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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-07-01 in Posts

  1. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    "We" did not do this terrible thing whereby children died sick, abused, neglected, alone and frightened in the hands of those who where supposed to care for them. But it is part of the history of our country and the scars are still everywhere. We, as a country, need to remember and mourn for all the children who never came home, the parents and families who never knew what happened and the communities who fractured under the grief and fear. We live in a wonderful country- not a perfect one, and you cannot heal what you will not feel. Going fast-forward past these tragedies will not serve anyone, and only ensure it or something like it will happen again.
    5 points
  2. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    I'm definitely going to be treating tomorrow a bit like remembrance day, while also celebrating the things that make our nation great. It's a difficult time and we've all got to do a little reflection on what it really means to be Canadian.
    4 points
  3. Guys with the physical tools get multiple chances. As it was, as it is and as it always will be.
    3 points
  4. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    I agree with most of the sentiments expressed here. Its a great nation we live in but we do have our scars on our history. And our scars are not healed . They are open wounds for many of our citizens. Perhaps this will be a watershed moment for our country. Perhaps we can " own up " to what happened and start the healing process. Perhaps we can find some national leadership that will finally deal with indigenous issues. There has never been a single one yet of any political stripe. I'm not really all that confident in that ,given our current slate of leaders. On a personal level I have been thinking alot about my own knowledge / ignorance of residential schools. I'm in my 60s and when I grew up all I knew or thought about residential schools is it was where indigenous kids went to school. That's it. No idea that it was forced.That it could be against a parents wishes. Or the conditions. Or the deaths. Or the abuse. Or that alot of parents never saw their kids again. Or the generational damage. My wife who grew up in Vancouver knew even less if that's even possible. It probably wasn't till the late 70s that I started to learn the truth. As I said perhaps this can be a time when things can change . Maybe. We are horribly lacking in leadership right now but maybe a ground swell can force real change. I fear that all the right words will be said and funds will be allocated , and as usual they will disappear into the bureaucracy as they have in the past. In the meantime I will continue to work on my own understanding and education.
    3 points
  5. Someone once posted that Augustine was a bad blocker and everyone else believed it and kept mentioning it despite it being an exaggeration. The guy is physical (look at this physique) and runs hard and from what I saw blocked like a normal person in his position. He showed more then anyone else at that position not named Andrew Harris has in the last 10 years easily.
    3 points
  6. Day of Rage: An In-Depth Look at How a Mob Stormed the Capitol" https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000007606996/capitol-riot-trump-supporters.html
    3 points
  7. Meredith is an interesting signing. Good size at 6ft3. Some NFL success. Lots of injuries. I like the signing but not putting him in the starting lineup yet (I can edit this later right if needed ala 1984, right?).
    2 points
  8. Ive mentioned before that I was "lucky" enough to learn about assimilation schools early. I stopped celebrating Canada after that. It caused some tensions with my family when I brought up why I dont want to...thankfully like many others, the discovery of the children brought out the empathy from my family and this year they won't be celebrating Canada day. Instead just quietly reflecting. I've now got a built in excuse to not celebrate today, as it's my son's birthday! 7yrs old! Since we first watched them in the hospital room I've told him the fireworks are for him!!
    2 points
  9. Simonise gets chances because you can't teach size and you can't teach passport. He's got both and he's only 26. FTR: I'm not complaining that we let him go.
    2 points
  10. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Cultural changes happen in increments, so awareness is the first step in that. Next comes closure (cessation of dysfunctional behaviours) and then we can install new and helpful behaviours and attitudes. We here in Canada do not have the mountain to climb that the Americans do. although we have some of the same idiots- just not as many.
    2 points
  11. rebusrankin

    Random Jets News

    Cap hit of 5.5 million for two more years, 37 year old defensemen who's got a ton of miles and he's a LD. Hard pass.
    2 points
  12. Tracker

    US Politics

    'This is very bad news for the Trump Organization': MSNBC host breaks down the huge 15-count indictment -Ari Melber (MSNBC) MSNBC's chief legal correspondent broke down the key take-aways after Manhattan prosecutors unsealed a 15-count indictment against the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg. "What has stood out to you so far from what you've been able to gather?" Ayman Mohyeldin asked Ari Melber. "They have thrown the kitchen sink at the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg. This is very bad news for the Trump Organization because the D.A. has taken an aggressive tact indicting, the entire Trump Organization, in references to the payroll company and others. So, if you were the company hoping to pin this on the employee or get out of it, as far as the D.A. is concerned, game over there — they're going after the whole company." "Highlight number two, there are 15 counts here," he said. "Now we have 15 counts, including larceny, tax fraud, false statements, filing false instruments, falsifying business records. They are taking, what the D.A. argues was a conspiracy to intentionally and habitually defraud the government, steal money and pay people off the books. That is the language of the indictment. They're alleging that went on for 15 years."
    1 point
  13. Do you remember when Mike simms Walker came up here? Didn't stay long and was on a brutal team but I remember watching that kid and thinking "Ahh there's that NFL level skill"
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. It's hard for rookie wrs to excel in the cfl. But he has tremendous size amazing athletic ability and produced really well in the NFL. He's about as blue chip as an imp wr gets.
    1 point
  16. The effort man...cheering for the effort.
    1 point
  17. rebusrankin

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Carter at least had some production though. Simonise is like the Dollarama version of Carter.
    1 point
  18. Duron Carter 2.0
    1 point
  19. 17to85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Those are the people who are naturally talented and never had to work for anything before. They just never learned the value of hard work.
    1 point
  20. Good signing and will likely be in our starting line up
    1 point
  21. Bigblue204

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    He's decent on ST. Banks doing more complaining IC. Not sure if he wants to play this year...I get it, I honestly do. But damn that guy complains alot!!
    1 point
  22. iHeart

    The TV Thread

    Yeah but I've seen this happen multiple times they're just going to have another conservative woman fill that seat
    1 point
  23. Mark F

    US Politics

    starting to think.... they are too far gone to come back. read today that biden has watered down his green climate action. those people worked hard to get help him elected. betrayal they wont forget if its true.
    1 point
  24. bustamente

    Random Jets News

    I don't think the Jets have much interest and I'm sure he has no interest in coming here
    1 point
  25. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    This is wonderful. "You cannot heal what you cannot feel".... I'm gonna hang on to that one.
    1 point
  26. Mark F

    US Politics

    really worth watching.
    1 point
  27. Tracker


    Apparently Kim Kardashian has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Nor surprising, considering that the virus can live for long periods on plastic.
    1 point
  28. Mark F

    US Politics

    wmd rumsfeld dead. maybe the liars bush cheney, r. perl and the other trash will go soon. Chretien said no to these creeps. Harper was all on board.
    1 point
  29. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    I think the vast majority of people simply consider Canada Day a day off with fireworks at the end and few even consider that it is the anniversary of confederation. If I were to guess, the people who appreciate it most are immigrants and refugees and the one's who say they appreciate it most are racist nationalists like CanadaProud, OntarioProud, AlbertaProud etc. etc. Below is the best advice I've seen: An extremely gracious and thoughtful response from Cowessess First Nation Chief Cadmus Delorme on The National last night, when CBC host Ian Hanomansing asked what his message is to Canadians: "From a First Nation perspective, I love living in Canada. I went to university, I grew up on Cowessess, I have the best job I think I ever wanted, being chief. It's not an easy task. But there is an accidental racism and ignorance in this country when it comes to history. You know, Indigenous people - and I'm speaking from Cowessess perspective - we don't want to live in our current state. We want to be part of the economy. We want to be part of the growth... the social lives. Sometimes in this country, being Indigenous, it's as if you gotta prove yourself a little more. You're so used seeing maybe, someone asking for change and being Indigenous... you know, there's a story behind every one, of the history that we inherited. So my comment to everybody listening is, from Cowessess, we're not asking for pity. We're asking for understanding. We're asking that you stand beside us, that as we are gaining our control again - as Indigenous people - in our Treaty relationship, that we have better understanding. That our kids going to school understand the impact that residential school made, but also even pre... what great economy Indigenous people had prior to Treaty. This country would be so much more well-off, when Indigenous ideology and understanding is welcomed in, and not just brought in on certain days of the year. (On the debate over whether to cancel Canada Day) I would never tell somebody what to and what not to celebrate. You know, in 2021, we all inherited this. Nobody today created residential schools. Nobody today created the Indian Act. Nobody today created the Sixties Scoop. But we all inherited this. And if we want to say we're proud Canadians, then we will accept the beautiful country we have today, and we will accept what we all inherited. And what I would challenge is: Everybody on Canada Day in this country, if you say you're a proud Canadian, read the Truth and Reconciliation 'Calls to Action.' Over 100,000 residential school survivors told their story - including my parents - and they created the Truth and Reconciliation 'Calls to Action.' Bring that into your personal life, your social life, your business life. And read the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls 'Calls to Action.' There's 231 Calls to Action. If we can all own those a little bit in this country, in one generation we would overcome so many challenges today, that our next generation won't inherit this. We will make them more as Dreamers."
    1 point
  30. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    It's so hot i saw a fire-hydrant chasing a dog.
    1 point
  31. I am looking forward to seeing a Jeffcoat/Jefferson/Kongbo/Stove Defensive front.
    1 point
  32. Noeller

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    As Lalji says, the i's have been dotted and the t's crossed......TC officially opens July 10th!
    1 point
  33. I don't recall him being a great blocker, but that's about my only complaint so far. I thought he ran the ball well. Imo, Harris' blocking and experience in knowing where to be as a safety outlet for the qb would be the two hardest things to replace if he got hurt.
    1 point
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