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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-01-13 in Posts

  1. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Fair enough. I do get triggered by sentences that include "Preston Manning had a good idea".
    6 points
  2. JCon

    Random Jets News

    I thought only Maurice sent youth down?
    4 points
  3. TrueBlue4ever

    Manitoba Fishing

    Should just be honest and up front and title this thread “sitting around drinking”.
    4 points
  4. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Agreed. Sorry, @the watcher.
    4 points
  5. Noeller


    Yeah, basically any pharmacy, you can just walk in and get it done. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........
    4 points
  6. The **** is Grier smoking?
    3 points
  7. Lions did get Ryan Rigmaiden back a couple of years ago. Would expect they have a decent pipeline coming in.
    3 points
  8. Have to have success first. We paid value to bring guys in, but they've taken less to stay to "run it back". It's definitely not easy to sustain.
    3 points
  9. Having buy-in from the vets on the team helps too. We have a number of guys who could get more through FA but choose to take less to play here.
    3 points
  10. bigg jay


    Most pharmacies are giving them but you can find places pretty easily. https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/finder.html
    3 points
  11. They have no idea how much of an advantage paying so little for a qb was for them. It's like what? 3, 4 other high level guys you couldn't otherwise get
    3 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Tracker

    US Politics

    This is life in America:
    2 points
  15. JCon

    World Politics

    i thought Ukraine was part of Russia? How could part of Russia, invade part of Russia? Belarus going to declare war on Russia? Shouldn't Russia defend itself against Belarus?
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Ummm...we're back to the "king's English" now.
    2 points
  18. Tracker

    US Politics

    To underline your point- the US courts have established that it is ok for a cop to shoot someone without provocation if that officer "feels" threatened, but anyone who is stopped by police is not allowed to become agitated when an officer puts a gun in their face in an otherwise non-threatening situation. What?
    2 points
  19. We should start a thread entitled what's your top 5 triggers and what are some ways you can make them not your triggers? 🙂 The obvious but extremely difficult way is to get off all forms of social media and become a recluse.
    2 points
  20. Wideleft


    Ummm. Researchers are piecing together that surviving COVID-19 may be associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). The research points to three factors that can lead to the potential onset of ED in men who have had the virus: Vascular effects. Erectile function is a predictor of heart disease, so we know that the vascular system and reproductive system are connected. We also know that COVID-19 can cause hyperinflammation throughout the body, especially in the heart and surrounding muscles. Blood supply to the penis can become blocked or narrowed as a result of a new or worsened vascular condition caused by the virus. Psychological impact. Sexual activity is closely associated with mental health. The stress, anxiety and depression caused by the virus and pandemic can be linked to sexual dysfunction and poor mood. Overall health deterioration. ED is typically a symptom of an underlying problem. Men with poor health are at greater risk for developing ED and also for having a severe reaction to COVID-19. Since the virus can cause a plethora of health issues, general poor health is cause for concern both for ED and other complications. “Erectile dysfunction can be a marker of overall health,” explains urologist Ryan Berglund, MD. “So particularly for young and healthy people who abruptly develop erectile dysfunction, and especially after having COVID-19, this can be a sign of something more serious going on.” https://health.clevelandclinic.org/yes-covid-19-can-cause-erectile-dysfunction/
    2 points
  21. Only doable if you draft and scout really well. You can't continue to sign FA's like Lucky, Rhymes etc. with a $550K quarterback.
    2 points
  22. GCn20

    Manitoba Fishing

    Yetis are the king...but I'm a beer and fireball guy. Wife won't come within 5 feet of me the next day tho...lol. No kidding...this is a long overdue thread. In the summer it will transition nicely into soft water fishing. I think business will pick up on it too when some other members find it. For cripes sakes tho....no football to talk about really and Manitoba ice fishing season on the go....how did this not happen before. Yes...in my area I don't have to be so stealth as the chances of seeing a CO are pretty slim....but still, stealth is key,
    2 points
  23. Rittch against VAN > Helle against DET Sure why not prove me wrong Bones and win this game too!
    2 points
  24. Man alive Hellebuyck stood on his head this eve. Nice bounce back after that stinker in Detroit. Up next Pittsburgh... and Red Light Rittich to start. That's 2 times in 1 week we see him!
    2 points
  25. I suspect he will be back in time for camp. Likely a finish out the year kine of deal. It’s a great opportunity for him to go down south and get practice reps and coaching vs nfl wrs.
    2 points
  26. Rich

    Space is the Place

    It actually won't reach the consumed Earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius
    2 points
  27. Literally nobody wants to be with that **** franchise...
    2 points
  28. #Gappers Like they didn’t call him every week.
    2 points
  29. Yup I hear you. But for what it’s worth this specific conversation I was lurk following about Pensions, Politicians and Preston Manning between you and others was actually a good conversation to read with a lot of critical thinking going on, differing and legitimate perspectives from a variety of sides. I’ve been on both ends of these types of discussions over the years here that can get a bit heated in their own way BUT at the end of the day it’s all good, we all move on and continue to agree and disagree where we see fit but know ultimately we’re all on the same team and part of the same community with similar and differing viewpoints. This is much different than engaging with knuckle draggers like covidiots as you mentioned as an example who bring nothing to the table other than their self entitled, misinformed, misguided non critical thinking narrow view on the world.
    2 points
  30. Lyin Guy......gotta be his alias
    2 points
  31. JCon

    Manitoba Politics

    Pour one out for Civil Servants. One of the most challenging things for any gov't, when everyone knows that they're getting booted from office, is holding onto staff. Order in Council appointments have zero protection (and they know that before going nt), so they often looking for other work long before the gov'ts term ends. Politicians make the decisions but the staff are who get things done. Without competent, experienced staff, there's very little chance you'll get much done. When the NDP was in its final throws in gov't the staff cleared out. The new NDP gov't in Alberta scooped up the good ones. It was a mess. These are political appointments, so they usually have deep roots with the party.
    2 points
  32. Too bad there isn’t a Mike Milbury type guy in the league right now. He would have gobbled this up.
    1 point
  33. bigg jay

    US Politics

    Grabbing the wrong item could make for an bit of an awkward situation. 😂
    1 point
  34. Yeah, the Bombers have pretty much proven that that formula doesn't work A cheaper QB with higher priced talent around him, gets you approximately 11 - 7 and an early playoff exit The odd time, a team like that will fluke their way to a championship - but it's a very unsafe bet
    1 point
  35. Wideleft


    Only based on Florida and Ohio data, but I'm not surprised at all. Excess death rates were about equal when government measures enforced safety measures. Once vaccines were made available (and optional), Republicans started dying at twice the rate of Dems.
    1 point
  36. bustamente

    US Politics

    Soon the House will have Captain's of industries, self made zillionaires, people that invented a cure for cancer, have been to the moon and back. Thanks George Santos for the blueprint of being a liar and getting a seat at the table.
    1 point
  37. iHeart

    Random Jets News

    Heinie's been sent back to the moose
    1 point
  38. Noeller

    Manitoba Fishing

    anything that smells or tastes like black licorice is not for people under the age of 60 (who still have tastebuds....) so no worries on finding that anywhere near my vicinity!
    1 point
  39. GCn20

    Manitoba Fishing

    Well now i know not to touch the sambuca in your tackle box then. lol
    1 point
  40. Won't somebody think of shareholders?! Greedy sociopaths run the world.
    1 point
  41. JCon

    The Environment Thread

    Oh, well! It's only the environment. Those O&G companies are so silly.
    1 point
  42. Noeller

    Manitoba Fishing

    If anyone ever touched my tackle bag without asking, they'd be missing digits......
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. GCn20

    Manitoba Fishing

    ICE FISHING PRO TIP: We all have that one friend that digs in our tackle box when we are checking our tip ups looking for an upgrade on their jig head. Place a 2oz shot of sambuca next to your dinner bells and if you smell licorice when you walk into the tent you can tell him that if he loses it he owes you a new one. FOLLOW ME FOR MORE ICE FISHING PRO TIPS
    1 point
  45. Noeller

    Manitoba Fishing

    love that everyone has the "shot of Fireball for a good fish" rule...... I honestly thought that was just us. Love it... Packing the gear tonight and headed out tomorrow morning (3 hour drive to our favourite walleye lake - among the best in AB, anyhow) for a two day rip. Looking forward to our second overnighter and building upon the things we learned the first time around. I shall report back on Monday with the results....the search for a 30" "prairie gold" walter continues...
    1 point
  46. To put this into context, Sirius is 8.611 light years from Earth (just over 50 trillion miles away). At 9 miles per second, it will take 5.8 trillion years for that star to reach Earth. Since the Sun will consume Earth in 7.5 billion years, I’d say we have more pressing concerns. But to add more context to 8.6 lights years and distance, the Moon is 239,000 miles from Earth, which equates to 1.3 light seconds.
    1 point
  47. Tracker

    World Politics

    Wagner’s Desensitized Prison Fighters Keep Staggering Into Bakhmut Like This Is a Zombie Apocalypse BAKHMUT, Ukraine—In the smoke-filled basement of a nondescript building in the city center of Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine, the men of the SKALA intelligence battalion are getting ready for a risky reconnaissance mission. One of them is burning a last cigarette in the dimly lit hallway. Clad in a bulletproof vest and helmet, a bearded soldier wraps yellow tape around both his arms—a sign used by Ukrainian soldiers to identify each other on the battlefield. “Be careful out there, there are snipers in this area,” a portly officer warns him, rising from his office chair facing a flatscreen TV that intermittently broadcasts the live feed of a drone flying over carnage in the city. “I can’t die, my mom won’t let me,” quips the soldier with a weary smile, checking his gear one last time before heading out. The previously muffled sound of outgoing artillery becomes sharper and louder as the door to the street swings open. They take off. “The situation is pretty tense, but we’re controlling it,” says 23-year-old Alexander, clutching his American-made M4 assault rifle. “We’re holding.” With his buzzcut and boyish looks, the young man wouldn’t look out of place in a trendy nightclub in downtown Kyiv. Yet, for weeks, Alexander and the grizzled soldiers of the SKALA battalion have been weathering the storm of daily Russian assaults and shelling on Bakhmut, hunkering down in the basement and doing daily sorties in the gray zone—the stretch of land between Ukrainian and Russian positions. Named after its founder and leader Iurii Skala, the SKALA battalion is tasked with conducting air and ground reconnaissance, as well as “cleaning operations”—a euphemism meaning assaulting enemy positions and taking out the Russian soldiers manning them. “The drones are our eyes out there,” says Alexander. Out there is Bakhmut—a salt-mining town of 70,000 inhabitants known for its sparkling white wine—that has been devastated by months of relentless Russian shelling, and gruesome trench warfare that has prompted comparisons with the Battle of the Somme or Passchendaele. The town is a major transport hub and sits on a strategic highway that runs through Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Yet, some—including one of Ukraine’s top generals—have argued that the town’s strategic value is dubious at best. However, it is one of the few frontline areas where the Russians are still on the advance, and the success-starved Russian high command is desperate to claim a victory, at any cost. Some have theorized that the capture of Bakhmut would constitute a personal prize for Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the infamous Wagner paramilitary group, whose mercenaries make up most of the Russian forces in the area. The U.S. believes Prigozhin has a financial motive: Wagner has often seized lucrative gold and diamond mines in areas where it operates in Africa, and Prigozhin may have set his sights on the salt and gypsum mines around Bakhmut. According to Rem, a former car dealer from Dnipro now correcting artillery fire with the help of his drone, most of the soldiers sent in suicidal assaults on Ukrainian positions in Bakhmut are “zeks,” or convicts, recruited by Wagner to bolster the number of Russian forces in Ukraine. “Mobiks [conscripts] are usually scared, and they scatter when they get shelled. Those guys are not scared,” he said. Of the Wagnerites, Rem says that they’re a much more effective fighting force than they’re usually given credit for: “They’re making progress, after all.” Desensitized to violence and with nothing left to lose, the prisoners—many of whom are violent criminals including murderers and rapists—are considered by Ukrainian soldiers a tougher enemy than the average army conscript. The Russian tactic of sending prison recruits to attack Ukrainian positions—allowing them to identify defenses for the artillery to pummel afterwards—has proven effective, though slow and deadly. While no major breakthrough has occurred, they have been slowly eroding Ukrainian defenses, and creeping ever closer to the eastern outskirts of the city. This assessment was echoed in late December by Oleksandr Danylyuk, a former national security adviser for Ukraine currently working on military planning, who said of the prison conscripts: “They are—I cannot say fearless—but they have nothing to lose pretty much. So, they are attacking constantly and they’ve been killed in big quantities as well.” Yet those incremental gains on the eastern approach to the city have come at a cost for Russian forces, as evidenced during Prigozhin’s well-publicized visit to the frontline over the New Year. In a series of videos released by Russian news agency RIA Novosti, the Wagner boss first visits a basement filled with the bodies of his fighters, many of them convicts, killed during the battle for Bakhmut, before complaining that “every house [in Bakhmut] has become a fortress”—and that it sometimes takes a week of fighting to take a single house. According to a U.S. official quoted by The Guardian on Thursday, out of an initial force of nearly 50,000 Wagner mercenaries, more than 4,100 have been killed in action, and 10,000 have been wounded, including over 1,000 killed between late November and early December near Bakhmut.
    1 point
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