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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-05-26 in Posts

  1. No, they're flying him out to make sure we keep Edmontons 37 year home winless drought going.
    9 points
  2. Rich

    Twitter & GIF's

    What does one have to do with the other? Well, nothing really, but.... I was trying to figure out why Twitter links aren't embedding (no answer on this yet), but while doing so I stumbled upon a feature I didn't know existed and enabled it. In the tool bar when creating a post, there is now a GIF button. This is an integration into https://giphy.com and provides a quick way to search for and embed GIFs. Right in time for the new season and the game day GIF thread (if we decide to resurrect those).
    6 points
  3. Yep, we may not have many starting roles up for grabs this year but there are still some key battles/progressions to watch. So happy football season is finally back!
    5 points
  4. My thoughts exactly. Bombers may be bringing a few guys on the trip but still missing Biggy, Jeffcoat, Schoen, Oliveira and it's even questionable how much time the rest of the guys see and whether they'd be going at the same time. Im actually interested in what some of these guys are bringing to the table: Brian Cole, DeJuan Cooper, Ricky Walker, Bolo, Richmond, Holm, Parker. All guys that are in their "step up" year imo. BOLO has already looked really good and am excited to see what he brings this year.
    5 points
  5. Hey they need to find some players at linebacker at some point, guys are getting a wonderful opportunity to show their stuff.
    5 points
  6. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    I know in the 70s and 80s they all believed that was the case, it's why we saw conservative governments the world over go all in on supply side economics.... but here is the thing, we're 40ish years out from these policies, we can see what they have done and SURPRISE! No-one credible believes it works they way they say anymore. It sounds goodnso people believe it, the reality is that the tax savings don't get passed down in any way. They get vacuumed up to the top and stay there.
    5 points
  7. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    To be fair, those kids really should get off his lawn
    5 points
  8. https://twitter.com/Wpg_BlueBombers/status/1662096483355885570?s=20
    4 points
  9. Was no preseason games in 2021, would be the first ever preseason game with Bombers for Collaros.
    4 points
  10. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    We need more of this no matter who you are to recalibrate the nonsense going on in this world of ours: FAFO.
    4 points
  11. Coke Zero. Goes together with Crown Black like Khari to Milt. Like Zach to Schoen. Like Housley to Selanne.
    4 points
  12. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    My point was that you seem to have an absurd amount of anger/hate for many things and that is not limited to politics, or having a different point of view. I could have posted the same thing in a football thread and it would be just as valid.
    4 points
  13. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    No, just that anyone willingly supporting modern conservatives is endorsing backwards knuckle dragging policy. Conservatives now are rage farmers with no ideas for governing. They simply stole hate and anger to gain power and that's the end.
    4 points
  14. I thought that he had a bead on a starting position....my bad.
    4 points
  15. I fully expect to see him hold the clipboard and talk to the young qbs on the sideline a lot. If he isn’t going to play I’d have him call some plays too.
    3 points
  16. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    There is little evidence of left/centrist advocacy of violence much less incidence. Fascists, by definition, hold violence as an integral option if not mandatory. I have been a socialist supporter for over 50 years and have never heard any calls for violence. By not calling out right-wing/authoritarian statements and policies as fascist, you legitimize their positions as optional social discourse. The media in the US did not identify Trump as the fascist, gynophobic, amoral monster he is and always has been and that propelled him to power and his attempted coup.
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. Dani explains this process very clearly, she frequently makes these statements in front of live microphones and yet people still don't seem to comprehend what she's directly saying. (Sorry can not embed video directly, maybe because it is from May 10? I dunno.) https://twitter.com/i/status/1656335790622883841 The keynote of this video is an appointed auditor, "The Alberta Quality Council" will determine whether existing organizations "can meet the terms we want them to." So....Preston Manning or maybe Jason Kenney plus 4 other political appointees will decide that the health care system has failed, they will then deal out the public assets to the parasitic vultures who put them in the position to make this happen in the first place. Got it.
    3 points
  19. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    True, but in those two cases, 1 of the situations results in some of the money actually getting to people who need help. I've worked in non profits and there's loads of wasted money, bad actors...etc etc. But at the end of the day, some (never enough) of the funds STILL reach the people they were intended to reach. Tax cuts to wealth do nothing for society except prop up old boys clubs that have been and will continue to be a virus on this planet like they has been for centuries. Actually something I REALLY want to see from any "liberal/left" government is a BIG push on patriotism via taxes. I want to say it blows my mind they haven't thought of this already, but it doesn't. I know why they won't ever do it, but some people get pissy when you call the left crooks so I won't. But all this "MAGA/TAKE BACK ALBERTA/CANADA STRONG...BS, should be used against those tools. They all talk about back in the day and how things used to be...but they NEVER mention the tax rates and what they were. Close the loopholes. "BE PATRIOTIC!! SHOW US HOW MUCH YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY BY SHARING YOUR TAXES. YOU'LL BE A HERO! NATIONAL TREASURE...ETC ETC ETC.." Jerk those egos off!! PP/Trudeau won't ever do that though, because those pensions/corporate gigs after office, are a little too nice. Not always. The only good Nazi is a dead one.
    3 points
  20. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    For the third time, what is the extreme-left? I believe that the actions of some anti-fascism groups start to fall under what someone else referred to as the paradox of tolerance.
    3 points
  21. in no way, shape or form are Fed Grit supporters "moving to the extreme", unless there's such a thing as Extreme Middle.... even the NDP aren't "Extreme"...... maybe the Greens are? But the CPC has absolutely been hijacked by extreme Right, religious extremists, anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists and the like...
    3 points
  22. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    I think you're misinterpreting the centre for the left from your perspective, the people you're mainly choosing to argue with are for the most part former Progressive Conservative voters.
    3 points
  23. They might be flying Collaros out to just help out the QBs
    3 points
  24. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    He refuses to get clearance.
    3 points
  25. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    3 points
  26. something up between Twitter and MBB, so you can't embed tweets anymore...odd........but here's the LOLk's depth chart....
    3 points
  27. I'd like to see Pigrome get the 3rd QB spot....with his elusive running, and good arm....could be a real weapon to have now we can have 2 qb's on field together...a lil swing pass back to him where he has option to run, or pass if defenders fall off their receivers could cause big issues....they will have to respect his running ability, so if they cheat...could get burned
    3 points
  28. I have gotten down to just a splash of Coke mainly for colour with water, 40 creek being my Rye of choice.
    3 points
  29. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    I can't imagine the mental gymnastics it must take to try and lecture others (strangers on a sports forum) about different viewpoints while presenting absolutely no evidence to substantiate them, whining about echo chambers, a lack of good faith arguments*, and moral high ground, after making the admission that you're simply participating in this thread to rile up others with incessant trolling. The cognitive dissonance is bordering on complete detachment from reality. To say nothing of the feigned victimhood and lack of self-awareness. * hilarious coming from someone who deliberately makes bad faith arguments ad nauseam Perhaps there's some veracity to this: It's a tell of something deeper with online behaviour like that.
    3 points
  30. Collaros did not play in either pre-season game last year, it was entirely Brown & Prukop.
    3 points
  31. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Problem for government is that you can't ever cut enough programming to offset tax cuts so yes tax cuts are deficit spending. There is a cost associated with cutting taxes. There's a conservative mentality called starve the beast. You cut taxes first to make programs unsustainable and then they die because you don't have the tax revenue to keep them going. It's bullshit. Conservatives need to stop pretending that cutting taxes is any different than spending on social programs. Same result. Higher deficit and higher debt. Trickle down economics doesn't work and that fact has been proven time and time and time again. You can not find one source citing it's effectiveness.
    3 points
  32. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    nailed it with this. His (or her) posts are devoid of facts, actual verified numbers. just strong opinions. on and on and on ad nauseum. odd.
    3 points
  33. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    If you think you are coming here to poke the bear or own the libs, I'm pretty confident you are doing the opposite. You spout off beliefs that are not backed up, reject legitimate posts backed up by good sources and then move the goal posts when you are corrected by posters. I would love to have a true conservative posting on this board that is able to sufficiently back up their beliefs to provide good dialogue, but you can't seem to do that. Your method of "dialogue" is simply serving the show there really isn't any case for a conservative vote. I will stick by my conspiratorial hypothesis that you are an agent of Trudeau sent to engender sympathy for the Liberals from bad faith attacks.
    3 points
  34. Wilbur

    comedy stuff

    3 points
  35. Thanks for the mention pal, but would rather drink a cup of piss than wine👍
    3 points
  36. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Which will not mollify PP at all.
    2 points
  37. Rich

    Canadian Politics

    I don't block anyone. As someone who needs to moderate the board, it isn't a luxury I have. And even if I did block people, you aren't someone I would block. You misunderstand my issues with how some people post here. Criticizing and pointing out what is wrong with someone's post, is what a discussion should be about. Doing so by calling people's names, slandering them, degenerating them, is not acceptable, under any circumstances. You may disagree with that, you may think people are so horribly evil right now that they deserve whatever can be thrown at them, but that isn't acceptable on this board. And if people want somewhere they can do that, they will have to go find somewhere else to do it. I won't deny that I / we have not been consistent in letting the above behaviour go without stepping in. The truth is I don't like moderating discussions. I don't like editing posts, I don't like warning people, I don't like suspending or banning people. I do at times get so fed up and frustrated with the state of things that I end up making a general post in anger like I did recently. But things get to a tipping point and I'm not perfect either. In general, as moderators, we tend to err on the side of letting things slide. The problem with that is things end up sliding further and further until it becomes a problem, and then a correction is needed. We are probably in that correction state right now as people will come to see. The alternative is always hard line moderating. And I don't think anyone here really wants that to happen. Well at least they don't want it to happen to them, only to other people. I don't expect or want you to agree with everyone. But if reading what someone else posts puts you (this is generic "you" people of the board, not HardCoreBlue specifically) over the edge so much that there is a repeating pattern where you can only respond in anger and name calling, or you think people as so evil that you are justified in how treating them badly, then ultimately you aren't welcome here and you will need to find somewhere else to post. There ain't no shortage of places to go to behave like that on the internet. At the end of the day, treat people civilly. Make articulated arguments of why an opinion is wrong without name calling or making fun of people. To answer your earlier post, I do share your fear with where society is heading right now and opinions of certain groups of people. But we are still a single country, and if we can so easily start to label a subsection of our fellow country people as crazy and simply not worthy and substandard human beings that whatever they say and do should just be dismissed outright, then the ultimate outcome is either a country that will be broken up / split / divided or that a country that stays as a single unit but one group will be no longer be treated as equals and humans. And I can show you countless history examples of where that leads to. I don't want either. I'm not saying I have the answers to this, because I don't. I'm not perfect by any means, and not suggesting I have this figured out over you, but a quote I like to try and remember is this, A true test of character is not how you act on your best days but how you act on your most difficult days. That doesn't mean being a push over, that doesn't mean accepting dangerous thoughts when you see it. It means how you behave in what you do when you see it.
    2 points
  38. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    @Rich Not trying to stir the pot. I mean that, I'm tired with all of this as well. The block function is a great thing. I'm sure some use it on me, please use that function if you don't want to here from me. Just highlighting something. This is a perfect example of how you and I see the world differently. Reading the many posts like the above embarrasses us and frustrates us but for very different reasons. My observation is you will clump this post in with the other posts that are going back and forth with this poster as all the same crap, everyone's equally at fault, encourage all to look inwards and generalize what's going on without really dissecting the many things going on in the conversation. And you're right we should always look inwards and to some degree there are similarities here with us all. But with respect, it's a lot more complicated and complex than you present it that has significant differences in levels of hypocrisies shown and the many different levels of what to tolerate and what can't be tolerated. It's a mess that needs to be untangled or we will never improve. You may think not. That's okay. You choose to ignore. But its not okay to suggest it's all the same with equal amounts of crap going on and just get along. Unfortunately for ease it doesn't work that way. No sir. Counter away people. 🙂
    2 points
  39. Mm I might’ve been thinking about the previous season then. Or just confused. Like always it’ll be up to what he thinks he needs. And honesty he will probably doesn’t need any reps. i do look forward to seeing brown continue to grow. Sounds like pigrome has had a good camp too.
    2 points
  40. I'm actually looking forward to watching them. Wade & Cole (from the limited reports) have had good camps so I want to see what they do in a game, even if it is only pre-season. **Edit, I was thinking Matt Cole (DB) not Brian Cole (LB).
    2 points
  41. Excited to be able to actually watch football. I’m sure they have their plans and I know it’s only exhibition, but that LB corps..yikes. No Leggs at all? Weird. I guess he’s locked in as the starting punter though.
    2 points
  42. GCJenks

    Canadian Politics

    So much this. As a conservative voter for the first 30 years I was allowed to vote it has been hard to move away from some of the ideals I believe in. It took a lot of reading and education to realize that the conservatives I once supported no longer exist. If I was to search back to the time of the last federal election I am pretty sure I would find a comment that I felt like a political orphan, no party represents what my personal beliefs are and I am left to vote for who supports my most important beliefs. One thing I absolutely cannot support is hatred, I have always told my son there are only 2 things that are worth the emotional investment of hatred; war and racism. If you hate something other than that you really need to examine if that is the best of yourself and if you wouldn’t be energy spent better elsewhere. It was a massive change for me when I moved from hating the Riders to now the pity I feel for them… It is fun taking the shots and mocking them, but really only because they keep doing it to themselves…
    2 points
  43. Aww jeeze don't get him going...
    2 points
  44. Reminded me of the Jets a lot, just lacking that killer instinct when it counts, while good old Matt T. seems to know exactly when to sink that knife in. What a run for that guy. I totally couldn't stand him in Calgary but man does Pa Ma have him playing disciplined smart hockey right now. Florida must be loving it that Dallas won tonight, extra two nights off, which at this time of year, are freaking gold.
    2 points
  45. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    It's always yelling and always so angry.... About everything.
    2 points
  46. So all 4 QBs going to Edm.... Can't imagine Collaros sees the field right? That would be crazy to risk, especially against Chris Jones who would do anything to cripple our meal ticket.
    2 points
  47. he can easily be rostered...we had Mcrae on roster with all the starters...so he goes in for him No reason why you can't rotate receiver in like any other rotational guy..Sheed also qualifies for Nationalized player now too...so Agudosi could be the defacto starter, and Sheed can rotate in for import or Canadian ...lots of ways to make it work If Bennet is real deal...wont have to DI for an import rotational end...they will have him on the roster, as you know ZC will be wanting that target....if Ford comes back sooner than later from an NFL camp too...he could be 6th db and not use a DI spot there as well
    2 points
  48. Was able to catch a scrimmage, man, I'm so excited to see what a healthy Agudosi can do. He's got speed, big height and a threat at a big receiver we haven't seen in a long time.
    2 points
  49. I hope not, but they might, it looks like the Argos will not visit Wpg. until week 17, it would be nice if Harris is able to play in that game. It would also be good to give Matt Nichols due respect with a night in his honour sometime this season.
    2 points
  50. Tracker

    comedy stuff

    2 points
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