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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-03-26 in Posts

  1. People seem to conveniently forget that CTV and CBC did not want to keep the CFL, unless it was the Grey Cup game. TSN was the only real option.
    4 points
  2. I all for Leggz having competition..but if they are all similar...or even if one the guys is a shave better at FG's...then our best route is still having Leggz take up the role doing all 3 jobs...freeing up that all important DI spot. He will get better...won't get worse...and we still got to a grey cup with him...with a banged up roster all yr...if he is still showing some signs of inconsistent play mid season...then you try a change...but he has shown he can be a top punter...can hit 50 yard field goals and has a leg to pin teams deep on kickoffs...last part of season we were doing some weird things on kickoffs and to me looked like they were trying to have him put it down shorter...now was that a coverage deficiency they were trying to amend? Dunno but he can put it between the 15 and goaline...so leg strength isn't an issue
    4 points
  3. It's already been perfected.
    2 points
  4. But … in the last month or so Lowry has scored more goals than Mark 😁
    2 points
  5. Just to help with nuance, hoping the Leafs win is no where near the same as cheering for the Leafs to win.
    2 points
  6. Knock Schiefele down to the third line play Lowry and PLD a ton...take Schiefele off the PP1, time to shake this guy up,he ain't scoring and he doesn't hit...or play well defensively. Why is he still getting 20 min a game and PP 1?
    2 points
  7. TrueBlue4ever

    Game 74 @ LA

    Appleton jumped right in to fight him, actually. Or so the radio broadcast said.
    2 points
  8. I feel like you’d see a similar trend with a lot of young kickers. 30-39 requires more control on a us field. If you over power the ball you are more likely to shank it. At 40-49 you aren’t taking any thing off the kick. Can’t say that’s what it is for certain just my gut instinct. not going crazy about the guy but last time we tried to go with a massive leg and raw leg talent in mourtada. Going with a more polished accurate guy makes sense. Plus you never know all 3 could be in camp. They love mourtada. at this point we have an awful lot of boxes ticked for camp. I think we bring in atleast 1 more qb, maybe an imp rb, couple more ol bodies, maybe one more dl and de a couple lbers and that’s it. At this point the best piece we could hope for is kongbo.
    2 points
  9. I think Francis needs to fire his agent. Signed a contract he didn't understand.
    2 points
  10. The interesting thing here is that the resistance to televising all the games was the fear/certainty that attendance would drop. Hasn't turned out that way at all.
    1 point
  11. I think people forget that not too long ago we couldn't watch all the games. I'm only 36 and I remember having to listen to Bob call half the games each year while I was in my 20's. Black outs, limited coverage. It's so much better than it was.
    1 point
  12. bustamente

    US Politics

    Airport rallies are going to be the norm because facilities want money up front and his doesn't have or wont pay it. Supposedly he still owes money in El Paso and I'm sure other cities are still waiting for payments that will never come
    1 point
  13. One of the problems as I see it is we keep drafting Americans, Euros & players from down east in Quebec. How many Western Hockey League players have we drafted? Guys that at least were born in Western Canada, know & understand this part of the country? Unless you're a grinding third line centre from Wisconsin or Minnesota you don't want to play in Winnipeg. Look at Johnny Gaudreau & Tkachuk in Calgary they didn't want to play there either. Calgary where the economy is finally coming back, the Rockies & the winter climate is better than a lot of US cities. When they became UFA's away they went. So, it's not just Winnipeg. What's making Edmonton a place for more free agents than Winnipeg? McDavid & Draisaital. It's not the climate or city.
    1 point
  14. Tracker

    World Politics

    Netanyahu Fires Defense Minister For Urging Halt To Court Overhaul JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired his defense minister on Sunday, a day after the former army general called for a halt to the planned overhaul of Israel’s judiciary that has fiercely divided the country. The move signals the prime minister will move ahead this week with plans for the overhaul, which has sparked widespread opposition. Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets, military and business leaders have spoken out against it and leading allies of Israel have voiced concerns. Outgoing Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, a former army general, is a senior member of Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party. On Saturday, he called for a pause in the controversial legislation until after next month’s Independence Day holidays, citing the rift’s threat to Israel’s national security. -.VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS
    1 point
  15. Winnipeg……where the back-up QB and the 3rd line 8 goals a year centre are more popular than the stars.
    1 point
  16. The guy has 38 goals. Lowry has 11 goals, that's why.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Re-open the “Your Hate Goes Here” thread! Just apply the Sun Tzu philosophy: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. (Source questionable, the phrase has been attributed to many different people)
    1 point
  19. Good lord I have to cheer for the Leafs today… the self hate is going to be tough to shake.
    1 point
  20. bustamente

    US Politics

    To this day when someone blurts out that guy is a stupid idiot everyone knows who you are talking about
    1 point
  21. captaincanuck12

    Game 74 @ LA

    Yep he immediately tackled the LA player. Saw it on the replay.
    1 point
  22. Chris jones and malcontents. Can’t even keep the dumpster fire down to smouldering in the lull of the off season. I wonder if he thought he was getting a signing bonus but it was actually a make the roster out of camp bonus.
    1 point
  23. IC Khari

    Game 74 @ LA

    Wheeler’s best days are behind him (2 years ago) …
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Yes, so far as anyone knows, but its a closely guarded secret.
    1 point
  26. I agree with this 100%. Ksb seems to be more athletic than wolly. But in terms of flat out replacing wolly in our lineup...im not completely convinced it would be a good fit. Nor would I want him over Demski.
    1 point
  27. [xx] = Games Remaining aka JCon request 2023.03.24 Central DAL 92 [10] MIN 91 [10] COL 90 +2 [11] Wild Card SEA 86 [11] WPG 85 [9] Just Not Good Enuf NSH 80 [12] CAL 79 [9]
    1 point
  28. Bombers signed this guy according to the CFL transactions page.
    1 point
  29. Nice little read about the Bombers approach to the combine. Of particular note as it relates to the upcoming draft and what we might do: "As well, the club has asked Cole Adamson – a defensive tackle from the Manitoba Bisons drafted in the fourth round a year ago – to switch to the other side of the ball." https://www.bluebombers.com/2023/03/24/first-10-combine-update/
    1 point
  30. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    Most of these statements seem to be made by people who have already benefited economically over their lifetime from the stability of the country and government they seem to loath. They fail to acknowledge that younger citizens and immigrants on their way up should also have access to the same opportunities stable government provides. In my estimation this attitude stems from greed and selfishness as a base motivation that often seems to be derived from an increased sense of prosperity. Poorer people tend not to adopt the attitude of disgruntled shitbags.
    1 point
  31. Nick Taylor was a basketball player too. for the most part I think tcf is a thing of the past. The closest thing now is recycled qbs coming in as the 5th arm to keep guys fresh, junior kids, extra legs for kicking to return guys and maybe some un drafted fa ni guys. The game is too competitive now with talent and athletic levels too high to risk a spot. You never know when a guy could break through like Alford or schoen. At this point I think only bad teams deal in tcf imps. Like maybe edm. Chris jones does crazy things.
    1 point
  32. It was 100% work too. Alexander has admitted to getting smoked on all those corner routes he ran in try-outs, but they noticed that he was paying attention and stealing reps and wanted that attitude in camp.
    1 point
  33. Remember that Brandon Alexander was a walk-on at a Florida skills camp/scouting combine. No pedigree, nothing inherent in his game that screamed “star”. Yet hard work made the coaches have to notice him, and we have a game-breaker now. No one is fodder unless they choose to be.
    1 point
  34. Personally, I've really grown to hate the term "training camp fodder", even though I know I've used it in the past myself. These are athletes chasing a dream and for them to be in camp means that the team sees something in them. Sure, some guys might have a slim chance at making the team, but they're not fodder, they're taking their shot, and good luck to them..
    1 point
  35. An undersized kr db who also blocked 5 kicks in 3 years. That tells me he’s extremely hard working and tough plus explosive as an athlete. I’ll take that combo in any size any day of the week. Throw in 26.1 per kick off return for his career and 17 pass knock downs and I can see plenty of reason to think he has the potential to be an impact player. The mafia don’t bring in imp dbs as tcf. And nfl teams don’t bring in micro dbs to be tcf.
    1 point
  36. It depends. If the new guy is equally as good as Prukop in SY, then yea they will stay with the new guy. If not, I can see the Bombers bringing back Dakota. That was the point of my post. The new guy, or guys, need to leave no doubt by the middle of June. I don't think that at all. It was about money. We offered him 3rd string money, and Prukop was looking at ways of making more.
    1 point
  37. Brutal. Achilles can be a career ender. Really, really hope he's back next season.
    0 points
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