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  1. Like
    Atomic reacted to Jacquie in Best day in two years!   
    I think Sheets saying they had a special TD celebration planned because of what Goltz had done the week before helped fire up the defence too. 
  2. Like
    Atomic reacted to Onyenegecha in Walters not optimistic about signing Henoc before free agency   
    I hate to pull a Shankman, but this was a thread about Walters trying to re-sign Henoc Muamba, and no one brought up Mack until you did. And this isn't the first time Mack has been brought up for no reason. The same Mack who went 'off the board' to draft Henoc in the first place. Bash Mack all you want, but if he didn't have the propensity to draft against the rankings, we wouldn't be talking about re-signing Henoc, we'd be talking about how shitty Scott Mitchell has been and waiting for Philip Blake to be cut by the Cardinals. 
  3. Like
    Atomic reacted in Beasts and Bums   
    I see this all the time on Internet discussion forums. Maybe you're too immature to realize it but when a discussion forum degenerates into name-calling just because of differing opinions it ceases to be a discussion forum. It becomes a cesspool. If that's what you want, knock yourself out, but I'll pass.
  4. Like
    Atomic reacted to kelownabomberfan in Bombers acquire Mark Parenteau   
    So who do you sit then?  Denmark?  Edwards?  Sims-Walker?  Aaron Kelly?  I vote none of the above. Instead lets start an import at Safety.
  5. Like
    Atomic reacted to braddman19 in Bombers acquire Mark Parenteau   
    I want to see Pencer !!!!! Come on coaches, get him into a game.  
    This whole deal we have going on of sitting guys 2 years before they get into a game is fraying my nerves (ie. Etienne / Pencer).
  6. Like
    Atomic reacted to Jpan85 in Kyle Walters   
    What ever you think of Goltz he needs to here long term. Just for the fact that he maybe the best quarterback I have seen inside the 5 yard line. Its automatic once in that area that we are walking away with 6.
  7. Like
    Atomic reacted to 17to85 in Kyle Walters   
    I don't think there's anything he can do short of pulling off a great blockbuster trade for a prime time qb. Every GM of a losing team brings in guys who start making an impact, yes even Joe Mack did it for all you haters. When you're so far down as the Bombers were there's nowhere to go but up and I simply don't trust the "imrpovements" that come in the back end of a crappy season. 
    I got nothing against Walters, but if he's the GM next year it's a total gamble and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. Much rather see them do the complete process and turn over every stone looking for the absolute right guy. If it winds up being Walters after that search then so be it. 
  8. Like
    Atomic reacted to Brandon in Buck Pierce traded for Akeem Foster   
  9. Like
    Atomic reacted to kelownabomberfan in Buck Pierce traded for Akeem Foster   
    If you had told me yesterday that we could get Akeem Foster for Buck, I'd have said you were nuts.  Now I think anything is possible. Poblah for Bourke! Kohlert for Cornish!  Morley for Fantuz!  Walters you da man!
  10. Like
    Atomic got a reaction from Logan007 in Bo Levi Mitchell Starter the rest of the year   
    But if he cant play 3 consecutive games then wtf is the point
  11. Like
    Atomic reacted to Blueandgold in Bo Levi Mitchell Starter the rest of the year   
    This is the same stupid reasoning people used to bring in Buck Pierce. 
    Have people learned nothing in the last four years?
  12. Like
    Atomic reacted to Armchair GM in Irving says...   
    Wow my argument has been misconstrued. 
    Iso - I have no crystal ball, and nothing I said was with any strain of being remotely prophetic. BriceDream's contention was that he was resigned to the Bombers anointing Walters GM at the end of the season because he's a hard worker.  Walters could work 24 hours a day... all I am saying is that a GM should not be picked based ONLY on how hard he works.
    You've trolled my post pretty good here... somehow pitting me against Walters and hardworking people everywhere.  Somehow you've twisted my words into meaning that Walters won't be hired, and that I can see the future. 
    As a football fan, I want a smart, well-connected GM, who has experience managing football operations.  Not just a scout that works long hours.  Not just a capologist/Ross Hodgkinson contract type.  Etc.  I can see many Bomber GM candidates being hard workers... I just really don't see how hard of a worker Walters is being the defining characteristic that gets him the job.   There's a lot more to success as a sports franchise GM than just how many hours you put in.
  13. Like
    Atomic reacted to Captain Blue in Lions cut Elliot   
    If the argument was that Buono saw something in him, then that's shot down now. Elliott had potential but made a lot of mistakes. Thought he made a lot of poor decisions on field. I'd rather we just keep searching...
  14. Like
    Atomic reacted to sweep the leg in Lions cut Elliot   
    340 yards of offense & 20 points allowed. Our defense was the reason we were still in the BC game at the end. Elliott shouldn't get the "almost" win for having a below average game with more int's that td's and below 50% passing.
  15. Like
    Atomic got a reaction from DR. CFL in Irving says...   
    Not even Walters would sign a one year contract.  No GM would.
  16. Like
    Atomic reacted to tacklewasher in New Quarterback in Town   
    That would be like harping about how good someone is when they are 3rd string for the Lions...........
  17. Like
    Atomic reacted to Jpan85 in Bo Levi Mitchell Starter the rest of the year   
    Hopefully it last longer for him than it did for Goltz
  18. Like
    Atomic reacted to Mike in Bo Levi Mitchell Starter the rest of the year   
    I think you misread the tweet a wee bit LOL
  19. Like
    Atomic reacted to Jpan85 in Bo Levi Mitchell Starter the rest of the year   
    They got me good. SMH
  20. Like
    Atomic reacted to Zontar in New OL being brought in   
    Underappreciated ? TSN has been tickling his berries since last years GC.
  21. Like
    Atomic reacted to 17to85 in Goltz to start in LDC   
    Contrary to popular belief Mack isn't the ***** who struggles to tie his shoes that everyone seems to be painting him as since he's been fired. Makes a hell of a scapegoat though. 
  22. Like
    Atomic reacted to Fraser in The BEER thread   
    hey losers. I'm at Labour day and we got a sampler pack at bushwackerw. all sorts of oatmeal and red and black and fruity **** in beer. you'd get all wet off this **** but I'm having an American style lager. hope everyone is having as good a time as I am.
  23. Like
    Atomic reacted to DR. CFL in Mack Coulda Had Ray or Burris   
    It's interesting how people will finally speak up within after the Boss gets fired and the internal dirty laundry is hung on the line. By then it is too late.
  24. Like
    Atomic reacted to Jpan85 in Goltz to start in LDC   
    Hey guys don't worry I was on the field this morning and dumped some blue Gatorade in the endzone. Go call your bookies it's a lock!
  25. Like
    Atomic reacted to TBURGESS in Chris Williams   
    I read the article and came away with a different understanding.  
    1. All CFL contracts have a '+1' team option, so Williams 2 year contract would be 2 years + an option year.  
    2. The club has to send out a document saying they are exercising their '+1' option by a certain date, which they did.  
    3. The arbitrator thought that document was clear and Williams signed it.    
    4. The court thought that the document wasn't clear enough so it applied the general contract principle is 'If there is any ambiguity, the reader's version stands', not the writers and overturned the arbitrator.
    5. The CFL said they would appeal so Williams is back in limbo.
    Fall out will be a better document to exercise the '+1' option in CFL contracts and it will be used by all clubs going forward.
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