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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-03-03 in Posts

  1. do or die

    US Politics

    For anyone who thinks I have, over the course of a lot of time....... exaggerated the supine cowardliness and gutlessness of GOP leaders.... https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/541376-pence-breaks-silence-to-criticize-2020-elections Unreal....
    4 points
  2. Canadian ( B.C.)/Norwegian company "Bergen, Norway and Vancouver, Canada, February 17, 2021 — Corvus Energy is proud to announce that it has reached an agreement with Seaspan Ferries Corporation, of Delta, British Columbia, Canada, for the first delivery of Corvus’ Blue Whale ESS, to be installed onboard one of their cargo ferries. Blue Whale is a new large-scale energy storage system (ESS)—a groundbreaking battery system designed for large ships with high zero-emission energy demand, such as cruise ships, large Ro-Pax and Ro-Ro ferries, and cargo ships. Its unique rack-free design of stacking modular blocks provides the industry’s highest volumetric battery room energy density and, consequently, maximizes a ship owner’s passenger or payload opportunities. For its inaugural field trial, the Blue Whale battery system will be installed on board Seaspan Reliant, a roll-on/roll-off drop-trailer cargo ferry built in 2016 that sails the Salish Sea, with service between B.C.’s Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island."
    3 points
  3. Brandon

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Pre injuries his accuracy wasn't an issue. Post injuries he was afraid to go through his reads and throw over 5 yards deep. It's not hard to achieve a high accuracy when you dump off 5 yard passes continually. His last two seasons he struggled greatly to throw to any of our guys in stride. He was placing them in areas that nobody could get them, it was night and day different when Zach was in the game. Guys like Bailey and Lawler were actually seeing balls come to them while in stride, Zach at least gave them a chance to make the play. And for the millionth time... it's not all on LaPolice, watch the games with our awesome o-line... Matt had time in the pocket... he had guys running routes who were open... he simply was no longer comfortable making the throws and would either dump it off to Harris or take the sack. Yes LaPo ran a gameplan that was run heavy, but it wasn't like his passing plays were all 5 yard curls to Harris. The times that I did get to see them live I watched the receivers run the routes and had their hands up trying to get Matt's attention and he just wasn't seeing anyone. I always go back to 2 seasons ago when Strev took over in the 2nd quarter and the offense went from limp to instantly alive because he took two steps back and fired a ball 15 yards down in an area where the receiver could make the play. Nichols pre injuries was a good QB, look up my old post where I showed pre injuries how he had plenty of 250 + yard passing games... post injuries it dropped considerably.
    3 points
  4. JCon


    Recommendations Based on emerging evidence of the protection provided by the first dose of a two dose series for COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized in Canada, NACI recommends that in the context of limited COVID-19 vaccine supply jurisdictions should maximize the number of individuals benefiting from the first dose of vaccine by extending the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine up to four months after the first. NACI will continue to monitor the evidence on effectiveness of an extended dose interval and will adjust recommendations as needed. (Strong NACI Recommendation) This is great news. We'll be getting the vaccine sooner.
    2 points
  5. Tracker

    2021 Season

    The government has been subsidizing businesses that employ Americans for decades, in the petroleum and manufacturing industries as only two examples.
    2 points
  6. Noeller

    2021 Season

    also worth mentioning, while American players are here...they're paying Canadian taxes.
    2 points
  7. 17to85

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    As I said, Nichols came in and did the things you praise collaros for. Willy started the same way. Streveler too. But when ever qb that comes through here has the same progression towards ultra safe dump offs you gotta start looking at the guy coaching the offense.
    2 points
  8. I think Nichols lost his confidence & his hesitation was a result. My son used to go to a lot of qb camps in the US with some of the best coaches around at the college & pro level. I used to hear these coaches tell the qbs there to get rid of the ball quickly & "to trust your eyes". In other words if the pass is there don't question it just throw it as that window will close very quickly. Coming back, Nichols struggled losing his confidence. See my answer above.
    2 points
  9. Nichols was never scared. Leave it to a fan sitting in his living room to call out a player's courage. In 2018, he had a QBR of 91.0 & in 2019 it was 107.2.
    2 points
  10. wbbfan

    2021 Season

    The CFL is a cultural institution in canada. Its far more important than some large companies that got very large wage subsidy checks then still did massive lay offs.
    2 points
  11. Tracker

    2021 Season

    I think that the CFL ought to be able to present a credible argument to the g]federal and provincial governments for a one million dollar subsidy per team. The country needs to regain a sense of normalcy as a matter of societal mental health and CFL games would be a big sign that we are recovering. Nine million dollars is really a pittance in government budgets.
    2 points
  12. Tracker

    US Politics

    Just keep getting crazier and crazier in the Excited States. All of which serves Putin's goal- to undermine Americans' faith in their political systems and lay the groundwork for a dictatorial government to come that will be amenable to Russian influence.
    1 point
  13. In this case it got him a 3-point night, so I say keep it up.
    1 point
  14. The problem with playing DW at slot with Nichols is that you need to put speed at slot. Guys who get open quickly. He liked to get rid of the ball quickly and he was also hesitant to throw the ball to receivers who looked like they were covered. DW is the kind of guy who rarely has a step or two on a defensive back but is always an option if you have a QB with the confidence and accuracy to put the ball in the right spot. A qb like Khari Jones would have been able to utilize DW in the slot like he did Jamie Stoddard. Khari before he got shell shocked was fearless and didn't melt down when he threw a couple of picks. He would just keep slinging and put up 5 tds.
    1 point
  15. The only guy on this list that I think would potentially be a fit for fieldside would be Kenny Lawler. It really comes down to who is the pound for pound better receiver DW or KL. I have a lot of respect for DW but I think KL is a better overall receiver.
    1 point
  16. Noeller

    Game 22 : Vancouver

    the gist was, there was an emergency situation where Wheeler had to use a 55 stick, and really liked it and he's stuck with it ever since...
    1 point
  17. BomberBall

    Game 22 : Vancouver

    Yes, they use the exact same stick, apparently. Wheeler spoke about it in an interview with Orlesky.
    1 point
  18. bustamente

    US Politics

    Pence also has aspirations on becoming POTUS one day and the puckering of Dear Leader's arse must be done to achieve this
    1 point
  19. Bigblue204

    2021 Season

    With all due respect, that's complete bullshit. If that was a reason, it'd be extremely easy for every team to show that the vast majority of its workforce, players included are Canadian. Nevermind the staff at Stadiums. Or the television crew from TSN and radio personnel from each team. On top of that, they've already given money to American companies who have laid Canadians off. That theory just doesn't hold any water.
    1 point
  20. BomberBall

    Game 22 : Vancouver

    Easy Mrs. Maurice... No one said he should be canned. This is a fan forum; of course people are going to question some of his decisions. It’s what makes for some good discussions.
    1 point
  21. BomberBall

    Game 22 : Vancouver

    And to no one’s surprise, Niku is sitting. Too bad, I think he was getting into a nice groove.
    1 point
  22. wbbfan

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Fear isnt really accurate. Its more like slight hesitation. And the deep ball windows can close quickly. If a qb is aggressive in pushing the ball down field the instant they see the window open its often missed. Yeah early in his 2019 run we did see more pushing the ball down field than we had previous. But it wasnt like he was throwing "50/50" balls and letting his wrs make plays, or even game design. Our 2019 group of wr's were very dangerous top to bottom and defenses took a while to adapt to the level of speed we brought in. The fault is to be shared, pretty close to equally. Lapo didnt keep the offense and nichols growing and improving year to year. Nichols battled a lot of injuries here. Harris and the OL is relatively low blame not much more they could have done. With Collaros and Buck running the show now I expect to see more of a difference than we've seen on offense for 5 or so years. And I cant wait to see what they bring to the table.
    1 point
  23. I have virtually the entire 2019 season on my PVR and watch fairly regularly. There are many, many examples of Nichols throwing deep. I absolutely do not buy that he was ever "scared" of doing that. The offense was designed with a lot of check-downs. Part of that is Andrew Harris, part of it is just Lapo. But it's absolutely untrue that Nichols couldn't or wouldn't go deep, and I don't think that guy is scared of anything...he took a pounding.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 17to85

    US Politics

    lots and lots of isms.
    1 point
  26. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Good God... why would you do this? I think Texas has 6.5% of its citizens vaccinated... Seriously... wtf is going through his mind? "Well sheeeeiiit, a collapse of our entire power grid not enough to toughen ya up? Freezing homes with no heat in sub zero temps not putting hair on your chest Boy! Water pipes bursting and destroying all your worldly possessions still not enough to make you a STRONG TEXAN? Then how about a Covid super spike to over run the hospitals and raise our death count? That will make you TEXAN TOUGH!" Seriously... insane...
    1 point
  27. Noeller

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Accuracy was not a problem for Nichols. Lack of arm strength, also, was greatly exaggerated. Nichols biggest flaw was being injury prone...
    1 point
  28. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    A real bad faith move by gov't.
    1 point
  29. GCn20

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    So move who exactly to field side wide receiver? Who does DW beat out? Mitchell, Lawler, or Demski? There are only so many positions on the field and someone must play the field side.
    1 point
  30. Brandon

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    Well the issue he had was that he ran routes further then 5 yards so at that point unless it was a called deep play then Nichols would not go through his reads and would dump it off to Harris.
    1 point
  31. Just saw this abomination on TSN. Harris was on the list, but it was him scoring some random TD as a BC Lion. Really? Not, oh, I dont know...winning MOP and Outstanding Canadian in the first Grey Cup win for his home province in 3 decades? I am irrationally angry about this...
    1 point
  32. This is something that is a pretty cool idea. I don't expect it to become hugely successful, but it's an interesting new dynamic to sports. Very beer league feeling to it.
    1 point
  33. FrostyWinnipeg


    Looks like we gonna top out at 1k. Damn shame.
    0 points
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