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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-03-17 in Posts

  1. Not quite if this belongs here, but.....
    5 points
  2. Oof. Why are these dopes even giving XFL the time of day? As Doug Brown stated on CBC The National last night: "They don't have a history of running successful football leagues, all they have is cash. To me, it kind of wreaks of desperation, when a league that is as established and storied and... has the longevity the Canadian Football League has, is - collaborating and talking with the XFL." Couldn't agree more.
    4 points
  3. I heard from a reliable source that the rock might prefer strudel
    3 points
  4. That would be ideal, I just don't think it will ever happen. We have to remember, Ambrosie is not going rogue on this. He's following the wishes of the owners. I would think every private owner in the CFL is open to some $$$ from the Rock. They were losing money before COVID. Lawless said on Peterson's podcast that the Montreal owners basically bought the team with the intention of the CFL looking for other avenues to increase revenue. To be clear, I love the CFL! I just am facing the reality that we are in now, and have been in for a while. The CFL is in trouble financially. Pre COVID I was thinking it was only a matter of time before the CFL would have to look at some type of single ownership model to survive. Didn't predict it may be with the People's Champ though.
    2 points
  5. What difference does it make if the CFL's been around "forever" if they have no money? Tradition means nothing. That's like saying an old homeless man is better than a young one because he was born earlier. If you're broke then you're broke. Young or old.
    2 points
  6. FrostyWinnipeg


    73+ now eligible. The online #COVID19 booking system for Manitoba appointments is already up and running. You need an email address and your health card number. https://patient.petalmd.com/login?groupId=6032 Bruce Willis since Moonrise Kingdom?
    2 points
  7. JCon


    Moderna has begun testing vaccines on the ages under 12. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/moderna-covid-vaccine-kids-study-1.5951440 Moderna Inc. has begun dosing patients in a mid-to-late stage study of its COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA-1273, in children aged six months to less than 12 years, the company said on Tuesday.
    2 points
  8. Agreed. I still think they can go back to the Feds with a plan and the CFLPA on board for a loan.
    2 points
  9. No one is suggesting doing "nothing". But, the idea that the XFL, which stands for the Ex-Football League, is some sort of saviour seems ridiculous. If they have money to put into the league, they must want something pretty big in return. There must be solutions to raise attendance that don't involve pieces of poontang pie?
    2 points
  10. Exactly! I haven't listened to the Doug Brown clip, but did he offer any alternative solutions? I haven't really heard any viable solutions from anyone who is vehemently on the anti-XFL talk side. If the solution is continue business as usual, my response is ...
    2 points
  11. Why is there is any confusion about the desperation of the CFL? OF COURSE THEY'RE DESPERATE!!! Does anyone think they would be doing this under circumstances where the league was financially stable? Brown always knows how to say the obvious while making it seem like he's saying something profound.
    2 points
  12. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    Yeah... the mixed messaging is so ******. You can't blame others when you are not sending a clear message.
    2 points
  13. This is such a horrible take. Morrissey hasn't been the same since Trouba was traded (which speaks to the importance of pairing chemistry) but to suggest he's been just outright bad is ridiculous. His analytics are still solid even if they've fallen off. Keep in mind this team lost 4/6 of its starting blue line in a single off-season. There's no recovering from that in any short time, especially when the void has to be filled with stopgaps like Sbisa, Bitetto, Beaulieu, etc. Until the Jets can find a RHD partner to pair well with him (I expected Poolman to be that player but it hasn't worked out), we'll continue seeing this blue line blender and defensive struggles. Trading him away when the depth is already shallow enough would be a terribly shortsighted move. Also, if he's so bad, why would any other team want him?
    2 points
  14. blue_gold_84


    It's like the Three Stooge Premiers here in the prairies lately. Buncha goddamn assclowns completely out of touch with reality.
    2 points
  15. Watched part of an XFL documentary on TSN about the first failed attempt to get that league off the ground. It looks gross. If we truly are going to be aligned with them I hope it looks nothing like the hype machine and amateur hour personalities surrounding that first attempt.
    2 points
  16. Jpan85


    I think it was more about people travelling province to province with no quarantine that resulted to the spike in the fall.
    2 points
  17. JCon


    You're not very loyal to Dear Leader. Didn't you hear about how they got things under control in the first wave? That was all them. They'll remind you as their vaccine rollout is a mess and we're starting the third wave. Now, go to a patio and get your drink on.
    2 points
  18. rebusrankin


    Apparently all us Manitoba residents caused the second wave according to Pallister. Yep, had nothing to do with The Restart Campaign, dropping restrictions too quickly, not reacting to rising test results in a timely manner, a lack of contact tracing etc.
    2 points
  19. Definitely a "no" to a Morrissey trade. Great contract and he'll settle down once he finds a partner. I'm not sure why people are desperate to trade away a top 4 defender. Ekholm is not a rental.
    2 points
  20. 17to85

    CFL/XFL Exploring Alignment

    The Hurricane vs. The Rock "feud" was always a guilty pleasure.
    1 point
  21. HardCoreBlue

    Random Jets News

    It would be interesting to know the specifics of the wheeling and dealing (if any) that go on behind the scenes when it comes to putting and claiming players off waivers i.e., between Winnipeg Ottawa and Vancouver Toronto.
    1 point
  22. I know. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I just shook my head at that comment.
    1 point
  23. But someone on here said that XFL doesn't have money because "Vince has way more money than The Rock"......LOL! Of all the ******* things...
    1 point
  24. OMG!! Why didn't anyone else think of that!!??!!!
    1 point
  25. JCon


    Was trying to explain to them why mom and dad were going on vacation this summer and they were staying home, Now, I'm going to need a better excuse than just telling them to ask Pallister why they can't join us.
    1 point
  26. Brandon


    Kevin Smith has the sharpest decline in quality of movies from start of career till end. No point in making this a discussion because it's fact
    1 point
  27. I dunno maybe find investors from Canada might be a good start, maybe Ambrosie had been to busy visiting places in Europe during his reign pre COVID to focus his time on keeping it Canadian. My guess is that next he'll try to convince players in getting paid in Doge Coin or NFT art because he's lazy and read an article about get rich quick with the latest flash in the pan schemes. If Ambrosie is going to give up then why not approach Vince McMahon who has way more cash then The Rock, he wanted to buy the league before and has owned 2 XFL promotions over the Rock only owning 1.
    1 point
  28. FrostyWinnipeg


    This could easily turn into a Kevin Smith movie discussion thread...so close...so close 🤣
    1 point
  29. Dr Zaius

    Around The NHL 2020/21

    We'd have to expose Demelo. So be it.
    1 point
  30. St Louis because they were also pissed off at the owner leaving town, that is why they had good attendances for their XFL team.
    1 point
  31. Jesse Ventura got into it on air with one of the head coaches. He threatened to come down from the booth & beat him up. Remember He Hate Me?
    1 point
  32. FrostyWinnipeg

    Random News Items

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/8-dead-in-3-shootings-at-massage-parlors-in-georgia-police-investigating-motive-suspect-arrested/ Can tell Covid is coming to an end in 'murica when random shootings start up again.
    1 point
  33. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    It was true at the time...but it's a moot point now, due to the carbon tax and other levies. From the link you posted above, the biggest factor appears to be lower gas prices, which makes sense Back in the early 2000s, we decreased our heating bill by 80%, when we switched from propane to coal That ship has clearly sailed. I'd imagine the guy quoted in the article is pretty happy to be burning renewables right now.
    1 point
  34. 17to85

    US Politics

    Guess the confederacy never actually stopped fighting the war.
    1 point
  35. Super Duper Negatron


    Can't tell if you were joking or not, but here is why I don't: everything else shutdown except school, and the numbers dropped.
    1 point
  36. JCon

    Around The NHL 2020/21

    I'm not trading a top 4 defenseman when I'm desperate for top pairing defensemen. And, I'm certainly not trading unless I'm getting a young defenseman on a great contract with term. Rangers don't have that. Who has Morrissey played with????
    1 point
  37. bigg jay


    Thanks to expanded eligibility, I'm able to to get my 1st vaccination. Hopefully they get the online booking system up soon because doing it over the phone was not the smoothest process I've ever had!
    1 point
  38. SpeedFlex27

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Not impressed by Muamba or the Argos. Muamba is out for himself alone more than most players. He doesn't have the character to help build a winner & it's clear that money to him means more than championships. Which is the way Montreal is heading. Toronto is nothing but a scattered group of overpaid older free agents.
    1 point
  39. That braindead play by Pionk is the difference in the game. This was a winnable game. The free pizzas need to stop and so aggravating to see.
    1 point
  40. FrostyWinnipeg

    Random News Items

    Just signed up for Shaw for 2 years. Even at Covid rates, glad i did now.
    1 point
  41. blue_gold_84

    Random News Items

    1 point
  42. Plus the Ravens won a SB in the early 2000's & have a SB contending team now. Two, maybe 3 generations of Baltimore fans don't consider the Colts to be their team anymore as they left in 1984. They belong to Indy. Just like the Coyotes aren't Winnipeg's team anymore.
    1 point
  43. That's what the diehards here don't get. The CFL is becoming irrelevant. It's already like that in Toronto. The league will die anyway with the way things are going. We need to try something new. The definition of insanity is to keep doing things that don't work. If younger fans want to see 4 down football okay well, then that's what has to happen. I love 3 down football but I love the Blue Bombers more. I'll follow them wherever they go. It's all about the Team for me.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. iHeart


    wow third straight day without any COVID deaths. when was the last streak? (I hope I don't speak too soon)
    0 points
  46. Tracker

    US Politics

    Eight Killed in String of Shootings at Asian Spas in Atlanta, Suspect in Custody. At least four of the victims were Asian women./ Reuters At least eight people were killed in a string of shootings Tuesday that police said appeared to target Asian women at spas in the Atlanta area. Violence first erupted at Young’s Asian Massage in Acworth, where two people were killed, one other person succumbed to their injuries en route to a nearby hospital, and one died while in treatment, according to the Cherokee County sheriff’s office. One other person was injured in the shooting, a spokesman for the sheriff said. None of the victims were immediately identified. A suspect, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, was taken into custody following a police chase. A 2018 video on the Crabapple First Baptist Church Facebook page features Long discussing his Christian journey toward baptism. “As many of you may remember, when I was 8 years old I thought I was becoming a Christian, and got baptized during that time and I remember a lot of the reason for that is a lot of my friends in my Sunday school class were dong that,” Long says in the clip. A student who graduated from Sequoyah High with Long in 2017 who spoke on the condition of anonymity told The Daily Beast, “He was very innocent seeming and wouldn’t even cuss. He was sorta nerdy and didn’t seem violent from what I remember. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He as big into religion.” Eight Killed in String of Shootings at Atlanta Asian Spas, Suspect in Custody (thedailybeast.com)
    0 points

    2021 Season

    Loans become handouts when those who receive them can't or won't pay them back. Assuming that the CFL is in financial trouble, which is a good assumption IMO, they won't pay the loan back and it will eventually be 'forgiven' because the Feds don't want to be a reason that the CFL goes under. Most folks vote the party, not based on any specific policy. Even if a CFL loan is popular, it in itself, won't be enough to flip peoples votes to Liberal, which means it's not that big a deal to the Liberals. Most Federal elections are already decided by the time they make it to the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boarder anyway. The CFL was told to include the CFLPA and come back with a plan. I thought they already did that a few months back. I remain unconvinced that the Liberals will bail out the CFL.
    0 points
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