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Posts posted by Rich

  1. 30 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    That's what I'm wondering too. I didn't realize the clown has only played 12 games....12...he gets ejected every 6 games. Never mind the other penalties he's taken. I don't see the appeal to keeping him around outside of trying to appease a locker room.

    @Stats Junkie do you know of any websites that collect data on individual penalty yards? 

    Here is all his penalties over the last two seasons:


    Season Week Penalty Yards Against
    2021 1 Offside 5 BC
    2021 2 Roughness, General 15 Hamilton
    2021 2 Offside 5 Hamilton
    2021 6 Roughplay Disqualified 25 Winnipeg
    2021 16 Roughing The Passer 14 Hamilton
    2021 16 Roughness, General 12 Hamilton
    2022 2 Objectionable Conduct 10 Edmonton
    2022 3 Roughing The Passer 13 Montreal
    2022 5 Holding 10 Ottawa
    2022 5 Roughplay Disqualified 15 Ottawa
  2. 24 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    I don't see the panic,   sometimes people just have enough money and want to enjoy it with their family and taking it easy.   I'm 41 and I'm already dreaming  of the days that I can retire and take it easy.  

    I don't understand why TN = Something terrible because a guy wants to relax.  



    Because it is not an isolated incident.  Could be legit, and he just wants a break.  Could be something is rotten in the Jets dressing room or management structure if coaches leave instead of being fired, players questioning if they want to be here, to saying they won't sign long term.

    Whatever is going on right now with the Jets, it isn't good.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Pasta gets paid 6.75 per or so. We can afford him.  I wouldn't do it tho as Scheif is worth more, he's a center and wants to Win. Think his PC was a little bit overblown 

    Which way do you feel about Schefiele because during the season it was an onslaught of posts criticizing and wanting him traded.  Just a quick sampling of some of your posts towards the end of last season.   There are many more like these.


    I was on Wheeler. He's played well. I was pissed with helle and his comments but hes played excellent recently. 

    Scheifele? Did u miss the part where his stupidity = 2 leaf goals? If you think 55 is trying his hardest like Blake Helle Apples hell Even Barron tonight, you are insane. He's checked out.  He's as good as done as a Jet. He's the guy they will be trading. Take Blake away from him and Blake gets better,  Mark stays the same. 


    Scheifele needs to go. He obviously doesn't give a **** anymore. Attitude and defensive play is just garbage. Should be benched but in the off season  he needs to be traded. 


    Scheifele needs to go. He's just very lazy. Its amazing how much he's changed for the worse. Kid was all effort all the time, now you dont get the effort half the time.

  4. 4 hours ago, MOBomberFan said:

    Thanks again for doing all of this.

    Taking a peek at the #s... a few of us went 4-0 this week but were only credited with 3? I imagine it's just an excel formula thing.

    Yep, formula for the week was only set to pickup 3 games for some reason.   All should be good now.

    4 hours ago, Jesse said:

    I was going to make a post about this and felt like an a$$ for pointing it out, so thanks for getting it in first!

    If anyone sees what they think is an error, feel free to point it out or ask.  No offence taken . Would rather get the results right.  😀

  5. 2 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    It might actually be more, but there's one that I know of.....meaning he beat out Analysts from hockey broadcasts and other sports. I'm not saying awards mean anything at all, but it's an interesting conversation point that industry professionals deemed him the best in Canada at one point...

    How many of those people who vote are from Saskatchewan? 😛 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    It's just lazy and over done if you ask me. And like others have said, the seats are filled with blue jerseys....if this wasn't about selling more jerseys and making money it would be better to play off that. Blue wave, blue carpet bombing, sea of blue etc etc etc. Why take us back to winter with a thing that doesn't represent the bombers? I'm wearing blue either way.

    Just bought a new blue jersey.  So I will be wearing blue as well.

  7. For those who remember John Paddock, former head coach of Jets 1.0 and now head coach and GM of the Regina Pats, an interesting read on his battle with Covid while getting treatment for lymphoma.  








    A new place brand campaign — that was two years in the making — is keeping it real to market Winnipeg to the world.

    Winnipeg: Made from what’s real was unveiled Wednesday ahead of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce State of the City luncheon at the RBC Convention Centre.


    Economic Development Winnipeg launched the campaign in partnership with Travel Manitoba to market the city abroad and attract more talent, investment and visitors to Winnipeg.

    “There has always been a realness and sincerity to how Winnipeggers talk about this city and whether you visit here or live here, there is a great story to tell,” said Dayna Spiring, president and CEO of Economic Development Winnipeg.



  9. Pick 'Ems are back for the 2022 season

    How do they work?   Each week you pick the winners for each CFL game.  You get one point for every correct pick.  Whoever has the most points at the end of the year wins a $50 gift certificate at the Bomber store.

    Picks will be done through the polling system.  Polls close at game start of the first game of the week.  I will accept picks for games that have not started yet through PMs if you are late getting them in.

    Week 1 kicks off Thursday night football with the Alouettes visiting the Stampeders.    Picks need to be in by 8PM Thursday, June 9th.

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