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Posts posted by WBBFanWest






     they did a study a while back and found that virtually 100% of the people who play pro sports are human beings, which is exactly the same proportion of human beings found in the general population.  So my question would be, what makes you think that pro sports would be any different?

    You're adorable. Yes, everybody is a human being.


    Is every group of people represented in pro sports equally to their % of the general population?


    You didn 't answer the question.  Why do you think that pro sports people would be different than the general population?  I'm curious.



    Because they are different from the general population in every other way.


    Really, "every other way"? That's a rather bold statement to make.  How so?  Remember, we're not talking about behavioral stuff here, we're talking biological/developmental stuff.  So how are they different?




     they did a study a while back and found that virtually 100% of the people who play pro sports are human beings, which is exactly the same proportion of human beings found in the general population.  So my question would be, what makes you think that pro sports would be any different?

    You're adorable. Yes, everybody is a human being.


    Is every group of people represented in pro sports equally to their % of the general population?


    You didn 't answer the question.  Why do you think that pro sports people would be different than the general population?  I'm curious.



    I just find it ridiculous that his orientation is the thing that always gets brought up... Seriously who cares? Can he play football? Just seems that there's too much intolerance out there. I'd be awfully shocked if there weren't a hell of a lot of gay men playing football already. 


    Probably 10% for sure. I can understand why they'd prefer to wait to come out til after their career is wrapped up though. 


    Probably for sure?


    I'd don't think the stats for the general population translate equally to pro sports. Not that I think Sam is the only gay football player out there, but do you really think there's an average of four gay players per team in the CFL?


    The 10% estimate is not borne out by modern research.  3-5% of the population tends to be the high end.  But having said that,  they did a study a while back and found that virtually 100% of the people who play pro sports are human beings, which is exactly the same proportion of human beings found in the general population.  So my question would be, what makes you think that pro sports would be any different?

  4. I think that 17's use of the word literally falls into the category of hyperbole and rhetoric.   That said, I do think he overstates his case a bit because I've seen nothing on this board that looks like Etch hate.  Rather what I see is people (myself included) who simply think that Etch is not really that good a coordinator.  And clearly when someone spends 3 seasons on the sidelines, I think that its safe to say that that feeling is shared by a lot of the tall foreheads in the CFL.  I look at O'Shea hiring him as a rookie mistake, a guy trying to do a solid for his old mentor.  Commendable, but not really that astute.  Hopefully, O'Shea learns a lesson from this.


    And by the way 17, Etch is no worse that Hess, in my opinion.

  5. No advantage to waiting until after the GC to fire OC/DC.  in fact GC week is a great time to interview potential replacements.  The league usually puts a stop to any firings during GC week, so we can't fire them now.  I'd like to see us replace both coordinators, but the tea leaves would suggest that we aren't going to.

    If they can't be fired right now to keep all the attention focused on the events surrounding the festivities and the game itself, it would be bad form to interview people for a job that isn't even open yet.  To me that sort of looks bush league.



    Kirk Penton ‏@PentonKirk 10m10 minutes ago

    @3lue_n_6old Sounds like there's a power struggle over Etcheverry's future right now.

    If it's O'Shea digging in his heels to keep his old mentor, colour me not too surprised.  It would be interesting to know the details because in-fighting between the GM and HC is usually so dysfunctional that it fits perfectly with this team lately.


    no it doesn't...different people entirely.


    Sorry, not sure what you're referring to there.  


    My concern is that a HC needs to have people in place that he wants there, people he trusts.  So I'm speculating that this seems to be the case with Etch: O'Shea wants him there.  At the same time, O'Shea's higher ups are concerned that Etch is not working out and they want him replaced.  But that's a job for the HC, who doesn't want to do it.  And round and round we go, potentially.  So this ends with either the HC being told to fire him, which is bad, or O'Shea saying that he's not going to do it, which puts a big ol' bullseye on his back especially if things don't go well next year, also not good.


    All in all it has the potential for yet more drama with this club and I think we've had more than enough of that stuff in the last few years.  What I'd like is a stable, competent group at the top of this organization (finally) and I'm getting the feeling that we're not quite there yet.


    I think that a point that has been overlooked in the Etch saga is the fact that this guy has not been all that successful throughout his career.  One or two good years with Saskatchewan but even there, they quickly grew tired of his "mad genius" defenses that work really well until OC's get enough tape on them.  You'll also recall that Etch hadn't played in the CFL since 2010, even though he'd been DC of the Grey Cup runners up two years in a row.  There's a reason for that.  


    I was not a fan of any of the coordinator hires that O'Shea made, but at the same time, I'm willing to bet that neither MB or Etch were the first picks for those positions.   I would hope that both are replaced, but that's assuming that better people come along.  Here's hoping.


    Wasn't Etch let go in Saskatchewan because Marshall wanted to bring in his own guy. 



    I recall that there was growing dissatisfaction with him in Saskatchewan as time went on.  A lot of people there seemed to feel that his "system" was becoming less and less effective and at the end of the 2010 season there was speculation that his days were numbered, and this was before Marshall was on the scene.


    Hey folks, a big hello to all.  I'm from "the other site".  Good to be here.  Born in Wpg, haven't lived there in many years.  Always a fan of the Blue and Gold.  

    Are you aware that you will have to go through both a body cavity search and the sheep dip bath? And bring donuts?


    Actually, I was counting on it.  


  9. I think that a point that has been overlooked in the Etch saga is the fact that this guy has not been all that successful throughout his career.  One or two good years with Saskatchewan but even there, they quickly grew tired of his "mad genius" defenses that work really well until OC's get enough tape on them.  You'll also recall that Etch hadn't played in the CFL since 2010, even though he'd been DC of the Grey Cup runners up two years in a row.  There's a reason for that.  


    I was not a fan of any of the coordinator hires that O'Shea made, but at the same time, I'm willing to bet that neither MB or Etch were the first picks for those positions.   I would hope that both are replaced, but that's assuming that better people come along.  Here's hoping.


    Lots of members stopped posting when the split happened. I wonder why? They aren't on either board. 

    I am sort of new over here - what split are you referring to? I am still over on Our Bombers and sort of found this site by accident. Our Bombers appears to be on the downside at the moment just not sure why. I still post over on the Blue Bomber Forum but find this one a little more balanced.


    Hey BBRT.  Yes, I agree.  I'm going to give this site a try, been lurking for a bit.  Seem like a good bunch of folks and it's also 100% free of a certain poster who shall remain nameless!

  11. I prefer Wally's and Benevides approach to the year end presser than the Walters and O'Shea approach.  Note that they didn't 'throw anyone under the bus' but still managed to let folks know where they stand.


    Marsh was gone most of this season and there wasn't much doubt in my mind that he wouldn't be back.  More older players will get cut free in the next few weeks.


    I tend to agree with you Mr. Burgess.  I really got tired of O'Shea's answering without answering during the season and some of the nonsensical lengths he seemed to go to in order not o be seen "throwing someone under the bus".  As for Walters, I did like his comments in that he acknowledged that despite 4 more wins, they were not good enough.  Of course while he seems to say the right things, I'm not convinced he can actually deliver.  My main worry for the off season is that O'Shea is just a bit too loyal and is going to give both of his coordinators another year.  He seems to forget that when you hire mediocrity you get mediocrity.  

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