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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-09 in Posts

  1. Wideleft

    World Politics

    We have to remember that most people drive less than 50 km in a day. Plugging in to a level 1 charger (about $1500 installed) overnight is more than enough for most people. I've commuted 200 km daily (round trip) for most of the last 15 years and I would still be fine with most EV ranges now. Too many people are discounting EV's because of trips they rarely take. Also, I've come around to thinking that EV range is not the issue - charging infrastructure is. Hydro runs to almost every population centre in Canada and there is no reason we can't have charging stations everywhere except for a lack of imagination and will. The Manitoba Government and Hydro are blowing a huge opportunity to become the monopoly that powers our vehicles and futureproof Hydro for the next few decades. There is no doubt in my mind that my next vehicle will be an EV.
    7 points
  2. SpeedFlex27

    World Politics

    You know, I did some quick research into subsidies of O & G going back to 1916 & the US government did subsidize O & G starting that year with tax breaks such as a "Depletion Allowance" which allowed oil companies to write off 27% of their revenues. So therefore, I withdraw my comments about O & G companies not getting subsidies at the turn of the century when they were getting established. I was wrong & withdraw what I said.... I still don't like the way things are being done today but I was wrong on subsidies. My apologies. Well, gents. I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong. I have to go but this discussion was interesting. This Old Dawg learned something new today when it came to subsidies.
    7 points
  3. JCon


    What about their freed.... oh,wait.
    7 points
  4. Noeller

    World Politics

    Man, as soon as they make an affordable EV truck that compares to my current half ton (in terms of capability), I am done. Take the keys to my truck, and let's go. We've got plenty of charging stations and more to come....let's go. I absolutely can't wait to ditch this gas guzzler.
    6 points
  5. JCon

    World Politics

    They start under $40k now. Roads have always been social engineering, you're just used to it. All infrastructure is social engineering.
    5 points
  6. Put some respect on his name. Donny Oramasionwu
    5 points
  7. JCon

    World Politics

    We have other social safety nets to help take care of that. That's not social engineering, that's taking care of everyone. You get more back than you pay for carbon pricing. Too long have we pushed our problems to the next generation.
    5 points
  8. JCon

    World Politics

    Carbon pricing comes back to those that pay it. How you choose to reinvest that money is up to you.
    5 points
  9. WildPath

    World Politics

    Except that we actually have the knowledge and ability to make a better future and avoid mass suffering.
    4 points
  10. Jpan85

    Canadian Politics

    When I bought a new vehicle last summer definitely went to something more fuel efficient. Went from a V8 5.6 L Dodge Dakota to a Kia Seltos big difference in mileage to the point where I have not felt the rise in fuel as much if I still had my old vehicle.
    4 points
  11. JCon

    World Politics

    The iPhone is not even 15 years old yet!!
    4 points
  12. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    Yeah tech evolves so quickly now people don't even know. The original Iphone only came out 10 years ago. And look at how much it has changed since then. 10 years ago our world was VERY different than it is today. What does it look like in the next 10? We used to say that but it would be 100 years....than 50...then 20...soon it will be yearly.
    4 points
  13. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    Lol. Bro do yourself a favour and go learn some history. Because literally almost everything you've said here is incorrect.
    4 points
  14. Wideleft

    World Politics

    When you factor in the costs of climate change induced damages, it certainly is a compelling argument. The cost of doing nothing or delaying doing something is far more in terms of financial, human and environmental damage than you can seem to wrap your head around. That is the viewpoint of someone with a lack of imagination.
    4 points
  15. 4 points
  16. Donny O. Not even going to attempt that last name.
    4 points
  17. do or die

    World Politics

    Oh, the irony.... Cheap Chinese tires blamed for Russian convoy unable to reach Kyiv https://www.cityam.com/cheap-chinese-tires-blamed-as-russian-convoy-unable-to-reach-kyiv/
    4 points
  18. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    This is not a joke. This is true. This is the formula for anyone wanting to grift others.
    3 points
  19. Mark F

    World Politics

    heres an example of the power of oil in Alberta. "A doctor servicing the community of Fort Chipewyan, Alta. (Fort Chip) has been fired and said he was given no explanation as to why. Dr. John O’Connor made international headlines when he first spoke out about elevated cancer rates in Northern Alberta communities and believed they were linked to tar sands activity from toxins leaking out into the surrounding land and water systems. A claim that was later supported by a study partially funded by Health Canada. “I am in shock,” said O’Connor about the sudden termination. “I am stunned. I got chest pain when I heard this. I’m very sad.”" In 2007, four years after O’Connor sounded the alarm regarding his concerns of a rare type of cancer he noticed trending among residents in Fort Chip, Health Canada accused him of engendering mistrust, blocking access to files, billing irregularities, and raising undue alarm in the community. The professional misconduct charges threatened his medical license with the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons, however O’Connor was cleared of all charges minus raising undue alarm. Then in March 2009, the residents of Fort Chip released a statement in support of O’Connor and demanded that the remaining charge against him be dismissed." https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/alberta-doctor-found-higher-rates-cancer-first-nation-communities-fired-health-board/ at this time chevron has managed to jail a New York lawyer who successfully sued chevron for an Amazon Indian tribe, whose home was destoyed by chevron. exxon was licking its chops over russian oil when trump was elected. So exxon ceo rex tillerson was appointed secretary of state under trump. their power is unlimited as far as I can see. The destruction they are doing right now.... staggering. Flooding right now in australia..... 1000 year flood, hitting sydney.
    3 points
  20. Noeller

    World Politics

    when you stop and think about the change in mobile tech over the last 10 years, it is staggering how fast things changed...
    3 points
  21. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    But, has the price of fuel changed your behaviour? Carbon pricing doesn't work if it's not going to change our habits.
    3 points
  22. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    Oil and gas companies are far and away the Masters of propaganda. No one compares even throughout history. They have it mastered. They've been able to get out of most messes they create, including cleaning up oil spills they say they'll clean up. Which is another form of subsidies...we know their products are literally destroying the human species nevermind basically all other species on the planet...don't get me started on the ocean. We talk about war time propaganda and it's issues...or misinformation online and how it's impacted us. But never oil and gas propaganda....its so well done its often extremely hard to pin point. So I not surprised people don't know just how much oil and gas cost the public tax payers to set up their infrastructure, but to also continue working like they have all the while bringing in record profits. "Hey I'm destroying your environment, charging you more and more for transportation and heating and food, while my bank account grows exponentially. im literally destroying your species, ruining the biggest source of life on the planet, contributing to wars and the cause of them etc etc....but don't you let "renewables" trick you into believing they're better!! It's a lie!! You can't survive without oil, don't let them get a foot up with governments help, that's communism!! Are you a nazi? No this is a FREE country!! Now go fill up your tank, the prices are going up tomorrow!...which is your governments fault fyi! ******* Trudeau!! You should tell your government to remove taxes at the pump if you want cheaper fuel...we PROMISE not to raise the price to bring it back up to the cost it was WITH taxes!"
    3 points
  23. JCon

    World Politics

    Right but carbon pricing doesn't hurt your bottom line. You get more than you pay. And, you're only talking upfront costs for vehicle ownership. We have to deal with the long-term effects of adding that much carbon back into the atmosphere.
    3 points
  24. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    This is good, but I honestly don't think it is simple enough to convince many people. Even Walby says its time to scrap the carbon tax because of how it is affecting people on limited budgets... There's a profound misunderstanding about carbon taxes that people like Poilievre takes advantage of and encourages.
    3 points
  25. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    Yes and if/when they do....oil and gas will STILL increase the price lol. I 100% guarentee it. So instead of the citizens receiving that money (taxes) it'll go to off shore bank accounts. Sounds like it will help! Again, oil and gas is RIDICULOUSLY good at making people angry at their governments (or other entities) for the issues oil and gas start. at the start of the pandemic, when unfortunately a lot of information was coming out, about declining fertility in humans...and evidence was clear that a major factor was oil and plastic. Coincidentally the vaccine was released and almost immediately theories about it's impact on human fertility started...that was not by accident. Oil and gas saw an opportunity to get the spot light off them once again and took it. This is just one example of how easily they can change a narrative because of their grip on society.
    3 points
  26. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    The cognitive dissonance is stunning. I'd be more inclined to laugh about it if it wasn't derailing this thread. An EV manufacturer getting gov't support is bad. An O&G producer getting gov't support is ostensibly okay because it's been that way for ages. The ****.
    3 points
  27. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    Lol. Man you say some funny stuff from time to time. I'm sure the Americans would be totally fine with Russians invading anywhere in NA....nevermind their largest trade partner who happens to be sitting on loads of resources....yeah they wouldn't do anything about it. Lol
    3 points
  28. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    By your own definition, oil and gas are not viable. How do you think they got to the point they are now exactly? Hard work and long hours? Lol. Oil and gas have received and CONTINUE to receive government subsidies. Yes those poor oil and gas companies...how hard it must be with all the taxation they face lol. I'll say it again. There is zero reason to reduce the taxes at the pump and zero reasons why the price can NOT be lowered. Taxes have very little to do with it. Our governments need to grow some ******* balls and do what's right for the people....they won't. But they certainly need to.
    3 points
  29. 17to85

    World Politics

    as it was, as it is, as it ever shall be
    3 points
  30. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    World Politics

    My favorite response in that tweet:
    3 points
  31. According to the CFL Transactions page it would appear that Josh Miller has re-signed with the club.
    3 points
  32. Tracker

    Random News Items

    National Cancer Institute: This New Drug Turns Cancer’s Secret Addiction Against Itself While the cells making up the tissues and organs in your body are pretty neighborly, cancer is the person who parks in your parking spot and plants a fence crossing your side of the backyard. Over the last several decades, scientists have discovered ways to exploit and undercut cancer’s selfishness in order to treat those who are suffering. And now they’ve found a new way to punch cancer right in its greedy gut by turning these mutated cells’ addiction to certain elements against them. In a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine on Wednesday, a team of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found certain cancer cells harbor a mutation in a gene called KRAS, allowing them to hoard large amounts of iron. The UCSF team took advantage of this iron addiction to develop a novel anti-cancer treatment that can specifically hone in and target certain types of cancer—while sidestepping the infamously debilitating and toxic effects of chemotherapy and similar treatments. “This is a really great, well thought out approach for targeting cancer cells specifically and it’s actually really promising,” Dr. Hossein Ardehali, a cardiologist at Northwestern University who was not involved with the new study but whose lab is researching the relationship between cancer and iron, told The Daily Beast.
    2 points
  33. SpeedFlex27

    World Politics

    I'd say cigarette companies were right up there, as well. How about Winston having cartoon characters Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble hawking cigarettes at the end of that cartoon so little kids can see it. This is insidious.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. He was a solid NAT and had a pretty decent career. I always forget he got a ring with the Eskies in 2015.
    2 points
  36. Especially considering it's right there at the bottom of the picture.
    2 points
  37. JCon

    World Politics

    The gap between combustion and electric is not that dramatic any longer, is my point. Cost of ownership also plays an important role in the lifetime costs of EV vs combustion. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/vehicle-prices-in-canada-hit-all-time-high-with-average-topping-40-000-1.5267393 Vehicle prices in Canada have hit an all-time high with the average vehicle selling for more than $40,000.
    2 points
  38. Practically an impossible task (MoneyPuck has the Jets at 7% chance to make the playoffs - https://moneypuck.com/predictions.htm) Highly entertaining game last night, in any event. This team has the horses to compete but it's the consistency that's lacking.
    2 points
  39. Goalie

    World Politics

    Isn't the biggest problem with EV is price and actually convincing people to buy electric? I'm putting solar panels on my cabin this summer... it's a 30 by 40 foot cabin. Cost of solar? 22000 but we do get quite a bit back once installed. We pay 22k. We get back about 11k.
    2 points
  40. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    I'm not in favour of subsidies myself. But pretending like our society hasn't been largely made possible due to subsidies is hilarious to say the least. And yes if one type of energy company is getting them most should, to be fair. That's just how our broken world works.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. bustamente

    US Politics

    The stupidity oozes from this one but he probably thinks she is the brightest bulb in the pack
    2 points
  43. SpeedFlex27

    World Politics

    Obviously O & G is viable as you fill your car & heat your home everyday. As far as subsidies go, yes they certainly do. But I don't recall Henry Ford or Nelson Rockefeller asking or receiving subsidies to build oil rigs, roadways & service stations along new highways at the start of the 20th Century. People weren't taxed for riding horses instead of driving an automoble.. They weren't taxed because that was the way of the future. People weren't taxed when the Wright Brothers were the first to fly an aeroplane which would eventually lead to commercial airline service in the late 1920's & airports being built. Yeah, sure these companies got favourable deals from local governments but people didn'r pay a constantly increasing airplane tax or an automobile tax while they still used horses. You can say what you want about subsidies for O & G & how evil these companies are. But if Tesla can get it or wind generated companies then so should Texaco or Esso.
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. Wideleft

    World Politics

    Alberta pump prices increased 10-15 cents a litre the day after Kenney announced he was going to suspend the provincial gas tax. O & G will ALWAYS squeeze every penny out of you. That's yet another reason to leave them behind.
    2 points
  46. GCn20

    World Politics

    Look out the Elon fan boys will be rolling in soon but I agree. A ton of people here crying because of big oil making too much money but extolling the virtues of subsidizing one of the world's richest men in Musk. It's hypocrisy. As you stated, they are penalizing his competition right now through taxation. I am not going to debate environmental reform, as it is very important, but making the lower and middle class pay for it at the pump and in their daily heating and grocery bills is a very slimy way to push this agenda forward.
    2 points
  47. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    And now it’s up to the judge to hammer this guy and show that no remorse in the form of a guilty plea means a very stiff sentence.
    2 points
  48. Timely, indeed.... Given that I am actually a political prisoner of Xi Jinping, but only allowed to post in certain threads, during my detention. It may take some Millions of dollars to ensure my release. Perhaps even more. If you send me your donation, before March 30, 2022, you will receive a membership card, and a free sock puppet, along with a tax receipt So why wait? Set me free! Today!
    2 points
  49. I wish we'd do what the Stamps do under John Hufnagel & have been since he became GM over there... Keep signing receivers. Keep signing receivers. Keep signing receivers. That's been the mantra. Even when the Stamps had an all star at every receiver position & didn't need any more, they still kept bringing pass catchers in for a look/see during training camp or the season. That's the only way to do it. Push the guys you have with younger & hungrier players wanting to take their place.
    2 points
  50. He had good chemistry with Collaros, and no one in the game blocks downfield better as a receiver, IMO. A loss like this is the price of winning a championship when everyone deserves or wants a raise. The ask was not unreasonable but more than we could afford to keep other pieces around.
    2 points
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