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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-04-16 in Posts

  1. Pretty cool pic of Jack Jacobs and Tom Casey. Notice how the equipment trunk says Winnipeg Rugby Football Club. Many moons ago! Some interesting facts about Tom Casey. He was the first african american player to be voted into the CFL hall of fame, and he was actually a licensed practising doctor. A profession which he worked in after football.
    7 points
  2. 2 points
  3. the watcher

    US Politics

    In the US it's all about getting the iffy voters out to vote. The Republicans in the Trump era are doing that. They are appealing to the far right who want change and it's working. The Democrats are not appealing to left leaning people who want change. They continue to bend to their financial backers who dont want change. Who dont want ANY shift towards a more socialist system. They aren't getting people who want change out to the poles. Sometimes I vote for the 3rd party in our system only because it's the 3rd option and it's important to have that. (When the legit contenders are crap )
    2 points
  4. Ron Lancaster won something like 4 games in Saskatchewan before he was fired. He then went into broadcasting for the next decade being an analyst on the CFL on CBC broadcasts & used that time to figure it out. He became an elite head coach in Edmonton & Hamilton. My guess is he learned to surround himself with great assistants & delegate authority. I think he learned to manage people.
    2 points
  5. TrueBlue4ever

    comedy stuff

    My dog got into my wallet and ate a $20 bill. We have taken him to the vet, they are monitoring him and report his condition as serious. No change is expected.
    2 points
  6. So some interesting stuff about Saunders. He has not played football in 3.5 years. His last game was the 2018 Labour Day game in Hamilton, where he tore up his knee (ACL). He was signed up for 2019 by the Tiger-Cats but was cut in training camp when his recovery was set to take longer get than expected. He was signed by Houston of the XFL to start 2020 but placed on injured reserve right away and his contract suspended when the league folded. Ottawa signed him in 2020 before the season was cancelled by the pandemic. Was re-signed for 2021 before his June car accident led him to retire. Here are some pics of the accident (not meant to be ghoulish or sensationalistic here, they come from Saunders’ own Instagram post - did he take these himself after the accident? Seems unlikely but someone must have with a camera he had access to). Not many more details about this crash, however this was not his first car accident as a football player. As a rookie with the New York Jets in 2014, he was in a single vehicle accident after suffering a seizure at the wheel. He bounced around NFL practice rosters for a couple of years before being suspended in 2016 for violating the league’s substance abuse policy. Long and winding road for him to get back to the game this year. Would make a nice “comeback player of the year” story if he could return to some of those numbers he was churning out before his injuries. I wish him well however it turns out.
    2 points
  7. 17to85

    US Politics

    The corporate masters like a right of center Democrat party.
    2 points
  8. SpeedFlex27

    World Politics

    The Germans exterminated 6 million Jews along with another 5 million POW's so let's just stop there. Whatever Hell was brought down on them from the sky was as a result of Adolph Hitler's & his fascist Nazi party along with military & genocidal policies that had the full support of the German people. Same with the Japanese. They were butchers in occupation & killed millions of innocent civilians & POW's in Asia. Whether it's one bomb that killed a hundred thousand or 2000 bombs that killed 50 people each, war is an atrocity. But we reap what we sow. History has shown time & time again that it seldom turns out well for the conquerors. In this case, the German & Japanese.
    2 points
  9. Tracker

    US Politics

    2 points
  10. Same last name as Jon Bon Jovi
    1 point
  11. Mark F

    comedy stuff

    @wanna-b-fanboy reminds of this.....
    1 point
  12. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Nah let’s let them write a book instead. Capitalism at it’s finest.
    1 point
  13. Tracker

    US Politics

    This is pathological. Instead of going after Big Oil for predatory pricing or encouraging people to drive less or smaller vehicles, this is feeding the problem. Problematic gamblers do not see the gambling as a problem, but see the problem as a lack of money.
    1 point
  14. Mark F

    US Politics

    Precisely. Biden just announced more oil drilling permits. Not even a week since the report saying "no more drilling" I have come to realize that the people who will not be affected, do not actually care.
    1 point
  15. search an image at images.google.ca. When you find the one you want, right-click and choose "Copy". Then come over here, and in the typing window, right-click and choose "paste" and the image will automatically show up. No need to "insert image from URL"....
    1 point
  16. Goalie

    Game 75 @ Florida

    Yup. Sit in Florida for 2 days take a look at the standings head to the beach and not show up for the game Whole team looks like they still sitting on the beach and I can't blame them Sawyer needs to learn to stop making excuses
    1 point
  17. TrueBlue4ever

    Game 75 @ Florida

    Let’s go Blue Jays!
    1 point
  18. I have generally gone to Google, entered the player and looked in images. Then click on the image until it lets me copy it, and then go to the insert image from URL and click “paste” and it downloads the URL in most cases. If you have a player in mind, just say and I’ll see if I can assist.
    1 point
  19. Tracker


    Super-contagious COVID variant XE has a key deficiency that could be our saving grace. XE may be more contagious than BA.2 — but its spike protein isn't different. Here's why that's a good thing At the beginning of this year, the extremely contagious BA.1 variant (also known as the omicron variant) set an astonishing record: scientists believed it was likely the most contagious virus ever, surpassing even measles. That is, until BA.2 — or "stealth" omicron, as it has been called — came along. Studies suggest that BA.2 is between 30 and 50 percent even more contagious than its predecessor, which was already more contagious than measles. But while contagiousness is certainly an alarming trait for a viral mutation, scientists warn that the worst possible mutation would be the emergence of a new variant that was both contagious and more inclined to cause severe disease. Luckily, BA.1 and BA.2 don't fit that bill. Indeed, while BA.2, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), caused 86 percent of new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, hospitalizations remain quite low. But just as public health experts seemed to get a grip on the situation with BA.1 and BA.2, a newer, odder variant has emerged. It's called XE, it's a hybrid between BA.1 and BA.2, and it's extremely transmissible. Could this pose a renewed threat to global public health? Salon spoke to experts about what we know so far about this new variant and the threat that it poses. Crucially, XE seems to have one key deficiency that will prevent it from attaining that secret sauce that makes variants more dangerous. XE is on the rise in the United Kingdom. According to recent data from the U.K. Health Security Agency, 1,125 cases of XE have been identified in the country as of April. That number is about 50 percent more than what public health officials identified a week prior on March 25. The variant was first identified on January 19, 2022 in the United Kingdom. XE has since been detected in Thailand, India, Israel and most recently, Japan; the U.S. has not yet reported any XE cases yet. Sriram Subramaniam, a biochemist at the University of British Columbia, told Salon that despite the rise, XE is still relatively low in prevalence in the United Kingdom. "Given the current high level of transmission worldwide, it is likely that further variants, including recombinants, will continue to emerge. It doesn't look like it's taken off in a big way yet," Subramaniam said. "There are some cases in various parts of the world — and it's not just XE, there's XD and XF," he noted, referring to initialisms for subsequently mutated sub-variants. XE may be more transmissible than BA.2 As Subramaniam mentioned, XE is one of three recombinant variants being monitored by the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA). A recombinant variant occurs when a new SARS-CoV-2 variant develops by picking up traits from previous variants — recombining into something completely novel, a hybrid of sorts, with traits from multiple forebears. As previously mentioned, XE is essentially a hybrid between BA.1 and BA.2; the other two recombinant variants — XD and XF — are recombinants of delta and omicron BA.1. According to the UKHSA, 38 cases of XF have been identified in the U.K., but none have been seen since mid-February. XD hasn't been identified in the U.K. at all, and only 49 cases have been reported globally, most of which are in France. This is why, among the three, XE is hogging the headlines. Yet the U.K. hasn't yet collected enough data to say definitively how contagious XE is. Specifically, UKHSA says "there is currently insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about growth advantage or other properties of this variant."
    1 point
  20. I was able to download this photo of Guard Ed Kotowich #56 blocking for Gerry James #28 in the 1958 Grey Cup.
    1 point
  21. Well.....he was moderately attractive.
    1 point
  22. Kongbo may yet return. The NFL is a tough nut to crack and he has already tried. He was not a dominant force on the line anyways
    1 point
  23. I like the looks of our recieving core more than last yr to be honest...especially with some of the guys we brought in new..Jackson being back and now Saunders...if he fully back to what he was..that's huge...and now with Grant...who I hope we mix in a bit more now in his 3rd yr here...we are looking good behind that online...and the 1-2 combo of BO and JA...easily will get us 1200 yards minimum combined in the ground game...Buck's second yr owning the offence too us gonna loom large too...I see us putting up league leading scoring numbers....and we know the defense will be top 1 or 2 in league giving up points ...3 peat totally in our grasp if we dont get nailed with multiple "key" injuries...I say key as we have great depth for most part...which was proven last yr...but we didn't lose vital guys for extended time...that of course will hurt any team...but we know we have the backups for the most part to carry us through...
    1 point
  24. Mark H.

    The Weather

    Looking out my window at 6 AM on Wednesday morning, things were still calm. But in spite of that, we still got the call that the division was closed. Within an hour, it could have been a very dangerous situation, had the school busses started out that morning. And quite honestly, no harm was done. Kids got a couple days off and some people bought lots of milk. I found it hilarious that people felt the need to justify their milk usage...on Twitter.
    1 point
  25. Bigblue204

    US Politics

    And God, of course
    1 point
  26. No official signing... Would sure love to have him back.
    1 point
  27. Has Hansen signed...or still considering life after football...cause he training like he looks like he's still playing
    1 point
  28. TrueBlue4ever

    The Weather

    This may be the most subtle shot across the bow to the “whiners” in his thread: Must offer a reasonable alternative if you want to criticize? Has this guy never visited an internet chat site before? Complaining without justification is step one.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. JCon

    The Weather

    1 point
  31. JCon

    World Politics

    I'm more worried about the haymakers as they try to fight their way out of this.
    1 point
  32. WildPath

    The Weather

    My suspicion is that there are a lot of people who haven't looked smart for most of their life clawing at every attempt to show they are smarter than others, when really they just don't understand the complexities of situations. "Vaccines don't work because vaccinated people can still be infected" "The government made the media hype the storm because they wanted people to buy stuff". As Bartley said, we are already within the predicted range (and not done yet) and we are likely within the predicted range of responses too. Some people didn't care, some people went overboard. This would also depend on some people's ability to handle risk. My grandmother has health concerns and limited mobility, this could make a potential storm, power outages, etc. much more dangerous than someone like me. She should appropriately be over-precautious. Nothing to see here other than some people trying to grasp at attempts to make themselves look smarter than everyone else because others prepared for a storm. Likely the same people that would be the first to demand help and blame the government/media/WEF if the storm was worse than expected.
    1 point
  33. Noeller

    The Weather

    Yeah! Like, why not prepare for the worst and hope for the best? Is that not the smartest thing to do always??
    1 point
  34. Very surprised that no one has Sam Canadian on the list.
    1 point
  35. SpeedFlex27

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    Ploen Clements Collaros Brock Jacobs
    1 point
  36. We just need a few more Buffs in the league. He actually rarely fought but highly entertaining and gave players something to think about while he was on the ice or chirping from the bench.
    1 point
  37. 0 points
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