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Posts posted by WBBFanWest

  1. 15 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I'm one of the oldtimers on this site. I don't want to invoke the age thingy where I say the fans had it a lot harder 50-55 years ago. All the weeknight home games during the season started at 8 pm on Tuesdays, Weds & Thursdays. As well as 2:30 pm on weekends. Mostly Sunday. No one complaind about the time the games started saying it's too late for kids.

    Before I had a drivers license, I'd take a Stadium Bus from Riverview (where I lived) at Osborne & Jubilee all the way to the stadium. We'd pass through Riverview, go west on Corydon Avenue & into River Heights ending up on Kenaston & taking the St. James Bridge all the way to the stadium. The bus ride took 90 minutes with about 30 stops on the route.

    After the game, I'd run for the bus parked at the stadium that would take me from the Stadium to the East Side of the Bay where I'd wait for the Osborne bus to take me home. Sometimes I'd go right back to where I picked up the bus at Jubilee stopping at the opposite side of Osborne. Or get off at Morley Avenue & take the bus to the end of the route where I lived. Getting home after midnight & having to be at Churchill High the next morning for 8:25 am. No one ever complained. Fans just went to the games. 

    WHAT???? That's news to me.  Never seen that bit of info come up here before...

  2. 20 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    Man on man I hope they paid his ass well lol.  
    Realistically I suspect the market for brown as a starter will be Edmonton and Calgary. 
    I think ott, ham, ssk, would be interested as a qb1b to push a guy and maybe take a job. 
     It’ll be interesting to see how qb fa shakes down. I think the chances of a brown return are going up for us. 


    If he's going to do that sort of work, I think that's the point, isn't it?

  3. 42 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    That is a possibility, but so is Kevin Glenn/Stefan Lefors a possibility too. I think it would be wholly irresponsible to just toss out a Collaros and move onto Brown. Could be a fatal move to our competitiveness. Collaros gives us a couple more years of great QBing that is money in the bank. We don't know with certainty what Brown would give us.

    After watching him in the playoffs in general and the last two Grey Cups specifically, I'm not convinced that he's the guy.  Not a lot of point in having someone who is lights out during the regular season, but then can't keep that going into the playoffs.  Also, yes there's a risk in starting Brown, but there's a potential long term risk if we let him walk with Collaros only having maybe a couple of good regular seasons left.

  4. I find it a bit problematic that Bighill is actually having to explain something like this and say that the error wasn't his, because as has been said over and over, the issue wasn't really that play.  Mistakes happen all the time, it's part of the game.  The issue was that he had no business being out there.  I don't blame him for wanting to play, again, I'd expect nothing less from a guy like him.  The same goes for Schoen.  So for me, the issue is O'Shea.  It appears he sometimes chooses with his heart instead of his head.  Neither of those guys should have dressed, much less start and it's O'Shea's job to recognise that reality, say no, and give the team the best chance to win. 

    I think it's the same issue with the SEAL.  For some reason, O'Shea seems to think that this is somehow a big deal.  Being a veteran myself, military service is fine but frankly, I give not one whit for this guy's American military service.  Now, if we had a member of JTF2 wanting to play, that might be another matter entirely, assuming he had the skills to do so. 

    In either case, this may be why the guys love O'Shea so much, but if it costs us Grey Cups, maybe it's ok if they love him a little bit less.  I really hope that those above him have a serious heart to heart with him during the off season.  He's a great coach, but he's got this obvious blind spot that needs to be corrected.

  5. 6 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    I hated 'Reclaim the Throne'. There's no Throne in football. It should have been 'Reclaim the Cup'.

    metaphor noun

    an expression, often found in literature, that describes a person or object by referring to something that is considered to have similar characteristics to that person or object:
    "The mind is an ocean" and "the city is a jungle" are both metaphors.


    On a different note, I have no idea if they are planning on re-signing Walters, but I would hope after Sunday that Miller realizes that O'Shea really does need someone to protect him from himself.  I don't know if Walters would be the best guy for that job, but it's obviously needed.

  6. I have to say, I've loved this loss just as much as I've ever enjoyed any Saskatchewan drubbing.  And that Fajardo was the qb for Montreal makes it so much sweeter.  I do though understand the devastation that the several Argo fans must be feeling today.  Fear not though, for when the "crowds" of people disappear again next year, we'll be ready to send the CFL your welfare cheque.  

    Argos suck - always

  7. Just now, 17to85 said:

    Well the people hiring should know this person's track record is and whether they possess the qualities required to be a head coach. Same as anything really. Not everyone is a straight shooter with upper management potential. Some people are just better off being lower on the totem pole.

    Agreed.  I was assuming that the candidate had the  experience and qualities that would indicate that they MIGHT be a good HC, but you won't know until they're doing that job.

  8. 19 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    No every good coordinator, or even great coordinator, makes a good HC. The list of guys who were fantastic as a coordinator but epic failure as a HC is very long. Others can go from ST coach to legend....it really isn't about how great a coordinator you are. HC and coordinator are two different skill sets.

    So, how else would one know if a particular person is going to be a good HC except by putting them into that position?

  9. 33 minutes ago, JCon said:

    You can say that the NFL doesn't need the XFL or a feeder league but here's the list of XFL players that signed in the NFL this year:

    https://www.xfl.com/xfl-to-nfl#:~:text=From XFL to NFL,making those dreams a reality.

    There are 63 players on that list and does not include the USFL signees. 

    Seems like they do kind of need a feeder league. 

    you're confusing the idea of need versus want.  The NFL doesn't need a feeder league, it would carry on just fine without the XFL/USFL but if someone can impress with some game film, why not?

  10. 11 hours ago, JCon said:

    Maybe. But, there's a demand for it. Just need to build consistency.

    There's definitely only room for one, but they have the goal of becoming the feeder league for the NFL. The NFL could use a development league to build a deeper pool and fill in some gaps in area coverage. 

    I don't know how much they're prepared to lose. Time will tell. 

    I don't know how many failed attempts it will take for people with more money than brains to realize that there is no demand for it.  This is the classic example of an answer in search of a question.  High school and college ball take up all the "non NFL" oxygen so there's nothing left for what is seen as some sort of gimmicky semi-pro ball.  But there's always going to be someone who thinks he's got it all figured out... 

  11. 9 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    I am concerned about overconfidence. After a big victory it's just too easy to do... It's not the players I am concerned about, nor the coaches… They are professionals. They are true blue!

    What I'm concerned about is this board. Wild predictions of another easy game… No moans, no groans, no complaints...
    I have not heard a single piece of advice given out towards Michael O'Shea. No innuendos about Walters or Miller. No demands about lineup changes... sheesh!

    This headi-ness can have very bad results. It can warp the over and under. TSN spies will pass on information so the broadcast on TV will be totally off base. This in turn can warp the Hamilton crowd. And you know what that will lead to: another overtime tie. And it will all be the result of what happens on this board. Come on team, let's get nasty! The outcome of the next game may depend on it...

    Dude, lay off the glue...


  12. 3 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    This may go without saying but my stress levels have dropped substantially since the drought was finally ended in 2019.  For awhile there I was worried that we were actually cursed and that my dad wouldn't get to see another Grey Cup win in his lifetime.  Twenty-nine years is too long to go without a Cup, and I can't even imagine what a basket case I would be right now if we hadn't won in 2019 and 2021.  2022 GC was a kick in the groin for sure, but can you imagine if we were at 32 years of drought at that point, and lost to the Arblows because of a blocked FG?  It would have been border-line suicidal for a lot of us.  Anyway, I still want to win the GC every year with the intensity of a billion suns but at least I don't have that "we haven't won since 1990!!!" voice screaming in my head now all year during games and especially during playoff games.  And thank goodness for that!

    Take solace in the fact that after that long drought, no team has won more Grey Cups in the 2020s than us! 

    10 hours ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    In Dauphin this weekend- anyone know where is a good place to watch the game?

    Might want to try Boston Pizza's lounge.  If they don't have it on, they'll likely do it if asked.

  13. 46 minutes ago, BBRT said:

    Take it easy on Bluto! Great to see him posting hear and also the CFL needs more Argo Fans like Bluto!

    I agree Bluto - I am looking forward to the Argo game against my Bombers - Just to see who might be Number 1!! And I for one am glad that the Argos have a good QB. The CFL needs all the help it can get and a good Argo team is good for all the league.

    Yes, without the Argos where would the league and the financially successful teams have to dump their money into

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