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  1. They should nickname him Dane “The Baker” Evans. Guy cooks up more turnovers than my neighbourhood pastry shop 🤦🏻‍♂️
    7 points
  2. bigg jay

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Dane Evans prepping for the game:
    5 points
  3. TrueBlue4ever

    TSN's Panel & Crew

    Yeah it sure can be annoying when someone talks about the same thing over and over and over.
    4 points
  4. And just another bee in the hive to why the Faj is a whinny lil wuss ..and not someone to hitch a wagon to...and nothing like actually putting a target on yourself now...just another pre emotive built in excuse ...again
    3 points
  5. Jesse

    Week 4 Non champ games

    13 hour drive to Chicago... ...Although I did it once only to discover that I don't like deep dish pizza.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. some people do, gives them something to complain about. same guy saying "who cares about rourke, screw B.C." likely has posts grumbling about no chance being given to Canadian quarterbacks, or, why is CFL quarterbacking so bad, or why are these games so bad. or ...look at that small crowd, why dont fans go to games in B.C. stuff like that. now we have an exciting canadian qb, in B.C. ...still no good. lol. some people just like to whine and complain. I am really enjoying watching rourke play and hope he helps turn around the Lions fortunes
    3 points
  8. He has his 2 championships, now a big fat contract to strengthen his financial future and he is free to go wherever he wants again next year. I’m thinking he’s not letting it eat him up too much.
    3 points
  9. Good thing we let Castillo go 🙃
    3 points
  10. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Rumour has it that John Turner is still available.
    3 points
  11. 14 contain guy for Sask got way too excited and way too far inside, hands over a TD.
    2 points
  12. Nolby

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Taking no accountability either,what a shitty teammate. I hope Montreal's front 4 destroys him tonight.
    2 points
  13. Looks like the streak stays alive! The Jets just don't hire bald guys as head coach
    2 points
  14. Yeah. Because he’s the only player that wears a knee brace.
    2 points
  15. Booch

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Yeah itt a toss up between him and the Faj for weak upstairs and fragile mentally...Evans has more arm....Faj better running...both are guys who won't lead unto the promised land tho And doubt they throw money at Strev and it also has to be a place he's gonna wanna be....if he becomes free I see us tossing some money at him as QB 1b and also a role of hybrid guy on the field alot...half way through season we use Prokoff money and a bit more to prorate it and make it worth his while...I guarantee that's why he was 6 gamed to eliminate his pay...and bet he stays there full 6 then possibly let go...based in recent dumping of vet to be replaced by younger better guy I see us having no issues doing it again
    2 points
  16. Yep. It seems he likes to gesture with his hands in the air “what the **** is that” when a play doesn’t work. He does the same to the refs when he figgers there is suppose to be a penalty. That gets tiring.
    2 points
  17. Noticed that in the 2019 grey cup. Not someone you really want to play hard for.
    2 points
  18. Brandon

    Week 4 Non champ games

    I wonder if Hamilton throws money at Strev?
    2 points
  19. So they signed the left over scraps. Old and not a great track record. I'm guessing they are planning to gut the team and acquire early draft picks for a full rebuild?
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. SpeedFlex27

    Week 4 Non champ games

    This falls on Evans for being an idiot on the field. His teammates have stopped playing for him. Evans by a country mile.
    2 points
  22. Evans, time for a good cry
    2 points
  23. Rod Black

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Cats could choke, again! Looks like Evans is way over thinking.
    2 points
  24. Tracker

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Elks may win despite themselves (and Chris Jones)
    2 points
  25. bustamente

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Hamilton wants to go 0-4, not sure what Evans was trying to do there, stupid pass
    2 points
  26. Game feels like it is bogging down. With all its mistakes, the first half was more entertaining.
    2 points
  27. Crazy they are sticking with Ford when they actually do have a decent QB in Arbuckle. They could sure use Ford as a change of pace guy.
    2 points
  28. bustamente

    US Politics

    I'm not surprised that some of these buffoons don't try to hide their stupidity, it's a race to the bottom
    2 points
  29. It would appear that Mr. Ford needs more seasoning as QB, based on his performance so far. Not getting too much help from his team, though.
    2 points
  30. BS call to give a rouge on the missed FG. Hamilton returner picked the ball up outside the end zone, he was down at the 1.
    2 points
  31. blue_gold_84

    Random Jets News

    Should be an interesting few months ahead.
    2 points
  32. Rod Black

    Week 4 Non champ games

    The young man has been playing great. His post game interview was impressive, acknowledging that he threw two int’s and wasn't at all rattled by it - “it was bound to happen”. That was an outstanding athletic run of over 50 yards for the TD! that was not fluke. Any 50 yard TD run is going to be on a highlight reel. If he shits the bed later on, oh well. Yet for now, he’s making things interesting in a league that could use interesting things. at the beginning of the season, there was a question, “what needs to be done to make the games better?” We watched one answer last night.
    2 points
  33. wbbfan

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Toronto imo. imo the ham offense has been regressing consistently since June jones left. And much more so since the 19 gc beat down. what a crazy but entertaining season so far. I thought it any thing would be a sure bounce back for this ham offense it’d be this game.
    1 point
  34. For a 6 pack of water bottles and a couple towels.
    1 point
  35. Rod Black

    TSN's Panel & Crew

    It’s ok. Was just busting yer balls. All good.
    1 point
  36. If I'm Steinhauer, I'd be telling the Ti Cats management to look into trading Evans.
    1 point
  37. Rod Black

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Exactly. He’s quite the whiner.
    1 point
  38. Evans writing his ticket out of the Hammer
    1 point
  39. Don't want the ball in Dane Evans' hands at the end of the game.
    1 point
  40. Looks like Dane Evans is blaming everybody else but himself. He is an awful team leader. Why would any of his teammates play hard for a qb who points fingers at everybofy else. And throws hissy fits all the time.
    1 point
  41. wbbfan

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Tsn in general hurts growing the market. Limited viewing options and lots of preempting missed pre games post games poor coverage etc. tsn is a crap partner.
    1 point
  42. Rod Black

    Week 4 Non champ games

    I enjoyed yesterdays game. Enjoying today’s too. A few too many penalties but that’s the schmos this year. Speaking of BBQ, Kate is looking tasty.
    1 point
  43. bustamente

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Again the panel is neither informative or funny, Dunnigan does know his was around a grill though
    1 point
  44. Tracker

    World Politics

    Russia Arrests Flyers’ Ivan Fedotov for Being ‘Army Draft Dodger’ Philadelphia Flyers hockey player Ivan Fedotov has been arrested by Russian police and accused of evading military service. Fedotov led the Russian Olympic Committee to a silver medal at the 2022 Beijing Olympics but signed with the Flyers in May, terminating his contract with Moscow’s CSKA hockey club. Because the team is owned by the government, players are technically considered military personnel. It’s been speculated that by joining the Philadelphia Flyers NHL team, Russia can charge him with evading military service. Russian media reported that the military prosecutor’s office issued an arrest request, saying that “there are sufficient grounds to consider Fedotov an army draft dodger.” He could spend up to two years in prison if convicted for the violation. Moscow’s CSKA issued a statement, expressing confidence that “the competent authorities will sort out this situation.”
    1 point
  45. Tracker

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Well, it IS an entertaining game.
    1 point
  46. Booch

    Week 4 Non champ games

    I'd like to see them go winless
    1 point
  47. Tracker

    US Politics

    The Koch brothers contaminating the Fraser Institute is simply putting icing on the cake. The Fraser Institute has been an echo chamber for the most right-wing conservatives in Canada for decades.
    1 point
  48. Jesse

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Honestly, can't we enjoy watching good players? Do we want the games to be crappy?
    1 point
  49. Rod Black

    Week 4 Non champ games

    Yes. That’s it!
    1 point
  50. Brandon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    $115 dollars an hour if I were to go with my family. I'll stick with hide and seek instead.
    1 point
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