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Super Duper Negatron

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Posts posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. LOL at Rod Pedersen:

    1 – How unfortunate that the 2016 Banjo Bowl was marred by the incident involving a 9-year old Winnipeg boy.  Bomber fans reportedly mistook the child for a Rider fan (he was wearing a Blue Bomber t-shirt under a green bunnyhug), and he was sworn at and had beer dumped on him.  He left the stadium in tears. Can you think of anything more despicable?  Would it make it right if the child was a Rider fan?

    2 – The Winnipeg Blue Bombers should be commended for dropping off a gift basket for the kid at his house, but be condemned for provoking the whole situation in the first-place.  The promotional video the Bombers released in advance of the game featured the Bomber mascots attacking a Rider fan, disrobing him in an alley, and re-dressing him in Blue Bombers gear. 

    That almost sounds like what happened Saturday afternoon at the game doesn’t it?

    3 – The Roughriders’ ads for games in other cities have nothing to do with denigrating the opponent’s fanbase and everything to do with celebrating the Rider Nation.  (i.e. the Roll Call billboards in Hamilton and Edmonton this year).  You’d never see the Riders call other teams’ fans “Horrible People”.  SMH.



  2. Drunken Bomber fans can be assholes, no question about it. But something about this story doesn't add up. Going after a nine year old kid? Maybe one drunken moron would do it, but to have multiple people go after the kid? I just can't see it.

    Maybe I am giving people too much credit, I don't know. I certainly have witnessed some extreme jack hole behavior, but never against a kid.

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