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Posts posted by Rich

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mark H. said:


     PCR and Rapid tests are ineffective when the symptoms are mostly gastro - which for many people they now are

    Do they know how contagious it is when the only symptoms are gastro?  Is it the same?  Less?

  2. 8 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Honestly, the best answer is regulation on companies which is sorely lacking. Pretty much every business everywhere gets a subsidy at some point. Just make oil and gas companies fulfill their obligations to environmental safety.

    Now how much of this is attributed to other factors as well? It wasn't that long ago lead was taken out of things, and I would hazard a guess there are plenty of other factors at play in modern times too. Decline in quality of diet, added stress levels due to always being connected etc. So I guess I  asking, how did these studies control for outside factors? 

    It is still early, but there has been a number of studies that point to plastics (ultimately part of the oil economy) affecting male fertility.   More and more data is coming out on this.


    Moving to EV's is a great start, but we still need to move our economy away from plastics.   Some recent strides made in moving away from plastic straws and bags, but plastics are not good for the ecosystem at all.

  3. Hypothetical question here.  As more natural resources start becoming available in the arctic and Russia decides they want access to them and starts annexing parts of Canada, would you stand by and fall in line or would you fight for your way of life and country?   

    Don't want to get into a debate on whether or not the US would ever allow that to happen, but trying to put yourself in the shoes of being a citizen of an invaded country.


  4. 32 minutes ago, the watcher said:

    Thanks for that post. The Ukraine certainly took some awful abuse from Stalin. I'm not entirely up on that history but I know he took all the grains produced in the Ukraine at one point as a punishment . The number I recall is 10 million starved to death.

    On another note I also really wished I had talked more to the generation before me and written it down. I've pieced some things togeather but wished I had more.

    Here is an article on what Stalin did to the Ukraine.


    Can see why the hatred runs deep with this kind of history.

  5. 3 hours ago, bb1 said:

    Yeah i would take Carlyle but i think he may be too strict for today's soft athlete. But imo Lowry is gone, we need a fresh new direction maybe even a New Gm as well? I think Chevy has done as well as any GM could do in our market though we really missed that one chance to go all the way. Small market teams have so little time and it's getting worse for us to compete..the NMC for these world class whiners is killing the small teams...

    With the Jets spending to the cap these last few years since they've put this core together, curious where you see the difficulty for the Jets as a small market?

    • Is it spending outside of player salaries? (ie. coaching, scouting, GM)
    • Attracting free agents?
    • Something else?
  6. 2 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:


    I hear what you're saying and for the many significant issues we continue to face in this world this is a great approach and reasonable people will continue to advocate for it.

    However specifically when it comes this global pandemic and the death and destruction left in it's wake, I struggle with this statement, specifically around your use of the word reasonable.

    Maybe 5 to 18 months ago while the science community and public heath experts tried (and still are learning more) to figure out how best to deal with the pandemic absolutely.

    But now?

    Reasonable people still need convincing in how to help themselves and others (e.g., vaccines, hand washing, mask wearing etc) to thwart off the impacts of this pandemic? At what point when there is loads of hard evidence available do you drop the word reasonable to describe people who still resist and/or advocate for giving people a platform to suggest the world is flat and/or the Sun sets in the East etc etc?

    What is the alternative?  

    What is it going to accomplish to ostracize and denigrate those that refuse?

    It is never too late.   People can always change their mind, and for everyone's sake, every effort to do so needs to be made.



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