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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-02-25 in Posts

  1. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    I'm only part way through the CJOB Bombers Mid Winter Special, but one note is that Justin Medlock has started a new job that he really likes, apparently. Osh wouldn't say much other than to say that they've talked, and they're going to work with whatever he decides. They seem very comfortable with moving along to Legghio.
    5 points
  2. Just saw this abomination on TSN. Harris was on the list, but it was him scoring some random TD as a BC Lion. Really? Not, oh, I dont know...winning MOP and Outstanding Canadian in the first Grey Cup win for his home province in 3 decades? I am irrationally angry about this...
    5 points
  3. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    I find it interesting that we currently live in an era where it's normal for a sitting US member of congress to spew and/or support lies, hatred, wild conspiracies, have this verbal diarrhea predictably challenged, then they yell back cancel culture, freedom of speech, liberty! We just go round and round with this like it's a case of differing perspectives when if fact it's sane versus insane, crazy versus non crazy. Professional liars are trying to take over.
    4 points
  4. Bigblue204


    Winnipeg TPR is 3.8%
    3 points
  5. rebusrankin

    Bombers Signings

    Hopefully Young Legs steps up and we don't miss a beat. It does give us another DI which is interesting.
    3 points
  6. wpgallday1960

    Bombers Signings

    I can think of no more appropriate name for a kicker.
    3 points
  7. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    How is wanting a seat on the non-permanent UN Security council deemed as "too big for our britches"? I mean... we are not punching above our weight class with company like: Estonia (2021) India (2022) Ireland (2022) Kenya (2022) Mexico (2022) ***** (2021) Norway (2022) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2021) Tunisia (2021) Viet Nam (2021) And why not want to have a say in UN matters? Being part of the UN is not a bad thing- best to try and engage with those that make decisions that affect the globe than just sit idly by and no say in what happens. It's good to have representation at the table. \
    3 points
  8. Noeller

    2021 Season

    More info here... Dunk got access to the internal memo sent to players...
    3 points
  9. For everyone else feeling the winter/Covid blues, just be thankful your postal codes don't begin with an S!
    3 points
  10. Tracker

    US Politics

    They have enough evidence on Trump to press charges of fraud and racketeering let alone all the crap he fomented on January 6th to put him behind bars for the rest of his misbegotten life. The only questions are if the Dems have the gonads to pursue him and also indict the GOPers who fanned the flames. If a planned, deliberate attempt to overthrow the legally elected government isn't enough of an incentive, I do not know what is.
    2 points
  11. JCon

    Game 19 : Montreal

    He's been fine. He's had many partners, he's on a great deal and I'm not ready to toss him out because the team as a whole has struggled defensively.
    2 points
  12. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    That's a good point...and during Osh's segment of the CJOB show, he talked about how they are really high on all these returner guys they've got, and that they would like to be able to work the roster to get them in on offense. So having the extra DI spot would go a long way to getting more of those guys on the game day roster...
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. These blue line pairings are utterly ******* infuriating. Why is Niku back in the line-up?
    2 points
  15. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    The Music Thread

    I didn't realize that I NEEDED to see this until I did.
    2 points
  16. I was initially furious when I saw this clip... then I remembered this monster has no say in any policy anymore and is essentially out in the political wilderness... Seriously though- get the **** off my screen.
    2 points
  17. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    It isn't like a seat on UNSC is something only Trudeau wants. Canada has been trying for roughly a decade to get one and in both bids, we were told to piss off. It failed in 2010 under the previous gov't and again last year under the current one. But to claim Canada is weak on the international diplomacy stage is just nonsense.
    2 points
  18. 17to85

    2021 Season

    the early studies from Israel show something like 90% of transmissions were stopped and it appears that the vaccines prevent people without symptoms from spreading. So those are pretty encouraging results.
    2 points
  19. It was memorable plays by Manitobans, not Moments for the Province. Here is the link: https://www.tsn.ca/video/top-10-plays-by-manitobans~2147026
    2 points
  20. bustamente

    2021 Season

    There will be a CFL season, might start a little latter than usual, there will be fans in the stands, most likely socially distanced at a certain % of capacity to start, and the Bombers will repeat as CFL champions, at least that's what the optimistic hamster in my brain is telling me.
    2 points
  21. blue_gold_84

    Random Jets News

    For anyone wanting to read up on Pionk's university graduation, it's a gooder. https://www.nhl.com/jets/news/pionk-fulfills-a-family-promise-by-finishing-his-university-degree/c-321805580 Seems like an all-around fantastic person. Glad he's a Jet.
    1 point
  22. JCon

    US Politics

    I'm not sure he can be charged with a crime there?
    1 point
  23. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    If you are talking about the DC national guard, then yeah 100% he did. Since DC is not a state and doesn't have a governor, then the calling in of the National Guard falls to... the POTUS... given that there was no response for several hours after the Capitol police were begging to bring in the National guard... yeah it kind of falls at his feet...
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. iHeart

    Random News Items

    so.....without parts, does mr and mrs potato head look the same? asking because I've never played with a Mrs. Potato Head
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Goldkobra


    It's hard to even grasp what the Aew naysayers even want. They push new guys and people ***** that they're nobodies. They sign established vets and people say they're trying to recreate the past.
    1 point
  28. FrostyWinnipeg

    The TV Thread

    Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead is a big Vegas heist movie coming to Netflix — with zombies https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/25/22300924/army-of-the-dead-trailer-zack-snyder-netflix-vegas-heist-movie
    1 point
  29. Noeller

    Bombers Signings

    also of note, because we're probably going to need to know (ha ha), it's pronounced "Leg-E-Oh" and says most people call him Legs......
    1 point
  30. JCon

    2021 Season

    https://3downnation.com/2021/02/24/you-guys-are-so-full-of-it-super-bowl-champion-db-will-blackmon-provides-glimpse-into-chris-jones-led-riders/ ‘You guys are so full of it’: Super Bowl champion DB Will Blackmon provides glimpse into Chris Jones-led Riders I found this to be an interesting read. I'm not sure if it's a common practice but this seems to be yet another reason I don't want that trash, Jones, back in the CFL.
    1 point
  31. JCon

    US Politics

    Fox will continue to push racist, fascist stuff because that's what they like. This is the conservatism now.
    1 point
  32. FrostyWinnipeg

    Upcoming Movies

    1 point
  33. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    How so? I don't think we were trying to be more than we are... we're Canada. We are who we are. The liberal government is not pretending to be something it's not- nor bigger or better than they are... sorry ì don't see the smack down that you do.
    1 point
  34. Smallest coach ever?
    1 point
  35. Therapist: So any reason why you aren’t sleeping at night? Troubling thoughts, perhaps? Me: Nothing comes to mind.
    1 point
  36. Goldkobra


    I don't know, man. I think if Jay White and the Guerrillas of Destiny suddenly showed up on Dynamite, that would be a very big deal.
    1 point
  37. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    comedy stuff

    I gotta say- my ratio of posting cute/funny/insane/dumb things to **** posting in the US politics thread about trump or GQP new controversy has kind of balanced out since trump was deplatformed and Biden is now POTUS.... this is freaking great!
    1 point
  38. JCon

    US Politics

    That's what it's like living next to a super power.
    1 point
  39. JCon

    2021 Season

    Cancel the season.
    1 point
  40. Jacques Lemaire is only 75.
    1 point
  41. Tracker

    Bombers Signings

    Obviously you are not a world-class athlete.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 17to85

    2021 CFL Free Agency

    I think the smartest teams are the ones who think outside the box with their Canadians. The old school mentality is to draft a bunch of offensive linemen, but I’d rather take the really good pass rushers or running backs or corners because there’s no competition for them. Kyle Walters snorts derisively.
    1 point
  44. JCon


    Great news. Keep it coming. 15,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine coming each week in March. No word yet on the Moderna supply. Grandma gets her first vaccine on March 4th!
    1 point
  45. Mark F

    US Politics

    disturbing report from the Lancet, about America. well worth reading. https://www.salon.com/2021/02/24/the-gops-ayn-rand-death-cult-trumps-party-is-literally-killing-the-american-people/ "In addition, since 1980 public policies have reduced Americans' lifespans by 3.4 years as compared to the other "advanced" countries in the G7 (with data included through to 2018). America's public health problems considerably predate Trump's tenure in office — but his regime made them much worse. As exhaustively documented by public health experts and other social scientists, across a range of policies such as gun violence, tax policy, the environment, access to health care, education, voting rights and the size and strength of the social safety net more generally, Republican policies over the last several decades have resulted in the deaths of many more Americans, compared to the policies advocated by Democrats." both parties oppose universal public healthcare. this is just cruel. america maybe really is on the down side of the hill.
    1 point
  46. Congrats, Neal!
    1 point
  47. Tracker

    comedy stuff

    Trump's DC hotel had an elaborate 7-step procedure for serving his Diet Coke: report A new report from Washingtonian details all of the painstaking steps that employees of former President Donald Trump's hotel had to take just to correctly pour him a Diet Coke. A set of internal hotel documents obtained by the publication show that the hotel had a seven-step process for pouring Trump a Diet Coke that included four separate photo exhibits. "The beverage had to be opened in front of the germophobe commander in chief, 'never beforehand,'" Washingtonian writes, summarizing the instructions. "The server was to hold a longneck-bottle opener by the lower third of the handle in one hand and the Diet Coke, also by the lower third, in the other. Once poured, the drink had to be placed at the president's right-hand side."
    1 point
  48. You'll have to define dire, then. If you had a house in Paradise, California, it's past dire. If you're tourist operator on the Great Barrier Reef, it's past dire. If you're a Syrian, it's past dire. If you're have contractd Lyme disease in Canada, it's past dire. Climate change is not as simple as a 5 degree bump on any given day. There are so many indirect dire consequences of a warming planet that we are just beginning to realize it's past effects - nevermind the ones we are struggling to predict.
    1 point
  49. Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming. He proposed a relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature. He found that the average surface temperature of the earth is about 15oC because of the infrared absorption capacity of water vapor and carbon dioxide. This is called the natural greenhouse effect. Arrhenius suggested a doubling of the CO2 concentration would lead to a 5oC temperature rise. He and Thomas Chamberlin calculated that human activities could warm the earth by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
    1 point
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