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Coach Mike' Everything is' O'Shae

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Messages are raining down in response to an irritated poster's comments. All fair responses. To a troll? I don't know about that. But if he didn't expect the agitated responses, then he didn't do his lurking homework. And he doesn't know this board.  Question is now, will this drought continue?

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 Complain that too many posts are mere opinions unsupported by facts, (complaining only about the opinions you don't like) and then pile on a new guy that has some facts, cause you don't like his opinion.

Par for the course here. Probably more than half the posts are just complaints about some other person's posts.




Edited by Mark F
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10 minutes ago, Mark F said:


 Complain that too many posts are mere opinions unsupported by facts, (complaining only about the opinions you don't like) and then pile on a new guy that has some facts, cause you don't like his opinion.

Par for the course here. Probably more than half the posts are just complaints about some other person's posts.




I don't think anyone actually has a problem with his opinion. I sure don't.

I have a problem with him arguing with me, telling me my opinion is something that it isn't.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy Pop said:


No one.

And no one's said that either.

The issue is.... and I'm really trying to go slow for you here:

Words matter. So when you say, "I BET THE RIDERS WILL WIN MORE THAN THE BOMBERS" - know that 1) Someone may call you out and take the bet and 2) Most importantly, challenging that one position of yours DOES. NOT. MEAN. we are happy.

The reality wouldn't be threatening to talk about. YOUR reality is threatening to my sanity, however.

So, to review: criticism is fine. But be reasonable and for the love of Stegall, back up the words you say.  And as many others have already said, QUIT cherry picking comments to suit your obtuse needs.  Go re-read our little back and forth here, and hopefully you'll understand wtf people have been so frustrated about. 

Are you serious?  A Bombers' fan saying "I bet the Riders will win more game than the Bombers (in 2016 with Chris Jones)" is so threatening to you that you use phrases like "Words matter", "Most importantly" and "your threatening my sanity".  I had to read that section twice to believe someone actually wrote that about a football prediction.  We're talking about a football game here, not nuclear war.

I get that it is your manner to insult people, e.g. using phrases like "to suit your obtuse need".  That isn't my style thankfully.  My starting point is and always will be that people have different perspectives and none of those perspectives remotely "threaten my sanity", especially when it comes to a football game.  Get a grip on what is really frustrating and important in life and lay off phrases like "Words matter", "Most importantly", "wtf", "your obtuse need", etc.  

As for me cherry-picking comments, I'm really not sure what is more important than a team's won-loss.  I guess it's cherry-picking to mention the record and to wonder about the management and players that have led to that record . Not a single thing that I've said on this site isn't factual and it's about the things most relevant to a football team.  And none of the comments I've made haven't been made by others, other than the Saskatchewan prediction.

Thanks, not really, for the chat.  You can have your last insult and I regret this 'chat' degraded.  But if you choose to attack people for saying something as innocent as 'I'll bet the Riders have more wins", I'll fight back.  I don't mind one bit the folks who want to take me up on that bet and I respect those who think I'm nuts.  That's all in good fun.  But frankly your level of moral lecturing on a message board about a football prediction is something I would never expect.  I hope it's just isolated to me. 

As for being called a troll by the rose-colored glasses wearers who want to go 'rah, rah, rah' regardless of what happens on the field, I take the term as a compliment.   Thanks!


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8 minutes ago, gcdrought said:

Are you serious?  A Bombers' fan saying "I bet the Riders will win more game than the Bombers (in 2016 with Chris Jones)" is so threatening to you that you use phrases like "Words matter", "Most importantly" and "your threatening my sanity".  I had to read that section twice to believe someone actually wrote that about a football prediction.  We're talking about a football game here, not nuclear war.

I get that it is your manner to insult people, e.g. using phrases like "to suit your obtuse need".  That isn't my style thankfully.  My starting point is and always will be that people have different perspectives and none of those perspectives remotely "threaten my sanity", especially when it comes to a football game.  Get a grip on what is really frustrating and important in life and lay off phrases like "Words matter", "Most importantly", "wtf", "your obtuse need", etc.  

As for me cherry-picking comments, I'm really not sure what is more important than a team's won-loss.  I guess it's cherry-picking to mention the record and to wonder about the management and players that have led to that record . Not a single thing that I've said on this site isn't factual and it's about the things most relevant to a football team.  And none of the comments I've made haven't been made by others, other than the Saskatchewan prediction.

Thanks, not really, for the chat.  You can have your last insult and I regret this 'chat' degraded.  But if you choose to attack people for saying something as innocent as 'I'll bet the Riders have more wins", I'll fight back.  I don't mind one bit the folks who want to take me up on that bet and I respect those who think I'm nuts.  That's all in good fun.  But frankly your level of moral lecturing on a message board about a football prediction is something I would never expect.  I hope it's just isolated to me. 

As for being called a troll by the rose-colored glasses wearers who want to go 'rah, rah, rah' regardless of what happens on the field, I take the term as a compliment.   Thanks!



18 minutes ago, Mike said:

I don't think anyone actually has a problem with his opinion. I sure don't.

I have a problem with him arguing with me, telling me my opinion is something that it isn't.

@Mike Well said. 


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1 hour ago, gcdrought said:

Are you serious?  A Bombers' fan saying "I bet the Riders will win more game than the Bombers (in 2016 with Chris Jones)" is so threatening to you that you use phrases like "Words matter", "Most importantly" and "your threatening my sanity".  I had to read that section twice to believe someone actually wrote that about a football prediction.  We're talking about a football game here, not nuclear war.

Try reading it a third time and maybe this time you will understand what he says cause I think you've missed the point entirely based on this paragraph here. 

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1 hour ago, Mike said:

I don't think anyone actually has a problem with his opinion. I sure don't.

I have a problem with him arguing with me, telling me my opinion is something that it isn't.

Mike - Our discussion started when you took issue (no problem with that) with me saying that Joe Mack and Wade Miller were the primary guys established with re-building the team.  You asked why i was mentioning the two together and said they had "entirely different roles".   My first reaction was did I get it wrong.  But I went back and read stories about the hiring of Mack and Miller and it was clearly stated by the team and the two guys that it was their job to re-establish a winning tradition for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Miller's exact phrase was I want to restore a "winning culture".  So despite their different titles, I do consider both as the prime decision-makers to get the team back on track.  Mack was hired as a GM/VP Football Operations and he focussed on personnel and the hiring of a Head Coach . Miller chose to start the re-build by choosing a General Manager, in this case Kyle Walters.

You won't believe me, but I don't mind being factually wrong.  Being wrong means you've learned something and you won't repeat the same mistake twice.  So there is value in it.  Your opinion is that Mack and Miller have entirely different roles and I assume you feel they are not similarly accountable for the re-build.  I tried my best to explain why i made the comment.  But if i'm being honest, I need some counter-facts presented to explain what I have gotten wrong before I correct myself.  I'd be lying if i said it wasn't a little frustrating doing some homework, presenting actual facts and then being told I'm wrong without any explanation as to why.  There's no need for a response.  Enjoy the game and hopefully the first win.

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Except that Mack was hired to be the GM and he had a president of the team above him while Miller is simply the president of the team. If you want to compare someone to Mack the guy right now is Walters. Yeah there might have been a few alternate titles thrown around with Mack but let's be serious here, Mack was the GM, Miller is the president and Walters is the GM, completely not comparable positions.

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On 7/6/2016 at 3:09 PM, Mike said:

As a bystander to this whole fiasco, it seems to me that the thread only went south because of your entry into it. The discussion didn't degrade itself to the level it is at now until you went on your rant.

Don't know why that was necessary. I recognized things were getting out of hand and withdrew from the discussion. 

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7 hours ago, iso_55 said:

Wow, nice thread... Especially the last couple of pages. Clap. Clap. Clap. And for once I'm not involved in the histrionics. ;) 

It's ok, don't be jealous.  We'll save a spot for you next time.  Promise.  :)

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19 hours ago, gcdrought said:

You celebrate the good times, be satisfied with the average times, and wonder what needs to be done when things are bad.  

this sentence describes about 90% of the posters here... thanks for pointing that out ;)

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Well that was a hilarious read.

Everyone has a right to say what they want here. And everyone else has a right to disagree. But just because I don’t want to talk non-stop about the bombers shitty play doesn’t mean I’m “standing by while the house crumbles around me and the world stop spinning and will gladly go along with whatever they say!” And just cause I won’t say Willys 4th quarter play deserves some praise doesn’t mean I want the entire organization lined up in front of a firing squad.

If some of us would just stay away from the extremes, even when baited into them. Things would be a lot more mature around here.

But hey it is the internets….soooo… GOOOOOOO **** YOURSELF SASKATCHEWAN!!!!!!

The only truly wrong opinion in this thread was that no one is entertained by the gif thread. Cause I certainly am.

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2 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

Well that was a hilarious read.

Everyone has a right to say what they want here. And everyone else has a right to disagree. But just because I don’t want to talk non-stop about the bombers shitty play doesn’t mean I’m “standing by while the house crumbles around me and the world stop spinning and will gladly go along with whatever they say!” And just cause I won’t say Willys 4th quarter play deserves some praise doesn’t mean I want the entire organization lined up in front of a firing squad.


If some of us would just stay away from the extremes, even when baited into them. Things would be a lot more mature around here.


But hey it is the internets….soooo… GOOOOOOO **** YOURSELF SASKATCHEWAN!!!!!!


The only truly wrong opinion in this thread was that no one is entertained by the gif thread. Cause I certainly am.



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