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Posts posted by WBBFanWest

  1. 1 hour ago, Fatty Liver said:

    If she was my daughter I'd advise taking a job working intimately with 100 football players with no other women in sight was not a good idea, something was bound to happen, and it did.  For cripes sake, her contract only paid $25,000, she could have made more in any other situation.

    Maybe instead of cautioning your daughter to limit herself because of what men might do, you could champion her right to take a job and tell men that they should keep their hands/comments to themselves.  Your comment smacks of "look at the way she was dressed, she was asking for it".  Don't teach girls to be careful, teach boys that that stuff is not ok.

    52 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    That may be the ideal, but it's not the reality.

    That's nothing more than a pathetic excuse.

    44 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Not at all, but you're naive if you think a testosterone filled locker room is a certified "work safe environment".  Maybe part of her job was to shoot players up with pain killers so they can perform their duties for our amusement.

    Pro tip:  when you're in a hole, stop digging.

  2. Just now, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Not in a civil case re the burden of proof.  Criminal yes.  Civil complainints need to prove damages.

    The burden of proof in a civil case still rests with the complainant.  However the standard of proof needed goes from proof beyond a reasonable doubt to proof on the preponderance of evidence, so which side is more likely (sometimes described as 51%).  On top of that, yes, there must be damage to the complainant as well.

  3. If she's asking for 85,000, doesn't she realize that's 50 years of gate receipts for the Argos? 

    Seriously though, some of the comments here make me think that some of you have neither daughters, sisters or mothers.  Yeah, women go public with complaints like this because they just love all the attention that it creates for them...  Considering that by doing this, she's likely going to have almost zero chance of working in professional sports again (at least in the male side of things) I'd tend to think that rather than rushing to support Kelly or the team, a better response would be to demand that the team get to the bottom of this and if true, that several heads need to roll. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    I'd go for whom I've seen for best Bombers DBs as Hill..BOlden..Brown...Roy Bennet and James Jefferson...bar none..nobody since be even close...I would almost put Bolden first if he had a series of yrs together...dude had no business being up here and we were so lucky to have him a few times 

    So, you're saying that Juran Bolden rules?

  5. 31 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    I've sat with veterans in the legion many times, and I assure you they would  take a lot lighter stance on my comments about a 'football player'/ navy seal and his short tenure here, than you are...I do not kid about the military service of any veteran .....get that straight....As a football player , I think he's fair game in the public venue....Your crusade for the guy is wonderful but I'm sorry, I'm not going to retract or apologize for my comments and my 'lighten up' statement still stands....


    AND as a side note ....quoting a guy like 'lyinguy' who called us a bunch of 'aholes' doesn't get you any points around here





    As an aside, I'm a vet (Reserve) and I can tell you that no one is more brutal with slamming other units/branches than military people.  And this is coming from someone affectionately (or not) known as a meathead.

  6. 39 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    Here's some great Tom Clements moments.  (they're cued up to different plays even tho the preview shows the same video.)

    This game broke my heart as a kid.  We would've won this game and played in the 83 Grey Cup if Clements hadn't jacked up his shoulder in the second quarter.




    Any chance we could see that a few more times?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    The vast majority on this board wanted massive changes towards aging players - this is what you get. 

    Don’t be sad about it. 

    I think that feeling sad is a perfect emotion to have if one is empathetic.  Yoshi will now have to get up, look out his window and see a Regina sunrise.  Think about that for a moment...

  8. Love the idea of a Marquee Player idea.  No way that's going to cause any issues on a team at all.  And it would be yet another bone the league could throw the Argos because they're they only team that could maintain a high end salary like that indefinitely.  It would financially dry up a team like the Bombers over the course of a few seasons.  I like the cap.  Same rule, same problem for everyone.

  9. 22 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You bet. Zach's having a good time & good on him. Could you imagine if an entertainer like Swift was dating a CFL player? The popularity of the league & the eyes on it would explode. The CFL can only wish for the kind of coverage Taylor Swift would give them.

    Which brings up another question, why doesn't the CFL try to reach out to entertainers & actors to come to their games to be seen & heard? The league has no clue how to do anything to get the crowds back & interest up. Every year, the same damn thing...

    What, you don't think that having Fred Penner at an occasional game isn't a big deal?

  10. 46 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    There is not one person who is MAD at BO (whatever the hell that even means). There were some who didn't love the SoMed post, but even they admitted it's likely a generation gap thing. Most have said that if he wants to try and reset the market for RBs he's welcome to do that somewhere else. 

    For the record,  I'm mad at BO.  It's one of the reasons I don't like going to Saskatchewan. 

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