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Super Duper Negatron

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Posts posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. 1 hour ago, blitzmore said:

    Not just you...drove me up the wall...TSN always puts mics too close to the crowd...I noticed in the Vikings game yesterday, which is in the new stadium supposed to be the loudest anywhere...that you could not hear the crowd noise...only the QB and the play by play and color guys. TSN is bush league for broadcasts...just need to look at how they keep using Rod Black all these years. By the way...wonder where he is? Nice guy but let him do ice skating.

    Matter of preference. For me, I love when the crowd noise is turned up. Adds to the viewing experience.

  2. 1 minute ago, Mike said:

    I'm gonna laugh if they were stupid enough to do this IMMEDIATELY as in starting tonight. They've already played a week 9 game under the "old" rules. You can't change it for the other three this week. That's just dumb.

    Meh, I don't think it really matters. One team is also on a bye. Someone was going to play more/less games with the old rule in place.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Dennis Skulsky was the guy who said the game IS happening within the past month. Orridge has confirmed they're working on it too.

    It's further along than you'd suspect ... Jordan Yantz has been part of a team of CIS players working with EA Sports to do the motion capture work.

    This suggests that report was false? http://www.polygon.com/2016/7/30/12333058/canadian-football-league-madden-ea-sports-rumor

    No offense to Dave Winter (who I know, as a one man show, worked very hard on it), but Maximum Football wasn't that good. I wouldn't hold out too much hope for the new game...

  4. After everything that has happened the past couple of weeks, the majority of posts over on Riderfans are talking about how the CFL, not the Riders organization, looks like a joke in all of this.

    It is actually amazing to watch.

    As for Pederson, have you ever seen another member of the media refer to "we" and "us" in reference to the team they are covering?

  5. 3 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    Between these two and us one team makes the play offs. The toilet bowl if you will. I kid i kid we have lots of time to turn it around. But if we dont get swept by any team in the season series and ottawa runs away with the east we could be looking at atleast 1 gimmie game in the end of the season to try and make the play offs. 

    Did a team fold while I was asleep?

  6. 52 minutes ago, BlueGoldBozo said:

    Well it would have a celebratory howler last night not go back for a refill at the half howler night.

    And for 14.99 I won't be rushing out to buy a bomber one it needs to come full of beer for that price  :)



    Yeah, it's not cheap. I'm a sucker. The beer was delicious though. Just need to amortize the cost of the bottle over many, many refills.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    this is by far the best place to be, even with the idiots. I've tried going Extra Point exclusively, and that site just LOOKS awful...it "handles" awful....it's a real piece of crap. As for OB.com, I haven't been back there since the day I left. Have no interest in it whatsoever. What I REALLY miss, is CFLZone...that place was the best CFL messageboard anywhere. It was the Wild West of messageboards...loved it.

    CFLZone was great for a while there. TotalCFL is what I miss though.

  8. Just now, Noeller said:

    Very jealous...which part are you guys at? Growing up in Pinawa, when we weren't at Victoria Beach at the cabin, we spent most of our summers all through the north Whiteshell....Otter Falls, Opap, Big Whiteshell.....you name it, we camped there over the years....

    Family cabin at Falcon Lake. Doesn't get much better.

    I camped a *ton* at Big Whiteshell with friends back in University. A lot those friends ended up with seasonal sites out there with their families.

  9. Update: Growler purchased (actually a howler, since they are 32 oz, which actually suits my needs better). Filled it up at the Grant Park MLCC with Barn Hammer 7th Stab Red Ale.

    Looks delicious, and the logo on the growler looks great. Can't wait to open it tonight during the game (which I will be watching in the Whiteshell with a lake view).

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