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Super Duper Negatron

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Posts posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. 40 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    My 4 year anniversary too.  At least that's what my profile says, hope that's not "revisionist history", LOL.  I guess we both got the same inbox at the same time and joined on the same day.

    Me too, apparently. Is that legit, or did we all need to sign back up after a redesign or something? I can't remember...

  2. Might be off topic, but I ventured over there out of nostalgia tonight. Apparently there is one dude in there named Bennie Thompson that uses the forum as some sort of bizarre echo chamber. I think roadgriller is in on the joke, but one can never be sure.

    For someone like me that followed Colin (Mookie) from TotalCFL, it is a bit sad to see Ourbombers on its deathbed.

    Sorry...the recent influx of 90's bands touring the city has got me on a nostalgia kick.

    On topic...hmmm...Chris Jones is a dingus!

  3. 1 hour ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Where do you get 1% chance of the kick being made?  IMO the 3rd and 4 vs 61 yard FG with Medlock in a dome are about equal odds.  If Medlock hit that kick 10 times he'd make 3-4, same for the 3rd down play.

    The only difference is the time on the clock.  Even if you make that kick...BC has too much time.

    Probably from the fact that a 61-yarder has never been made in a dome in the CFL. In history. Ever.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Well no. But we still lose. It's not about 1 play. I didn't like the call to go for the FG. I hated it but... why were we even in that position to begin with. Our D sucked and outside of turnovers and whatever... got shredded for huge yards every game. 

    D blew the game but coach blew our last chance to win it.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Kluchk said:

    I completely disagree. If the Bombers get a home playoff game, I can assure the game will sell out. You don't go that many years without a home playoff game and then have an empty stadium. Have some more faith in your fans.

    Bomber playoff games are historically poorly attended. I would bet 25K is a reasonable guess.

  6. 1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:


    Make what point? That making up rules after the fact is acceptable?

    Do you guys actually think not wearing mic's is even remotely the same as the blatant cheating from the moron's in the rectangle?

    I didn't even notice they weren't using them till the booth brought it up, how many of you easily outraged people did?

    I get that they are a competitor but seriously.....

    You don't see a problem with breaking an agreement with the league's main broadcast partner, which incidentally is also its main source of revenue?

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