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Posts posted by Sard

  1. 20 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    In June of 2021, Pallister's approval rating was 33% according to Angus Reid. Heather is at 25%. Can't blame it on Pallister. Comments like "Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda", heartless talking about your son's hockey team winning a championship when asked about a woman dying that happened during your tenure as Health Minister, multiple ethics violations likely contributed to it.

    Not to mention never actually giving a straight answer to any question in the press briefings during her early days.

  2. You know, this is the 2nd time this has happened to me today... shortly after I ask a question about trying to find something (after looking over the course of days), I find it...

    On the Bomber site, bring up the schedule.  On the left side (doesn't matter which game), there is a down arrow to show more information... from there, on the right side there is a little calendar, click that and it brings you to another site where you can link it to your calendar.

  3. 3 hours ago, Babycakes said:

    Oh, we all know who you speak of... and he's got some choice words for you...








    I see Dave Dickenson as the bigger culprit of stretching the rules...

    Exhibit A: getting a receiver on the opposite side of the field to run over a DB in order to challenge for illegal contact when a pass goes incomplete in a critical situation.

  4. 1 hour ago, bustamente said:

    Okay this is strange cause I have always found Pepsi to have a metallic taste, Coke no, RC Cola no. To my knowledge I have not have any variants of Covid

    Agreed, Pepsi has always had a bit of a metallic tasted to me as well.

    Coke has always been my go-to for mix, but I've recently switched to Zevia Cola and it's an adequate substitute.

  5. 5 hours ago, GCJenks said:

    Transcona/ East&North Kildonan do not need another chain fast food place. We need decent family restaurant with home made food. What I wouldn’t do for a Taverna Rodos, Papa’s, DJays or so many others that the city has but this area is void of. 

    Rae's Bistro is up in North Kildonan and the food is fantastic.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bigblue204 said:

    There will be more horizontal passes, but it will also open up the centre of the field.

    I completely disagree on the no incentive to catch the ball in the air. For one thing, catching in the air gives you possession faster. And in a league where the punter or anyone behind the punter can recover the kick that's very important. And catching in the air usually gives the returner more momentum than picking it up off the ground.

    Not to mention how unpredictably a football can bounce.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    in Alberta, if you want something built, you need to find a way to do it almost entirely on private funds. The screaming and yelling that goes on if even one red penny of tax dollars gets spent on ANYTHING is almost unbelievable. There's no "Hey, we're allowed to have nice things" around here. 

    That sounds suspiciously like socialism... and heaven forbid you have anything that resembles socialism in capitalist Alberta.

  8. 2 minutes ago, camper_2 said:

    I just love watching the Toronto media types doing an autopsy of a lost season especially by the Leafs. Hoping it goes south for them sooner than later with this years team..... As far as the Jays, give me the Twins/Royals or the Cards... I give the Toronto based teams, what the Toronto folks give the teams out west. 

    Now, as far as going to 4 downs versus 3 downs. I grew up watching the CFL game for years and very much enjoy, as is.

    Just need to understand why the want or need for change? Is it about scoring, lots of scoring and score changes within the entire game for the purpose of placing wagers? 

    Some people seem to think that more scoring makes the game more exciting for the casual fans.  In my mind the biggest issue with the CFL is marketing.  The teams, the league, and their TV partner (currently TSN) need to do a better job with marketing.  Bell Media could use CTV to advertise CFL games on TSN to get the word out more, but the biggest issue is that the teams in the bigger markets aren't doing anything to draw people to the games.  Perhaps the new owner in BC will do a better job out there, but Toronto and Montreal are still big question marks.

    The rule changes, especially the thought of going to 4 downs, are mostly gimmicky and don't help the core problem of marketing, or lack thereof.

  9. 1 hour ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    Is that from First Ring Daily?

    I don't know what First Ring Daily is...

    Based on some of the stuff that he's done lately and things I've read about how he got to where is it, it kind of fits a pattern.

    1 hour ago, Rich said:

    I don't think it is insider trading because he is doing it all very publicly.  So there is no inside information he is using to buy / sell.

    If he is doing this just to sell after the stock increases, it could be market manipulation, for which the SEC could still fine him if they can prove it.

    Yes, I believe you are correct that it would be market manipulation rather than insider trading.

  10. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    Unless we nationalize social media, it comes down to whatever the owners want. People will leave if they don't like it. 

    Elon is "free speech" proponent but only he is allowed to have this freedom. He's a bully. 


    I don't think he's actually planning to buy Twitter, he's using this news to drive up the value of the stock and then he'll dump what he already bought and say something about owning twitter not being the right thing for him to do now because of X.

  11. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    The private contractors are so hit and miss at clearing snow.  I had one dude flipping out at the other guys this winter because they were destroying everything and causing a huge mess.    I've definitely seen a drop off in care/quality since they have gone private. 


    In my area, they were horrible the last couple of years, but this year was a definite improvement, other than some of the tree branches that they took out in some peoples' front yards.

  12. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    The goal of the GOP's QAnon-influenced "groomer" troll: More political violence

    Republicans don't really think liberals are "grooming" children — but they know saying so is permission to violence
    Here is the most important thing to remember about the word "groomer": Exactly zero percent of the people flinging the word at progressives care one bit about child abuse. This is all just pure, uncut trolling. It's never meant as a sincere concern or accusation. Indeed, the deep unfairness of the word "groomer" is the point. What right-wing trolls want more desperately than anything else is to "trigger" liberals. Falsely accusing someone of heinous crimes, while unimaginative, is a crude-but-effective way to bully people. 

    So in the past month, there's been a rapid escalation of conspiracy theories falsely accusing Democrats of being somehow pro-pedophilia. The proximate twin causes are the confirmation hearings of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and Florida passing a "don't say gay" bill clearly meant to force LGBTQ teachers and students back into the closet. In the former, Republicans led by slime monster Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri spent the hearing falsely accusing Jackson of going light on sentences for child molesters. In the latter, Republicans defending the law have taken to suggesting that anyone who opposes it is a pedophile. Soon, a generalized accusation that Democrats and even companies that are mildly pro-LGBTQ want to "groom" children spread across Fox News. 

    Falsely accusing someone of heinous crimes, while unimaginative, is a crude-but-effective way to bully people. 

    Much digital ink has been spilled, for good reason, on how this nonsense is both about pandering to the QAnon cult and encouraging more Republican voters to be Q-curious. After all, QAnon espouses a conspiracy theory that Democrats secretly run a blood-drinking pedophilia cult that worships Satan. So any Republican leaders and pundits chattering about "grooming" and other false allegations around the subject of child abuse are clearly nodding in the direction of QAnon. 


    I've noticed over the past couple of years that most of what the Repulicans keep accusing the Democrats of doing are things that they are doing themselves...

  13. 44 minutes ago, JCon said:


    This is the 2nd time that I've heard her speak (the first time was regarding the convoy protest or something else related to the pandemic, I can't remember at the moment exactly what it was).  I have a lot of respect for her.  This is the type of person who is good to have in a position of power within the goverment.

  14. 8 minutes ago, JCon said:

    It is a commodity in the sense that you're buying that string of ones and zeros. It's value is zero until someone wants that string of ones and zeros. 

    Yeah, it's the part where it gains value "because someone wants that string of ones and zeros" that I struggle with because it's all a scam as far as I'm concerned.  All it took was a small group of people to say "let's take this and pass it around, selling it for a profit to each other and eventually some sucker will see the 'value' going up and jump in and buy it from us, then we can do it again".  Same issue with NFTs... there's no actual value there other than what's been artificially created by a bunch of con artists.

  15. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    Bitcoin is not a currency, it's a commodity. It's a pyramid scheme with a huge environmental footprint. Sooner we end this experiment, the better. 

    Is it even a commodity though?  There's nothing tangible to it, it's literally just a bunch of electronic ones and zeros.

  16. 3 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Anyone else at least mildly entertained by the childish meltdowns of Murphy Brownshirt et al. on the conservative side in response to this agreement between the LPC and NDP?

    And true to form. she recklessly intentionally uses words dogwhistles like socialist and leftist in her vitriolic rhetoric.

    I believe the term she used was "backdoor socialism"... as if helping people was a bad thing.

    The irony in it all is that this is probably a really good thing for the CPC because it gives them time to get their house in order before the next election.

  17. 58 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Just finished God Of War. 

    Pretty good game. Solid Story, has a good leveling mechanic, the voice acting is really good.

    Totally recommend it. If you are looking to play it and are one of those that likes to explore and are an 85% completionist or higher- I recommend bee lining it to the end with minimal exploration and then go freaking hog wild in the New Game+ mode. 


    Solid, Solid game.





    LOVE the God of War games.  The original series on PS3 with the Greek Mythology was fantastic, and the move over to Norse mythology was brilliant.

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