is set in stone. Nothing in the nature of tolerance guarantees continued existence. All progress must be nurtured and defended.

    We are also highly dependant on the US for our economy and highly influenced by their entertainment and media. 

    Whatever happens down there will have an effect up here.  We’re joined at the hip.  

  10. 4 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    It's not just the GM's responsibility for a team to be successful, though. That falls on the coaches and players, some of whom have already paid the price.

    His primary duties are to draft and manage the roster and salary cap. What's been mediocre about either?

    GM is also responsible for hiring the coach, so the buck ultimately has to stop at Chevy.

    Having said that, I'm fine with the extension.  I think Chevy has done a good job at the draft and filling in pieces through free agency when needed.  He has also done a good job signing players like Helle, Connor, Morrissey to long term deals.  Navigated issues with Trouba and Kane through trades (people can try and blame Chevy on these, but this is a reality any GM in Winnipeg is going to have to deal with).

    I also think this is Chevy's last crack at a coach and a mini over haul of the roster, if you believe the turmoil and trade requests that are coming.  If Chevy can't make this team competitive within the next couple of years (need to at least make the playoffs next year), then it is time for a new GM and a complete rebuild.

  11. 3 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Yeah but you could go to arbitration this year and see how the season goes. The team is going to look very different next year, one would hope. 

    Sure, but he is not going to get any cheaper with only one year of RFA left.  And at that point, he has to be thinking why not just play out one more year and see what can happen in the open market.

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