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  1. Brandon Blue&Gold


    They have staggered lunch breaks and social distancing is enforced. They also have dividers setup too so close contact with others during their breaks is limited as much as possible. Masks are worn at all other times and you get your temp taken before you can even enter the plant. Anyone with symptoms gets sent home or isn't allowed to come to work until they get tested. Up to this point no covid cases can be traced to someone actually catching it at Maple Leaf. But with 2000+/- employees there was always going to be a chance there would be outbreaks outside of work. Outbreaks from people carpooling to work, working part time jobs together at places that don't enforce distancing and mask wearing, having backyard parties over the long weekend and then testing positive a week later, flying back from Montreal and hanging out with friends instead of self isolating, etc. Can't speak for other parts of the province but we got pretty complacent here in Westman. Now we're paying for it.
    4 points
  2. JCon


    I used to think this but more and more research is suggesting that there may be long term health effects of contracting the virus. If I'm going to die of heart attack it better be because Bombers find a way to bring back Joe Mack and not because I got Covid-19 years earlier.
    4 points
  3. Eternal optimist


    So much this. My mother-in-law wasn't taking COVID seriously then I explained to her that if I unknowingly contracted it, I would probably be fine, however if I then passed it on to my 2-year old daughter, and she were to become critically ill, she would end up in the hospital. She wouldn't understand. She would die. Alone. Alone and scared. How anyone can justify anything less than utmost precaution is beyond me.
    4 points
  4. Mark H.


    1. Social Distancing 2. Hand Washing 3. Masks
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. I'm really missing football. The lack of it is legitimately making my summer feel empty and just "blah".
    3 points
  7. Noeller


    I saw a commercial last night for The Gap (or Old Navy?? I dunno...) talking about back to school fashion, and prominently featured kids with "trendy" masks on. I thought that was a good step toward "normalizing" things, especially among kids. I think it'll become "normal" in short order...
    3 points
  8. Noeller

    2020 Thread

    there is absolutely zero chance the CFL is gone forever. In some capacity, it will be back when things are healthy. It might look different, but it will be back, no matter what.
    3 points
  9. Eternal optimist


    We don't have to fear COVID-19. We have to respect it, which requires adequate levels of safety measures... just saying a threat doesn't exist doesn't magically make that threat go away.
    3 points
  10. 17to85


    I wish we could just isolate these diseases to the deniers. But sadly they put everyone at risk.
    3 points
  11. Mr Dee


    Whenever I see pictures of the countries who have mostly worn masks in the past, they also have worn them outside, and it reminds me that they’re the countries that seemed to have handled this crisis the best. Once you’ve made that decision, it’s a piece of cake..just don’t try to eat it. My take is wear them whenever you are headed into a crowd or public place or...protesting? and the like. Going for a somewhat isolated stroll? Nah. It’s leadership they’re providing, and we haven’t seen that in this present administration.
    2 points
  12. Just having something that means that much to me, to look forward to each week.....it's taken a huge emotional toll on me. Having hockey back is cool and all, but even if the Jets and Oilers were still alive, it doesn't mean as much to me as CFL does. Not even close.
    2 points
  13. Brandon


    I can explain their actions.... it's pure selfishness.
    2 points
  14. Mark H.


    I have an uncle in ICU, and my aunt or any other family can't even visit. I think anyone still not taking Covid seriously - should be required to explain their actions to people who have been impacted like that.
    2 points
  15. Mr Dee


    Somebody gets it.. Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden emerged from his and Sen. Kamala Harris' coronavirus health briefing from experts Thursday afternoon advocating that a mask mandate be instituted nationwide. "Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months, at a minimum. Every governor should mandate — every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing," Biden said, adding that experts advised it could save over 40,000 lives over the same time span. https://www.cnn.com/webview/world/live-news/coronavirus-pandemic-08-13-20-intl/h_e18c953da1c7e03b79f3e2470cf32005
    2 points
  16. Noeller


    So, I spent a crazy time of my life working at the Maple Leaf plant in Brandon in my late teens. A stint on the "loin trim line" and another doing "ham (de) -boning". One thing to mention about the people who work "on the floor" (basically anywhere that isn't office work...the manual labour folks) is that they all wear masks already. Full lab coat, a white hood thing and a mask (from what I recall...this was 1999/2000ish for me). They also wear gloves at all times. They're pretty hyper about sanitization as it is.....so in theory, it should be (relatively) easy to get/keep things under control. The issue, I think, is during lunch breaks. As I recall, everyone goes upstairs and takes their gear off and hang out in a giant mess-hall style room. So that might be where things have to change. Anyhow, just some recollections of how things are at Maple Leaf....or were, I suppose......
    2 points
  17. Mark H.


    With Cargill, it didn't happen till they had over 100 cases. And that was with beef cattle, that can just be left on pasture. There will be thousands of hogs euthanized if (when) Maple Leaf shuts down. We used to have dozens of slaughter houses in Manitoba, with employees who were well compensated, but I guess the current model is more progressive. /sarcasm
    2 points
  18. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Finally, somebody does something..
    2 points
  19. Mark H.


    Sure. But some people have had accidental contact with a known case, pick up the virus, never get sick in any way, but transmit it to others. Tho$3 $hould be te$ted - and I hope they are.
    2 points
  20. JCon


    I believe the $cience i$ right in front of u$.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. blue_gold_84


    https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/coronavirus-covid19-world-aug-13-1.5684551 And then we have more hilarity from the COVIDiot Brigade: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/coronavirus-charter-challenge-1.5680988 Un-*******-believable.
    2 points
  23. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Wow, this guy is pathetic..
    2 points
  24. SpeedFlex27

    2020 Thread

    As far as I'm comcerned, the only thing you guys present as any kind of evidence is second & third hand information on Miller. None of you have actually worked for him to say honestly you know what he's like as a boss. So, it's all hearsay. Miller may own other businesses but he is a football guy first & foremost. It's his passion & what he understands best. He knows the world of pro football, the CFL & its limitations as a league. Looks to me like if he was as bad as some of you make him out to be that Walters & O'Shea would have left long ago yet here they are The Champs along with the scouts in the Football Ops dept. Until he actually does the job as Commissioner none of you have any idea what kind of a guy he'd be & how he'd treat people like the CFLPA.
    2 points
  25. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Is there such a thing as fact checking by the Republicans? Motor mouth misspoke again..
    2 points
  26. do or die


    What ever Trump says or does.....the key is to simply do the exact opposite...
    2 points
  27. Anyone who does the math has to know that the league is not going ahead this year, and that has been the case for weeks. Let's say that the CFL magically resolved its issues today and announced tomorrow a full plan to start up, and that plan actually was set in motion tomorrow as well. Players would need to come up from the USA, so getting flights would take some time, but let's be nice and say that gets done by Friday, August 14. They all arrive in Winnipeg and are put into the mandatory 14 day quarantine, which gets us to August 28. They also need to go through multiple COVID tests during that time. As a matter of comparison, the NFL is spending $75 million on COVID testing alone as part of their new season. so let's charitably say that 1/4 of the teams means 1/4 of the cost, so $19 million for testing alone. Then assuming no foul-ups or delays because of positive tests, and physicals take place and we are into the start of training camp and two-a-days by Monday or Tuesday. So start of September. Minimum time frame for that is 2 weeks, and 2 pre-season games will be needed because with 9 teams, you can't just have one because of imbalance. So now we are likely at the start of October for the start of the season. To play a 6 game schedule will take minimum 7 weeks of actual time given the required byes, so regular season ends November 17 and Grey Cup goes December 8. So if we start tomorrow with this process, we are already into December and we are definitely NOT starting tomorrow, and we are NOT starting the moment the plan gets announced, so best case scenario I say we are talking about a Christmas Grey Cup. That is just the calendar issue. Aside from the COVID testing, there is massive hotel and meal expenditures for the league to pick up for 9 teams, and this is a league that relies more than most others on gate revenue and not just predominantly TV money like the big 4, and not matter how the plan goes ahead there will be zero fans this year based on precedent from all other sports, and I don't see that changing by December. The real question here is the dreaded one - does the CFL come back at all? One year off actually saves them more money then trying to squeeze in a COVID cost-prohibitive season, but the teams are still taking a bath. And when the Roughriders are losing money last year in a normal year, and are considered one of the strongest franchises out there financially, then it is time to consider overhauling the entire business model or scrapping the league in its current form, sorry to say.
    2 points
  28. TrueBlue4ever

    2020 Thread

    Speed, your argument in defence of Miller seems to be a bit of a moving target, so let's get back to your original point that people disagree with. You think Miller will be less hostile than Ambrosie in player negotiations. The counter-point is that he won't be because his personality is one of "my way or the highway". You then shift and say if he was hard to work for, people would have quit on him. That misses the point. In CBA negotiations, the players and their association are not working for him, they are working with him at best, or negotiating against him if spun in a more negative way. You then agree that he is a hard ass and control freak, which is what people were saying in the first place, but your argument shifts from "he'd be a better commish because he is less confrontational" to "his confrontational style worked for the Bombers because they won", which is another topic altogether. So if you think that style will work, OK, but that was not your point. You just want another reason to slag on Ambrosie IMO and use Miller as a better alternative (he may be) but your reasoning that he will be more conciliatory in negotiations seems way off if you want to make that the key point of your argument that he will be better.
    2 points
  29. Noeller


    I assumed it meant "outside your own home".....but honestly, why not wear it outside? Just ******* wear them everywhere. Better safe than sorry, I figure...
    1 point
  30. Totally agree. I really miss sitting outside on a beautiful summer evening at IG Field watching football. Or going to the Banjo Bowl every year. The energy and excitement. Loved it!
    1 point
  31. JCon


    My understanding is that this was not spread at the plant but outside, during non-work hours. These are migrant workers who live in close quarters, where social distancing is simply not possible. They live together and socialize together. The families rely on one-another. That was case when the outbreak started but I'm not sure if it's spread beyond that to the community.
    1 point
  32. rebusrankin


    Walmart had these cloth masks by Haynes that were a good price. What I liked is that they are easier to talk with it on than the Bombers one
    1 point
  33. rebusrankin


    I've got some basic white ones and a Bombers one. Would like to find a place to do NBA. Oh and masks should be mandatory in schools.
    1 point
  34. tacklewasher


    I've got my Jets masks, and ordered dog and floral designs for my wife. Figure they are going to be needed for a year or two, so may as well be something nicer than black. If the CFL ever starts up, will get a Bombers mask.
    1 point
  35. Mr Dee

    The Lafreniere Draft Lottery

    I think a lot of us felt that way..
    1 point
  36. blue_gold_84


    Shopping Card Theory in action. Only in this case, it has the potential to put others at risk.
    1 point
  37. Noeller


    this is exactly why AB has had "open testing" (anyone, regardless of symptoms or not) since May. My biggest fear is not that I'll get sick and die, but that I'll unknowingly pass it to someone else. This thing spreads like wildfire if left unchecked. That's precisely why the wife and I are going to get a test done before we come home to Manitoba in September, and maybe again when we return.... just to be safe.
    1 point
  38. Ahhhhh. Thanks.
    1 point
  39. JCon


    Agreed, @Mark H.. If I come in close contact with a known carrier, I may get it and never show symptoms. If I then pass it on because I never got tested, that would be devastating.
    1 point
  40. M.Silverback

    2020 Thread

    That is the scary question. Like you said, the CFL may have to change it's entire business model. Pretty much every pro sports league is going to have to adjust their business model in this new world. The CFL is a lot more vulnerable as a league than most. As for how to do this - not sure where to start really. I think two things have to be considered: 1. Flattening of player salaries. Maybe raise the minimum salary, and impose a maximum salary. That might entice players to come and stay with a higher minimum salary; and it also protects against bad decision making by teams signing QB's to almost million dollar contracts, crippling the cap. Players end up earning very similar salaries (XFL and AAFL were proposing that model), which might control the cap rising too much, too fast. 2. Have to continue to find additional revenue sources. The theory behind CFL 2.0 was solid - give players from around the world a chance, and hopefully create a fan base that will stream games from other countries. Can they continue this in the COVID age? Not sure. But, if the CFL is counting on only gate revenue and TSN, they are in trouble. I love the CFL. I really hope they can figure it out.
    1 point
  41. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    This reply, though: Not sure if this billboard is real but I hope so. And if not, it shouldbe. COVID Ron is a ******* turd.
    1 point
  42. 17to85

    US Politics

    If it weren't for double standards Republicans would have no standards at all.
    1 point
  43. Noeller


    Pallister's various quotes today were bordering on inhumane. His willingness to just send kids back to school with zero care about getting everyone sick and overwhelming the system is shocking. "We can't live in fear".....well, yes....yes we have every right to be ******* terrified of sending all the kids and teachers back like some sort of science experiment.
    1 point
  44. Brandon

    2020 Thread

    The amount of positive reviews of players since Miller has taken over about being treated professionally and respected is night and day better. I think he would be the perfect guy to work with the PA.
    1 point
  45. DR. CFL

    2020 Thread

    At some point the CFL and the PA must learn to work as a partnership in co operation. This adversarial relationship has been brought to a head by Covid. It was a smouldering fire that has become a full blown inferno. Season or not there has to be a lesson learned by both sides moving forward.
    1 point
  46. Mr Dee

    Random News Items

    This is beyond stupid. Must be from the My Pillow Guy. Why do they even need more dummies in the W.H.?
    1 point
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