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Posts posted by BBlink

  1. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    call me crazy but I'd keep schoen ahead of lawler. Schoen is just so smooth out there. He gets open for fun. Yes Lawler has more of that big play highlight reel catch ability... but give me the guy like schoen any day (I'd keep both for the record)

    I don't think Lawler had a great year this year for whatever reason (there were a few) . He was a top prize in FA for a reason. In Edmonton he was getting open a lot. IMO he can give similar or better production than Schoen of he can get back to form. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Noeller said:

    it's still THE place for up-to-the-second information. Was hoping Threads would take its place, but nobody is using that. Until Twitter stops being the spot to go for news, it's still valuable. I hate supporting Elon, but it is what it is. Gots to have my news!! The key to good Twitter is to curate it properly... only follow what you want to see. Unfortunately for me, I have to follow the CFL feeds, but right now they're all about the Als which is gut-wrenching. Come the new year, it'll be okay again. 

    Well, you can weigh the pros and the cons. Up to the minute information is nice I guess. But I've decided that I don't need to be that much in the know about anything anymore. If it's important enough I'll learn about it later. I just dont think it's good for me. More of a personal decision than anything. And one I think some people could benefit from.

  3. 2 hours ago, Noeller said:

    Just so happened to have my regular session with my therapist yesterday and talked about the whole thing and how messed up I was (each day gets better in minuscule increments) and he explained how it's very much a grieving process for a lot of people and a really common thing. But I 100% agree... every time I scroll through the Twitter timeline and see **** about the Als GC parade, I'm physically sick about it. It's gonna take me until well into the new year to get over this. In the meantime I desperately need some cold weather to lock up the lakes so I can get out there and start punching holes looking for ol' Walt....

    I deleted Twitter. I don't think I'll go back to be honest. I don't need to spend copious amounts of time arguing with idiots and bots. It is such a cesspool of things that aren't real. As much as people find it useful, I think in general it's making everyone's life much worse and they don't realize it.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Doublezero said:

    It wasn't just the Big Game where he looked like a deer in the headlights, forced throws, and lobbed it into traffic though. He threw for alot of yards and TDs this season but also a pile of picks and bad pick-6s. Compare Collaros's, pocket presence, calmness in the pocket, his vision, throwing velocity and accuracy with that of Dru Brown and you can see Zach is on the downswing and Brown is better. It happens to every QB. Brown has had tremendous mentorship in Winnipeg. Why would you let him get away? They have to figure out a way to sign him as the starter. If Buck leaves, promote Zach to OC (or give him a role like Calvillo in Montreal) and let Brown lead the charge.

    Hey I'm a huge fan of Brown too. My comment wasn't about Brown - it was about Collaros and the narrative that he isn't a big game QB. He has been hamstrung in the big game the last 2 years. It's a big decision to move on from a guy who has gotten us to 4 straight Grey Cups - despite the fact that we have lost the last two in dramatic fashion.

  5. I'm going to make some excuses for the average play of Collaros in the Grey Cup.

    1. We have been a very balanced offensive team...especially in the two years that we had Andrew Harris here. We were run heavy. We basically employ receivers that are run blockers first.

    2. We know we can run and running in the playoffs is the way to go

    3. 2022 Collaros was playing hurt

    4. 2023 our entire receiving core minus Lawler and Woli were hurt

    It just goes to show you that it isn't the best team that wins the Grey Cup...it's the hottest/healthiest.

    Healthy Collaros and Schoen has been our bread and butter for passing stats the last two years. We haven't had that in both our losses.

    That said, has Collaros been stellar, even given the excuses? I'd say no. His underthrows in this last Grey Cup were brutal. But are we making a mountain out of a mole hill? I think so.

  6. 1 hour ago, Colin Unger said:

    That last play before the 3 minute warning it was a first down play. Everyone in the building knew we were going to run the ball. I thought that would have been a great time to catch Montreal off guard with a passing play and seal the victory. There was very little downside because the three minute warning was going to stop the clock regardless. 

    I was thinking about the same play. Agree 110 percent. We had very few tendency breaker plays

  7. We were somewhat fortunate that we had a core group of guys that wanted to stick together for 4 years. We lost the last 2 Grey Cups which is shitty. I honestly think the coaching staff has gotten a bit too unimaginative and overconfident, thinking that if we just show up and do our thing then we win. And they were almost right. But it has cost us this time around. We need to find that edge again. 

  8. Folks on here that were questioning the roster management have to feel a bit vindicated after this one (after the sadness/anger goes away). We stuck with the same ol same ol and didn't find and develop enough guys. Bighill playing tonight was a mistake. Schoen playing tonight was a result of not developing someone to step in and be the guy.

    We could have dressed Rose, we could have dressed a d lineman. Hell, without Jackson we could have dressed 2 d linemen.

    We really relied on Jeffcoat and Willie getting home and they were well schemed against. 

    Defense was okay but not good enough. Offensively we were playing with 3 injured receivers and a QB who for some reason can't seem to make the big throws in the big game.

    Im beyond frustrated. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Ya true. Interesting re biggie and schoen. Osh is gonna put them on the 46 man roster regardless I think if it's true u gotta be on it to get your name on the cup 

    AFAIK You are still a Grey Cup champion even if you aren't engraved on the cup. Being engraved seems like pretty small potatos when looking at the main prize

  10. 7 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    These are the twenty or thirty somethings who think the CFL began in 2005 & their best chance at adulthood is to grow a Movember moustache. We've had a few covering the Stamps for Postmedia. They all dream about leaving Calgary & covering the Raptors, Jays or Leafs. 

    As someone who has a movember mustache and got season tickets in 2005 that was a roller coaster for me. (though I was a Bomber fan well before that year) 

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