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54 minutes ago, iso_55 said:

Nah, he's at like zero approval rate with women & historic lows with blacks & latinos. Saying he's going to win is like saying Drew Willy will win the CFL MVP Award this season. Angry young white men can't win elections all on their own anymore. Asking the Russians to hand over Hillary's emails is so stupid it's actually funny.Funny because the living hairpiece actually believes it.


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On ‎2016‎-‎07‎-‎21 at 0:09 AM, Floyd said:

Cruz is playing for the 2020 nomination...  only guy deep-sixing his career this week is Chris Christie

I can't believe Cruz even spoke at the convention... Trump treated him like garbage.


I thought it was more of a soviet reference.

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12 hours ago, sweep the leg said:

Can you explain how political correctness from the left made the right choose Trump?

The angry old white guys who run the gop, who have been telling their base for years that the brown people are invading and their country is being stolen from them, may have more to do with it...

You preach militant nationalism to uneducated people and Trump is what you get.



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103838732-GettyImages-585212652.600x400.Trump reportedly asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC
Trump asked a foreign policy advisor why the U.S. can't use nuclear weapons, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says, citing an unnamed source.


Keep in mind, The Morning Joe Show was a supporter of Trump well into the primaries.

Edited by Jacquie
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29 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

He's actually already said it's going to be rigged. Which sort of begs the question as to why he's bothering at all. 

I was just going to post that.  I read that in the news paper.  He's a nut job.

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The polls are brutal towards Trump. Depending on the polls, anywhere from a 9-15 point lead by Clinton. In 1 poll, Trump has 1% support among Blacks. He's losing in all the swing states, the rust belt states & places like Florida. Losing support among GOP party officials, congressmen & women as well as Senators. There's speculation that it could get even worse.

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16 hours ago, Jacquie said:

Now there are questions asking whether his wife was an illegal immigrant. Apparently some of her nudie pictures were taken at photo shoots in the US a year before she had the proper visa. 

Jeeze if you're going to post slanderous accusations... at least provide the photo evidence of these so called photos!!!

I kidddddddddddd....

Looks like Trump has peaked and it will be a slow decline and he will fade away

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The Trumptanic is taking on water and sinking rapidly.  

You can only bluster and BS your way, so far.   Total fraud...

Trump's total ignorance of foreign policy  - his comments on the military, nukes, Russia et al........ is actually now scaring the hell out of a lot of Republicans...

He keeps issuing operative statements, on anything, with no more than a 5 minute time line.....then backs and fills, zigs and zags.  

Even the mainstream Republican lackeys, who have bent over backwards, kowtowed and done everything but touch their forelock, to Trump....are realizing that it is all a total waste of time.    Trump is simply about Trump.... period.

His narcissist personality disorder, (and you can look up the symptoms) is becoming very apparent to all......

Edited by do or die
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American nuclear policy does not prohibit first use against nuclear armed nations, only against non nuclear armed nations.

So it's not as goofy as you think. Also, what was the context?

not only that, he's advocating getting out of middle eastern wars.

Obama the "liberal" just signed off on a trillion dollar expansion of American nuclear weapons, increased forces in Afghanistan (how long have they been there now? been there since 2001) and soldiers back into Iraq, also he's now bombing Libya, and the Yemen.

Who's goofier ? And if you think Hilary is any good, do some better googling.


Neither of these creeps should be anywhere near the oval office. There are better people in the nearest Tim Hortons.

Edited by Mark F
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CNN had an interesting opinion piece about whether Trump was throwing the election on purpose feeling he didnt really want to win and have to do that job.  They conclude he isnt throwing it, he's just being himself and what he is was enough to attract enough right wing voters to win the nomination but will alienate too many people to win.

I think there is merit to the idea he wont change in a way he knows he needs to because its easier to say the election is rigged and then claim after the fact he was screwed.  I think Republican's should have called his bluff about running as an independent.  I dont think he would have and even if he did, so be it.  There are Republican's that are running from him and saying they are American first, Republican's second and wont support him.

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NBC News is reporting that several Republicans close to Trump – including Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, and GOP Chairman Priebus – are “plotting an intervention with the candidate.”  :lol:

...and yes, plenty of Republican Senators, are getting pretty nervous in the service.   If the GOP loses some of these swing states by 7-8 points (or more) the Democrats can take back the Senate.....

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29 minutes ago, do or die said:

NBC News is reporting that several Republicans close to Trump – including Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, and GOP Chairman Priebus – are “plotting an intervention with the candidate.”  :lol:

...and yes, plenty of Republican Senators, are getting pretty nervous in the service.   If the GOP loses some of these swing states by 7-8 points (or more) the Democrats can take back the Senate.....

And that's the real prize

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