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Posts posted by WBBFanWest

  1. 5 hours ago, Colin Unger said:

    On the subject of our offensive line. I could see O'Shea making Eli wait his turn even if he is the best center in camp. I think it could tick off some players who got jabbed against their desire for the team if Eli could take a year off and then come right back and get a starting job on day one.


    I almost spit out my coffee at that one.  Do you seriously think that O'Shea would ever play games like that?  "Eli, I know you're a starter but I'm afraid that we might make some of the boys angry at me if I play you.  They'd much rather see us lose 'cause that would sure show you a thing or two.  And you Lawler, you got a lot of nerve signing with someone else last year  So the both of you have a seat on the bench."

  2. 12 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    And we would be foolish to keep Liegghio over a kicker the caliber of Ward. If we did it would be strictly a money decision & usually cheaping out doesn't work well as you get what you pay for. Personally, I don't see Ward ever coming here as he's from the Ottawa area so that scenario will probably never happen.


    The decision was made to let Castillo go to free agency. A mistake just like letting Alden Darby going to Hamilton. 

    If Kyle Walters had your insight and expertise he might have been a sucessful GM... 

  3. 14 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I can say this re-reading the comments about the Prukop pass. It was an incredibly stupid play call. I firmly believe that it cost us the Grey Cup. Usually a play call like that with such serious consequences would cost an OC his job because of such a poor decision & he'd be fired. However, neither I or anyone else want to see Buck go anywhere. I put that decision down to Buck still learning his position as a coordinator. He made a mistake. Hopefully, he'll learn from it & be a better coach for it in the future. 

    At least he didn't miss a convert.

  4. 11 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Yes, Collaros never played well but as is the Bomber way, we didn't know the extent of his foot/ankle injury. It's always a big secret with MOS ,not giving any info to the media about the status of injured players. So, I think it was worse than the Bombers  made it out to be. "He's okay". Not a concern"is what we heard all week.  Therefore, I give Collaros a pass regarding his level of play because of the & the way he gutted it out.

    Except that Collaros isn't paid to "gut it out".  He's paid to perform.  Maybe he was having an off day.  It happens.  But if he was unable to perform because he was injured and didn't say anything, how is that any different than Maver.    

  5. Had to wait a day to chill out but now I can say that in my opinion, there is no reason at all to hang this on Liegghio.  Sure he could have made that convert, but this loss was a team losss.  I said in the week leading up to this game that the only team that could beat the Bombers was the Bombers themselves.  That's exactly what happened yesterday.  They had a bad game as a team, especially on the O.  If they play even an average game, they win.  It sucks, but for 2 points, this is still the top team in the league.  We're going to be fine.  I took at the Bombers from 1958 to 1962.  Win 2 GC, lose 1, then win 2 more.  I'd be fine with that again.

  6. 16 hours ago, Noeller said:

    I think you're all missing the point..... I'm not shitting on Candians who played in the States. The point is that we had Rourke shoved down our throats as "Kid Canada" all season for all these things he supposedly did as a Canadian QB. The way TSN spun it (ad nauseum) was as if he was a Canadian who'd come through the Canadian HS and CIS ranks and into the CFL. 

    All the other players that have been mentioned recently in this thread weren't jammed down our throats as incredible Canadians doing something that nobody'd ever done before. That's really where my issue comes in. If Rourke had played entirely 3 down football his whole life and was still doing the things he did, and TSN wanted to freak out about it, I would have no problem. 

    You know we won and we're going to the Grey Cup, Right?


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