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Posts posted by Sard

  1. 1 minute ago, bustamente said:

    Really someone in his orbit need to off him, they would be considered hero's around the world and in Russia, maybe then they could become a real democracy


    Is it better for him to be assassinated, or to be captured and actually tried at The Hague?

  2. 18 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Bobby Hull, while he is a giant turd, wasn't here in 1992. Morever, the Jets weren't even here for roughly half of that period (1996-2011), so that further muddles whatever moronic point he's trying to make. He also purposefully brings up the fact he covered crimes as a journalist, in what seems like some weak attempt to further denigrate the pro athletes he covered with whom he never seemed to get along.

    Wiecek consistently enjoyed stirring the pot with athletes here during his time as a journalist, and that reputation became well-known in the fish bowl that is the professional sports landscape of Winnipeg.

    I guess my point is Wiecek chiming in doesn't accomplish anything but reinforce his biases he had while he was still an active member of the sports journalism community here.

    EDIT: Wiecek didn't even become a sports writer until 1998 (https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/biographies/306293291.html) and covered the Jets 2.0 for all of seven seasons. Solid misrepresentation on his part, albeit consistent with how he operates.

    Re-read what he wrote... In 30 years of journalism, including 10 of those years in crime, some of the worst people he met were in the Jets locker room.  The amount of time he was doing sports is never mentioned, just that there were some really bad people on the team at some point in time through his 30 years as a journalist.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Have plans to do some chores in the yard when not working. Fresh air ALWAYS helps! 

    Had it about a month ago with similar symptoms to what you described.  Got a little worse over the course of 3 days, day 4 felt much better and then it hit hardest on day 5.  All in all, not too bad, but sinus congestion and a little trouble breathing for that one day was enough for me to know that I was very glad to have had the vaccine.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Soooooo.....Trudeau is revoking the Emergencies Act now? Did we not just pass this a couple of days ago? I don't understand what's going on....

    It was required to clear the protesters... If that's done, the emergency is over and they don't need it anymore. 

    4 minutes ago, Sard said:

    It was required to clear the protesters... If that's done, the emergency is over and they don't need it anymore.

    I actually think it's really good that their revoking it so quickly.  Takes away the opportunity for those opposed to it to say that Trudeau is abusing his power and taking advantage of the situation. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    moved to vancouver island a few years ago.


    there is an entitlement mentality here that I just didnt see in Manitoba.

    a guy got drunk, drove his car into a tree, killed his kids, but not himself, and a day later theres a go fund me asking for help for the guy, this actually just happened.


    people think its okt to ask for anything, gasoline, a car, accomodation, food clothes, you name it. " I have five kids, two dogs, need at least two thousand sq feet with a yard, can only afford 400 a month cause unemployed, can anyone help"

    not exagerrating.


    the sense of entitlement is astonishing. Goes hand in hand with the  loser anti vaccine freedom 


    needless to say, miles long "convoy " here every saturday.


    But heaven forbid we have a socialist government that "gives handouts to the poor"

  6. 2 hours ago, Mark H. said:

    My paramedic friend tells me the KN95 is not as good as just a regular medical mask.  The N95 is, but not the KN95. 

    This, to me, is why they are lifting restrictions.  Those who don't have their shots are not going to get them. 

    The regular medical masks are only as good as the seal around your face... most people have a big gap on the sides where the ear loops are.  If that's not sealed to your face, it doesn't keep anything out from the sides.

    Apparently the CDC ranks them about the same: https://www.cbsnews.com/essentials/n95-kn95-surgical-cloth-mask-differences/ as long as the KN95 masks that you have are genuine.

  7. 32 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I wish that ball did NOT hit the uprights as it almost certainly was going to be intercepted. I hate that people think it was an act of god. Our DB had undercut that route, Even if he gets it under the bar, we still knock it down and over the bar is for sure an interception. He telegraphed that throw imo. Not to mention it was the exact same route as the previous play, The only thing hitting the bar did was take away the remote chance that they might get a pass interference call.

    Everyone figured out that reverse pivot in late 2019 and his play has been average ever since.

    Not only that, but that would have pushed the game to OT with a successful convert... it's not like they would have won on the play even if it was completed.

  8. 1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    To be fair, if the definition of fully vaccinated doesn't change to two doses plus booster... then the vaccine card means nothing... 13% efficacy is statistically nil in epidemiology, which completely nullifies the use of vax cards.

    I don't think it should necessarily be more than 2 doses, more like a 2nd or 3rd dose within the last x months.  We know that the efficacy of the 2nd dose is good for the first bit but it wanes over time, so fully vaxed would depend on how recently you've been shot.

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